Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 127 Greeting the Convoy

Chapter 127 Greeting the Convoy
Hearing Murphy's question again, the man raised his head again.

Since there was plenty of light from the window, it happened to be against the light when the man turned his head. Standing at the door, Murphy couldn't see the man's appearance and expression clearly.

I only heard the man snort coldly with disdain: "Did you change the pattern? It's not bad, change more patterns in the future, so as not to get tired."

Seeing that Mo Fei didn't move or move forward and there was nothing on the table, the man said again: "Tell me, what do you want?"

Murphy was a little angry. He just asked him if he was Adjutant Ye. Why are there so many strange questions, but I still have to bear with him in his territory: "I just want to ask, are you Adjutant Ye?"

"Pretend not to know me? This is not new, and you have sneaked into my office, and you still use this trick." The man seemed to smile, and then paused: "Well, it's rare that you can come in I agree with your request, but don't go too far."

"Do you want hair? Buttons? Or..." The man meaningfully stopped the rest of the words.

Is this person sick?Murphy couldn't help thinking, and then raised his eyebrows: "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you said, maybe I went to the wrong place, and I'm sorry." After finishing speaking, Murphy turned around and left the adjutant's room room.

Looking around, it seems that only this room is marked with the adjutant's office, and the rest of the signs are not like this. Could it be that the adjutant of the sea base came in through the back door?Don't have a problem with your brain, right?Mo Fei gave a blank look, and then walked downstairs. She would rather endure outside the fourth city wall and wait for the convoy to come in than to talk to this sick adjutant again.

Having made up his mind, Murphy trotted all the way downstairs.

"What kind of trick is this time?" Adjutant Ye, who was still in the room in a daze, didn't seem to understand, this time he agreed to the conditions, but ran away without saying anything.However, there was still a task in hand, and Adjutant Ye ignored it, shrugged, then lowered his head and continued to complete the task form in his hand.

Murphy left the command center. Since the visit was not in vain, Murphy decided to walk around the central area before leaving.

However, he was stopped before he had gone far and asked Murphy to leave the central area.

It seems that no matter where it is, the central area will always be the most heavily defended.Since Murphy didn't get a residence permit, he couldn't stay here any longer, so he was sent out of the central area.

Although he had left the central area, Murphy still couldn't stay in the residential area, so the soldiers in the central area handed over Murphy to the soldiers in the first area and left.Just as Murphy followed the soldier who took her out of the residential area, she saw a person driving in from outside.

The car seemed to be in a hurry and drove very fast. Murphy and the soldier hurried to the side of the road, and the car passed by in an instant. Murphy vaguely felt that the driver seemed familiar.

But because I didn't see it clearly, when I wanted to see it again, the fast car had already passed away.

"Let's go, you may only be able to stay between the gates on the fourth and fifth floors today." The soldier urged Murphy.

"Can I stay between the fourth and fifth floors?" Originally, Mo Fei thought he could only stay outside the fourth floor, so he hurriedly asked.

"Well, I heard that you haven't obtained a residence permit. It should be that there is no way to confirm the identity of the personnel of your star base for the time being. Didn't you say that most of the personnel you came this time have not yet arrived, so you will be allowed to stay in the fourth quarter first?" Wait for people from the star base on the fifth floor to confirm your authenticity." The soldier replied.

Murphy smiled at the soldier: "That's fine. If I knew it, I wouldn't have gone to get a permit. It caused me to meet a weird person." Although Murphy would like to say that he met a psychopath, it doesn't seem to be the case now. When she should be whining.

"Here, go out of the second residential area with that person!" After arriving at the gate of the first residential area, the soldier pointed to another soldier outside the door and said to Murphy.

"Thank you for telling me so much just now." Murphy nodded at the soldier and then walked towards the soldier outside the door.

He followed the soldier out of the second residential area, and the fifth city gate was outside.

This time Murphy finally didn't have to leave, and was placed in a house built against the wall between the gates on the fourth and fifth floors.

"You just wait here for a while, we will deliver the food, and we will notify you when the personnel from the star base arrive. The surrounding area has been chaotic recently, so try not to go out." The person who brought Mo Fei over turned to Mo Fei Fei said.

"Okay, I got it, thank you very much." Murphy couldn't have wished to be assigned here. This place is very quiet because it is only a place for soldiers stationed on the city wall to rest, and it is also the place where Murphy was sent to the innermost room. , so there are almost empty houses around.

Someone brought food and drink, and the surroundings were so quiet, Mo Fei thought it would be the best place to practice Qi here.

After resting for a while, Mo Fei sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced Qi. Mo Fei didn't open his eyes until he felt that it was almost time to eat.After I moved my body, someone brought food over.

For two whole days, Murphy was in this situation. After eating and training, he didn't lie down until he went to bed at night, and he didn't think about going out at all.

At noon on the third day, the soldier who delivered the food did not bring lunch this time, but asked Mo Fei to come out, because the personnel from the star base finally arrived.

"Let's go, the personnel of the star base have reached the gate on the fourth floor." The soldier urged Murphy.

"Understood, wait a moment." Murphy tidied up quickly, and then followed the soldier out of the house where he lived for two days.

Let’s talk about the members of the Star Base’s mission, because the tuner Xiao Wu contacted the Sea Base, and then Team Leader Zhang talked to the Sea Base. After confirming the location and the situation, Team Leader Zhang decided to let the members stay where they were staying. Arrive at the sea base in two days.

Last night, the final confirmation contact was made with the sea base, and then when it was only dawn today, the team members set off.

The road has been cleaned up, so the road is smooth, and we arrived at noon.

However, the people at the sea base didn't quite understand the corpses of the C2 zombies they encountered on the road. Later, they heard that the people at the star base had arrived halfway, and then returned to the previous destination because they couldn't get in touch with a large number of zombies, so they thought It was the C2 zombie that the Star Base staff cleaned up.

And the people at the star base didn't even know that the C2 zombie died where they met them.

But no one mentioned it, so it just happened.

Mo Fei stood at the gate between the fourth floor and the fifth floor with his plain tassel gun and looked out. After a while, he saw cars entering the gate one after another.

The sharp-eyed Murphy suddenly saw Lin Yixun's special car coming, but this was not the time to jump out and shout, not to mention that all the cars in the star base had to enter first before talking about other things.

After the car stopped, a person in the leader Zhang's car got off and walked down with a stack of documents.

The personnel at the sea base checked and opened the door to the residential area.

"You can go there." The soldier standing beside Murphy patted Murphy, indicating that she could go out at this time.

Murphy came out and walked straight towards the team leader Zhang's car.

Because team leader Zhang was still waiting for the person who went through the formalities, the door of the car was not closed.

"Leader Zhang." Murphy stood at the open door and shouted into the car.

" are Murphy? Are you still alive?" Leader Zhang opened his mouth in disbelief and asked.I heard that Murphy didn't seem to be able to get in the car, and since he hasn't heard from him for so many days, he must have been fed by zombies, but he didn't expect to be standing in front of him alive.

"Yes, Team Leader Zhang. I escaped later, and then came to the sea base without waiting for the team." Murphy replied calmly.

"It's good to be back, Dr. Lin has been crying for several days, you go there!" Leader Zhang didn't say anything else, pointing to the back.

Murphy nodded in response, then turned and walked towards Lin Yixun's private car behind.

Walking to the front of the car, Murphy tapped on the glass lightly.

The car door was opened all of a sudden, Yulin and Lin Yixun both opened their mouths in surprise, Yulin was the first to react and jumped out of the car door and hugged Mo Fei: "Feifei, you bad girl, how can you just say nothing? Run away, I thought you had no news for so many days..."

"Feifei, don't...don't do such dangerous things again." Lin Yixun didn't jump out of the car, and squatted directly on the car, clutching Mo Fei's clothes tightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, sister Yulin, I'm sorry Yixun, I won't be like this in the future!" Originally, Murphy didn't expect that if there was only one C2 zombie, she would definitely be able to kill it and then catch up with the convoy. It became like this because of the C3 zombie that appeared unexpectedly.

But I can only think about this in my heart, and now Murphy can only apologize to Yulin and Lin Yixun.

"Okay, let's get in the car, we're going in soon." Mo Fei looked around, and it seemed that the formalities over there had been completed, so he quickly changed the subject to Yulin and Lin Yixun.

Yulin and Lin Yixun nodded and pulled Murphy into the car together.

The car drove into the sea base slowly, and under the questioning of Yulin and Lin Yixun, Murphy told them everything except the use of the mecha.

"There are really so many zombies? No wonder the people at the sea base demanded to research the enhanced potion as soon as possible, especially since it was said that there were no zombies above C1 here, but this time I heard that there were as many as five or six C2 zombies coming to attack. What?" Lin Yixun said with emotion after listening to Murphy's description of what he saw after arriving at the sea base that day.

"There are so many C2s? Then how did you get rid of them?" Murphy didn't expect that besides the C2 zombie he killed and the C3 zombie that disappeared inexplicably, there would be so many C2s, but where did these zombies go after that? What?

(End of this chapter)

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