Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 129 Strengthening Potion

Chapter 129 Strengthening Potion
Seeing the sudden change of color on Ruan Xiao's face, Mo Fei frowned.

His Suying gun was confiscated when he entered the laboratory to change the sterile suit. Once there is any problem here, it seems that he can only fight empty-handed.

Thinking of this, Murphy looked around, hoping to find some convenient weapons around.

But Lin Yixun still looked at Ruan Xiao with a calm smile.

"Minister Ruan, what do you mean by looking at the enhancer in such a hurry? Don't forget, what is the original intention of calling me here?"

Hearing Lin Yixun's question, Ruan Xiao's expression softened: "Dr. Lin, don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, but the sea base also found C2 zombies, so we will strengthen the ability of supernatural beings even more." urgent."

"It's understandable, but take me to the laboratory first!" Lin Yixun said to Ruan Xiao without giving in.

"Okay, Dr. Lin, please come with me." Ruan Xiao seemed to compromise, and led Lin Yixun towards the passage behind the glass room.

Although Murphy didn't say much, after what happened just now, Murphy was carefully watching her surroundings along the way, because she needed something that could respond to something.

In this way, they came all the way to the laboratory, pushed open the heavy door of the laboratory, and a group of people walked in.

"Dr. Lin, this is the laboratory."

"Where are your researchers? I'll take a look at the whole report first. In addition, the enhancer is still unstable. Show me the elements that you said can be stabilized. If feasible, we will conduct further experiments." Lin Yixun said in a professional tone. Said towards Ruan Xiao.

"Okay, will Dr. Lin start the experiment today?"

Lin Yixun nodded: "I'm afraid there is not enough time, so let's start today if there is nothing to do!"

After listening to Lin Yixun's words, Minister Ruan Xiao waved to the person behind, and then that person walked out the door. Not long after, several people in sterile suits came in.

"This is Dr. Lin from the star base, and this is Dr. Zhong from our sea base." Minister Ruan Xiao introduced Lin Yixun and a person who came in to each other.

"Hahahaha, I have admired the Lin family girl for a long time and she is an expert in this field at a young age." Dr. Zhong said to Lin Yixun with a hearty smile.

However, Lin Yixun bowed respectfully to Dr. Zhong: "Hello, Uncle Zhong, my father will greet you when I see you."

"Okay, is your father okay?"

Lin Yixun nodded: "My father is very good. My father said that Uncle Zhong is an authority in this field and asked me to learn more from you." Lin Yixun obediently stood in front of Dr. Zhong and answered solemnly.

"I will not be polite in the next few days. It is very hard to study with your Uncle Zhong." The Dr. Zhong patted Lin Yixun.

It seems that Dr. Zhong is familiar with Lin Yixun's father, so he should feel relieved.Murphy looked at the two people who were communicating and thought to himself.

Ruan Xiao didn't expect that Lin Yixun knew Dr. Zhong from their base, but at the moment he couldn't get in the conversation and could only watch from the sidelines.

"Uncle Zhong, since you're here, let's start. I have a lot of ideas and I want to ask for your opinion. Do you think it's okay for us to start the initial experiment in a while?" Lin Yixun and Dr. Zhong exchanged a few words and went straight off topic.

"Okay, okay, you girl is really angry with me, let's start right away." After finishing speaking, Dr. Zhong turned to Ruan Xiao and said, "Minister Ruan, the rest of the staff should leave first. After all, this experiment is quite dangerous, if it is not done properly, it may be poisonous, so only the researchers will be left!"

Hearing that it might be poisonous, Ruan Xiao frowned, and then took away all the people he brought over.

Seeing that all the irrelevant personnel had left, Lin Yixun smiled and gestured a triumphant gesture to Dr. Zhong: "Haha, Uncle Zhong, it's better to do it your way. Finally, they all left, and your ears are much quieter."

"This little Ruan is good at everything, but he always wants to ask for credit, so he is a bit lenient, that's enough, let's not talk about anything else, let's start working!" Dr. Zhong said after giving Lin Yixun a kind smile.

It was only then that Mo Fei realized that the poisonous words just now were only for Ruan Xiao.

"Feifei, you can just look outside for a while. Although there is no toxin problem with this thing, it's better to stay away. It's not stable after all." Lin Yixun only thought of Murphy at this moment, and hurriedly A word of advice to Murphy.

"Don't worry about me when you do your experiments, I'll just stay here." Murphy waved at Lin Yixun, but at this moment she was really curious about where Lin Yixun put the enhancer they kept talking about .

"Okay then, be careful yourself." Lin Yixun arranged for Murphy to walk up to Dr. Zhong, carefully took off his shoes, and put them on the table.

That Dr. Zhong should have known about it early in the morning, without even asking, he just found a tool to pry open the sole of Lin Yixun's shoe, and pulled out a box from it.

After closing the shoes again, Lin Yixun put on the shoes again.

Mo Fei was amazed, it turned out that it was hidden in the sole of the shoe and brought in, but it didn't mean that this thing was unstable before, so Lin Yixun should have risked a certain amount of danger by putting the sole of the shoe!

"Yixun, did you research this medicine yourself?" Dr. Zhong asked Lin Yixun after picking up a little medicine in a test tube and putting it on the analyzer to read the data.

"Not all, there is another doctor, Dr. Wan who participated in the Qingming Project before, and he also gave me a lot of hints." Lin Yixun replied after hearing Dr. Zhong's question.

"Oh, it's that Dr. Wan, I know, his Sunny Project this time is still very successful in terms of the weather alone, but it's a pity...forget it, let's not talk about it, let's talk about the problem of the potion you are studying. !"

Afterwards, Lin Yixun and Dr. Zhong were discussing the problem of the medicine this time, and they extracted many parts from the original liquid they brought over and added some ingredients to it.

Of course, Mo Fei didn't quite understand these things, but some of the items they mentioned Mo Fei found that many of them were relatively ancient things, that is, she, a person who specializes in ancient studies, can understand a little bit, and I'm afraid it's someone else who wants to listen I don't know what to say.

But at one point, Dr. Zhong was right. Lin Yixun and this Dr. Zhong were really on the right track. When the two of them talked about research, they talked endlessly. Assistants seem to be used to it, so they took their own meals and asked Mo Fei to eat together.

"Is it okay to leave them alone?" Murphy looked into the laboratory separated by a glass door while eating.

"Our doctors often do this. It seems that even though you are young, your Dr. Lin is not inferior to our Dr. Zhong. You just need to eat. The food for the two of them has been kept warm, and they will eat it after studying this problem." An assistant seems to often encounter Seeing such a problem, I told Murphy with experience.

After several assistants had eaten, Dr. Zhong and Lin Yixun finally stopped discussing the question before taking the food.

"Yixun, hurry up and eat, and continue after eating." Murphy handed the food to Lin Yixun.

"Feifei, have you eaten? I forgot when I got busy, hehe." Lin Yixun took the chopsticks and asked while eating.

"I've eaten it. Eat it quickly and drink some water. By the way, I heard ginkgo in the material you mentioned just now?" Mo Fei asked Lin Yixun as he handed the water again.

"Yes, there are a lot of ginkgo branches added to this potion, but in theory, ginkgo leaves should be used, but the ginkgo leaves haven't grown yet this season, and those branches were brought from the star base, which is the one released last time. Special mission, someone found it."

When Lin Yixun said this, he put down the food and sighed: "The person who received the mission last time didn't know where to find the ginkgo, but no matter what method we brought back, we couldn't make it alive. Wait until we return to the base this time. We also need to search to find out who completed this task, and it is best to bring back a live ginkgo."

Hearing Lin Yixun's sigh, Murphy laughed.

"Feifei, you are serious, you still laugh when you see people worrying." Lin Yixun complained to Murphy angrily.

"Yixun, do you know who the person who brought back the ginkgo branch and completed the special task?" Mo Fei smiled and looked at Lin Yixun with his eyes bent.

"Who? Feifei, do you know?" Lin Yixun became excited all of a sudden. This is good news. You must know how much this kind of thing is needed in the research of these medicines now.

Murphy still smiled and said nothing, making Lin Yixun anxious: "Feifei, tell me quickly, Feifei, good Feifei."

"You haven't figured it out yet?" Murphy pretended to sigh, and looked at Lin Yixun with a look of disappointment in you.

"Huh?" Lin Yixun was stunned for a moment, then stared at Mo Fei with wide eyes: "No way? Fei Fei, you are the one who completed that special task and brought back Ginkgo?"

Murphy raised his head with a smile all over his face: "You said whether I should tell you, did you guess right?"

"Really? Really? Really?" Lin Yixun repeated three times. Seeing that Mo Fei nodded towards him with a serious expression, he jumped up and said: "It's great, it's great, Feifei, you are really good!" My lucky star."

The commotion here also caught Dr. Zhong's attention, and he said to Lin Yixun in a Hong Zhong voice: "Girl of the Lin family, what are you thinking of so happy."

Lin Yixun turned his head to Dr. Zhong with bright eyes and replied, "I am very, very happy, Uncle Zhong, we are going to do a new experiment, and I have a hunch that this time it will be successful."

"What? Has the formula changed a lot?" Dr. Zhong immediately became serious when he heard that it was about the potion.

Lin Yixun waved to Dr. Zhong mysteriously: "Uncle Zhong, I'm afraid we have to make new medicines."

(End of this chapter)

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