Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 130 Seeking a New Party

Chapter 130 Seeking a New Party
Seeing that the two scientific madmen stopped eating, Murphy quickly took a water bottle to gag Lin Yixun's mouth.

"It's nothing, Dr. Zhong, eat first, and continue your research after eating."

"Yes, Dr. Zhong, Dr. Lin, let's talk after dinner!" The other assistants on the side quickly agreed.

Mo Fei took the opportunity to give Lin Yixun a blank look: "Look at your excitement, I won't tell you if you're so excited."

Lin Yixun quickly put on a small face, took away the mouth of the water bottle, and then shook Mo Fei's arm pitifully: "Feifei, I promise to eat well, you must tell me later Me, this is a matter that concerns all mankind."

Mo Fei couldn't help laughing because of Lin Yixun's flash: "I said so, hurry up and eat, this place is a bit complicated, I have to think about it."

"Okay, let's eat right away." Lin Yixun nodded like pounding garlic, and then sat down and took a big bite of the food in the box.

Although Dr. Zhong over there was also curious about why Lin Yixun said that suddenly, he stopped talking here, and his assistants over there stared at him one by one, so he had to sit down and finish the meal.

Lin Yixun and Dr. Zhong finally finished their meals, and the assistants came to take away the box, and Lin Yixun couldn't wait to pull Murphy to ask questions.

Only at this time did Dr. Zhong know what Lin Yixun was excited about just now.

"Xiao Mo, where you said you went by yourself, there is a whole area of ​​ginkgo trees?" Dr. Zhong also asked in disbelief.

Not to mention the post-apocalypse, even before the apocalypse, these ancient tree species are almost extinct due to severe air pollution. It seems that only some artificially cultivated and purified soil can plant one or two ginkgo trees, but they are also lost. Many functions of the original.

"Yes, Dr. Zhong, I arrived there by accident last time. There are many kinds of plants there. I found the ginkgo tree when I was looking for the way. Because I study ancient science, so for some ancient Plants and objects are fairly knowledgeable." Murphy replied.

"Then can you still go there now? But in this way, those ginkgo trees should not be far from the star base. In this case, it is still impossible to develop new experiments for the time being!" After all, Dr. Zhong is old and has many things to think about.

Compared with Lin Yixun's enthusiasm, Dr. Zhong saw it more comprehensively.

"You're right, there might be some here too, but no one discovered it. I just discovered it there by accident. At least it proves that the current climate is suitable for these ancient tree species to grow again."

Hearing the conversation between Murphy and Dr. Zhong, Lin Yixun's excitement just now cooled down: "Oh, I thought we could start a new experiment soon, but it turns out we have to wait until we go back. I can't sit still .”

"Hahaha, Miss Lin, you are here not only for this matter, we have other things to study." Dr. Zhong laughed when he heard Lin Yixun's sigh, and patted Lin Yixun's with his thick palm. Shoulder.

"I know Uncle Zhong, but although this project has Dr. Wan's help, most of it is my own theory and experiment, so I especially hope that this experiment will be a smooth success in the end."

"It's not urgent, I have already understood your general idea, let's talk on the phone after your new research comes out." Dr. Zhong did not feel regretful because it seemed that he could not complete the experiment this time, and turned to Lin Yixun Kaijie said.

"Well, Uncle Zhong, let's move on to the next project! Let's talk about Mo Jing's problem!" Lin Yixun recovered quickly, and immediately transferred his enthusiasm to another matter.

Dr. Zhong looked at the time: "Let's stop here today. You had a hard time traveling before. We don't need to sleep if we continue to study today. If you don't sleep, you can't hurt your assistant. Let's go!"

Lin Yixun just checked the time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.I couldn't help sticking out my tongue: "No wonder I feel a little tired, it's so late."

A group of people turned off the instruments and walked out of the laboratory together with the lights.

After leaving the laboratory, he went through several doors and took off his sterile suit. Mo Fei took back his Suying gun, and then followed Lin Yixun and others to the fourth floor of the previous office building.

Two guards stood at the door of the connecting passage on the fourth floor. Seeing that all the people had come out, they locked the door and took them downstairs.

"Dr. Lin, your residence is in the coral area of ​​the central area, please follow me." Out of the gate of the office building, a guard said to Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun and Murphy turned to bid farewell to Dr. Zhong, and then followed the guard towards the coral area.

When they came to the Coral Area, the guard brought Lin Yixun and Murphy to a small villa: "This is Dr. Lin's temporary residence these days, and there are people with you in it, please have a good rest."

The guard left after speaking, leaving only Murphy and Lin Yixun.

Mo Fei went to the door and knocked, and Yulin's clear voice sounded inside: "Are you guys back?"

"Sister Yulin, it's us, open the door!" Murphy replied along.

After confirming that it was Murphy's voice, Yulin quickly opened the door: "You guys are back, have you had dinner yet? Why is it so late?"

Hearing Yulin's concerned voice, Mo Fei smiled: "We've eaten. If Dr. Zhong hadn't asked to come back to rest, our Yixun would have stayed up all night."

Knowing that Mo Fei was teasing herself, Lin Yixun made a grimace at Mo Fei and quickly grabbed Yu Lin's arm: "Sister Yu Lin, ignore her, she just likes to talk about me, I actually wanted to come back to accompany you a long time ago !"

Murphy rolled his eyelids and shrugged towards Yulin, before walking into the door.

"Sister Yulin, have you eaten yet? Is it just the three of us living here?" Mo Fei looked around, the house was quiet.

Yulin nodded: "Yes, I don't know if the sea base is empty, but there are only three of us in such a big villa. You didn't come back just now. I'm sitting in such a big house by myself. It really feels empty."

"The three of us are better, so we don't have to squeeze together with those people." Lin Yixun thought it was very good.

"Come on, let's go upstairs. I cleaned up three rooms. The base should be safe. We can all have a good rest." Yulin said, pulling Murphy and Lin Yixun upstairs.

The three rooms upstairs are connected, and the layout of each room is similar.After a general look, Murphy asked Lin Yixun to choose first, although he and Yulin each chose one.

"It's late, wash up and go to bed. There are energy water heaters installed here. I have already washed them when I was waiting for you. Feifei and Yixun, take your backpacks on the sofa downstairs." Yulin saw After the room was allocated, he said to Murphy and Lin Yixun.

"Okay, Sister Yulin, you should go to bed earlier." Mo Fei responded and went downstairs, carrying both his and Lin Yixun's backpacks up.

"Yixun, wash it first, I'm not in a hurry." Murphy said after throwing the backpack to Lin Yixun.

"Well, I'll go first, and I'll knock on your door when I come up."

"Yeah." Murphy nodded, carrying his big backpack into the room she chose.

There are actually not many things in the backpack, there are some clothes packed in sealed bags, and some supplies such as towels.

However, there are backups among these storage talismans, and these are just for deception.

Mo Fei looked at the Suying gun in her hand, and she decided to put the Suying gun directly into the storage talisman tomorrow, so that she would not even have a handy weapon after being confiscated like today, even though she didn't fight today. Get up, but it's still not safe without a weapon.

Thinking about it, Murphy immediately put away the Suying gun.

After making the bed, after a short while there was a soft knock on the door: "Feifei, I'm done washing, you go!"

"Okay, go to sleep." Mo Fei also walked out of the room with a change of clothes after hearing Lin Yixun's voice agreeing.

After Murphy finished washing and returned to the room, he first connected some things he heard in the laboratory today, and then began to practice Qi.

Although such a huge villa is really too big for only three people to live in, it is still a good place to practice Qi without worrying about it.

Mo Fei woke up early the next morning, not naturally, but was woken up by the "bang bang" knocking on the door outside.

I went downstairs to open the door, but found that the people outside looked familiar. After thinking about it, I remembered that it was one of the assistants of Dr. Zhong who was in the laboratory yesterday.

The assistant also recognized Murphy, and said quickly: "Xiao Mo, something happened in the laboratory, Dr. Zhong told you, Dr. Lin, to come quickly."

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Murphy was startled. He came out so late yesterday, why something happened so early this morning.

"Don't mention it, it's the potion... Oh, I can't tell, anyway, call Dr. Lin over, I'll go first." The assistant hurriedly finished talking to Murphy, then turned and ran away .

"Hey... speak clearly!" Murphy shouted quickly from behind, but the assistant seemed to have run away in a hurry.

Murphy saw that the assistant had already run away. Although he didn't know what was going on, he didn't dare to delay, so he turned around and walked upstairs.

At this time, Yulin, who was also woken up, had already changed her clothes and went downstairs. Seeing Mo Fei hurried upstairs, she asked, "Feifei, what's the matter?"

"I'm not too sure, I just know that Dr. Zhong's assistant came over and said that something happened in the laboratory, please let Yixun go over quickly."

"Then you go and call Yixun, and I'll bring back breakfast, and you two will go out after eating, otherwise, if something happens, you won't even be able to eat."

"Alright, then I'll call Yixun first."

After Murphy and Yulin finished speaking, they went to work on their own.

When Murphy woke up and Lin Yixun told the story, Lin Yixun quickly changed his clothes and went out.

"Go out after eating." Yulin had already brought her breakfast back, and when she saw the two of them going out, she hurriedly shouted.

Lin Yixun looked very anxious, thinking about the laboratory even more: "I don't have time, Sister Yulin."

(End of this chapter)

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