131 Theft
Early in the morning, Murphy was woken up by a knock on the door, but when he opened the door, he heard that something had happened in the laboratory.Quickly woke up Lin Yixun, and went to the laboratory to check what happened.

When she was about to go out, Yulin, who had already brought breakfast, was worried that the two of them would not be able to eat when they were busy, so she gave them the steamed stuffed bun: "Forget the porridge, and eat the steamed stuffed bun on the way."

"it is good."

Lin Yixun and Mo Fei each took a bun, and ran towards the laboratory while chewing.

All the way to the office building, there were actually many people around here, which formed a huge contrast with the deserted scene yesterday.

It seems that no matter where you go, no matter what time of day, as long as there is excitement, there will be people watching.

Mo Fei stretched out his hand to protect Lin Yixun and squeezed in, shouting constantly: "Please, let me go."

After finally squeezing into the office building, it was also a hectic place.

"Feifei, what do you think will happen?" Lin Yixun asked worriedly when he saw that the people on the way were in a hurry.

"Don't worry, let's go in and check the situation first." Murphy comforted Lin Yixun, and then walked towards the fourth floor together.

They had just reached the fourth floor and before they reached the gate leading to the laboratory, Murphy and Lin Yixun were stopped: "Dr. Lin?"

Lin Yixun looked at that person, she had never seen him before, but since he recognized that she should be a relevant person, she nodded: "Yes, I am."

"Then who is this?" After confirming Lin Yixun's identity, the person who stopped Lin Yixun and Mo Fei looked at Mo Fei again.

"Oh, this is my assistant. May I know who you are?" After Lin Yixun revealed Murphy's identity, he looked at the passerby suspiciously, not understanding what the man was trying to ask when he stopped him.

"Assistant? So this lady assistant was also in the lab yesterday?" The man suddenly stared at Murphy and asked.

Lin Yixun nodded subconsciously: "Yes, what's wrong?"

The man didn't answer Lin Yixun, but turned to Mo Fei and said, "Can this assistant help me?"

"Sorry, I'm just an assistant. Is there anything I need to do?" Murphy felt something strange but couldn't figure out what the person who stopped them wanted to ask, so he replied lightly.

"Miss Assistant has good courage, but unfortunately, we have already investigated your details, why don't you show them yourself!" Seeing that Murphy was still very calm, the man's tone didn't feel aggravated.

"I don't understand what this gentleman means?" Murphy was already very dissatisfied with this person's attitude, but in view of Lin Yixun's identity and the fact that he would continue to stay here for a few days for research, Murphy just asked calmly.

The man scoffed, and looked at Mo Fei with contempt: "Assistant, oh no, Miss Thief, do I have to point it out?"

"Thief? So dare you ask me what did I steal? Where did I steal it from? When did I steal it?" Murphy's series of questions made the face of the person who stopped them turn pale.

But the man recovered immediately. "Don't think that you can deny it if you don't admit it. Our guards saw that a woman stole it. You were the only one who entered the laboratory yesterday besides Dr. Lin. Do you still want to deny it?" The man turned towards Murphy furiously. shouted.

"What's going on? Feifei doesn't know how to steal things. What was lost?" Lin Yixun understood the situation at this moment. It turned out that the laboratory had lost something, and the person who stopped him thought it was Murphy who stole it.

"Dr. Lin, please don't cover up your subordinates, otherwise I will think you are also an accomplice." The man replied coldly to Lin Yixun.

"She left with me yesterday and lived in the same villa. How could she come out to steal things? This must be a misunderstanding." Regardless of the person's attitude, Lin Yixun still insisted that Murphy was innocent.

Lin Yixun believed that she was innocent without even asking what was lost, which moved Mo Fei very much, but now she wanted to know more and more what was lost.

Murphy really didn't want to pay attention to this unfounded charge, but when it came to stealing suddenly, something must have been lost, and calling Lin Yixun here early in the morning must have something to do with the experiment.

After much deliberation, the only thing that can be so important is the "enhanced potion" that was left in the laboratory yesterday to continue sampling today.

"Tell me, what exactly is missing?" Murphy guessed and looked at the person who stopped them.

"Pretending to be pretty! Would you, a thief, not know what you lost?" The man snorted coldly and raised his head high, his expression seemed to say, no matter what you say, I won't believe you.

Seeing that this person couldn't communicate, Murphy turned to look at Lin Yixun: "Yixun, I think we should go in and ask Dr. Zhong what's going on!"

"Okay." Lin Yixun nodded, and was about to walk with Murphy to the passage leading to the laboratory door.

The man stopped the two of them again: "No, you can't go."

Mo Fei suppressed the anger in his heart and asked that person: "You don't say what you lost, and you can't show evidence that I must have taken it, so why don't we go in and ask?"

"That's right, I'm sure Feifei didn't steal it, and even if it was, what right do you have to prevent us from going in and asking about the situation?" Lin Yixun grabbed Mo Fei's arm and said "I hate you" to that person After seeing the expression on his face, he dragged Mo Fei to the passage.

Seeing that Murphy and Lin Yixun insisted on going inside, the man suddenly shouted: "Thief, don't try to run away!"

Everyone was probably looking for the person who stole things this time, and when they heard the cry, they all ran towards the place where the sound came from.

"Where is the thief? Where is the thief?" A group of people hurriedly asked after they came up.

"She, she is the thief." The man pointed at Murphy and shouted.

Murphy couldn't help laughing when he heard the man's testimony like this: "I said, sir, is this how your sea base catches thieves in a dream? I said it just now, and I don't even know what you lost. Besides, just rely on The guard said that it was a woman who stole the things, so I blamed it on me, do you think this evidence is convincing?"

Originally, those people ran up to catch the thief angrily. Although they felt that what Mo Fei said was reasonable, they probably wanted to catch the thief regardless of whether they were right or wrong, and surrounded him.

"Feifei..." Lin Yixun had never seen such a formation before, she was always surrounded by adoring eyes, how could she be so fierce, she couldn't help but clutched Murphy's sleeve.

"It's okay, Yixun." Murphy comforted Lin Yixun and then said to the person: "Since you are so sure, please invite the laboratory personnel and the guard who found the thief on duty yesterday, please prepare well." Evidence, otherwise I will be slandered as a dispatcher of the Star Base, this is not a personal issue but an issue between the two bases."

The man didn't know where his confidence came from. Although he couldn't tell the exact evidence, he insisted that Murphy was the thief of the potion this time.

No matter how much Murphy asked the man to produce evidence, the man did not answer directly, but emphasized that after investigation, he learned that Murphy was not sent to be Lin Yixun's assistant at the beginning but joined later, so he became suspicious of Murphy , If in doubt, let the parties judge hypocrisy.

Murphy was not guilty at all of such unreasonable framing.

And the man seemed to have already said his words anyway, so many people looked at him and shouted at Murphy, "It's useless to be stubborn, wait for the evidence to come and see if you talk too much."

Hearing what the man said, Murphy didn't bother to continue arguing: "Yixun, you go to Dr. Zhong and others, I'll wait for you here, be careful by yourself." Murphy patted Lin Yixun and motioned her to go Find Dr. Chung.

"Feifei, can you do it alone? Will they make things difficult for you?" Lin Yixun looked around at the people with unkind eyes and was a little worried about Murphy.

"There are so many people, not to mention that this is an office area, you go!"

"Okay, I'll be back soon." Lin Yixun looked into Murphy's eyes, then turned his head and shouted at the group of people: "None of you are allowed to touch my assistant."

After shouting this sentence, Lin Yixun squeezed out of the crowd and ran towards the door of the laboratory.

"Wait, I'll go with you anyway, don't you distort the facts." The person who stopped Murphy and Lin Yixun just now stopped Lin Yixun and said.

"That's not okay. You're worried that I'm a thief and you're an assassin. What if you want to take the opportunity to murder Dr. Lin? You'd better stay here and wait with me!" Murphy grabbed the man's clothes The leader grabbed the man.

Murphy's physique has been improved through qi training, and his physical fitness is quite good. After so long of training in the last days, his skills are also very agile. That man was stopped by Murphy as soon as he caught him.

"Did you see it? Did everyone see it? This woman attacked me, she must be a thief." Seeing that he couldn't break free, the man hurriedly shouted to the people around him.

"Okay, you're really noisy." Murphy rolled his eyes at the man and then looked around at the people around him. When he found that there were guards around, he waved at that guard.

The guard froze for a moment, then pointed at himself.

"Yes, I'm just calling you. Isn't there a conference room here? It's shameless for so many people to stand in the aisle. Besides, Dr. Zhong and the others will come over in a while. Open the conference room and let us go in and wait." Murphy was not polite. ordered.

Although Murphy was young, he spoke with a certain aura, not to mention that what Murphy said was true, he quickly called the management guards on the fourth floor to open the conference room.

Mo Fei didn't care about those people. He entered the meeting room first and sat on the sofa. He was woken up when he wanted to sleep a little longer in the morning. He didn't want to be wronged and punished to stand still.

Seeing that Murphy sat down, other people came in one after another, but they had more and more doubts about that person identifying Murphy as a thief.

At this time, Lin Yixun had already changed into the sterile clothes and ran to the inside of the laboratory, worried that Murphy was still outside being framed, and his steps became more and more anxious.

He just turned a corner and collided with a person.

(End of this chapter)

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