Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 132 Slander

Chapter 132 Slander
Murphy asked the guards to open the door of the meeting room. Because the meeting room usually does not hold any important things, the guards quickly opened the door of the meeting room to let everyone who stayed in the aisle enter the meeting room.

After opening the meeting room, two of the guards stayed at the door, and the other guard who had just been assigned by Murphy to open the door quickly reported the situation to the adjutant's room on the third floor.

"Report to the adjutant, someone has identified a thief, and now all the people who have entered the command center are gathered in the conference room on the fourth floor, please make a decision to the adjutant."

In the adjutant's room, a man put down the manuscript in his hand: "Have you caught the thief?"

"It's not your adjutant. It's just that someone pointed it out, but it hasn't been confirmed yet." The guard replied truthfully.

"Understood, notify the person to be there, and I'll be there in a while." The man waved lazily at the guard, and then continued to look at the things in his hand.

The guard had no choice but to back out and ran upstairs again.

Lin Yixun hadn't seen Dr. Zhong yet.

Just now I was busy hurrying up but didn't notice that there was someone around the corner, I bumped into that person, and a piece of electronic equipment in the person's hand also fell to the ground.

"Who are you? Why are you running around in the laboratory? Do you know that the surveillance video is recorded in this instrument. If it breaks, you will not be able to investigate the detailed situation." The man yelled loudly. Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun was already anxious about being wronged because of Murphy, but now he heard that the video that might be judged might have been destroyed by himself. What if people say that he did it on purpose, now Murphy can't clear up the suspicion.

The more she thought about it, the more anxious Lin Yixun couldn't help crying.

When Lin Yixun cried like this, the other party was a little at a loss: "I know you didn't do it on purpose, don't cry! I heard that a prisoner seems to have been caught outside, so it's okay if you don't need it." The man seemed a little unsure what to do comfort.

But Lin Yixun came here to prove that Murphy didn't steal anything, and now the evidence was destroyed by himself. It's okay if the man didn't say anything, but when he said it, Lin Yixun cried even louder.

The man didn't know what he said was wrong, and he couldn't find anything to wipe his tears after touching his body for a long time, so he had to pull a corner of the clothes from the edge of the sterile suit and hand it to Lin Yixun, who was only up to his chest: "Wipe..."

"Who is crying there?" A bell-like voice sounded from inside, apparently following the cry.

The man hurriedly shouted to the person as if he had been pardoned: "Dr. Zhong, you came just in time. This girl doesn't know what's going on, so I just said a few words to her, and she cried like this."

Lin Yixun also heard Dr. Zhong's voice, raised his head and ran towards Dr. Zhong: "Uncle Zhong..."

"Yo, it's the girl from the Lin family, what's the matter?" Dr. Zhong couldn't help being a little strange when he saw that it was Lin Yixun. He asked his assistant to call Lin Yixun over early in the morning, but he didn't see anyone for a long time. He didn't expect to cry here into this.

"Uncle Zhong, Feifei is definitely not a thief, I was... originally..." Lin Yixun was choked up and speechless.

"Don't worry, don't worry, talk slowly, what's going on? Who said Xiao Mo is a thief?" Although Dr. Zhong only heard a few sentences, he saw many people at a young age. From Lin Yixun's two sentences There was a problem in the words.

Lin Yixun took two deep breaths and then told what happened outside.

"Uncle Zhong, Feifei and I didn't know what was lost, so they just wronged Feifei for stealing things." Lin Yixun felt a little better after expressing his grievances.

"Nonsense! Did I ask them to find a thief like this?" Dr. Zhong stared after hearing Lin Yixun's words.

"Uncle Zhong, what was lost?" Lin Yixun only realized at this moment that he never knew what was lost.

Dr. Zhong looked at the man just now: "Xiao Zhou, go and check the damage of the instrument first, it would be best if it can be restored."

The man named Xiao Zhou nodded to Dr. Zhong, and left the place holding the thing that Lin Yixun knocked off.

Only then did Dr. Zhong reply: "Actually, the strengthening potion you brought over was lost."

"Strengthening potion? That thing is very unstable. Once it is hit and not immersed in the zombie's mucus, it might change its shape." Now that Lin Yixun knew exactly what was thrown, he couldn't help becoming anxious.

"Yixun, don't worry, you will definitely find it."

"It's a trivial matter to lose the medicine, because this time we have to reconstitute it. Today we are going to start researching other projects, but what about Feifei? She is wronged and is still outside."

"You don't have to worry about this, I believe in Xiao Mo's character." Dr. Zhong patted Lin Yixun on the shoulder and comforted him.

"Uncle Zhong, we can't just believe it, those people outside can't listen to it..." Lin Yixun hurriedly said to Dr. Zhong.

"Then let's assume that Xiao Mo will steal." Dr. Zhong continued.

"Uncle Zhong, Feifei wouldn't do such a thing. What's more, we slept next door yesterday, if there was any movement, how could we not know about it." Lin Yixun said to Dr. Zhong with certainty.

"I know, I'm just assuming, otherwise how can I convince the public?" Dr. Zhong patiently explained.

Lin Yixun nodded and listened carefully to Dr. Zhong's analysis.

"Assume that Xiao Mo will steal the potion, but we know that there are many defects in our potion, and we need Xiao Mo's help to prepare a new potion. So, will Xiao Mo, who also knows that this potion is absolutely unstable, steal it now? ?”

Lin Yixun shook his head, and Dr. Zhong continued: "Yes! So the answer is no. Xiao Mo, who knows that the potion has not been completed, will definitely not steal it, so it must be done by someone outside who doesn't know the harm. We don't have to worry about it. Xiao Mo was wronged."

After hearing Dr. Zhong's analysis, Lin Yixun felt a little more at ease: "As long as Feifei is fine, let's go out quickly, Uncle Zhong, I don't know if those people will do anything to Feifei."

Lin Yixun grabbed Dr. Zhong with both hands and ran out.

"Girl of the Lin family, please slow down, my old bones can't bear to toss." Dr. Zhong hurriedly stopped Lin Yixun from continuing to drag him forward.

Lin Yixun felt a little embarrassed when Dr. Zhong said it: "Uncle Zhong, I'm sorry, I was too anxious."

"It's okay, let's go!"

After waiting for a long time without seeing anyone come out, all the people had lost their previous enthusiasm for fighting and sat on sofas or stools in a daze.

Murphy ignored whether these people were looking at him, and sat on the sofa with his eyes closed.

"Seeing how calm she is, she shouldn't be!"

After a long time, someone began to whisper.

"Who knows, just now I heard that man yelling and ran up, but it really doesn't look like this." A fat man echoed.

"Whatever, we can go back to the department if we find the thief early, are you willing to run around like this? It's hard for you to go up and down the stairs with your body." The other man next to the fat man glanced at the fat man with an indifferent expression .

"Yes, even if it's not, it's better to sit here and rest for a while." Soon, the fat man accepted the current situation.

Mo Fei was worried in his heart when he heard it, not about his own situation but about Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun has been in there for so long, and according to the distance, it shouldn't have been so long. Could something have happened?Thinking that something might happen to Lin Yixun, Murphy couldn't sit still.

After sitting for a while, Murphy opened his eyes and stood up.

When Murphy stood, everyone around stood up like they had been pumped with blood.

"Hey, that guard just now." Seeing that it was really not suitable for him to leave, Murphy waved to the guard who he ordered to open the door before.

After the guard reported to the adjutant, he returned here to watch the situation, also worried that there might be a fight with so many people in the conference room.At this moment, I heard someone calling me, and then I found that it was the girl who was identified as a thief just now.

"What's the matter?" the guard asked Murphy.

"Can you help to see if Dr. Lin is back?" Murphy said politely to the guard.

The guard was thinking whether he should go out to check the situation, so he nodded without hesitation.

"Thank you then." Murphy smiled at the guard and sat down again.

When the guards went out, Lin Yixun and Dr. Zhong had just changed into sterile clothes and came out from the outer door of the laboratory.Seeing them coming out, the guards quickly greeted them: "Dr. Zhong, Dr. Lin."

"Guard, how is my assistant?" Lin Yixun asked quickly when he saw someone waiting outside.

"She is fine. She is waiting for you to investigate the details in the conference room. The guard who saw the thief's back is also waiting in the next room." The guard replied quickly.

Hearing that Mo Fei was fine, Lin Yixun calmed down, "Uncle Zhong, let's go to the meeting room!"

Dr. Zhong nodded and Lin Yixun followed the guard towards the meeting room.

By the time Dr. Zhong and Lin Yixun came to the meeting room, the people inside had already been waiting and almost fell asleep.

I don't know who shouted, "Dr. Zhong is here." The people in the conference room stood up.

Dr. Zhong didn't say much, and went straight to the topic, and said to the guard who followed: "Go and call the guard who saw the prisoner!"

Not long after, the guard was brought over.

"Now let's talk about what we know. Let's judge whether this assistant of Dr. Lin is the prisoner who stole the medicine this time." Dr. Zhong finished speaking and looked at the people present.

The people present looked at each other. They all heard the shouts, so no one had anything to offer.

Seeing that everyone present was silent, Dr. Zhong spoke again: "So everyone has nothing to say, so why did you decide that Dr. Lin's assistant is the prisoner this time?"

The man who initially identified Murphy stood up at this moment: "Okay, then I will talk about my judgment first!"

After hearing the man's words, all the people present looked at him in unison.

"Okay, then tell me!" Dr. Zhong adjusted his glasses while looking at the man.

(End of this chapter)

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