Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 13 A Shameless Group of People

Chapter 13 A Shameless Group of People
Murphy, who was about to go out to find some daily necessities, looked back before going out.

After thinking about it, Murphy took the ancestral book with him again.

This is for healing, if you get injured when you go out, you can't miss it.

After checking that there was nothing to worry about losing, Murphy took the key and ID card and left the room.

Lock the door, put the key and ID card into the small bag tied to his wrist, and then Mo Fei took the Suying gun and took the elevator down the stairs.

Walking out of the gate, Murphy walked towards the spot where he parked yesterday.

Murphy first opened the trunk. There were still a lot of things in the car, except for various items for camping, there was also some water.

Probably because there is no shortage of water here, the bottled water brought by Murphy was not taken away by the inspectors yesterday. Basically, what was taken away was the meat brought by Murphy.

She stuffed the bottled water into the corner, which she still needed when she went out, and tidied up the camping items, then turned on her aerodynamic car and drove outside.

No one is in charge of going out. The inner door is a one-way sensor. If you walk from the inside, it will open directly when you get close to it, but not outside. You must swipe your ID card to enter.

However, when necessary, the sensor inside can also be turned off.

Murphy actually didn't want to drive out. After all, when attacking in the wild, the car had to find a place to park and was worried about being stopped by people or zombies.

However, it’s not that you don’t have to drive if you don’t want to. When she came, she found that the zombies near the base had already been cleaned up, and there were people coming and going. Even if a few of them were lured over occasionally, they would be wiped out by the passing convoy. .

There was nothing nearby, so Murphy could only go farther away. In this way, if she didn't drive out, she might not be killed by zombies, but exhausted by walking.

Driving along the road, Murphy's eyes kept looking around. Because there were obstacles to avoid, he didn't worry about bumping into anything, as long as he looked around.

Now the sky is exceptionally clear, and the field of vision is also very far away. This is probably the only benefit brought by the "Sunny Project".

Because the vicinity had already been swept away, Mo Fei didn't know how long he had been driving, constantly looking for zombies that were easy to kill in various fork roads he chose at random.

Because Mo Fei didn't dare to enter the big town, did she kill the zombies, or did she send snacks to the zombies?Most of the small villages were cleared.

Going further all the way, Murphy finally made a little discovery.

Faintly, Murphy found a small village not far away that seemed to have some sparse figures dangling.

It's just that when the car approached, there were many cars parked around the other side of the small village, and some people were lying behind the cars and attacking the village.

Originally seeing someone, Murphy wanted to turn the steering wheel to find the next place.

However, the sharp-eyed Murphy noticed that on the right side of the village, there were a few zombies swaying behind the group of people, but the group of people focused on attacking the front and didn't seem to notice the zombies swaying behind.

Before the car came to a complete stop, one of those people seemed to have spotted Mo Fei. The man turned his head slightly and pointed at Mo Fei with a gun, signaling for Mo Fei to leave, probably because he was afraid that Mo Fei would come to steal their merit.

Murphy originally meant well, but seeing that they misunderstood, he had to point to their side and rear.

The man looked in the direction of Mo Fei's finger, and then his face changed slightly, but he couldn't move his hand to deal with it for a while.

Murphy opened the car door and got out of the car. He didn't dare to make too much noise. He raised the plain tassel gun in his hand and looked at the zombies surrounding him.

The man saw that Murphy was alone, and that Murphy was holding a cold weapon, so he nodded, acquiescing to Murphy's actions, and then focused on attacking the zombies in front again.

Murphy got the consent of others, and then he ran to the right side of the group with Suying gun in his hand.

The Suying Spear trembled slightly in Murphy's hand. After a few shakes, it focused its force on the tip of the spear, and then stabbed towards the front C zombie.

These ordinary C zombies moved very slowly. When Murphy stabbed one to death and backed away, the latter one had just changed the direction of its attack target.

Because the distribution of these zombies was relatively sparse, Murphy was able to deal with them one by one very smoothly.

Murphy shot again, and Murphy, who was used to dealing with C zombies, quickly took care of another one.

Mo Fei simply regarded this place as a training ground. As long as she shot her Suying gun, the gun could stab C zombies in the brain, and those C zombies were almost killed in one blow.

However, Mo Fei hadn't killed zombies a few times before, so he didn't have much experience in dealing with zombie C after all.

Although this style of play looks powerful, it lacks durability, and soon Murphy's high-intensity attacks made her body feel tired.

Seeing that there was still a C zombie, Murphy shot again. This time, he didn't penetrate because of insufficient strength. Murphy rushed forward with all his body, and stabbed the last zombie to the ground with his own strength, and then sat on the ground and gulped. pant.

Sitting on the ground resting, Murphy roughly counted the corpses of the zombies on the ground, and there were actually 11 of them. Murphy immediately felt that today's hard work was rewarding.

After a short rest, Murphy half knelt on the ground and prepared to reap her own achievements.

It's just that Murphy just stabbed the "hunting recorder" at the zombie next to him. Probably because it was a zombie in the prime of life, the merit value given by this zombie was as much as 7 points.

Mo Fei was happy again. If each of these zombies could give so much, she would be able to pay off the debt today and have a good meal.

Just as Murphy moved a few steps and tied two more, the group of people on the opposite side also ended the fight.

One of the women in leather clothes was holding her "hunting recorder" and twisting her waist and walked towards Murphy. Murphy thought she was here to thank him and didn't care.

But the woman impolitely stabbed one of the corpses of the zombies that Murphy killed, and then stabbed at the corpses of the second zombies.

Seeing the woman in the leather suit suddenly robbing him of his achievements, Murphy became anxious all of a sudden.

"Hey, I killed this."

The woman in leather looked at Mo Fei contemptuously: "Hmph, we didn't care about you snatching our zombies, yet you dare to say it's yours."

"If I don't help you kill, you will be in danger." Murphy felt that he was being reasonable, and his voice couldn't help but rise a little.

"Cut, why are you shouting, our equipment is so good, do we need you? You dare to boast that you saved us with just a broken iron rod, who will believe you!" The woman in leather gave Mo Fei a white look, As he spoke, he bent down to the corpse of the next zombie.

Seeing that he couldn't stop it, Murphy quickly used his "hunting recorder" to stab the corpse of a zombie that hadn't been stabbed yet.

"Yo, you still dare to resist." The woman in leather sneered, then kicked Mo Fei on the shoulder.

Murphy, who had used a lot of strength just now to kill the 11 C zombies, was directly kicked by the woman in leather and fell to the ground.

The woman in leather looked at Mo Fei contemptuously with a victorious attitude, and then quickly plunged the "hunting recorder" into the bodies of the remaining zombies, pocketing them all, twisting He bowed and left Murphy's side.

Seeing the woman in leather who robbed him of his achievements walked farther and farther, Murphy's heart was filled with anger.

I originally came here out of good intentions, and I started hunting with the approval of one of them. As a result, the zombies I killed with all my strength were snatched away so easily.

What made Murphy most angry was the woman's attitude, not to mention stealing his achievements, and even kicking himself.

Murphy has never been treated like this since he was a child. If he is not angry like this, then he is really a saint.

Mo Fei rubbed her shoulders with her hands, and then touched the Suying gun beside her. She really wanted to rush over and shoot that woman.

His hands gradually clenched the body of the Suying gun, his chest was heaving because of anger, Mo Fei wanted to raise his legs a few times, but he forcibly endured it.

Murphy tried to calm himself down, and he must not make a big deal out of small things.

If the other party was just these five or six people, with Murphy's skill, she was really going to teach them a lesson.

But now it's different, I don't have much strength, and everyone has a gun in their hands, I can hide one or two, so many people, whoever shoots me a gun, it will be enough for me at that time .

Although the book handed down from the ancestors seems to be able to heal wounds, if he is shot dead, so what if he can heal wounds.

In the end, Murphy's reason still prevailed over her actions, but just because her body didn't move didn't mean her mind didn't move.

Murphy silently stared at the woman in leather who was walking further and further away, quickly analyzing the surrounding situation in his mind.

At this moment, a man among the people over there suddenly shouted: "Pu Jie, hurry up, we still have to collect the food inside, it will take a long time to deal with a weak little girl."

"It's coming, it's bad luck, and the zombies who stabbed her dared to resist me, wasting my time." The leather-clad woman called Pu Jie replied with an unhappy expression.

"Okay, don't worry about her, the harvest this time is really quite a lot, there are not a few of them missing, let's go to the granary to move the grain."

Probably because he found the granary, that person was in a very good mood, and he didn't bother with that leather-clothed woman named Pu Jie, but urged him.

"Don't be in vain, I've already collected the merits of those few of hers anyway, and I earned it. Let's explore the way in, don't be careless." The woman in leather clothing called Pu Jie turned back and moved forward. run.

Then a few people stood at the entrance of the alley and threw stones to explore the way. Seeing that there was no movement, they continued to walk in.

 While everyone is reading, wish me a happy trip!

(End of this chapter)

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