Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 14 Giant Zombies

Chapter 14 Giant Zombies
This place was originally a small granary, but this time this group of people came here for the grain in this small granary.

For the sake of the food in this small granary and to keep a good escape route, they have been advancing here a few days ago, so Mo Fei felt that there were not so many zombies on the way here.

The woman in the leather coat ignored Murphy after stealing his meritorious service, and ran towards the rest of their team quickly.

"Thinking that I will be able to eat white rice tonight..." Another thin and skinny man said excitedly as if the delicious food was on the menu.

"I think you should stop eating. You eat more than us and you don't grow any meat at all. You don't have any strength like this." The woman named Pu Jie stretched out her finger, put one hand on her waist like a teapot, and poked the thin man. said the chest.

"Hmph, you don't know if you have the strength yet. I'll let you know if I'm full tonight." The skinny and skinny man had a strange smile on his face.

"Stop messing around and get to work." A low voice came from the man who had just agreed to Murphy's help in killing the zombies behind them. He seemed to be the leader.

Murphy looked around and found that the target of this group of people seemed to be inside. Listening to their conversation, this place seemed to be a small granary.

After taking a general look at the surrounding situation, Murphy made up his mind and drew an arc at the corner of his mouth.

When the group of people walked carefully towards the location in the village, Murphy stood up.

Holding her Suying gun in her hand, she walked to those people's cars.

The tip of the Suying gun was very sharp, and Murphy carefully cut the tires of the car with the tip of the gun.

Due to the deterioration of the previous environment, the rubber trees and rubber grasses and other plants originally used to make natural rubber have been greatly reduced, so most of the used synthetic rubber is obtained by polymerization of various monomers.

These synthetic rubbers existed in ancient times. The synthetic rubbers at that time had great disadvantages, that is, their tensile effect was very poor, and their tear strength and mechanical properties were also poor.

However, after a long period of improvement, the current synthetic rubber has completely abandoned these shortcomings. From a basic point of view, the current synthetic rubber is almost perfect.

But what people don't know is that, in fact, it is perfectly opposite to this kind of synthetic rubber, which actually has another very serious defect. Most people don't know about this, but Murphy's grandfather once mentioned it by accident.

Murphy cut the synthetic rubber tire with the tip of the gun, then grabbed a lot of stones on the side, filled it full, and then moved the sharp tip of the plain tassel gun away, and the synthetic rubber tire recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. As it is.

This is actually designed for the convenience of a sudden tire blowout when traveling. There is a groove in the middle of the synthetic rubber, and there is a circle of sensors inside. As long as there is a damaged part, the synthetic rubber will be automatically replenished to heal the hole. .

After pouring stones into several cars in this way, Mo Fei picked up his "hunting recorder" and stuck among the piles of zombies, trying to find some corpses that slipped through the net.

Not to mention, Mo Fei really got a few of them, so counting the ones he just snatched, although there is still a little distance from 11, it finally made up for it.

Only then did Murphy turn around and return to the base with today's harvest.

Judging from today's actual combat, he is still too weak.

I really remember the body skills my grandfather taught me before, but in terms of fighting zombies in actual combat, I only use body skills and brute force, so today I only beat 11 C zombies and I was so embarrassed.If you learn how to use ingenuity and leverage your strength, you will not be delayed in collecting because of being tired today.

Thinking of this, Murphy came to his car.

Just opening the car door, Murphy was a little dumbfounded, where is his car key?
Just after I came out, I only turned off the car, because I wanted to leave immediately, or I could run if I couldn't beat it, so I didn't pull out the key, but now I opened the door and found that my key was missing.

That group of people must have just taken their keys away.

Murphy cursed those people infinitely in his heart: I hope you will encounter zombies soon, and kill you.

After thinking about it, Mo Fei was startled by a roar soaring into the sky, and then from the alley where the previous group entered, several people ran out desperately without looking back.

Murphy opened his mouth and didn't speak for a long time.

No way!When did my own curse become so effective?

Just when Murphy was a little dazed, the group had already jumped into their car. Murphy found that there were thirteen people when they entered, but only five people left when they came out.

Murphy didn't have a car key, so he could only hide on the side of his car, watching those people drive, but the car stopped moving after not driving far.

Several people cursed and jumped out of the car quickly, and walked back again.

"MD, what kind of road are you exploring? Didn't you say that there are only C zombies here? Also, this is the broken car you were looking for. It lost its chain at a critical moment."

That person was the man with a low voice who had agreed to Mo Fei's help before, but at this moment he pushed a man next to him angrily.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't be angry, get out of here quickly." The woman named Pu Jie quickly comforted her.

Several people got into another car, but it was the same, and it stopped there motionless after driving for a while.

Those few people cursed helplessly, "Damn." Then they had no choice but to jump out of the car again.

Murphy, who watched all this secretly, felt much happier.

This was naturally Murphy's masterpiece just now.

Because of the particularity of the vehicle and synthetic rubber, in order to prevent the car from losing control due to a sudden tire blowout, although the tire can be repaired automatically, it will be directly connected to the internal braking system of the car, which is the internal brake, so that the car cannot move forward.

After the tire was repaired, it needed to dry for a while before it could be driven again. However, Murphy stuffed a pile of stones into the tire, and as long as it started to move forward, it would constantly puncture the inside of the tire, making the car unable to move.

Those people still had a car parked there, but at this time, a giant zombie that was a lot taller than the ordinary C zombie chased out from the alley, holding half of the body in its hand.

This zombie was different from the normal C zombie, and even different from the C1 zombie that Murphy encountered last time.

In addition to the height and size, the tongue of this giant zombie can be stretched very flexibly. Except for the lack of a tail, the whole zombie looks like a huge lizard.

"Ah! Run!"

Those people wanted to get their other car, but the giant zombie was approaching.

The giant zombie's tongue quickly rolled up the thin skinny man. There seemed to be a hook on the tongue. The thin man was strangled to bleed from his side. The blood probably stimulated the giant zombie. Its claws With a forceful tear, the skinny man was separated from the corpse.

"Li Yu, hurry up, let's get in that girl's car." The woman named Pu Jie shouted, suddenly took out a key from her pocket, pointed at Murphy's car and shouted.

It turned out that her car keys were taken away by her. Only now did Murphy know where her car keys were.

This hateful woman first robbed her of her achievements, then kicked herself, and even stole her car keys.

Murphy stared at the two people who were running towards his car together. If eyes could kill, those two people should have been cut to pieces.

Pu Jie ran towards Murphy's aerodynamic car with the man named Li Yu, that is, the man with a low voice who initially agreed to Murphy's help.

And the giant zombie killed two more people at this time, quickened its pace and chased towards this side.

Mo Fei saw the woman named Pu Jie and the man named Li Yu approaching his car. If they all left, he would be the next one to be unlucky.

Now that you are dead, let's all be together!
Mo Fei clenched the plain spear in his hand tightly, and while the two of them were running back and forth, Murphy's plain spear became a stumbling block.

Stretching sideways, the two people who only paid attention to the giant zombie behind but not their feet were tripped and fell to the ground.

The two people who were tripped to the ground almost fell face-to-face because they were defenseless.

"You damn girl, you still dare to plot against me." Pu Jie propped her body up with her hands, her face was covered with blood, and the corners of her mouth and nose were scratched a lot. cried Murphy.

However, because of the unprepared fall just now, the car key in Pu Jie's hand also flew out, right under Murphy's car.

Pu Jie took off the gun she was carrying across her body, but before she picked it up, Murphy ran to the side of the car before them and hid.

Pu Jie shot in Murphy's direction, while the man named Li Yu took the opportunity to reach for the car keys under the car.

Mo Fei was not idle either, he kept grabbing rocks from the ground, and hit Pu Jie and the man named Li Yu with precise positioning, interfering with their actions.

Pu Jie yelled wildly, but the voice and the faint smell of blood on his face attracted the giant zombie to speed up its pace.

Seeing that Li Yu didn't reach the key for a long time, Pu Jie saw the approaching giant zombie, and hurriedly pulled Li Yu: "It's too late, run."

The two ran towards the distance with all their strength, and occasionally turned around and fired a few shots, trying to make the giant zombie slow down.

It was precisely because of the gunshot that the giant zombies only chased after the two of them.

Seeing that the giant zombie was completely attracted by the two escaped people, Murphy hurried to his car to get the car keys.

Stretch the Suying gun sideways, touch the key and poke the key to the opposite side of the car.

When Mo Fei stood up again and wanted to go to the opposite side to get the key, the giant zombie had already grabbed the bodies of Pu Jie and Li Yu and ran towards him, and it was approaching.

 Are you all on holiday today?Happy holidays everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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