Chapter 15
Seeing the giant zombie getting closer and closer to him, Murphy panicked.

"What should I do? How can I run?"

Murphy couldn't have imagined that the giant zombie was so fast. It took him only time to get the key, and the giant zombie had already dealt with the two escaped people.

Originally, the giant zombie was attracted by the leather-clothed woman named Pu Jie and the man named Li Yu. He could drive around by himself. How can he drive faster than run, so he could take the opportunity to leave.

But now that the giant zombies had returned, Murphy had lost hope of escaping.

After all, there is only one main road leading to the outside world from this small village. Even if she gets in a car now, she can't go around it. She can only walk along the road that the zombies came over.

This is equivalent to driving towards the zombie. In this way, my small car is probably scrapped with only a few feet of the giant zombie.

Looking back, Murphy gritted his teeth and ran towards the alley where the giant zombie came out just now. In the narrow space, he might still have a chance to escape.

However, Murphy was still not as fast as that giant zombie.

Soon, the giant zombie caught up with Murphy.

The giant zombie's long barbed tongue rolled towards Murphy, and Murphy rolled to avoid the giant zombie's attack.

But the mutated arm of the giant zombie had already stretched out towards Murphy, and Murphy barely dodged it with his agile skills.But it also made the giant zombie even more furious. It roared and threw the two corpses aside, and then swung its claws at Murphy.

Originally, Mo Fei lisso dodged, but who knew that a few C zombies suddenly swayed from inside.Judging from the clothes, they should be the accomplices of those who went into the granary just now.

Mo Fei Suying raised his gun and stabbed at zombie C, but he couldn't dodge and was tightly grasped by the huge and sharp claws of the giant zombie.

Mo Fei was suddenly lifted into the air by the giant zombie, only to feel that the giant zombie's claws were clenched tighter and tighter, as if he was tightly entangled by a huge python, and he was almost out of breath.

A salty smell surged up, and a mouthful of blood spewed out of Murphy's mouth.

The smell of blood stimulated the excitement of the giant zombie. It grabbed Murphy with one hand, and stabbed towards Murphy's chest with the other hand.In its impression, such food, the meat on the chest is relatively fresh and delicious.

Murphy was scratched from his right shoulder along his chest to his left shoulder by the sharp claws of the giant zombie. Murphy's clothes were cut by the zombie's sharp nails, and Murphy's shoulder was also scratched.

The tips of the giant zombie's nails were mixed with Murphy's blood and scratched onto Murphy's chest, and the ancient book handed down from his ancestors was held in his arms by Murphy, and the blood stained the ancient book along with the scratched flesh. superior.

Strangely, the giant zombie's sharp claws did not cut through the thin book.Instead, the book was soaked in Murphy's blood, emitting a little light.

An invisible force made the giant zombie loosen its grip. At this moment, Murphy, who had passed out from pain, quickly recovered from his injuries in a ball of light.

As Murphy's injuries slowly recovered, Murphy gradually regained some consciousness.

Mo Fei felt that the outside of his body seemed to be built with a thick layer of copper and iron walls, and a sense of security followed.

It wasn't until Mo Fei felt that her body was no longer in pain and she was completely awake that she realized that she was actually inside a thick metal shell.

Mo Fei didn't know where he was, but he realized that there was a visible window in front of him. When he raised his hand, what he saw through the visible window was a huge mechanical arm.

The overall body is red, with black streamline patterns, simple and not monotonous.

Even if Mo Fei is not familiar with this kind of thing, he has seen it before. Isn't this a mecha coat?How could he be wearing a mecha coat?
No one answered a series of questions, but at this moment Murphy felt a huge force colliding with him.Looking up again, it was the giant zombie just now, which was trying to attack him at the moment.

The giant zombie seems to have some simple thinking. It doesn't understand why it suddenly turned into such a strange, cold and hard thing when it was holding a delicious meal just now.

However, disturbing it to eat is an enemy, so the giant zombie used its huge body to hit Murphy who was still in a daze.

The sharp nails that scratched Murphy just now were scratching the outer body of the mecha, making a piercing sound at the same time.

Murphy knew that now was not the time to study what was going on, and he had to deal with this big guy first.

But how to use this mecha?

Just as Murphy thought about it, a row of weapon options appeared in front of him.It's just that among these options, only the knife and the ax are lit.

"Choose the axe." Murphy said softly.

Because Murphy was dealing with a single giant zombie at this time, the power of the ax was greater.

After choosing the weapon, a huge ax appeared in the hand of Murphy's mecha coat, as if the huge ax had grown in his hand in the first place.

At this time, Murphy was standing on an open space inside. He thought that the arm outside the mecha had been raised just now when he raised his arm, so he kicked his leg.

Just as Mo Fei expected, the mechas outside kicked up along with her legs.

It seems that his actions can be directly communicated to the mecha.While Murphy was thinking in his heart, he raised his hand high.

Holding the handle of the ax with both hands, Murphy recalled that his grandfather had taught him how to use the cold weapon ax before. Murphy used the center of strength to the middle of the axe.

Because Grandpa once said that applying strength to the front end of the ax or relying solely on the strength of the arms cannot reflect the strength of the axe.Applying strength to the tail end of the ax will indeed increase the strength, but it will also leave an opportunity for the opponent to take advantage of due to the unstable center of gravity of the whole body.

Therefore, when using it, it is best to control the force at the part where the force is exerted by the axe, so that the force can be increased and retracted freely.

According to the method his grandfather taught him, Murphy began to attack the giant zombies.

However, the feeling of controlling the mecha for the first time is not quite used to it. Although Murphy took into account the force used by the weapon axe, it caused deviation or other problems due to lack of coordination of parts of the body.

An ax slashed down, and the giant zombie cloth below deftly dodged it, and gave the mecha a heavy blow.Fortunately, the mecha was still solid, but there was a dent on the right arm.

However, after a while, Murphy finally mastered the basic control of the mecha, and then he raised his ax and finally dealt with the giant zombie.

"I put it on, what should I do if I take it off?" Mo Fei muttered to himself.

As soon as he finished chanting, Murphy's eyes blurred, and then he realized that the mech was gone, and he was still standing where he was.

"This... this is too amazing!" Murphy felt a little unbelievable, and then touched his chest.

Before she fainted, she vaguely remembered that the giant zombie seemed to have scratched its body with its sharp claws, from the shoulder to the chest.

Except for the torn clothes on the chest and shoulders, there was no scar on his body.

On his chest, Mo Fei felt the ancient book that had been passed down from his family.

My own wound should be healed by the ancient book, but the ancient book does not know whether it is damaged or not.

Thinking about it, Murphy took out the ancient book, and the pages were intact, still in the original style.

But the difference is that she actually recognized the distorted words on the page that looked like balls of earthworms.

On the flat cover of the book, there are two large black characters: Talisman.

Murphy found it inconceivable that a book that he couldn't understand at all before seemed to be able to understand it all of a sudden.

Quickly opened the pages of the book, she actually knew all the small characters inside.

Without looking carefully, this is not a place to read.

Murphy put away the ancient ancestral book again, and then took his "hunting recorder" and stabbed it at the giant zombie.

As the hunting recorder was stuck into the corpse of the giant zombie, a line of small words was displayed on the recorder: There is no record of this type, please take a sample.

This line of small words surprised Mo Fei a little.

When I was in the data recording area before, the staff member once mentioned that it is said that only C1 is recorded in the task reception area now, and if there is no record, samples must be taken and sent back for filing.

Looking at the strange zombie corpse in front of him again, is this a C2 zombie?No wonder it's so hard to get right.

After Murphy was surprised, he felt happy for a while.Fortunately, I somehow got an extra set of mecha coat, otherwise I might die because of it.

First, he picked up a piece of zombie meat with his plain tassel gun, and then Mo Fei found a bag in the car and put the piece of zombie meat in it.

Just when Mo Fei turned to leave, he suddenly thought of what the group said just now, there seems to be food here, and he should take some back.

Turn around and back the car to the side of the alley, then open the trunk.Murphy walked straight in with his plain tassel gun.

This is indeed a granary, but the food stored in it is not too much. However, for the small amount of food in the base, it will be enough for Mo Fei alone.

Looking at the bags of rice noodles, Mo Fei had a thought, and his body reappeared inside the mech.

Using the mech, Murphy brought out 10 bags of flour in one go.It's not that it can't be moved anymore, but it's inconvenient to hold.It seems that the load of this mecha is still very strong.

After moving two or three times, the trunk of the car was full.Murphy stuffed another part into the back seat, and even stuffed rice into the co-pilot.

After filling up the car, although there was still a part in the granary, she couldn't take it away, so she put away the mecha and walked towards her beloved car.

Just when Murphy was about to get in the car, he found some zombies wandering outside. These zombies were obviously the few people who died just now.

 According to the plan today, I should go to Tianmen Mountain, but Xiaoxiao cannot go online for the time being, so I will report when I come back!

(End of this chapter)

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