Chapter 16
Murphy recalled the training before entering the base the day before, and it seemed that it was mentioned above that if people killed by zombies did not destroy their brains, they would mutate into zombies.

And I suffered a loss just now because I was killed by a giant zombie before I went in but was not completely eaten, or the mutated zombie of the person whose head did not fall blocked me, so I was caught by the giant zombie.

Because when the giant zombies fought with Murphy just now, the bodies of the two people named Pu Jie and Li Yu were thrown to the front, so the zombies that these two people turned into were closest to Murphy's current position.

Picking up the Suying gun, Mo Fei stabbed at the female zombie in leather clothing closest to her, Pu Jie. After a quick solution, Mo Fei's Suying gun turned around and moved towards the zombie named Li Yu Tie it over.Both were killed by one shot.

There are also two men who were caught and killed by zombies when they ran out before, and the others did not become zombies because they were eaten by zombies or their heads were ripped off.

Murphy stabbed the next few zombies with his "hunting recorder", and then saw Pu Jie's "hunting recorder" dropped on the ground

After thinking about it, Murphy picked up the hunting recorders of those people, and then walked towards his car.

After getting into the car, Murphy turned on the key, pulled the control lever, and set the route back, allowing his aerodynamic car to go back.

Murphy first changed into a spare set of clothes. Originally, Murphy prepared these clothes because he was worried about the rain outside or the clothes would be too dirty, but he didn't expect to use them.

After changing his clothes, Mo Fei began to cover the grains brought out of the small granary with some of his own cloth bags and the like.

Murphy, who returned with a full load and gained a lot of merit points, hummed a little tune in a very happy mood.

Since the automatic driving is set and the obstacle avoidance is turned on, it is enough to check the route from time to time to see if the route needs to be adjusted, so Murphy, with his hands free, took out the ancestral book.

Murphy was very curious about what kind of mysterious thing this book was, because it was too old, and these things had been lost for a long time, let alone seen, and probably few people had heard of them.

Murphy, who was born in 3013, even though she was a student of ancient times, hadn't come into contact with the products of this ancient period that was older than a thousand years ago.

Touching the two words on the page, Murphy fell into deep thought.


After all, her major is ancient studies, and Mo Fei has heard of this word before. It is said that it is a thing that is thousands of years earlier than the ancient times of thousands of years ago.

If this is an ancestral book, then this book has been preserved for a long time.

Still, it's surprising that the book is still so complete after all this time.

Gently flipping through the thin book of talismans, Mo Fei couldn't calm down to read it for a while, so he roughly flipped through it.

When turning to the last three pages, Mo Fei suddenly felt that the pages before and after were different in degree of newness, and the writing style of the characters behind was also different from the previous ones.

Mo Fei can now understand the meaning of the earthworm-like characters on it, but she found that there are many incomprehensible characters in the next few pages. Could it be that the later articles are more advanced?
Gently peel off the edge of the book and look, the edges of the next three pages are connected by a green thread like leaf veins, obviously there are some problems.

By comparison, the pages at the back appear to be older than the pages at the front, but judging from Murphy's own intuition, the pages at the back were added later.

After thinking about it, Murphy decided to read what was written on the next three pages.

After carefully paving the pages of the book, Mo Fei lowered his head, unexpectedly, the first paragraph that caught his eye was: To my descendants.

Ok?Could this be the words left by their ancestors?
Murphy quickly looked down with doubts.As it went down, there was a lot of waves in Murphy's heart.

Just when he was about to turn to the second page, the car suddenly paused, and Murphy looked up, only to find that there were a few wandering zombies in front of him. The car's obstacle avoidance system was trying to avoid them, but because the zombies were almost walking side by side, Yes, the gap between them was too small, so they had to adopt a safe state and suddenly stopped.

Murphy quickly put the book into his arms, and then picked up his plain gun from the side.

As the sound of the car caught the attention of the zombies, a few scattered zombies also swayed towards Murphy.

Murphy quickly opened the car door. Before he got out of the car completely, the zombies had already approached the side door of the car.

As soon as he leaned out half of his body, Murphy's tasseled gun plunged into the head of one of the zombies closest to the car along the crack of the car door.

The zombie immediately fell to the ground. Murphy's hand didn't stop. He turned around and stabbed at the zombie that was trying to approach him from the back.

This time, he didn't hit the zombie's head directly, so the moment Mo Fei pulled out the Suying gun, he stabbed at the zombie's head again.

With his flexible skills, Murphy cleaned up these zombies. Because he had accumulated some experience before, the force he used this time was obviously much less and smoother than before.

Murphy also collected these zombies with a hunting recorder.

Because the group of people mutated into zombies due to the attack of C2 before, and provided her with a few merit points of 10, Murphy now can be regarded as a small gain.

After deducting the debt owed by her ID card, there are now more than 60 meritorious deeds on the hunting recorder.

Even if he needs to pay the accommodation fee later, he still has 40 meritorious points to use.No wonder the person in charge of allocating housing said that living in District D was easy.

Looking around, there seemed to be a few zombies in the distance, but Murphy's physical strength was already close to the limit. If he waited for those zombies to come over before killing them, in case he encountered another zombie that blocked him along the way, he would really die. I have no strength to move.

So Murphy didn't wait too long, opened the door and got in the car, restarted the car and continued driving towards the base.

Although he didn't use much force this time, Murphy was already exhausted, thinking that he could read the book later, so Murphy let the car continue driving, while he squinted his eyes in the driver's seat.

I don't know how long it took, but with a pause, when Murphy opened his eyes again, the car had already arrived at the gate of Cangji.

After getting out of the car and swiping his ID card, Murphy walked back and forth from the injury detector at the request of the staff on duty.

It wasn't until the injury discriminator confirmed that there was no abnormality or wound on Murphy's body, then Murphy drove into Cangji.

After parking the car in a special parking lot, Murphy first took out the cut piece of zombie meat from the car, and then took this special sample of zombie and ran towards the task reception area.

Since this is the first piece of C2 zombie, it still needs to be taken to the research institute for notes, and then the result can be discussed to add merit to Murphy's hunting recorder, so for the time being, only Murphy's ID card number is left.

"Murphy, female, 17 years old, without supernatural powers." The recorder in charge of recording frowned as he looked at Murphy's information.

Then he asked Mo Fei who was looking around because he was bored waiting outside: "Excuse me, did you kill this C2 yourself?"

The recorder couldn't imagine that such a young girl, with no abilities, could kill C2 zombies by herself.

You know, no one has killed a C2 zombie yet, at most there is only a record of C1.Otherwise, there will be no data records in the recorder.

After all, as a member of the Earth Alliance, the information of the four major bases of the Dragon Kingdom and even the information of the entire Earth Alliance are interrelated.As long as one base discovers and confirms the data, other bases will also share it.

So this C2 zombie can be said to be the first C2 zombie in the country.

Mo Fei thought for a while and shook his head: "No, I picked up a large number of these zombies."

"Ah? Picked it up?" The recorder in charge of the record was taken aback. Even though she had seen many special things at the task receiving place, she couldn't help but shouted out.

Murphy nodded and explained to the staff member: "When I found that small village, all the people in that team died, and this big guy also died. Among those people, some of them mutated into C zombies. In Huang, I killed those C zombies, as for this C2, he was already dead when I went."

Seeing the unbelievable look of the recorder at the task reception, Murphy continued to explain: "I just thought this zombie was special at the time, and then I stuck the hunting recorder on it, but it reminded me that there was no record, because the zombie It was huge, so I brought a sample back with me."

Murphy lied about the question of the recorder at the task reception.

Although Murphy knew it was wrong to lie, he really couldn't explain how he could kill a C2 by himself.

If I really wanted to say that I killed a C2 alone, I am afraid that I will be treated as a research object like that C2 corpse, so Murphy can only say that he picked it up by himself.

Hearing Murphy's answer, the recorder was stunned for a moment, and then a relieved expression appeared on his face.

Obviously she believed what Murphy said.

After all, a C1 often requires the precise cooperation of a whole team to kill, not to mention the C1 which is more evolved than C2.

Therefore, she chose to believe in Murphy's luck for believing in Murphy's ability to destroy a C2 by himself.

But regarding Murphy's luck, the recorder couldn't help but sigh how lucky Murphy was, even though he saw those people who got high merits for doing big tasks here every day.

Seeing that the recorder seemed to believe it and didn't ask any more questions, Murphy felt relieved. If the recorder kept asking, she really didn't know how to continue writing.

Mo Fei then took out the hunting recorders of those people and asked: "By the way, I also picked up the hunting recorders of those dead team members. Can this be used for me?"

 I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival. Today’s rafting on the Mengdong River is really exhausting.

(End of this chapter)

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