Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 134 Clues

Chapter 134 Clues

When Murphy was brought up for interrogation, Murphy found that this man seemed to be interrogating himself as an ordinary thief.

After thinking about it, Murphy decided to start with the interrogator.

The interrogator did not expect that the question the girl asked was actually asking what the people in the laboratory were doing today.

"Don't play tricks, hurry up and tell me where you hid the potion?" After hearing Murphy's question, the interrogator felt that he had been tricked, and couldn't help rushing up again in a fit of embarrassment.

"Let go!" Murphy blocked the man's arm from grabbing him with his arm: "If you want me to cooperate, then you have to tell me the truth, right?"

The interrogator was surprised to find that Murphy's strength was very strong. While being on guard, he thought about where Murphy was now, so what if he told her, then he suppressed his anger and replied, "Of course the personnel in the laboratory are here. What else can you do with research?"

"Oh? That's weird." Murphy looked at the interrogator with an expression that I didn't understand.

"What's so strange?"

"Of course it's strange, because I didn't discover this shortcoming of this potion, it was discovered by the experimenters. If that's the case, why didn't they rush to find the potion, but still have the intention to continue the experiment?" Murphy said from beginning to end The final expression stared at the interrogator with doubts.

"This...Of course it's because there are other tasks in the laboratory, and the matter of finding the medicine is left to our interrogation team."

Murphy nodded: "Well, even so, they are so sure that it must be me? Suppose, if it is not me, and the medicine explodes or changes its shape at this time, what should the laboratory personnel do?"

When Murphy said this, the interrogator seemed to be a little shaken, unable to answer for a while and had to continue listening.

Seeing that his initial goal had been achieved, Murphy continued: "If I were in the laboratory, even if I caught the suspect, it would be just a suspicion. I can't leave such a dangerous thing in an unknown place. Since the laboratory There are also some liquid samples from yesterday's research, so I will definitely analyze some detectable substances from the samples, at least I have to use the instrument to search around, instead of doing experiments in such a safe way."

Murphy finished speaking in one breath and stopped talking, just waiting for the interrogator to judge for himself.

Seeing that Murphy was very sure, and he had indeed received news that the medicine had serious flaws before, the staff in the laboratory were indeed too calm at the moment.

However, it was impossible for the interrogator to immediately judge that Murphy was innocent, so he beckoned the guards to take Murphy down again.

"It seems necessary to go to the laboratory." The interrogator thought for a while and walked towards the laboratory.

At this time, all the personnel in the laboratory were wearing sterile suits, and two of them were busy pouring some green liquid into a dry glass vessel, while the other three were preparing another green solution.

"Is this okay?" One of the people who was preparing the solution asked the man who was adding the powder little by little.

"Is there any problem? That's it. Ordinary people will not find the problem." The man who was asked was adding the powder, glanced at the person who was asking the question and replied.

The man stopped talking, and ran to the cabinet behind him to take out some test tubes.

The container that had just been poured into a dry glass container, the green liquid that was originally contained was still hanging on the wall of the container.

"Don't brush that, just bring it to me." The man who added the powder shouted to the other two people in the distance.

Taking the container with the green liquid still hanging in his hand, the man poured the green liquid of the same color that he had previously mixed into it, but just after two drops, an unusual change occurred inside.

"Danger!" The person on the side quickly snatched the utensil from the man's hand and put it on the table, while the other person pulled the man back.

"It doesn't seem to work. Without that thing to suppress it, this potion can't be made at all..." The man shook his head dejectedly.

A few people were talking, when suddenly a person ran in: "Doctor, Chief Shao of the interrogation team is here."

"Why is he here?" The man who prepared the potion was taken aback for a moment, and then ordered: "Put your things away quickly." Then he straightened his clothes and walked outside.

The person who interrogated Murphy before was Shao Qing, the leader of the investigation team. Before the end of the world, he was a criminal policeman, and his family was quite influential, so after the end of the world, he became the leader of the investigation team in the central area of ​​the sea base.

He is capable but also offended many people because he was too upright, otherwise Shao Qing's ability and family would not just be the team leader.

However, Shao Qing felt that it was better to participate in the work at the front than to stay in the office doing nothing every day.

Hearing that Team Leader Shao of the investigation team had arrived, the man rushed out to welcome him out. After all, if Shao Qing found out now, all his previous work would have been in vain.

"Team Leader Shao, why are you here? I heard that you are the one who is handling the missing medicine case. All the staff in our laboratory hope to find the medicine as soon as possible."

"Doctor, I came here to ask you something." Shao Qing nodded to the man and asked directly.

"Leader Shao, please tell me, I will try my best to cooperate with your work."

"Then trouble the doctor." Shao Qing said politely and then directly cut to the topic: "Doctor, did you hear that the potion is dangerous?"

"Yes, because the potion has not yet formed, its stability is very poor, so you must find the place where the potion is placed as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences..." The man couldn't help but sighed heavily.

"So you know about the danger of medicine?" Shao Qing asked back, frowning.

The man obviously didn't expect that his answer would lead to such a question, and said seriously: "Of course, but did Team Leader Shao discover any important clues?"

"Not yet, but we will verify it as soon as possible. By the way, doctor, we can't sit still. Is there any way to find the medicine quickly?" Shao Qing continued to ask.

"This... the staff in our laboratory will try their best to find a way."

"Well, I won't bother you, Doctor, for the time being. I'll take my leave first." Shao Qing smiled at the man and then nodded politely, then turned and walked outside.

As soon as Team Leader Shao left, the man quickly returned to the laboratory: "No, Shao Qing may be suspicious, we need to send the things out quickly."

"But doctor, this potion is not finished yet, so it's dangerous to send it out directly." The man on the side hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, once Shao Qing finds out, our previous efforts will be in vain, so be it, fill this potion, and you two will send it out in a while. Be careful, don't be found out." The man carefully told road.

"Doctor, I still don't think this is good." The person who stopped him just now was still a little uncertain.

"Okay, I have the final say, you two cover up, take more recorders and the like, no one will care."

After some discussion, the two had no choice but to agree.

Shao Qing, who went out, recalled what Mo Fei said in the interrogation room before, and then recalled that he rolled his eyes in the laboratory, and then dialed a number from his wrist.

"Team leader, what's the matter?" A voice came from the communicator.

"You come to the central office building right now, I have something to tell you to do." Shao Qing said to the communicator.

"Ok team leader, I'll be right there."

After hanging up the communication, not long after, a man in a well-tailored Chinese-style black suit ran over quickly from a distance, like a black lightning bolt.

"Team leader." The man stood in front of Shao Qing and shouted.

"Here you are, find a place to hide in a while, and keep an eye on the people coming and going in the office building for me. Once there are suspicious people, follow them and see where they are going and what they are doing. With your speed, you can definitely keep an eye on them." , I will send another person to help you later." Shao Qing directed to the visitor.

"I know the team leader, but who are the key personnel to be targeted?"

"Focus on the people in the laboratory, but we don't rule out other suspicious people." Shao Qing patted the man on the shoulder: "Remember, especially those with medicine bottles or related items in their hands."

The man in black nodded: "I understand the team leader." Then he ran to a corner and squatted down. If Shao Qing hadn't watched him pass by, he wouldn't have noticed.

Shao Qing nodded in satisfaction. He still had other things to do, so he felt relieved to leave it to him.

Turning around and leaving the office building in the central command area, Shao Qing returned to the interrogation office again.Through the aisle, Shao Qing came to the detention room.

Mo Fei was sitting cross-legged on the bed with half-closed eyes at the moment, and Shao Qing admired the little girl's composure.Regardless of whether she was wronged for real or fake, at least she can calmly analyze and do what she should do under such unfavorable conditions, which ordinary girls cannot do.

But being calm doesn't mean he must be innocent. Before there is more evidence, Shao Qing doesn't plan to interrogate Murphy anymore, because it seems that interrogation is superfluous.

After taking a look at it, Shao Qing left the detention room. Regarding this potion, he seems to have to grant permission to study it carefully.

After entering a series of internal passwords, Shao Qing finally found the information about this enhanced potion, but when Shao Qing clicked on the details, he found that nothing was filled in the details.

Generally, such important medicines will have experimental records. If they are not filled in, there will only be two possibilities. One is to start researching and developing medicines that have not yet formed on the same day, and the other is to submit medicines that have been rejected for approval.

But if it can be transported from the star base, there is no rejection of approval at all, and this important medicine has been researched for a day, so how come there is not a single word of introduction?
The more he thought about it, the more doubtful Shao Qing felt. Since the medicine that Murphy said was still in an extremely unstable state, and the laboratory staff knew this very well, the reason why such a dangerous experiment process was not filled in the record what is it then?

 Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish everyone a happy Mooncake Festival, eat whatever fillings you like, and don’t be intimidated by the hacked fillings! ~ (≧▽≦)/~
(End of this chapter)

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