Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 135 Small details

Chapter 135 Small Details

Although Shao Qing didn't know much about the medicine, he still knew a little about the process.

If the medicine is brought into the laboratory for research, then the assistant will upload the content of the experiment at the same time as the experiment.

Even if it is a top-secret drug, some general information will be passed on, unless it is a new development that has no name or code, it is just a hypothesis.But this time the experiment already has a name set before the experiment, and it meets the uploading conditions, but there is no word at all.

"It seems that there is something wrong with the laboratory." Shao Qing looked at the empty content and said to himself.

Just watching, suddenly the communicator rang, Shao Qing pressed to answer, and the low voice of the man in black rang out before: "Team leader, two people from the laboratory came out with instruments."

"Okay, follow up, I've sent someone to watch over there." Shao Qing replied.

After receiving Shao Qing's affirmative answer, the man in black turned off the call and followed the personnel of the two laboratories.

After thinking for a while, Shao Qing dug out the information about Murphy obtained from the sea base network, but Murphy's information is really very little, and it is said that there is a limit.

"Strange, what is this girl's background?" Shao Qing couldn't help but wondered after reading the brief introduction.

Murphy didn't know anything at this time. After being questioned in the morning, Murphy was put back into the detention room.

It's best if no one bothers you, so hurry up and practice Qi while you're free.Murphy didn't want to delay her main tasks because of these things. Even if she really needed to escape from prison, wouldn't she rely on her ability?So instead of worrying about the sky here, it is better to practice qi more realistically.

At the same time, outside, the man in black followed the personnel from the two research rooms carrying a set of instruments and walked towards the residential area in the central area.

The two carried the instrument around for a long time, and finally stopped at a villa.

Putting the instrument on the ground seemed to be measuring something, the man in black hid his body from the side, staring at the two people.

However, the two people looked around while measuring, and it didn't seem like they came out to measure any data. Didn't the man in black move? The electronic pen of the camera equipment was aimed at the two people and took pictures continuously.

The two people looked around and found no one there. One of them held the instrument, while the other opened the side of the instrument, took out a bottle from it and placed it on the railing of the villa.

Then another person took out a test clip from under a piece of cloth lying nearby.Clamp the filled bottle and let it drop along the edge.

After the two finished all this, they looked around again. After putting away the instrument, the two carried the instrument and walked towards the office building in the central area.

The man in black took pictures of the actions of these two people, and then dialed Shao Qing's communicator.

"Team leader, the people in the laboratory put a bottle of something in the corner of a villa and left. I recorded their actions, and I will send the pictures to your communicator in a while." The voice of the man in black Said to Shao Qing in a low voice.

"It's a good job, but don't leave yet. There are other people in charge of the lab, so you stay there." Shao Qing instructed.

After receiving the communication, Shao Qing nodded slightly and stood up: "It seems that it is necessary to investigate the problem of monitoring all maintenance that day."

Instead of calling the technical department, Shao Qing directly called his friend Zhou Yubin who worked in the technical department.

"Yu Bin, I want to ask you to check something for me." Because he was an acquaintance, Shao Qing said directly without saying anything else.

"Do you want to check the surveillance?" Zhou Yubin guessed the purpose of his friend Shao Qing's call.

"That's right, I just want to investigate the surveillance, and I think the people in the lab are a bit strange." Shao Qing said without concealing it.

After listening to Shao Qing's words, Zhou Yubin continued, "If you don't want me, I'm going to contact you."

"Oh? What do you want me to do?"

Only then did Zhou Yubin tell the story.

The surveillance inspection that day was routine, but the laboratory's system was always different from others, so it was not shut down.

The night shift for routine inspection and monitoring has twice as many guards as usual, so there have been no problems.

And it was the medicine that was lost that day, so early the next morning, Zhou Yubin, as a member of the technical department, went directly to the laboratory to collect the laboratory's monitoring data.

"I arrived at the laboratory early in the morning that day, but it seemed that I couldn't check it directly, so I disassembled the instrument and prepared to bring it back for inspection." Zhou Yubin said to Shao Qing while recalling the situation that day.

"Then what happened next?" Shao Qing hurriedly asked because he couldn't wait to know what happened next.

Zhou Yubin on the opposite side of the communicator went on to say just now: "After the demolition, I felt someone behind me, so I walked in a hurry, but when I turned the corner, I bumped into the little girl from the star base who came to ask for help."

"Little girl? Is this the suspect Murphy?" Shao Qing asked.

"No, I only found out later that it was Dr. Lin from the Star Base. At that time, the little girl cried a lot after I said a few words."

"Did she do it on purpose at the time?"

"It doesn't look like it. I think she was very anxious at the time, probably because she was worried about the suspect."

"Worried about the suspect? Murphy? Why?" Shao Qing didn't know why, so he was already worried about Murphy at this time, so did it prove that Murphy was indeed related?
Zhou Yubin paused and replied: "It is said that someone outside stopped Murphy and identified her as a suspect. She came in to ask for help."

"So, when Dr. Zhong pointed out that she bumped into the person in the technical department who took the instrument, he was referring to you? Did Dr. Zhong see her bumping into you at that time?"

"I see. Later, Dr. Zhong came out from behind, and the little girl cried to him, saying that someone outside stopped the suspect Murphy this time, and asked Dr. Zhong to help her take a look, and promised that it was not Murphy who stole it." And Dr. Zhong didn't do anything special to her." Zhou Yubin continued to tell Shao Qing what he saw that day.

"According to what you said, that little girl, Dr. Lin, should have been crying a lot. Did Dr. Zhong say anything later? It is said that when they came out, Dr. Lin didn't cry, and his expression seemed calm."

"I don't know about that, because when they talked later, Dr. Zhong told me to leave." Zhou Yubin replied in a low voice, and then said: "Shao Qing, this is not the main problem, the main problem is another one."

Zhou Yubin's words caught Shao Qing's attention: "What is it?"

Zhou Yubin cleared his throat, and said in a low voice: "The instrument was bumped, and I was angry to scare Dr. Lin that it might break, but when I got it back, I found that the instrument was really broken, but I studied it carefully. It’s not broken, the parts inside seem to have been tampered with.”

"Oh? Are you sure?" Shao Qing couldn't help being shocked when he heard this sentence. If this matter is true, then there may be another breakthrough.

"That's for sure, but I'm still recovering. I don't know if I can find out who was last recorded, and maybe I can get more information." Zhou Yubin said with a depressed tone: "There is one more question."

"Yu Bin, what you provided is too important, what else can you say?"

Zhou Yubin was silent for a long time before opening his mouth: "From the perspective of technical means, it is not the method of ordinary people. I suspect that people from the technical department were involved, or that the people who came to steal the medicine are very proficient in monitoring equipment."

Shao Qing thought for a while and replied: "Yu Bin, you should keep this matter secret first, and say that it cannot be recovered to the outside world. You send that equipment to me, and I will help you find a monitoring instrument. You can get it back. If it’s broken, come here to fix it tonight.”

"Okay, then I'll take out part of it now, and you can help me find a replacement right away." Zhou Yubin replied without hesitation.

After the two made an agreement, Zhou Yubin packed up his things and quietly took the main equipment out.At the same time, Shao Qing hurriedly found someone to find a monitor of the same model as the laboratory and brought it over.

On the other side, in the laboratory, two personnel carried the instrument back, and someone quickly took the instrument and pulled the two of them into an empty room.

"How are things going?"

"It has been placed in the backyard of their villa according to your instructions, but doctor, I am worried that there will be problems if the medicine is placed like that." One of the people who came back with the instrument said to the person who asked the question.

"It's okay, we have deployed it, and most people can't tell the difference. Wait for an hour or so and you will be discovered. It's okay, there's nothing to do with you two, go get busy!"

"Understood the doctor."

"By the way, has anyone found you?"

"No, we went around in a big circle first, and then pretended to measure to see if no one around did it."

"Well, as long as no one sees it, you go!" The man waved his hand, and the other two walked out of the empty room.

Seeing the two people leave, the man who brought them in sighed: "There is really no other way to do this, Xiao Mo, I'm really sorry."

Shao Qing had almost collected the information, and walked to the detention room alone to see the situation of Murphy who was locked inside.

Shao Qing, who came to the detention room, unexpectedly found that Murphy was still sitting steadily on the bed, his eyes were slightly closed, and his face was calm.The whole person does not look like a prisoner at all, but has a feeling of recuperating in peace.

"This little girl is really interesting, but what is she doing?" Shao Qing looked in curiously, but then Mo Fei opened his eyes and stared in his direction.

Shao Qing was suddenly seen by a pair of eyes, and subconsciously hid back, but then thought: No!I am an interrogator, so it is normal to come to investigate the situation in the detention room by myself. Why do I feel guilty?
 Is there anyone who is outside during the Mid-Autumn Festival like Xiaoxiao?But there is nothing sad, call home to report that you are safe, and then go out happy and happy!
(End of this chapter)

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