Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 136 Investigation and Evidence Collection

Chapter 136 Investigation and Evidence Collection
While Shao Qing, the leader of the investigation team, was the interrogator muttering outside the cell, Murphy was also regretting in the cell.

She didn't do it on purpose just now, it was actually a subconscious reaction during Qi training.

Ever since he was promoted to the fourth floor of the foundation, he has been particularly sensitive to the surroundings when practicing Qi, so when Shao Qing was outside watching Mo Fei's research just now, Mo Fei felt it.

But also because the surroundings were too quiet, Mo Fei forgot that he was still in the detention room, felt the pause in his gaze, and subconsciously opened his eyes to look in the direction of the gaze, but unexpectedly bumped into the team leader.

Seeing Shao Qing leave the window suddenly, Murphy's first reaction was: It's broken, you won't have any doubts about your qi training, right?

In fact, this is obviously a guilty conscience.Mo Fei completely forgot that this talisman is something older than ancient science, and I am afraid that there are very few people in the world who can know it.

But because he was worried, it would be chaotic to close himself, so Mo Fei stood up carefully and looked towards the surveillance window at the door.

After a while, the door of the detention room was opened, and someone came to take Murphy to the interrogation room. Murphy's heart was still hanging in his throat.

In the interrogation room, it was still Shao Qing.

Shao Qing was actually a little embarrassed. Just now, he avoided the eyes of the suspect. Who was the one being interrogated?So in order to save some face, Murphy was put on trial again.

After clearing his throat, Shao Qing asked some of the previous questions again, and Murphy answered them truthfully, without any trace of choreography.

Shao Qing nodded: "Murphy, let me ask you, do you know some secret things about medicine?"

Murphy paused for a moment, and then said, "Actually, I don't know if the thing I know is classified or not, because I told them about it after I discovered it."

"Oh? What's the matter?" Shao Qing asked curiously.

"This... I don't know if it's convenient for Fang to say it. What if it's really a secret?" Murphy was also a little hesitant. She had thought about it before, but she was not sure.

"Then can you tell me what kind of thing it is?" Shao Qing asked in a different way after thinking about it.

Mo Fei lowered his head and thought for a while and nodded: "Yes, it is actually an important raw material of this potion, and only I know where it is at the moment."

Hearing what Mo Fei said, Shao Qing was also taken aback: "Such an important matter is not considered a secret? I am afraid that is the reason."

"I also thought it might be because of this reason, but I promised to take them to collect this raw material, and this kind of material is near the star base, and it's not here." Murphy shrugged, it's not like she didn't think about it This possibility, but if it is only because of this, it is too...

Before Murphy finished thinking, Shao Qing interrupted Murphy's thoughts: "I think the possibility is very high. After all, many scientists' thinking cannot be understood normally, not to mention that I heard that Dr. The enthusiasm for research is crazy, not impossible."

"Then if you say that, it's really because of the material?" Murphy asked.

"I can only say that there is a possibility. We still need to investigate the specific reasons. But recently, I guess you can only stay in the confinement room. If you need anything, you can come to me directly." After Shao Qing investigated and interrogated Murphy , believed a lot in Murphy, so he let go.

"Leader Shao, right?" Murphy looked at Shao Qing.

Shao Qing nodded: "You say."

"Leader Shao, I don't really need anything else. I hope you can help me tell Dr. Lin that I'm fine and tell them not to worry or run around, but to wait quietly."

"Well, I've made a note of this. I'll send someone there in a while. Which villa do you live in?"

"Nine buildings in the coral area, a small villa with a small yard." Murphy replied.

"Nine small villas in the coral area." Shao Qing suddenly raised his head while repeating: "No, isn't that small villa you're talking about white-walled and red-roofed, and the railings in the small yard next to it are sea-blue?"

Murphy nodded without knowing it, and said, "That's right, it's that building."

"It's broken, there may be something wrong." Shao Qing clapped his hands and muttered.

"What's the matter? Dr. Lin and my friend are still inside, Team Leader Shao, please protect them." Mo Fei stood up abruptly and said to Shao Qing.

"You go back to the detention room first, I'll find someone to go to the villa in the coral area right away, don't worry, I have sent someone to watch over there, and I will be notified if there is any trouble." Shao Qing comforted his emotions Excited, Mo Fei asked the guards to take Mo Fei back to the detention room, while Shao Qing hurried back to his office to contact the man in black.

"Team leader, there is no situation here for the time being." After receiving Shao Qing's message, the man in black said in a low voice.

"The things that the people from the two laboratories put in just now are in Building Nine, Coral District?" Shao Qing asked the man in black again to confirm.

"Yes, it's Jiudong."

"Go to Jiudong and knock on the door, find Dr. Lin, tell her that Murphy is fine, and tell them not to worry, and don't go anywhere at home. By the way, you can go to the yard to confirm what that thing is, and take a photo and send it to me."

"Understood the team leader." The man in black agreed and took up the line, and walked around the covered building towards the nine buildings in the coral area, the target building he had been staring at.

When I pressed the doorbell of the villa, a woman's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

The man in black said to the door, "Dr. Lin? I'll send you a message for Murphy."

"Wait a minute." Hearing that it was Mo Fei who brought it here, Yulin hurriedly opened the door and ran to the gate of the courtyard.

The man in black saw the door open, and a very beautiful woman ran out, but the woman's eyes were red and swollen, obviously crying.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Yulin came out and saw a strange man in black. Although she was anxious, she didn't forget to ask.

The man in black lowered his voice: "I'm from the investigation team. Our team leader sent me to help Mo Fei give you a message. Murphy said she's fine, so don't worry, don't go anywhere at home."

Yulin nodded while listening: "Is Feifei really okay? Why can't she let it out? She really didn't steal it."

"Don't get excited, there is one other thing. Someone just put something in your yard. Can I go in and take a photo, which may be strong evidence against Murphy." The man in black continued to face Yulin Said.

"That's not okay, how can I be sure that you are not with those people, and you didn't come in to put something?" Yulin shook her head.

The man in black was silent for a while and said wait a moment, then dialed Shao Qing's communicator and explained the matter roughly.

Shao Qing took the communicator and walked towards the detention room: "Murphy, besides Dr. Lin, what is the name of the other girl who lives in that villa?"

"Have you already contacted them?" Murphy's eyes lit up.

"Well, but we need to go in to collect evidence, but that girl doesn't allow my people to enter."

"Can I talk to her?" Murphy looked at Shao Qing with his eyes.

"No, you can't contact the outside world now." Shao Qing shook his head.

"Okay, her name is Yulin, tell her that Mo Fei asked Sister Yulin to open the door." Murphy replied with a curled lip.

Only then did Shao Qing confess to the man in black again through the communicator.

"Murphy said, tell Sister Yulin to open the door." The man in black relayed the truth.

Hearing these words, Yulin carefully opened the courtyard door: "I'll follow you there."

The man in black didn't refute, and walked straight to the place where the people in the laboratory put the things.Yulin hurriedly closed the courtyard door and ran over.

"What did the people in the laboratory put?" Yulin asked with concern.

"I don't know yet. I just saw what was placed from a distance before. I just came when I was ordered to come over, so I want to make sure." Although the man in black didn't say much, Yulin asked him It's a very serious answer.

Following all the way to the backyard, the man in black looked around, and suddenly found a bottle separated by two layers in a grass field.

There is a large container outside the bottle, and there is a lot of viscous liquid in the container, and some green liquid can be vaguely seen in the bottle inside.

"What is this? It looks disgusting." Yulin frowned.

It's a pity that Lin Yixun just fell asleep after crying for a long time and couldn't follow. If Lin Yixun or Mo Fei saw it, they would definitely recognize that it was something like a potion, and the liquid outside was the zombie mucus to ensure the stability of the potion.

Hearing Yulin's question, the man in black shook his head: "I don't know either. I'll take a few photos and send them back to the investigation team."

When several groups of photos were taken, neither of them noticed that the liquid in the bottle seemed to be affected, and began to produce some subtle changes.

But neither of them specialized in this kind of items, so no one noticed.

After taking the photo, the man in black sent the photo back to the communicator of Shao Qing, the leader of the investigation team, turned his head and glanced at Yulin: "You guys wait in the villa, I'm still watching outside to see if it's okay. Someone from the lab will come, so don't worry." Then he left.

Yulin sent the man in black away and locked the courtyard door before returning to the house.

According to what Mo Fei and the man in black said, Yulin closed the doors and windows, went upstairs and returned to her room.

The man in black returned to the previously hidden location and dialed Shao Qing's communicator again, told what happened just now in detail and asked Shao Qing to confirm the photos he had sent, and then continued to stay in the villa according to Shao Qing's instructions. Monitor the movement from the side.

Shao Qing pulled out the photo and looked at it, then took it to the detention room and prepared to identify it for Murphy.

Just when everyone thought it was very calm, suddenly, in the corner of the nine villas in the coral area, green liquid broke through the container, and mixed with the mucus of zombies, burst out.

The liquid splashed into the grass, and the grass grew rapidly, unexpectedly changing unexpectedly.

(End of this chapter)

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