Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 137 Mutation

Chapter 137 Mutation
After Shao Qing retrieved the picture taken by the man in black from the communicator, he looked at it carefully for a long time, but he couldn't draw any conclusions just by looking at it, so he took the picture to the detention room.

Murphy in the detention room did not practice Qi because he had just returned from the interrogation room, and just sat by the bed.

Hearing the door knock, Mo Fei raised his head subconsciously, and saw Shao Qing coming with some projected pictures.

"Murphy, do you know this thing?" Shao Qing showed the picture to Murphy.

When Mo Fei saw what was on the picture, he couldn't close his mouth and asked, "Where did this come from? Where was the picture taken?"

"Do you know this thing?" Shao Qing asked instead without answering.

"This is the potion." Murphy replied bluntly.

"What, is this the potion?"

Mo Fei nodded: "If I'm not mistaken, the green inside is the potion, and the outside is zombie mucus, which is used to stabilize the potion."

Seeing Shao Qing's thoughtful expression, Murphy couldn't help asking: "Where did you find this?"

"This... is from the courtyard of the villa where you live." Shao Qing replied after a pause.

"What?" Murphy stood up suddenly: "Is this thing in the yard of the villa where we live?"

"Don't get excited, we have already photographed the process of placement by the people in the laboratory, and we won't wrong you." Shao Qing thought that Murphy was so nervous because he was worried that it would be bad for him, so he said hastily.

Unexpectedly, Mo Fei took two steps forward and grabbed Shao Qing's arm: "It's not because of this. This thing is very dangerous and cannot be placed in our yard. Get someone to take it away."

"Didn't you say that the zombie mucus outside is a stabilizer? It shouldn't matter!" Only then did Shao Qing understand that Murphy was worried about Dr. Lin's situation in the villa.

"No, it's different. If they know about it, they will take some protective measures, but now this potion has no way to continue to provide fresh mucus protection. If they continue to let it go after an hour, I'm afraid there will be some changes." Murphy Quickly explained, of course, this knowledge was also told by Lin Yixun when Murphy was helping in the laboratory.

"Only an hour?" Shao Qing suddenly had a question.

"Yes, as far as I know, it's only one hour." Murphy nodded, and Lin Yixun told her the concept of this hour.

"However, from the time when the people in the laboratory put the things in and when I sent people to take pictures, it has been more than an hour now, almost three hours. However, my people are still monitoring nearby, so there should be no change " Shao Qing glanced at the time and said to Murphy.

"Even if it hasn't changed for the time being, it doesn't matter. This thing may put Dr. Lin and the others in danger at any time. I can't let you take risks with them." Murphy stared closely at Shao Qing with a very firm expression.

"I see, I will send someone to deal with it." Shao Qing also felt that there was nothing wrong with Murphy's thinking. After all, he was an important person and he couldn't bet on his life.

In the laboratory at this time, Dr. Zhong was watching the time from time to time.According to his plan, it should be almost time for the explosion at this time. He only needs to wait for the medicine to explode and be discovered, and then he can logically punish Murphy.

Dr. Zhong, who kept checking the time, felt a little anxious. Thinking of the experiment that could be carried out soon, he couldn't stop his enthusiasm.

At the same time, the man in black who was hiding in the corner and watching received a notification from Shao Qing, asking him to contact the people in the nine buildings in the coral area. It would be best to call Dr. Lin out so that he could look at the bottle hidden in the backyard.

After the man in black agreed, in order not to be noticed by others, he went around again and walked towards the villa where Lin Yixun was.

It's just that before I got there, I found something unusual.

Black plants crawled on the white walls of the original white-walled and red-roofed villa, making the originally beautiful house look hideous like a monster crawling from a distance.

The man in black is very sure that this thing didn't exist just now, where did it come from?
Looking down along the spreading leaves, the man in black found that the root seemed to be where the potion was placed before.

The man in black didn't care too much, first took pictures and sent them to Shao Qing, and then quickly ran towards the door of the villa.

Shao Qing was waiting for further news from the man in black, but received a new message, but when Shao Qing opened the message and saw the picture inside, he couldn't help being surprised.

Quickly returning to the detention room, Shao Qing handed the photo to Mo Fei: "What is this?"

Mo Fei couldn't sit still after glancing at the picture: "What is this? Why is there such a thing on the outer wall of the villa?"

Just as Shao Qing expressed that he didn't know, the communication signal of the man in black came in.

Before Shao Qing pressed the answer button to speak, the man in black on the opposite side said anxiously: "Team leader, something has happened, come quickly, the strange thing just photographed can eat people."

Because Shao Qing was beside Mo Fei, Mo Fei could hear it clearly. Hearing that this strange thing lying outside their villa could eat people, Mo Fei stood up and said, "I want to go too."

"No, you are a suspect, you can only wait here." Shao Qing held down Murphy and turned around to leave the detention room.

"Then I'm sorry." Mo Fei slashed at Shao Qing with one hand. Although Shao Qing was a criminal policeman before the end of the world, he was no match for Murphy who had been promoted four times in terms of speed and strength. Murphy knocked out.

Just now Shao Qing was anxious to come in to confirm the things on the picture, so he didn't lock the door, thinking about Yulin and Lin Yixun, Mo Fei didn't care too much and ran directly towards the door.

The guard found that Murphy had run away and hurried in to see Shao Qing.The guards went to get water to wake Shao Qing up, Shao Qing shook his head, and chased him out before he could change his clothes.

After getting outside, Murphy took a general look at the direction and ran desperately towards the coral area. She wanted to get there before the strange thing threatened the safety of the two sisters in the villa.

At this time, the man in black was also trying his best to shout into the villa, but no one responded.

In fact, Yulin and Lin Yixun could finally sleep peacefully for a while after receiving the news from Murphy because of their physical and mental exhaustion in the past two days, so they didn't know what was going on outside at the moment.

Just after the man in black received the task sent by Shao Qing and came to the gate of the villa, two people happened to walk by. The man in black hid again because it was inconvenient to come directly to Lin Yixun and the others. At this time, those two people leaned against the wall and seemed to be trading something.

And just when the two people exchanged things with each other, the strange black leaf in the courtyard suddenly stretched out like a tentacle, and the leaf quickly wrapped one of the people leaning on the wall and led it into the yard, and then it looked like A fruit-like spherical object quickly opened up, swallowing that person whole.

The other person by the wall backed away in panic, but was caught by another leaf and did not escape the fate of being swallowed.

The man in black saw the two living people being startled and broke out in a cold sweat. If he had passed by himself earlier, he might end up being swallowed, but where did this terrifying leaf come from?
Since there are not many people coming and going around here, it has not been noticed by more people for the time being. It is probably because there are usually few people here that the two unlucky people who were swallowed chose to do business here.

But at this moment, the man in black is praying that no one will come again, and hopes that Team Leader Shao Qing can come over and control the situation soon.

It's just that things often backfire. Just when the man in black was thinking that no one would come over, three people walked over from nowhere. The direction of those three people was right here, and they kept looking around, as if the goal was here .

These people are not others, but people from the laboratory where the medicine was placed before. Since the time set by them has passed, they don't seem to cause panic. Thinking that this area is relatively quiet, the worried doctor sent someone to check again , it would be more beneficial to create some public opinion if possible.

So a few people in the laboratory changed into casual clothes and walked towards the coral area.

Seeing that the three men were approaching the villa, the man in black had no choice but to go around the villa to stop the three men.

"Sorry to bother you, I want to go to Starfish District, how can I get there?" the man in black stopped the three people and asked for a reason.

"Just go that way." One of them pointed in a direction to the man in black.

The man in black saw the man walking forward after he finished speaking and quickly followed him: "I'm really sorry, I'm not familiar with the central area for the first time, can you please help me guide the way?"

"I'm afraid..."

The guide was about to speak but was stopped by another person: "Okay, we don't have much time to babble, so let's go."

The person who showed the way turned to the direction he just pointed and said again: "It's a straight road on this side, and the place where the white walls and light yellow roofs are reached is the starfish area."

"You can't finish it. If you can't find it, ask him to ask someone else." The person who was still guiding the man in black was abruptly dragged away by two other people.

Seeing that he couldn't stop the three of them, the man in black seized an item from the hand of one of the guides and ran away.

"My instrument." The man exclaimed and hurriedly chased after the man in black.

The other two didn't follow, and one of them poked the other: "It's annoying, he just likes to meddle in other people's business, let's leave him alone and finish the matter first, and report to the doctor when we get back. This guy will be lazy."

The other person who was questioned obviously had no objection either, and the two ignored the guide who had been robbed of his equipment and chased the man in black away, and continued walking towards Lin Yixun's villa.

(End of this chapter)

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