Chapter 141
When receiving the notification, Lin Yixun had just finished breakfast.

Early in the morning, the three of them got up and packed the last things they needed to bring into their backpacks, and then Yulin went out to get her breakfast.

The three of them had just finished their breakfast when there was a hasty knock on the door.

The person who came was the team leader Zhang who came to the sea base together with the star base.

"Leader Zhang, what's the matter?" Murphy saw that it was Leader Zhang after he opened the door, but asked anxiously after seeing Leader Zhang's expression.

"Murphy, the plane that picked you up lost contact with us, and then the Star Base sent another plane, which originally said it would arrive a little later, but we didn't notify you, who knew that plane lost contact again. "

Leader Zhang quickly told Murphy about the matter.

"Team leader Zhang, don't worry. Lost contact? Could it be because of poor signal like last time?" Mo Fei hurriedly comforted team leader Zhang and then asked.

Leader Zhang shook his head: "At first we also thought that the signal might be bad, but after so long, if it was simply a lack of signal, the first plane to depart should have arrived, but it didn't."

"I know Team Leader Zhang, so let's wait and see." Murphy nodded to Team Leader Zhang.

"We will also discuss another plan. If the plane can reach the best, if not, we will think of other ways."

"Well, okay, we will discuss with you if we think of anything."

"Then I'll go back first, and I hope there won't be any complications." Seeing that Murphy knew the ins and outs of the matter, Team Leader Zhang left and returned to the villa where he lived.

When Mo Fei turned around and came back, Lin Yixun and Yulin not only cleaned the dishes, but also took down their things.

"Feifei, who came just now?" Lin Yixun asked as he put his backpack on the sofa.

"Yixun, whether we can leave today is still a question."

Lin Yixun originally put the backpack away, and sat down on the sofa by himself. Unexpectedly, there was such an unexpected situation, and he stood up suddenly: "No way? We can't go back?"

Murphy shrugged: "It's not good yet, but even if we can go back, it will be too late."

Hearing Murphy's answer, Lin Yixun looked disappointed: "I thought I'd be able to arrive at the star base at noon today, but I got up so early."

Seeing this, Yulin quickly comforted Lin Yixun: "Yixun, it's not a certainty, don't worry, you can go back anyway."

"Then what are you doing now? How about I go back and catch up on sleep?" Seeing that he couldn't return to the star base immediately, Lin Yixun asked listlessly.

"Alright, you can sleep a little longer, and I'll check the situation." Mo Fei looked at the time and decided to go to Team Leader Zhang to hear the results.

So Yulin and Lin Yixun stayed in the villa, while Murphy went out and walked towards the villa where Team Leader Zhang lived.

Leader Zhang's team is very well organized. They originally assembled early for today's affairs, but unexpectedly, something unexpected happened.

So they didn't disperse, and the whole group gathered at the place where Team Leader Zhang lived to study the next step, what to do if the plane from the star base couldn't get through.

Murphy came to Team Leader Zhang's villa and knocked on the door, which was opened by a guard.

The guard knew Murphy, and after notifying Team Leader Zhang, Murphy was invited into the villa.

"Xiao Mo is here, have you told Dr. Lin about this?" Seeing Murphy come in, Team Leader Zhang asked.

Murphy nodded in response: "I've told her, she went to rest again, I'll check the situation."

"Okay then, sit down!" Leader Zhang pointed to an empty single sofa in the corner and said.

Murphy walked over and sat down, and then listened to Team Leader Zhang and other officials dispatched this time to sum up the progress.

After listening for a long time, Murphy felt that team leader Zhang and other officials meant to wait for the plane sent by the star base to pick them up, trying to delay the return time.Of course, there are also different opinions. Some suggested that the convoy should bring the things first, and leave a few people to accompany Lin Yixun to wait for the plane from the star base to pick them up, because the exchanged goods have already been loaded, and once they wait, the quality guarantee may be delayed. the term.

Hearing this, Murphy couldn't help but raised his hand towards Team Leader Zhang, signaling that he wanted to speak.

Seeing Murphy's movements, Team Leader Zhang stopped and looked at Murphy: "Xiao Mo, do you have anything to say?"

Murphy stood up and walked towards the conference circle: "Excuse me, I want to disturb you."

"Tell me!" Leader Zhang, who was hesitating what to do, said, motioning to Murphy.

Only then did Murphy express his opinion: "Actually, I don't think it's a good idea to wait."

An official on the side who advocated that the convoy go ahead quickly said: "Right! It's better to be a bystander. Waiting really doesn't work. Not to mention the goods, our personnel are also a great waste."

Murphy turned his head and smiled at the official, then continued: "No, I'm not saying that the convoy goes first. After all, you forgot why Dr. Lin was picked up by a plane from the star base, and why did you leave the sea base first?"

After what Mo Fei said, the personnel of the star base were a little puzzled, and only the leader Zhang couldn't help nodding.

Leader Zhang looked up at Murphy and then said to the officials, "Wait a minute, Xiao Mo and I will go up and talk about her point of view."

When the team leader spoke like this, the people below would naturally not have any doubts, so team leader Zhang led Murphy to a room upstairs.

After entering the room, Team Leader Zhang stared at Mo Fei, looking unnaturally: "Team Leader Zhang, what do you want to say to me alone?"

Team leader Zhang then said: "It seems that Dr. Lin trusts you very much. Most people don't know about it. They only know that Dr. Lin came to jointly develop medicine with Haiji."

It was only then that Mo Fei suddenly realized, no wonder the officials he thought of didn't think of it, it turned out that it was because they didn't know the importance of Lin Yixun's contacts.

"Since you are clear, let's talk about Dr. Lin's fate!" Leader Zhang opened his mouth when he saw Murphy's relieved expression.

"Leader Zhang, Dr. Lin's last mission here should be clear to you, right?" Murphy asked tentatively.

Leader Zhang nodded: "Of course, it is impossible for everyone not to know that what Dr. Lin is going to change this time is very important, and it is of great significance to the bases of both parties. Even once we complete the things we provided this time , can ensure that the star base is more secure."

"So, Dr. Lin can't stay alone, but if the convoy doesn't leave, it will really waste time, so I think that if we can't get in touch with the plane dispatched by the star base today, maybe we should let Dr. Lin leave with the convoy." Murphy said bluntly. Leader Zhang said.

"Xiao Mo, it's not that I haven't thought about this issue, but once the things are exchanged, Dr. Lin's safety will not be guaranteed. We also have to consider the problems that may arise in the future."

"However, now is the time for humans to unanimously deal with zombies. The sea base should not be so extreme, right?" Murphy said.

"You guys are too young to understand. Sometimes they will do more unexpected things for the sake of human beings." Leader Zhang shook his head. Although he guessed that the sea base would not, he couldn't take risks for it.

Murphy thought for a while and said to Team Leader Zhang: "Team Leader Zhang, please contact the Star Base again. If the plane still can't be contacted, let Dr. Lin and the others go with the car, and I will stay and exchange items."

"How can this be done, this thing is very important, I know Xiao Mo, you are very skilled, but..."

"Don't worry, I won't abscond with my belongings."

"It's not about this, it's just how do you go in the future?" Team leader Zhang is indeed interested in Murphy's proposal, but more follow-up questions are also very serious.

First of all, how should Murphy leave after exchanging things, and whether she will be detained directly holding important things alone.

As if seeing Team Leader Zhang’s consideration, Murphy ignored Team Leader Zhang’s questioning and continued to say, “I didn’t intend to exchange directly, but let Dr. Hand over the items of the star base, so that even if they want to do something again, it will be too late, and it is meaningless to detain a person like me who does not know how to develop experiments, isn't it?"

Murphy's words made Team Leader Zhang's eyes brighten: "This is indeed a good method, but first of all, how do you convince Dr. Lin to hand over the things to you for safekeeping, and secondly, why do the people at the sea base trust you?"

Murphy smiled mysteriously: "Leader Zhang, what if I said that the important thing is with me now? Do you think I will say this for nothing?"

Team leader Zhang was taken aback: "You mean, the plastic figure is on your body now?"

"Yes, and I guarantee that none of you will find what I have hidden." Murphy replied confidently.

"Okay, even if this problem is solved. Then how do you get the people at the sea base to agree to let Dr. Lin leave with the things first and let you do the follow-up exchange?" Leader Zhang couldn't help asking again.

"I have my own way of doing this. The question now is what do you think of my proposal? If the plane at the star base cannot arrive today, will we follow the plan I said tomorrow morning?" Murphy did not answer Zhang Zhang directly, but asked instead .

"Okay, I promise you temporarily, but you have to convince the person in charge of this matter at the sea base before you leave tomorrow." Leader Zhang nodded.

"Since you agree, I will make a few more requests."

"Let's talk! I'll definitely help if it's within my ability." It would be a good idea if it goes as smoothly as Murphy said, so Team Leader Zhang agreed immediately.

"I need a car. The performance doesn't have to be particularly good, but it needs to be an aerodynamic car. Of course, the better the performance, the better." Murphy said.

"This is easy to do. I will definitely find you a good aerodynamic car." Leader Zhang agreed without hesitation.

"Besides, I need some tools and parts, and leave some food for me, and don't wait for me if I don't catch up on the way." Murphy stopped and thought for a while: "By the way, I still need a compass, that's all gone."

The two were talking when suddenly the guard outside knocked on the door: "Leader, the location of the Star Base plane has been confirmed."

(End of this chapter)

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