Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 142 Follow the investigation

Chapter 142 Follow the investigation
The arrival of the guard disrupted the plans of the two of them, and then Murphy hurriedly got up to open the door.

The guard at the door quickly came in and reported to Team Leader Zhang: "Team leader, just now the tuner received the aircraft tracking code sent by the star base, and the location has been determined just now. On the same route of 8 kilometers, the distance from the sea base is only more than 100 kilometers.”

"Why is this happening, let's go, send a car to take a look." Leader Zhang got up and went out quickly.

Murphy followed Team Leader Zhang and the guard out of the room and went downstairs. Several officials downstairs were still discussing whether the convoy should leave or not.

Seeing Team Leader Zhang coming down, several officials stood up one after another.

"Don't sit still, everyone. I just received a message saying that the location of the plane sent by the star base has been confirmed. It is only more than 100 kilometers away from here. Let's go over and see what's going on."

"Team leader, you must not go." One of the officials stopped immediately after hearing this: "Do you think, if it is normal, can the plane not fly over? Something must have happened, and we don't know if it will happen if we rush over." What's the problem."

Team leader Zhang thought about it, and the official was right, so he decided to send two guards to drive to check, and equipped with a satellite contactor.

After the arrangement was made, Team Leader Zhang looked back at Murphy: "No matter what the result here is, I will still arrange your proposal. Once the plane here is really unable to continue the mission, we will proceed as we just said."

Mo Fei nodded, and then said goodbye to Lin Yixun first.

Murphy, who left the team leader Zhang's villa, did not return to Lin Yixun's villa, but followed the two guards who went to investigate the situation, got into the sturdy and fast investigation vehicle and left the base.

Until the car stopped again, Murphy hid under the seat of the side door.Murphy didn't get out of the car until the two guards were gone.

The surrounding area looks a bit desolate, there are no buildings, only a lot of hills, which should be regarded as the mountainous location here.

"Why did it fall here?" Murphy muttered, then pulled the Suying Spear out of the storage talisman and held it in his hand.

Although this won't do much if something goes wrong, it can at least give Murphy a sense of security.

Holding the Suying gun, he walked towards the direction where the two guards left, looking around while walking, but the surroundings were quiet but there was an indescribable sense of oppression.

Because the two guards were holding detectors, they quickly found the plane sent by the star base. Unexpectedly, the plane had crashed, leaving only a skeleton after burning and exploding.

The two guards looked at each other with the forensics device they were about to bring out and took a quick shot at the scene, then turned on the satellite communicator they had received and prepared to contact Team Leader Zhang who was waiting for news at the base.

"Huh? Is the satellite communicator broken? Why can't it be connected?" The person holding the communicator muttered while pressing on the communicator.

"No way, it was fine when we came out, don't you know how to use it?" Another guard couldn't help asking with a smile when he saw that his colleague hadn't fixed it for a long time.

"How could it be impossible to use it? I have used this thing a long time ago, and I was specifically instructed to do so just after it came out. I still have a copy of the instructions in my wristwatch." The guard who still couldn't connect to the signal saw that his colleagues underestimated him , hastily defended himself.

"Really? Show me the instructions, it may be improper operation! When I just came out, I saw that our tuner tried it on purpose and it was fine."

"Okay, let's take a look!" The person holding the satellite contactor called up the data in his watch and showed it to the guard.

The guard looked at it carefully for a while, and then reopened step by step according to the above instructions, but still couldn't connect.

"If you see it, I'll say it's not my problem!"

While the two were still discussing the communicator, they didn't realize that two zombies crawled out of the fuselage behind them.

If two people could notice, they would find that the two zombies were the pilot and co-pilot of the plane judging from their clothes.

The two zombies climbed out of the cabin one after another and slowly crawled towards the two guards. When the two guards heard a small sound behind them and turned around, the two zombies were already close at hand, and they pushed one of the guards to the ground at once. , opened his mouth wide and bit the guard with sharp teeth.

The other guard ran away in fright. The communicator dropped to the ground and didn't bother to pick it up, and then disappeared into the mountains.

At this time, Murphy, because he didn't have a detector, could only look for it based on the traces left by the two guards on the ground, so it took him a long time to find the wreckage of the plane.

As soon as he got close, Murphy saw three zombies wandering aimlessly in front of the plane in the distance.

And one of the zombies is obviously one of the two guards who came with the car before, and the other two should be the pilot and co-pilot of the plane.

Murphy looked around and there was nothing else, and the other guard disappeared.

These three zombies have just mutated, so all three are just ordinary C zombies.

Not thinking about other things, Mo Fei ran straight forward to the fuselage of the plane with the plain gun in his hand. Soon the three zombies also noticed Mo Fei and ran towards him.

Mo Fei quickly stabbed the Suying spear forward, first blocked the pace of one of the zombies, then turned around and kicked the body of the other zombie.

The zombie who was stabbed first fell to the ground, and the other two zombies were completely killed after a fight by Murphy.

After confirming that the three zombies were dead, Mo Fei fumbled on the clothes of the three zombies' bodies.

But apart from some documents, nothing special was found.

Murphy put the ID cards of the three people in his pocket, and walked to the wreckage of the plane.

The entire plane seemed to have fallen from above, because there were no long taxi marks around it.

Looking around, only one instrument was still on, with red dots flashing on it, it should be the detector brought by the two guards this time.It is to enter the internal contact code of the aircraft to find the specific location of the aircraft.

Murphy picked up the detector, and there was another red dot not far above it, which should be the landing point of another plane.

"Go over there and check the situation, but I don't know where the other guard has gone." Murphy shouted to the surroundings while talking to himself: "Is there anyone? Did you hear me? Is anyone there? "

After shouting for a long time, no one answered. Murphy estimated that the guard must have been killed if he ran away.

Murphy looked around again, and saw that there was nothing to take away around him. He was about to leave to check in the next location, but found an instrument lying not far away.

Running over to pick up the instrument, Murphy recognized it as a satellite communicator.But there seems to be no signal inside, only a "rustling" noise.

Looking forward in this direction, there is the entrance of a hill in front, which is a good place to hide.

"The guard must have hid inside." Murphy thought for a while and walked towards the entrance of the mountain.

After walking for a while, Murphy came to a small valley surrounded by mountains. Judging from the messy grass trampled on the slope, the guard should have climbed up from here.

Mo Fei looked up and saw that the mountain was not high, so he shouted loudly: "Hey, do you hear me? Come out quickly."

The voice echoed in the valley, but no one responded to Murphy.

However, in a cave not far away, hundreds of black images rolled over like a black cloth, and then flew along the other side.

Seeing that there seemed to be no response to his shout, Murphy glanced at the early time, and then climbed up along the climbing tracks.

Soon Murphy reached the top of this not-so-high hill, and there was no one in sight, but there was a pit not far away.

Murphy walked to the edge of the pit and squatted down to have a look, then yelled into it twice, but there was still no response.

Standing up again and preparing to leave, he found that on the other side of a hill, a plane was burning, and thick black smoke billowed from the sky. It was obvious that it was another plane coming to pick up Lin Yixun's star base .

After walking a few steps towards the edge that he just climbed up, Murphy was going to look at the other side.

Unexpectedly, before leaving, there was a sound of flapping wings inside the cave, and then a zombie was pushed out from the cave.

Mo Fei quickly raised the Suying Spear to his body, and when he took a closer look at the pushed zombie, Mo Fei was taken aback.

Judging from his clothes, this should be another guard.

But something is wrong, how did this guard turn into a zombie?
Because, if he died and became a zombie after being injured by those two zombies, then the guard must have been seriously injured, because the person who turned into a zombie so quickly must have died.

However, there seemed to be no trace of the second person being injured at the location just now, and there was not even a single drop of blood found along the way.

Judging from the guard's body now, he didn't have any scars at all. Except for a little dirt on his clothes, which was probably rubbed off when he was climbing the mountain before, he was clean and tidy.

And this guard who had turned into a zombie was actually pushed out from the pit of the slope, so there must be something inside that turned him into a zombie.

Although the guard who had just turned into a zombie was not a threat to Murphy at all, but Murphy was a little afraid of something that could turn a living person into a zombie inside.

As the zombie guard approached Mo Fei, Mo Fei quickly killed the ordinary C zombie, which had just become a zombie, with a tassel gun, and then stared at the pothole vigilantly.

I just waited for a long time and nothing came out.

Curiously, Murphy took a few steps forward, leaning forward to look into the pothole on the slope.

There seemed to be nothing dark inside, but Murphy still didn't dare to go in rashly.

While hesitating, there was a loud noise in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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