Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 143 Wounded

Chapter 143 Wounded
Murphy, who heard the loud noise, looked up into the distance, only to see the plane that was still burning just now exploded with a "boom".

With the explosion, the second plane was completely confessed.

Murphy shook his head: Although the situation was not ascertained, the two planes crashed at such a short distance, and they seemed to have lost contact before the accident, so there must be something nearby.

Just as he was thinking, Mo Fei suddenly saw that there seemed to be a person crawling on the ground in the distance, and that person was still struggling to crawl forward.

"That man is still alive!" Murphy slapped his thigh. This man might be the survivor this time, and he might know something.

Thinking about it this way, Murphy wasn't going to continue to get fat in this cave that didn't know what would be inside. He took out the identity card and the recorder on his hand from the zombie guard, and turned around towards the cave. The way to go down the mountain before.

Using both hands and feet, he quickly descended the mountain, and Murphy quickly walked to the place where the two guards had parked before.

Having just got the key, when he came to the car, Murphy twisted the key and drove to the place where another plane crashed according to his memory.

Although the distance is very close from the top of the hill, as the saying goes, looking at the mountain to death, if Murphy just drives in that direction, he probably won't be able to find the exact location until dark.

Fortunately, Murphy brought the detector with him, and quickly found another plane that had an accident by driving the detector according to the direction of the red dot on it.

After stopping the car, Murphy grabbed his plain gun and ran towards the spot he saw just now.

When Murphy ran to the wreckage of the plane after the explosion, the plane was still there, but the pilot who was still alive was gone.

The man just saw that he was crawling forward a little bit on the ground, which meant that he couldn't even walk upright. It should be a serious injury or a leg injury, but why he disappeared now?It is impossible for a wounded person to climb too far!

Murphy began to search around, trying to find the wounded around.

After searching for a long time, Murphy couldn't find where the wounded man was. Seeing that the surrounding area was quite empty, Murphy shouted loudly towards the surrounding area.

In order to find someone, Mo Fei had been shouting for a long time just now, and now he felt a little thirsty.

Looking around, he found a big flat rock in the distance behind the mountain. Murphy decided to rest on the big rock and drink some water before continuing to look for the wounded.

Just when he reached the big rock, Mo Fei heard a small voice.

Quickly pushed aside the grass and looked in, a person was lying in there with his eyes closed and "humming", apparently unconscious.

"No wonder I couldn't find it. I passed out after hiding here." Murphy muttered before going to help the wounded man.

After picking up the wounded and placing them on the boulder, Murphy quickly ran back to the car and drove the car over.

After helping the wounded to the back of the car, Murphy jumped into the car. After starting the car, Murphy turned on the automatic navigation and drove towards the sea base.

Although the distance is not too far, but because the mountain road is relatively winding, the car circled non-stop on the mountain road, making Mo Fei feel dizzy.

And the unconscious wounded man lying on the back seat stopped moaning after another bump, but because the road was still uneven, Murphy didn't notice the slight voice of the wounded man.

As soon as he was about to leave the mountain, the wounded man in the back struggled to sit up.

Lin Yixun finally woke up after a full sleep, stretched his waist, got up and left the room.

Yulin had woken up early in the room, because Lin Yixun was still asleep so she didn't move around for fear of waking her up.At this moment, hearing the door from Lin Yixun's side, Yulin opened the door.

"Yi Xun woke up, it's past lunch time, are you hungry?"

"Sister Yulin, I slept too full, and I'm not hungry at all now." Lin Yixun smiled at Yulin and asked, "Sister Yulin, where's Feifei?"

"Feifei said to go to Team Leader Zhang to have a look, but she hasn't come back so far. I don't know if there is something important."

"It's been a long time, is there anything wrong?" Lin Yixun asked worriedly.

"How about we go and have a look?"

Yulin was also a little worried before, but after all, if she went, whether she could go in would be a problem, but it would be different with Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun nodded: "Okay, wait for me, I'll change clothes and come out right away."

The two changed their clothes and went out, and drove towards Team Leader Zhang's villa.

Leader Zhang is waiting for the two guards who went out to investigate the situation to come back, because they said they had entered the mountainous area during the last call with them, but after entering, there was no way to contact them.If you can't get in touch for the time being, you can only wait anxiously.

At this moment, the door of the villa rang suddenly, and team leader Zhang hurriedly called for someone to open the door.

After the door of the villa was opened, it was discovered that Lin Yixun was not the guard standing outside the door.

"Dr. Lin, are you here for something?" Although Lin Yixun is very young, Team Leader Zhang still respects Lin Yixun.

"Team Leader Zhang, I want to ask Feifei why she hasn't returned when she came to you to ask about the situation. Is there anything I can do for her?" Lin Yixun asked after greeting Team Leader Zhang.

Leader Zhang paused, and then asked Lin Yixun: "Didn't Murphy go back?"

"Leader Zhang, what do you mean? Feifei is not here?"

Leader Zhang hurriedly let Lin Yixun in first, then closed the door and brought Lin Yixun and Yulin to the upstairs room.

"Dr. Lin, Murphy did come here in the morning, but she left after she said she wanted to go back. It has been several hours." Leader Zhang looked at his watch and said to Lin Yixun.

"No way, Feifei didn't go back at all, nothing will happen, right?" Lin Yixun was a little anxious.

"She can't have an accident, isn't your sculpture still on her?" Leader Zhang also looked anxious.

Lin Yixun looked at Team Leader Zhang again: "Team Leader Zhang, how do you know that the picture is on Feifei's body?"

Team leader Zhang saw that Lin Yixun didn't seem to know about Murphy's plan, but now that he had said everything, he asked Yulin to stay in the house and brought Lin Yixun into the room, and then explained Murphy and their plan.

"I don't agree, Feifei is not a hostage anymore?" Lin Yixun shook her head after hearing this, with dissatisfaction written all over her face.

"Dr. Lin, we didn't force her to do this, she picked this out on her own initiative, and we don't feel at ease if someone else takes the plastic drawing." Leader Zhang quickly replied.

"That's not okay, I can't leave Feifei alone. Even if we don't talk about our personal friendship, just say that only she knows the location of important materials, we can't let her have any mistakes." Lin Yixun saw Zhang The team leader seemed to agree to Murphy's request and said quickly.

"What's the matter with the important materials?" Leader Zhang asked without knowing why.

The last time they arrested Murphy, they didn't know the specific reason. They only knew that Murphy was identified as a criminal at the time, but he was later released. The specific situation is not very clear.

Lin Yixun shook his head: "I can't say this, especially since we are still at the sea base. The less people know about this, the better. You just need to know that Murphy is also very important."

Seeing that Lin Yixun refused to say anything, Team Leader Zhang had no choice. After all, the issue of materials was a matter between the laboratories, and it was not something he, the person who led the team, could manage.

"But, where is Feifei now?" Lin Yixun saw that the topic finally stopped, and only then did he think about Murphy again.

"Dr. Lin, don't worry, you will be fine in the base." Team leader Zhang hurriedly comforted Lin Yixun, but he stopped and said, "Small Mo..."

"Leader Zhang, did you think of something?" Lin Yixun asked quickly.

"At that time, we received the plane that lost contact to confirm the specific location, and then I sent someone to check it. After that, Murphy said to leave, but she didn't go back. Could it be that she followed to check the situation of the plane?"

Leader Zhang's analysis was indeed correct, but at this time Murphy was fighting in the car.

The wounded man just now was too seriously injured, coupled with the ruggedness of the mountain road, he was already dead.But not long after the wounded died, he mutated into a zombie, and while Mo Fei was not paying attention, he stretched out sharp claws from the back.

Fortunately, Murphy's quick reaction, the zombie only grabbed Murphy's collar, and did not hurt his neck.

But how big the space in the car could be, so even though Murphy dodged, he couldn't fight back, and the length of the plain gun became a burden at this time.

But because of dodging back and forth, the dagger stuck in the boot could not be taken out.

This was a pain for Mo Fei, who was dodging back and forth between the driver and the co-pilot. Fortunately, the car had the function of automatic navigation, otherwise, he would have rolled into the nearby ravine long ago.

After leaving the mountain, Mo Fei had no time to stop the car because he had to dodge the claws of the zombies all the time, so he could only let it drive forward.

Seeing that the car had reached the big slope of the star base, the car finally stopped.There was a slight deviation from the position Mophy set just now.

But the car had already stopped on a half slope, and now after it stopped suddenly, the car went backwards and slid down.

The car was slipping, but Murphy still had no way to control the car unless she could hold back the attack of the zombies.However, although Murphy now has a four-level foundation, and his physical fitness is definitely not inferior to that of ordinary body-enhanced mutants, he still has no way to achieve the state where the zombies attack the back without changing their appearance.

The speed of the car was not fast when it slid down the slope, but due to the inertia, the speed of the car was getting faster and faster.Moreover, the position of this big slope is not a straight road, but a circling curve, with sea cliffs on both sides of the curve.

At this time, the zombies in the car had already been stabbed many times by Murphy, but it was a pity that the space inside was too small, so many stabs did not hit the vital parts of the zombies.

Seeing that the car was about to slide to the edge of the sea cliff, Murphy still couldn't stop the car.

(End of this chapter)

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