Chapter 144
Unable to stop, Murphy lay his whole body flat on the driver's seat and the passenger's seat, but his waist was painfully separated by the joystick.

There was no way, and Mo Fei didn't care about the pain. With one hand, he blocked the zombie's blow with the plain gun horizontally, and then with the other hand, he pulled out the dagger from his boot.

At the same time as the dagger was drawn out, Mo Fei stabbed the dagger into the zombie's head, stirred vigorously, and the viscous liquid flowed down the dagger, and some even dripped onto the lying Mo Fei's face.

Regardless of the mess, Mo Fei tried his best to push the zombie back, and the completely dead zombie was pushed to lie on the back.

The car is only a few meters away from the sea cliff at this moment, and it will fall down in minutes.

Murphy quickly opened the car door on the co-pilot's side with his hand, and put the Suying gun in his hand into the storage talisman. Then he jumped and rolled from the co-pilot's seat to the ground, and the car carried the zombie It is stacked under the sea cliff.

Murphy rolled on the ground several times before stopping, his arms and face were scratched by the stones and road surface.

After finally sitting up, Mo Fei wiped the mucus on his face and stood up, then walked towards the gate of the sea base holding his dislocated arm.

At the gate, Murphy took out his temporary foreign base pass and swiped it on the door, then entered the gate.

However, when he entered the third floor gate, he was stopped by someone.

"Sorry, because you were injured, we can't tell if your wound was caused by a zombie, so we can't let you in." The soldier guarding the gate said politely to Murphy.

Mo Fei nodded: "I understand, but I have something urgent, can you please help me to invite the team leader Zhang who came to the Star Base this time to come and see me?"

"That's not okay, because you are all personnel from foreign bases, so we can't let you get in touch, just in case." The guard continued to reply.

Murphy understood that this was because he was worried that someone would intentionally bring the virus into the base: "Since we can't see people from other bases, can I trouble you to invite the investigation team leader Shao Qing?"

Since it is impossible for outsiders to contact each other, then the base should be able to!But she really doesn't know anyone here at the sea base except Shao Qing, so she can't call Dr. Zhong, he is worried that he can't keep him.

Hearing that Murphy said he was looking for Shao Qing, the guard quickly dialed the switchboard of the investigation team.

Who in the sea base does not know that Shao Qing of the investigation team is a very capable person, so the guards did not dare to neglect the outsiders who asked Shao Qing directly, and quickly connected Shao Qing's phone.

Mo Fei took the phone and said to Shao Qing who was on the opposite side: "Group Leader Shao, I'm Murphy. I'm currently trapped at the third-floor city gate of the sea base because of some injuries. But I have something important to do. Can I trouble you to come here?"

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll be here later." Through previous contacts, Shao Qing knew that Murphy was not the kind of person who made up things casually, so he put down the phone, got in the car and drove towards the door.

The guard asked Mo Fei to wait in the small room on the side first, and when Shao Qing reached the gate on the third floor, he was brought into the small house by the guard.

"What's the important thing?" Shao Qing asked before entering the room after pushing the door open.

"Team Leader Shao, you are here. The situation is as follows." Murphy explained in detail what he had followed the personnel to investigate and the strange crash of the two planes, and the fact that there was no signal in that area. .

"So, the loss of signal at our sea base may also have something to do with that area?" Shao Qing is worthy of being the leader of the investigation team, and quickly figured out the problem in Murphy's words.

"That's my judgment. I'm not sure yet, but it's best to find the reason. After all, if the plane cannot be dispatched, it will be even more impossible to support here in the future." Murphy said, and then put the ID cards of several personnel Take it out and give it to Shao Qing.

"Leader Shao, this is the ID card of those people I received, because I can't leave, can you bring it to Team Leader Zhang?"

Shao Qing nodded after receiving a few ID cards: "This is no problem, and where is the area you mentioned, please draw it for me."

Putting the ID card away, Shao Qing called up the map of the surrounding area in his electronic notebook and handed it to Murphy.

Murphy circled the area where he went to confirm the wreckage of the plane before him with a stylus, then pointed to a section of mountain between the two areas and said: "There is a strange place in the valley here, I think it is necessary to investigate , but it seems very dangerous inside, there is something that can quickly turn people into zombies, but I really can't figure out what it is."

"Make people turn into zombies quickly?" Shao Qing emphasized Murphy's words.

"Yes, it's another guard I was looking for. I didn't expect that guard to mutate into a zombie without any fatal injuries, so I think there must be something in that cave." Murphy replied emphatically.

Shao Qing re-marked the place Murphy said with a stylus pen, and then put away the electronic notebook.

"By the way, are your injuries okay?"

"The bruise is not a big problem, but the arm seems to be a little dislocated." Murphy pointed to the left arm that was not moving freely and replied.

"You should have said earlier that I brought the doctor here directly, how about this, I will go back first, and I will arrange a doctor surnamed An to treat you for a while, please bear with me for a while!"

Mo Fei nodded, Shao Qing then turned and left the hut and went out to explain a few words to the guard before leaving.

Probably Shao Qing's care had an effect. After a while, the guard brought Mo Fei some food and water.

After waiting for a while, a man who looked about 40 years old came in from outside: "Murphy, right?"

Murphy nodded.

The man continued: "My surname is An, and it was Team Leader Shao who asked me to come and treat you."

"I'm sorry to trouble you, but my left arm is a little dislocated, and my face and hands are a little bruised." Murphy said and stretched out his right hand.

Dr. An nodded: "I have roughly heard about it. Let me check your dislocation first."

The doctor surnamed An supported Murphy's shoulder while talking, and pressed it lightly with the balls of his fingers: "It's okay, it's just a little shifted and it hasn't been completely disengaged. Please bear with it." The doctor surnamed An said By then, his hand had already pushed Murphy's arm up.

Murphy only felt a sharp pain, and then his arm relaxed a lot, and it seemed that it had returned to its position.

"Okay, the position has recovered, but don't try too hard recently, you still need to raise it." Dr. An said and began to fix Murphy with a bandage.

"Usually you need to hang the sling for 4 to 6 weeks, but your dislocation is not serious, but you have to hang it for at least a week. Stopping the movement in this way can make the position heal more smoothly. Then slowly move the shoulder joint Practice, but strenuous activities are not acceptable, and you can’t be hit like this again for at least three months.” Dr. An told Murphy.

"Understood Dr. An."

After wrapping up the sling, Dr. An took out a potion to disinfect Mo Fei's wound, and finally applied the potion: "That's all, don't touch the water for the next three days, and take a bath after the wound scabs, but don't rub it too hard. Don't soak for too long."

"I remember these things, Dr. An, thank you." Murphy didn't get up because his arms were tied and it was inconvenient to move. He just thanked Dr. An with a smile.

"You don't need to thank me. That's fine. Since there's nothing wrong with it, I'll go back. I'll leave these medicines for you to use on wounds every day." Dr. An left two small bottles of medicine and some cotton swabs on the table before leaving.

At this time, after Shao Qing called his team members to arrange things, he drove to the villa of team leader Zhang.

While team leader Zhang and Lin Yixun were continuing to wait for the guards and Murphy who might follow the guards to investigate the situation, there was another knock on the door, and there was the sound of a car before them, which made them get up quickly and head towards the gate run away.

When he opened the door, he found that it was not the two guards who went to investigate, and of course, it was not Murphy, but Shao Qing, the leader of the investigation team at the sea base.

"Hello, Team Leader Shao, I just don't know what's the matter with Team Leader Shao?" Leader Zhang asked.

Seeing that it was Shao Qing, Lin Yixun turned around and walked towards the sofa again. She was not interested in dealing with the personnel at the sea base.

But then Lin Yixun turned around again.

Because Shao Qing said to Team Leader Zhang, "This is Team Leader Zhang. I came here at the request of Murphy."

"Feifei, what's wrong with Feifei? Where is she now?" Lin Yixun rushed back and asked.

"Dr. Lin, please don't be so excited, Murphy is fine." Shao Qing quickly stopped the excited Lin Yixun.

"Then where is Xiao Mo now?" Captain Zhang knew that Lin Yixun could not ask now, and his emotions would definitely get agitated again.

Only then did Shao Qing take Murphy out with the guards, and the two guards turned into zombies, as well as the strange phenomenon over there and the fact that he was slightly injured on the way back and is now at the third-floor city gate of the sea base. over again.

"Don't worry, I checked. Murphy's injury is indeed a bruise, but the base also has a base system, so I can only let her be wronged and stay at the third-floor city gate. In addition, I just sent a doctor to Help her heal." Shao Qing said quickly after seeing Lin Yixun, feeling a little excited again.

"Thank you very much, Team Leader Shao, but can I meet Xiao Mo? We will leave tomorrow to return to the star base. There may be some things to explain."

Before Team Leader Zhang finished speaking, Lin Yixun yelled out: "No, I disagree with that matter."

"What's the matter?" Shao Qing asked curiously about the riddle-like conversation between Lin Yixun and Team Leader Zhang.

"I'm sorry, Team Leader Shao, I can't tell you until it's confirmed, but if the details are confirmed, you'll know about it tomorrow, but I promise it's not something that's bad for the sea base." Leader Zhang didn't know how to answer Shao Qing had no choice but to say.

"Even so, I still can't let you meet. After all, the system of the sea base is not formulated today." Shao Qing shook his head.

"This..." Leader Zhang fell silent for a moment, unable to see Murphy, how to solve the departure tomorrow?
(End of this chapter)

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