Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 145 A new round of siege

Chapter 145 A New Round of Siege

In a small room at the third-floor city gate of the sea base, Murphy was lying sideways on the bed.

Because the arms will be tied for a few days, the best way to recover as soon as possible is to have a good rest.

After running for a long time, Murphy lay down on the bed after eating something, completely unaware that at this time, the investigation team leader Shao Qing and Lin Yixun were about to fight.

"Leader Shao, it's fine not to let Feifei in. We can understand it, so as not to bring in the virus, but why don't you let us see her?" .

But this is the sea base, and without official permission, they really couldn't see Murphy.

"Dr. Lin, I guarantee that Murphy is fine now, but you really can't see her. If you want to see her, you can only see her after you leave the base or after she has been monitored for 48 hours." Shao Qing still explained flatly.

"Is there no other way for me to see her?" Lin Yixun asked unwillingly.

"There is no way." Shao Qing replied affirmatively.

"Well, we'll leave tomorrow, but please tell the base that things won't be exchanged." Lin Yixun said with a straight face and ignored Shao Qing, pulling Yulin who was still persuading him, and walked out the door.

"Wait, Dr. Lin, what did you say that there is no exchange?" Although Shao Qing didn't know what Lin Yixun was talking about, it must be related to the big event between the star base and the sea base. He ran to the command center and told the command that the people at the star base gave up the exchange because of some trivial matters.

"You don't need to worry about this. Anyway, Feifei is not here, so there is really no way to exchange it. Well, you can just tell the base commander that way." Lin Yixun raised his chin and pulled Yulin out.

Shao Qing stopped Lin Yixun at once: "Dr. Lin, I can't tell you about this matter, but I can only say that I will help you apply for the meeting with Murphy. As for whether I will agree or not, I can't guarantee it."

"That's fine. I believe it's not a big problem. I'm sorry to trouble you, Team Leader Shao." Only then did Lin Yixun show a smile on his face.

Shao Qing had no choice but to ask for instructions. Unexpectedly, the command center agreed to the request after Team Leader Zhang repeatedly assured that he could speak through the door.

Now that the application was approved, Lin Yixun hurriedly followed Team Leader Zhang into Shao Qing's car and drove to the gate on the third floor, leaving only Yulin waiting in Team Leader Zhang's villa.

The car soon came to the hut on the side of the gate on the third floor. After Shao Qing greeted the guards guarding the gate, he led Yulin and Zhang to the hut.

He reached out and knocked on the door. Mo Fei was sleeping in a daze, and sat up when he heard the knock on the door: "Isn't it locked from the outside? Come in!"

The door didn't open, only Lin Yixun's anxious voice was heard: "Feifei, I heard you were injured, are you okay?"

"Yixun? Why are you here?" Murphy woke up after hearing Lin Yixun's voice, and hurried to the door and said.

Hearing Mo Fei's question, Shao Qing said: "If you don't bring them here, I will be demolished."

Upon hearing Shao Qing's tone, Murphy could imagine the situation just now and couldn't help laughing: "Haha, so our team leader Shao surrendered?"

"I can't do without surrender! But you can only talk through the door. If you have anything to say, you can talk about it. I'm leaving first. Tell me quickly. I still have things to do." Shao Qing finally said something and left.

When Shao Qing's footsteps became quieter and gradually walked away, Lin Yixun posted on the door and asked about Murphy's injury.

Lin Yixun felt relieved after getting a positive answer from Mo Fei that there was no problem and that he had taken medicine.

"Dr. Lin, I want to have a private conversation with Xiao Mo. Look..." Leader Zhang saw that Lin Yixun had chatted with Murphy, so he opened his mouth.

"By the way, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me. I don't agree with that matter, Feifei, how could you stay as a hostage?" Lin Yixun remembered the main purpose of their visit.

"Leader Zhang, did you tell her?" Murphy said to Leader Zhang outside the door with some complaints.

"After this matter, Dr. Lin will conduct the first exchange. How could he not know, but this task is indeed dangerous." Leader Zhang replied after taking Murphy's words.

"However, I have two more advantages than others in doing this, so I am sure I can leave." Murphy replied with certainty.

From Mo Fei's tone, Lin Yixun could hear the certainty of confidence, but because the current position is not suitable for talking about things that are too secret, Lin Yixun had to repeat the confirmation: "Feifei, are you really sure?"

"Of course, I'm not sure that I will send myself to die here? But because of the delay of today's emergency, you may have to postpone your departure until the day after tomorrow. In addition, team leader Zhang, remember what I want to do with you? Be sure to help me prepare it is good."

"I know this, so be careful yourself, we're going back first, and I'll get you a satellite communicator in a while. This is the port number of my communicator, if you need to contact me." Leader Zhang said while reciting a A string of numbers and letters for Murphy.

"It's good to have the port number. When I went with the two guards, I picked up their satellite communicator."

After finishing speaking, Murphy talked about the things in the valley to Team Leader Zhang again: "I think the sea base may be the most threatening side there. Next time you leave, you should choose the coastal road. The other way I don't feel safe going through this mountainous area."

"Okay Xiao Mo, we have all written it down, then I will send someone to prepare for you what you want, if you have anything to do, you can use the satellite contactor to find me."

After finishing speaking, team leader Zhang took Lin Yixun back into Shao Qing's car, which had been waiting for a long time, and drove to the inner city of the sea base.

Because Shao Qing had warned the guards at the city gate before, Mo Fei had a good meal at night, and someone even brought a basin of water for her to wash.

After dinner, after the outside door continued to be locked, Murphy sat cross-legged on the bed to practice Qi.Because only after the breath is smooth can the injury heal quickly.

After eating here, no one disturbed him, and Mo Fei continued to practice Qi with concentration, until he felt that his left arm was no longer swollen, and then slowly restrained himself.

Looking at the time on the watch, it was already 1 o'clock in the morning.

Thinking that the swelling in his left arm had subsided, Murphy lay down and had a good sleep.

Lin Yixun, who was sent back by Shao Qing along with Team Leader Zhang, had another half-day meeting in Team Leader Zhang's villa to discuss the details of leaving the day after tomorrow before returning to the villa.

Back at the villa, Lin Yixun told Yulin about Murphy.

"Feifei is true, even if she is sure, it is dangerous, but since there must be a trustworthy person to stay, Feifei is indeed the best candidate." Yulin couldn't help but said after hearing this.

"Sister Yulin, it's really thanks to you two this time, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to get to the sea base, let alone exchange things smoothly."

"Don't talk so much, go to bed early, it seems that tomorrow I have to help find some things Feifei wants, so let's go and help."

After Yulin finished speaking, Lin Yixun nodded, and then the two of them rested.

Early the next morning, Murphy woke up very early, of course the first thing he did was practice Qi.

Because the breakfast was delivered early, Mo Fei didn't get too greedy. He just walked his breath around his body and then stopped.

I moved my left arm a little, although it was still not as free as a good arm, but it didn't matter anymore.

Standing up, Mo Fei moved a little bit, and someone brought water for Mo Fei to wash, and after a while, breakfast was also brought in.

Looking at the breakfast, Mo Fei couldn't help but smile. The time he was imprisoned was better than in the villa, except that he couldn't move around freely.But for Murphy, a place where she can practice Qi with peace of mind is a good place.

Because I have to stay here for another day today, and I don’t have anything to do today, I just wait for Team Leader Zhang to help me find the things I need, and I can say that I can practice Qi with peace of mind all day today. Take a good rest.

After breakfast and waiting for someone to take away the bowl, Murphy sat on the bed, but everyone in the base was extremely busy at this time.

"Commander, according to the detection, there seems to be a lot of zombies gathered outside. I'm afraid it's a new round of siege." A soldier quickly ran into the command center and went straight to the command post to find the command report from the sea base.

"A new round of siege? How come? It's only been ten days since the last siege?" The commander of the sea base was short in stature, but he was full of energy, and the aura of standing up in an instant was overwhelming. People have a kind of coercion.

"Commander, this is just the speculation of our reconnaissance team, but we have to guard against it!" The visitor continued to reply.

"Defense is necessary. Let people close the city gate and open the small side gate. The soldiers guarding the city wall are on standby." The commander also knows that even if it is fake, he must take precautions before it happens, otherwise once the zombies form a large area Convergence, I am afraid there will be no breakthrough point.

After receiving the order, the scout who was reporting saluted, turned and left, and then ran outside at a very fast speed.

The entire sea base was on alert again, but Murphy stayed in the hut but didn't know it.

"Dr. Lin, I can't go out today. It seems that I have encountered a zombie siege." Early in the morning, when he was about to help find what Murphy wanted, a member of the star base ran to Lin Yixun's villa to report the latest news to her today. Condition.

"Zombie siege? Didn't it mean that the general zombie siege didn't happen for a short time? Didn't we say it happened only once when we came here?"

"Yes, Dr. Lin, but the people at the sea base said that there was a special situation. Although it is not completely sure that it is a zombie siege, but we should not be careless, so please try not to go out, and if it is really a zombie siege, I hope we can be of some help.”

Lin Yixun nodded: "I see, tell Team Leader Zhang, I want to go to the city wall to have a look. After all, we have never seen such a phenomenon, and maybe we can find some clues that cause this phenomenon."

The person who came to inform Lin Yixun should go down and report to Team Leader Zhang, and Lin Yixun pulled Yulin: "Sister Yulin, let's go, let's go find Feifei."

(End of this chapter)

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