Chapter 147
Seeing that the huge zombies knocked open the original roadblock, but the sea base has not yet made all arrangements.

Usually that roadblock can last for a long time, even when there were no C2 zombies, the roadblock over there was still effective after several times of zombie siege, but today it seems that it was knocked away by this behemoth in a very short moment.

"It's not good, command, the roadblock has been knocked open." In the command headquarters, just after receiving the command of the discovery of C2 zombie information, another report was received in an instant.

The commander stood up from the chair in disbelief: "What? How is it possible? Didn't you just find out that the zombie went up the big slope, how did you break through the roadblock so quickly?"

"This... we don't know, because of the zombie siege last time, this time we are still a stronger roadblock than before. We didn't expect to be knocked away so easily. We underestimated the ability of C2 zombies, I am willing Accept the punishment." One of the people who reported also had a look of disbelief.

"But things just happened, and now is not the time for review. Hurry up to deploy and prepare high-pressure energy cannons." The commander-in-chief of the sea base quickly ordered to the man.

"Yes, Commander." The man hurried out, walked towards the deployment area, grabbed the communicator and began to arrange the next action.

At this time, the frontier was already in chaos. No one expected that this giant zombie would break through the roadblock so quickly, and was walking towards the first-floor city gate of the sea base without hesitation stepping on other zombies.

When everyone thought it was a C2 zombie, only Murphy knew that it was actually a C3 zombie, and it was the same C3 zombie that disappeared inexplicably after following him last time.

"Feifei, you said it was just a C3 zombie?" Yulin asked with an expression of disbelief.

And as the gap got bigger and bigger, and the characteristics of the huge zombie were gradually revealed, Lin Yixun also exclaimed: "My God, it's really a C3 zombie."

Lin Yixun's cry was a bit loud, and the soldiers below where they were standing naturally heard the exclamation, and couldn't help turning their heads to look at Lin Yixun in horror.

Murphy knew that the best way at this time was to notify the management personnel of the sea base to let them deploy, because such a big battle was beyond the control of the girls.

"We need to notify the management as soon as possible." Murphy pulled Lin Yixun and Yulin back and whispered.

"But we only know Team Leader Shao. He seems to be at the gate on the second floor. Otherwise, let's inform him!" Lin Yixun thought about it, and naturally the first thing that came to his mind was Shao Qing.

"That's fine, but you have to inform other people. Sister Yulin, you continue to stay here to record and record all the images as much as possible, but if it is dangerous here, you should leave quickly. I will inform Shao Qing and Yixun to inform the experiment There are still many people in the room at this time, and we need to see how to deal with this C3 zombie." Mo Fei lowered his head and said to Yulin and Lin Yixun.

Yulin nodded and continued to record the things Lin Yixun gave her, but Lin Yixun shook her head: "I won't go, I'll go with you to find Shao Qing, if you want to notify him, let him notify himself."

Murphy knew that Lin Yixun had had gaps with the lab staff since the incident last time, so he didn't say much: "Okay, let's go."

With Lin Yixun, the two of them got off the first city wall and then ran towards the second city wall.

Shao Qing, who was observing on the city wall on the second floor, had seen two people a long time ago. He didn't know what they were doing, so he ran down first.

Fortunately, Shao Qing came down, because the guards at the city gate on the second floor didn't let the two of them in at all.

"Why don't you two come over there to observe carefully?"

When Mo Fei and Lin Yixun were telling the city gate guards to let them in, Shao Qing had already come down and asked them.

"Shao Qing, inform your commander that the zombies outside are only C3 zombies, not C2 zombies." Seeing that it was Shao Qing who ignored the guards beside him, Mo Fei hurriedly said.

"What? Are you sure it's a C3 zombie?" Shao Qing immediately asked.

Lin Yixun also nodded: "It's definitely a C3 zombie. I encountered it once in the star base before, and it was wiped out by the entire mecha team. It is said that it is very difficult to deal with. We have samples in our laboratory. I have seen the overall shape. Such."

Since Lin Yixun, a professional doctor, confirmed that it was a C3 zombie, Shao Qing hurriedly took Lin Yixun to the command center without saying a word.

Murphy didn't follow, because she also wanted to see the C3 zombie's actions, and she was also worried about Yulin's side.

The reason why he brought Lin Yixun here was that Murphy wanted to ask Lin Yixun to go back to the city center, but he directly said that Lin Yixun definitely disagreed, so Murphy asked her to go back to inform, but Lin Yixun himself did not agree to go to the laboratory. Only then did Murphy bring Lin Yixun to find Shao Qing, and then Shao Qing brought Lin Yixun back.

Watching Lin Yixun drive away in Shao Qing's car, Mo Fei turned around and returned to the first city wall.

"Sister Yulin, how is the recording going?" Murphy asked as soon as he came up.

"Feifei, you're back, where's Yixun?" Yulin asked when she saw Murphy coming back by herself, but the video recorder in her hand still didn't stop.

"I asked her to follow Team Leader Shao back to the command center, and I'm going to tell them about the situation of the zombies outside." Murphy replied flatly.

But Yulin smiled: "I think your original intention is to send her back?"

Although Yulin saw it through, Murphy was not embarrassed: "After all, she has no combat experience, and it is more dangerous here. If I join the battle, I will not care about you two. Sister Yulin, I believe you still have to protect yourself and escape." ability, but Yixun is in danger."

"Yeah, I wanted to help you persuade Yixun just now, but then I saw that you were so straightforward and agreed to take her there. I guessed that you would be able to persuade her to leave."

Just as the two were talking, the ground shook.

Murphy hurriedly looked forward, and saw that not only was there a big gap in the roadblock, but even the piles on both sides had been overturned.

The entire barricade fell to the ground with a bang, and the ground was cracked a lot faster, like dry land.

Moreover, with the collapse of the roadblock, everyone also found out that the huge zombie in front was followed by two huge zombies, but they were obviously not as strong as the one in front.

Of course, this is just a comparison of the three, but for humans, any one is a very terrifying existence.

"One C3 zombie, two C2 zombies, this is getting worse and worse." Murphy looked at everything in front of him and muttered.

"It's really bad... Feifei, look over there." Yulin sighed, then pointed to the other side.

Murphy looked in the direction Yulin's finger was pointing at. Apart from the three huge zombies behind the pushed down barricade, there were actually a group of zombies swaying from a dark place farther away.

"So many?" Although it's just ordinary C zombies and C1 zombies, such a dense area is enough to resist.

"Feifei, what should we do? We won't be trapped to death here, right?" Yulin asked worriedly, at this time the tall and straight figure flashed in her mind again.

Murphy reached out and patted Yulin on the shoulder to signal her not to be nervous, but he was thinking about how he could help.

"Hurry up, hurry up and get ready. Let's disperse the attacks on both sides, leaving the high-pressure energy cannon's shooting trajectory out." Suddenly a person ran up and shouted at the people standing on the city wall while running.

When those people heard it, they quickly divided into left and right sides, leaving a distance in the middle.

"High-pressure energy cannon?" Murphy thought for a while, isn't this the latest research result before the end of the world mentioned before, and was later transported back by the sea base from a nearby high-pressure energy cannon?This time they are also planning to exchange the plastic map of the high-pressure energy cannon.

"Feifei, I heard from Yixun that this high-pressure energy cannon was the weapon that finally wiped out the C2 zombies last time. It seems that it has been saved this time." Yulin looked back at Murphy and said.

Murphy didn't reply. She has never seen the power of this high-pressure energy cannon. It's better not to shoot the C3 zombies first, otherwise, if the high-pressure energy cannon fails to kill the C3 zombies, then the C2 zombies and C3 zombies will attack the sea base at the same time. , whether the first layer of the city wall can hold up is also a problem.

The base command that Murphy thought of naturally also thought of it. The first target of the high-pressure energy cannon was the C2 zombie.

However, the plan can never keep up with the changes. After the muzzle was adjusted, it was about to attack. Unexpectedly, the C3 zombie suddenly jumped up and completely blocked the C2 zombie. It took a lot of time to go back. At this time, the C3 zombies had already rushed to the front of the first city wall.

Murphy secretly yelled that it was not good. She had dealt with C3 zombies last time and naturally knew how powerful C3 zombies are. Such a city wall can be destroyed by putting on mechas by herself, not to mention the horrible rough skin and the C3 zombies. strength.

"Sister Yulin, leave the city wall quickly." Mo Fei pushed Yulin and said.

"What's the matter?" Before Yulin's question could wait for Mo Fei's answer, the city wall was shaken by a "boom", and the bricks on the edge cracked slightly with the impact.

"Get down, it won't last long here." Mo Fei pushed Yulin down and stared at the C3 zombie's next move.

The people on the first layer of the city wall didn't care about continuing to fight, and scattered one by one.At this time, it can still be found that the discipline of the soldiers is obviously stronger than that of ordinary supernatural beings. The soldiers are holding energy guns that cannot threaten the giant C2 and C3 zombies. The ladder ran down.

However, the soldiers' interception did not receive any effect. The C3 zombie actually retreated a certain distance, as if it was going to use the distance to sprint to hit the city wall.

"C3 zombies are already so smart?" Murphy couldn't help sighing even though he had successfully killed a C3 zombie.

(End of this chapter)

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