Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 148 Falling out of the protection

Chapter 148 Falling out of the protection

As the C3 zombies retreated, preparing for the next round of impact, all the people on the first floor wall ran towards the exit of the evacuation passage.

No one expected that this huge zombie not only had outstanding abilities, but also seemed to have a better mind. It actually knew how to use the run-up to increase the force of the impact.If the future zombies are getting smarter and relying on such a huge body, can humans still survive?

However, there are pros and cons.

As the huge C3 zombie retreated, the two C2 zombies following it were completely exposed.

The commander of the sea base was quite calm, and quickly arranged for the high-pressure energy cannon to be repositioned.At such a critical moment, the person in charge of positioning the high-pressure energy cannon at the sea base was calm, and after quickly changing the orbit, the first shot was fired.

Because of the precise positioning, the first blow hit the head of one of the C2 zombies, and a big hole was exposed in the head of the C2 zombie, but the C2 zombie was still not killed.The soldiers who hadn't left hastily fired energy guns into the huge hole.

It's just because the attack power is still a bit weaker this time without the support of the supernatural being. The C2 zombie wobbled towards the city wall with the hole in its head.

Seeing this, Mo Fei took Yulin's video recorder: "Sister Yulin, can you help freeze the feet of the C2 zombie that was hit? It would be nice if you could delay for a while."

Yulin reacted relatively quickly, she nodded quickly and rushed towards the edge of the city wall.

The supernatural powers in her hands were concentrated, and sparkling ice flowers appeared between her slender fingers. Along the edge of the city wall, Yulin spread her ice supernatural powers towards the C2 zombies.

Seeing that a person with supernatural powers came to help, the soldiers rushed to attack the C2 zombies harder.

But Mo Fei didn't expect their attack at this time, and while Yulin was there, he secretly took out the energy gun hidden in the storage talisman in advance.

This is the powerful energy gun that Team Leader Zhang received to protect Lin Yixun.

Adjusting the gun to the right position, Murphy did not leave the watchtower. After all, everyone is running away and attacking, and no one will notice it at all.

After adjusting, Murphy waited for Yulin to freeze the C2 zombie for a moment. After all, with Yulin's ability, it is definitely impossible to completely freeze it, but it can delay the zombie's movement. And there will be momentary pauses.

Murphy was waiting for this short pause, and the opportunity must not be missed. If this opportunity is missed, the C3 zombies will rush over first, and the previous efforts will be in vain.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Murphy pulled the trigger.

After a strong light shot out, the light hit the hole in the head of the C2 zombie that was punched by the high-pressure energy cannon.Because the angle was just right as Murphy expected, the shot hit the most vulnerable vital part of the C2 zombie, and the C2 zombie really died.

The huge body fell down like a mountain, crushing many ordinary C zombies and C1 zombies to death in an instant.

There was cheers on the city wall, and those supernatural beings who heard the cheers ran back one by one.

Murphy first put the energy gun back into the storage talisman, and then shouted: "Look, a C2 zombie has been eliminated, everyone continue to work hard." After shouting, Murphy continued to hide on the side of the observation deck. Yulin, who had completed the task of freezing zombies, ran back excitedly.

"Feifei, thank you for thinking of this idea, but I don't know who that attack was just now?" Yulin was only focused on freezing the zombie just now, and she also didn't notice this side.

"Sister Yulin is amazing, thanks to you being tied up, you gave me a chance to attack." Murphy praised without hesitation.

"It's not as good as you said, but it feels good to be able to help, especially when those supernatural beings look at me when they come up, they are simply admiring." Yulin said happily.

Murphy secretly smiled. Those people obviously looked at Yulin with "amazing" eyes, but it is probably because of Yulin's looks!But Mo Fei couldn't say such words to hurt Yulin.

"Of course, sister Yulin really helped me a lot this time."

"By the way, Feifei, did you see who attacked just now?"

"Uh... I didn't see it, I just watched if you froze that huge C2 zombie." Murphy replied after a pause.

But this is not the time to delve into it, but only one C2 zombie has been eliminated.However, there must be a gap between the high-pressure energy cannons, otherwise there will be problems due to overheating, and it cannot be used at the moment, but because the C2 zombie fell to the ground.

The C2 and C3 zombies who already had intelligence became vigilant and stepped back for a certain distance, and then they didn't know if they were watching.

But everyone is praying that it can "wait and see" for a while, so that the high-pressure energy cannon can have sufficient recovery time.

The C zombies and C1 zombies below didn't have that much wisdom, and they still rushed towards the city wall.The people on the first layer of the city wall continued to attack downwards, preventing the C1 zombies from colliding with the wall bricks smashed by the C3 zombies, for fear that the city wall would be torn down.

As the battle continued, the C3 zombie and the C2 zombie probably did not have that special weapon again. The C3 zombie roared, and swept its thick tail towards the C2 zombie.The C2 zombie seemed to move forward a certain distance reluctantly.

Not only Murphy, but other people who saw this situation couldn't help being surprised: Isn't this the same as human behavior?

The rest of the people unanimously stepped up their attacks. They must allow time for the high-voltage energy cannons to attack from behind. During this period of time, everyone can't attack the C zombies and C1 zombies below from the front.

Although the cooling of the high-pressure energy cannon at this time is not in the best condition, it has already entered the usable time range.

"Adjust the position and prepare." The personnel conducting the high-pressure energy cannon attack this time shouted to the communicator from the command tower next to the fort.

"All the people in the middle of the front row withdraw to the two sides to keep the ballistic trajectory." After receiving the signal that the position had been adjusted, the person in charge of commanding the first city wall on the first city wall shouted quickly.

The people in the middle row quickly moved to the two sides, but because they still wanted to attack, they were crowded and lined up on the edge of the wall.

Seeing that the second high-pressure energy cannon was fired at the C2 zombie, he didn't expect the C3 zombie to rush forward a few steps.

The huge body of the C3 zombie bumped into the C2 zombie, turned its head and roared towards the top of the city, and rushed over with big strides.

Because of the interference from the C3 zombies, the high-pressure energy cannon suddenly missed.Fortunately, the impact range of the high-pressure energy cannon is relatively large. Although the C2 zombie was not hit in the middle, it also cut off half of its head.

The cut-off part exposed the fragile inside of the head. People who were panicked when they saw the C3 zombie rushing again instantly lifted their spirits and attacked the C3 zombie with all their might.

Seeing that the C2 zombie was attacked and fell to the ground, but the C3 zombie also rushed to the city gate.

The huge body and the inertia of running hit the city wall at once, and the bricks and dirt on the city wall fell down rustlingly, and the cracks in the city wall that had already been cracked deepened.

Because the high-pressure energy cannon has been used twice, it is obviously no longer usable now. Such a huge and powerful C3 zombie is no longer able to stop.

"Retreat, all retreat, collectively retreat to the second city wall, and the first city wall activates the ultimate protection." Because the city wall was already in chaos, all kinds of shouts and noisy footsteps made the commander have to shout loudly with.

"Sister Yulin, let's go to the second city wall." Mo Fei pulled Yulin and ran down.

Yulin held the shooting machine tightly in her hand and followed Murphy and ran all the way down, but all the people on the city wall were rushing down.Squeezing around, the two of them were squeezed apart.

"Sister Yulin, go to the second city wall first, and we will meet there later." Mo Fei shouted as she looked at Yulin who was frequently looking back for her.

After hearing what Murphy said, Yulin squeezed forward desperately.

Mo Fei was scattered by the crowd, and seeing that Yulin had already run a long way, he slowed down and prepared to leave by himself when the crowd was a little less.

It's just that I didn't expect that at this moment, the violent impact of the C3 zombie created a gap in the middle, and many people fell out of the gap.

And Murphy, who was walking behind, was no exception. He was pulled by someone next to him, and he also fell out of the city.

There are not only C3 zombies outside the city, but also hundreds of C zombies and C1 zombies.

Those who fell out of the city were instantly surrounded by zombies.

Because Murphy was dragged down, he was crushed when he fell.This made Murphy almost spit out a mouthful of blood when he was hit. Fortunately, his physical fitness was strengthened by Qi training.But the previously injured arm was in great pain again due to the impact.

There was still someone on top of him, and Murphy's arm was so painful that he couldn't stand up.But because of this, it has not been discovered by the zombies.

However, the sea base will not stop activating the ultimate protection because of the dozens of people who fell, so during this period, the ultimate protection has been gradually put down, which is a layer of metal wall.

Because this metal wall has no doors, it is a whole piece of metal buried in front of the city gate by rails, and it is much higher than the original city wall, so after the ultimate protection is upgraded, people outside can no longer enter, and people inside People can't see what's going on outside.

When Murphy was thinking about how to get up, the loud rumbling noise behind her made her feel terrible.

Suddenly, Murphy felt light on his body, and looked up again to find that a C1 zombie pulled up the person on top of him. At this time, the body of the person had been separated, and the C1 zombie was enjoying its delicious meal attentively.

With no one pressing on him anymore, Murphy was finally able to move a little bit.He propped his body up with his right hand, and then moved his left arm. Fortunately, the left arm was only smashed again, and it did not dislocate again.

Just as Murphy was moving, a zombie C with a dangling tattered body swayed towards Murphy.

Sensing something approaching, Mo Fei suddenly looked up and saw the C zombie.

Standing up with his right hand supporting the corpse beside him, Mo Fei realized that the dozen or so people who had just fallen with him had already been buried in the corpse's belly.

As Murphy stood up, the zombies around discovered this new "food" and grabbed Murphy one after another.

Looking back at the raised ultimate protection, Murphy had no way out at this time.

Taking off the sling on his left arm, Mo Fei took a deep breath, looked at the gathered zombies and said, "Come on!"

(End of this chapter)

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