Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 149 Escape

Chapter 149 Escape

Those who had retreated from the first city wall to the second city wall couldn't help sighing that they were safe and sound.

Many of the people who came running from behind saw some people falling out of the city through the gap that was knocked open just now. Some of them burst into tears because of what happened to their friends or relatives, but no one could do anything about it. It is required to remove the ultimate protection, because this is a matter related to the survival of the entire sea base.

Moreover, so what if it is withdrawn?At this time, the people who fell outside must either mutate into zombies or become the lunch of zombies.

Murphy was alone and helpless at this time, and the people who fell together around him either turned into similar zombies or were torn to pieces.At this time, the ultimate protective wall had been erected, and Murphy was the only one left outside.

If he hadn't been pinned down when he fell, he might have been able to jump over when the city wall was rising, but Murphy had no idea how to climb up the city wall that was so high now.

Because there is obviously monitoring equipment in the middle of the wall, what I am going to do in a while can't be photographed.While preventing the zombies from surrounding him, Murphy retreated to the base of the wall, and retreated to the corner, out of the reach of the surveillance, and then Murphy pulled out the plain spear from the storage talisman.

However, the zombies would not stop attacking just because Murphy backed down, so Murphy, who took out the plain spear, continued to retreat slowly while resisting.

Because the C3 zombies backed up and hit the city wall before, all the C zombies gathered below. The C zombies moved very slowly, which also gave Murphy a good escape gap.

Taking advantage of the gap, Murphy took a deep breath and walked towards the gap with all his strength.

Zombie C, who was feinted for a while, turned slowly, but it happened to stop the speed of zombie C1.

Murphy jumped out of the gap without any risk, and ran towards Dapo.

The scene of a person galloping among a large group of zombies really made the hearts of those watching tremble, but watching Murphy leave also took away a large number of zombies, even the C3 zombies noticed the direction of the group of zombies, Hai The people at the base couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The girl who fell out seems hopeless, but we have been rescued. At least during this period of time, the high-pressure energy cannon can be restored." The commander-in-chief said, watching everything outside from the monitor.

Judging from the skill of the girl outside, she was really powerful, escaping for her life alone among such a large group of zombies.Not to mention whether he could escape, the courage to not faint from fright alone is very powerful.Even if it was another man, he would have been hopeless in the face of so many zombies, so he couldn't help feeling sorry for that girl.

"Commander, that girl has already escaped from the monitoring range, and we can't see the situation further away." A person who was still staring at the monitoring outside replied this way.

Since the ultimate protection outside has to be underground, the monitoring equipment cannot be made very flexible, because once the angle deviates, it may be damaged when it is put away.

"With such a large number of zombies, that girl probably won't last long. Xiaomeng, go to the fort and see if there is any way to restore the high-pressure energy cannon quickly. Once the girl is eaten , Those zombies are likely to attack again." Although the commander-in-chief regretted it, he did not forget to arrange the following things.

"I know the commander-in-chief, I'll go right away." The soldiers who were called out quickly got up and rushed outside.

Besides, Murphy, ran forward with all his strength.Her purpose was to run down the big slope, so that the monitoring position could not be seen.

Seeing that Dapo was about to arrive, the group of C1 zombies who moved behind him with the same agility as ordinary people also followed closely.

Murphy gritted his teeth, and simply rolled to the side of the barricade that fell down before, and then rubbed over the side full of metal thorns.

Because although the C1 zombies are much more flexible in action, their IQ is still relatively low. They only know how to follow Murphy up, but they don’t know how to dodge the metal thorns below. The metal thorns above were held back.

C1 zombies were getting more and more crowded, and the place that was originally not spacious was blocked by them, which made it easier for Murphy to move.

Seeing that this method was effective, Murphy accelerated his pace of moving forward, but the pain in his left arm behind his back became more and more painful.

"Don't hurt, we're going to the big slope soon." Murphy cheered himself up, but he didn't dare to stop.

Just when Murphy's foot was already on the downhill of the big slope, the C3 zombie chased after him.

Murphy turned his head and looked at the C1 zombie who had trampled on an unknown number of C zombies and C3 zombies and sighed. It seemed that he and this C3 zombie really had a bad relationship. The first time he came here, he was chased and fled by it. The second time is still...

But at this time, Murphy was out of the monitoring range, and after thinking silently, Murphy appeared directly inside the mecha.

Quickly selecting the battle axe, Murphy pushed it upwards, using the handle of the ax to block the impact of the C3 zombie, but the entire fuselage retreated a dozen steps before stopping, and the entire retreating slope was covered by Murphy A few more C zombies were trampled to death.

However, because of the impact of the C3 zombies, Murphy was also far away from the C3 zombies.

Murphy took the opportunity to run away. The last time he fought against the C3 zombies was still fresh in his memory. Without other help, Murphy was still ready to run away if he could.

At this time, the C zombies and C1 zombies could no longer keep up with Murphy's speed. Even if surrounded by those zombies, Murphy in the mecha was not worried.So regardless of the zombies below, Murphy just ran forward with all his strength.

When Murphy rushed out from the place surrounded by zombies, he unexpectedly reached the beach going down again.

"I've already traveled this far?" Murphy thought of the distance between himself and the sea base.

But without thinking too much, Murphy ran along to the beach.

However, at this time, the C3 zombie who was still on the road actually jumped halfway, and his whole body fell to the edge of the gap between the beach and the road.

Although the drop is quite high, it is nothing to the huge C3 zombies.

"This zombie really has become a spirit." Mo Fei couldn't help mumbling when he saw that the distance between the C3 zombie and himself had shortened a lot.

According to his previous memory, Murphy continued to run towards the buildings by the sea, planning to put away the mecha after arriving at the buildings like last time.

In this stretch of buildings, it is as difficult for a human being to find a person for such a huge zombie as it is for a human to find a small ant in the grass, so that he can completely get rid of this C3 zombie.

Murphy thought very well, but things didn't go as expected.It seemed that he had arrived at the complex of buildings, but a piece of sand stepped on under his feet unexpectedly trapped Murphy's mecha in it.

Murphy struggled to get out of the sand, but there was no support around him, which made Murphy's struggle even worse.

Seeing the situation, Mo Fei didn't dare to move. After he stopped struggling, the body of the mecha also stopped sinking slightly.

It's just that the crisis of not sinking here has stopped, but the C3 zombie behind him has also caught up with Murphy.

"It's over now, I can't move, that C3 zombie is chasing me again, today's luck is really bad!" Mo Fei saw that the C3 zombie was getting closer and closer to him, and he became more and more anxious. Can't help but mutter out loud.

Thinking of this, Murphy closed his eyes. What he needed most at this time was to find a way to calm down, but seeing the C3 zombie approaching, Murphy couldn't calm down no matter what.

Probably because he realized that his prey could not move, the C3 zombie slowly moved over here.

The huge body of the C3 zombie slowly approached Murphy, and its thick arms grabbed towards Murphy's mecha.

The moment the C3 zombie grabbed Mo Fei, Mo Fei opened his eyes suddenly, controlled the arms of the mech to grab one of the zombie's arms, and then pulled it down vigorously, while the body of the mech supported the arm of the C3 zombie. feet up.

Just now, Mo Fei was thinking that the reason why he couldn't go out was because he didn't have a force point. The moment he was caught by the C3 zombie, Murphy thought that using the C3 zombie to escape was his chance.So when the C3 zombies caught Murphy, Murphy was ready to deal with it.

The C3 zombie tried desperately to get rid of Murphy's mecha, but in the end he couldn't get rid of it flexibly because of his large body, but Murphy used the C3 zombie to pull the other sunken foot out of the sand nest.

Murphy controlled the mecha and held down the C3 zombie with one hand, and the entire fuselage was pressed on the feet of the C3 zombie that had been gradually swallowed up.

The C3 zombie had to try hard to break free, but the harder he tried, the faster his body sank.

Murphy saw that the C3 zombie was buried with more than half of its legs, which was deeper than what he had just buried, and he was unable to move. He stepped on the body of the C3 zombie and walked to the side.

But the C3 zombie suddenly grabbed the leg of Murphy's mech, preventing Murphy from leaving.

Murphy was dragged and unable to move, so he summoned the weapon again.When he was running away, Murphy took the weapon back for convenience, but now he took it out again.

Stretch the mecha's fuselage outward, stand on the edge of the sand nest with one foot, and step on the C3 zombie with the other foot. Although one leg is hugged, it will not make the mecha's body unstable.

Using his strength, Murphy slashed the ax towards the head of the C3 zombie below.

The huge head of the C3 zombie quickly swayed to dodge the attack, but because the huge head was connected to the body, the head gradually sank into the sand nest.

Taking this opportunity, Murphy used his strength again and slashed the head of the C3 zombie who was already somewhat immobile.

However, the C3 zombie was not so easy to kill. Although Murphy hit the head with all his strength, he only got a not too deep wound.

But this is already quite powerful. You must know that when the first C3 zombie that appeared before was eliminated, the members of the mecha team used laser guns to shoot, and there was no way to penetrate the skin of the C3 zombie.

Seeing that the attack was effective, Murphy pulled out the ax forcefully, and then slashed towards the original position again.

At this time, the C3 zombie let go of his hand, trying to stop the ax from falling, but Murphy would not give it this chance.

Taking advantage of the loosening of the zombie's arm on his leg, Murphy also stepped towards the edge of the sand nest with his other foot, trying to avoid the C3 zombie before attacking.

The C3 zombie was very angry when he saw that the prey was out of his control. At some point, the tail under his body got up from the gap on the edge little by little.

At this time, in the sea base, Yulin, who had waited for a long time without seeing Murphy, panicked. The crowd had already retreated to the gate on the second floor, but Murphy still did not show up, so she nervously looked for Murphy. .

(End of this chapter)

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