Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 150 The Battle in the Sand Nest

Chapter 150 The Battle in the Sand Nest
Yulin originally made an appointment with Murphy to meet at the gate of the second floor, but they were the last group of people who came over, and the gate of the second floor was about to be temporarily closed, but Yulin still did not see Murphy. shadow.

"Excuse me, may I ask, are these the last personnel?" Yulin asked, grabbing a person in charge of the operation.

The man had an impatient expression at first, but when he turned his head to look at Yulin, his eyes lit up, and then he replied patiently: "Yes, miss, the city gate will be closed soon, please retreat there Go away, don't get hurt."

"Impossible, I still have friends who haven't come here!" Yulin anxiously looked towards the city gate that was about to close.

"There are still friends? I'm sorry to tell you that when I came down, some people fell outside the city wall because of the attack of C3. It is estimated that they must have been eaten by zombies at this moment."

"What? No...impossible." Yulin took a few steps back in disbelief, almost falling.

The conductor quickly reached out to support Yulin: "Miss, be careful! I am also very sad that your friend passed away, but please express your condolences." As he said, the man's hand gradually climbed up Yulin's waist.

Yulin was still in a trance. At first hearing that Mo Fei had fallen outside the city wall, Yulin couldn't accept it very much, and didn't pay attention to the man's actions.

At this moment, a voice shouted from behind: "Hey, what are you doing, let go of your hand."

The man was about to say something when he saw a very lively and beautiful girl running over, and behind the girl was a man with a serious expression.

Seeing that man, the conductor at the door quickly let go and turned around to start directing the staff again.

Because the commander let go, Yulin was unsteady and took a few steps back.

A pair of soft little hands grabbed Yulin: "Sister Yulin, what's the matter with you?" Then the girl looked around: "Where's Feifei?"

The people who came were Lin Yixun and Shao Qing who had returned after reporting the situation.

Yulin was still in a daze until she heard Lin Yixun ask Mo Fei and she suddenly woke up: "Yixun, Yixun... Feifei..." Yulin came back to her senses and held Lin Yixun tightly. Kaoru's arm.

"Sister Yulin, what's wrong with Feifei?"

"Feifei is said to have fallen out of the city. I waited for a long time and she didn't come in. Later, I heard that some people fell out of the city through the cracks because of the attack of the C3 zombies." Yulin said, tears from her eyes. Eyes welled up, completely missing the usual free and easy.

"Impossible, how could Feifei be so good at it?" Lin Yixun also shook her head in disbelief.

"However, Feifei is injured now. She must be unable to move. It's all my fault. If only I had been by her side all the time, it would have been fine. There were so many people crowded around at that time, it must be because of her hand injury that she was slower than me. " Yulin muttered with self-blame.

"Sister Yulin, I don't blame you, it's all my fault for insisting on seeing some C3 zombies, it's all my fault, if I hadn't dragged you two, Feifei would definitely be resting at the gate of the third floor, it's all my fault. Woooooo..." As he spoke, Lin Yixun's tears also rolled down.

"Don't cry, it's not sure whether Murphy fell out of the city yet? So don't be sad, maybe she didn't come in because of her limited mobility. Both of you don't move. I'll go to the first place." Take a look over there." Shao Qing who was on the side saw the two girls crying at each other, and didn't know how to comfort them, so he said.

Hearing Shao Qing's words, Lin Yixun and Yulin wiped away their tears, and Lin Yixun nodded towards Shao Qing: "Team Leader Shao is right, then please help us find Feifei, thank you .”

Shao Qing nodded, then turned around and walked towards the person who helped Yulin before.

"Team Leader Shao." Seeing Shao Qing approaching, the man looked a little unnatural. He didn't expect that beautiful female voice to be a friend of Team Leader Shao.

Shao Qing raised his head to indicate that he was welcome, and then said: "Leave the city gate for a while, I want to go out, and close it later!"

"This... Team Leader Shao, don't embarrass me, this is also an order from above."

"I know, you just say that I let you stay for a while, and I'll take care of anything."

Seeing Shao Qing's insistence, after all, the ultimate protection has been set up outside, and he didn't even hear the impact for a long time, so the man nodded: "Then Team Leader Shao, try to come back as soon as possible, I can only give you a little more time."

"En." Shao Qing responded and drove out through the half-closed gate.

It's just that Shao Qing searched up and down the first floor of the city wall, but he didn't see Murphy's figure. Finally, he found some fragments of clothes on the edge of the crack in the city wall. Looking down the crack, there was a piece of bandage that had fallen off underneath. It seemed to be Murphy's.

Shao Qing looked around, found a hook used to pick up zombie corpses on the city wall, picked up the bandage and held it tightly in his hand.It seems that Murphy really fell, Shao Qing couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable, turned around and went down the city wall, Shao Qing drove back to the second city wall.

Seeing Shao Qing came back, the person in charge quickly ordered everyone to close the city gate tightly.

Seeing Shao Qing coming back alone with a serious face, and seeing the bandage in Shao Qing's hand, Yulin and Lin Yixun both understood that Murphy had really fallen outside, and burst into tears unknowingly.After all, with so many zombies outside, it must be a disaster if they fall outside.

The cries of grief also made the people around them feel the helplessness of the end times again, the pain of losing their relatives and friends, and everyone bowed their heads silently, mourning for the lost lives, and lamenting for their unknown tomorrow.

On the beach on the coastal road outside the city, after jumping away from the C3 zombie, Mo Fei walked towards the head of the C3 zombie. Naturally, he didn't notice the abnormal situation on the edge of the sand nest, let alone under the sand.

After Murphy turned around, he raised the ax high above his head and was about to drop it, but what followed was the pain in his left arm, which hit him in bursts.

Murphy held the handle of the ax with one hand, and lowered his left arm. After Qi training, his left arm had recovered to a good extent, but after the fall and impact just now, the injured arm had problems again.

Although it doesn't affect the action now, there is no way to use more force.

Murphy had no choice but to control the ax with one hand and smash it down on the head of the C3 zombie who couldn't move.

The same position was hit again, but because of one hand, Mo Fei's strength was not too strong, and the wound only made a little progress.

Murphy had no choice but to hit the wound again. Fortunately, he encountered such a place today that the C3 zombie could not move, otherwise Murphy would have been unable to hold it.

After Murphy smashed it a few times, he planned to rest for a while before smashing, because with one hand, the force is not so uniform and it is tiring to find the right position to chop.

In this gap, the C3 zombie actually slid under the sand nest again.

As the body of the C3 zombie fell, a thick tail nimbly drilled out from the edge.

It turned out that it was because the C3 zombie pulled out its tail that its body sank deeper, but that tail was actually more flexible than its arms, and it rolled towards Murphy's mech.

Murphy quickly dodged, and the ax in his hand slashed towards the tail.

Unexpectedly, the tail was as hard as the body. Not only did Murphy not cut it off, but the ax was blocked by the tail of the C3 zombie.

Murphy took the ax back without thinking, and then replaced it with the meteor hammer.

The hard ones can't be beaten and replaced with soft ones.

The meteor hammer swung up in an instant, and smashed towards the tail of the C3 zombie.

The tail dodged quickly as if it had eyes.But Mo Fei calculated that the tail would dodge, but in fact, her meteor hammer was still heading straight for the head of the C3 zombie.

This blow successfully hit the head of the C3 zombie, but the C3 zombie was still not killed.

However, Mo Fei realized that the weapon she should use most now, because when using the Meteor Hammer with one hand, she only needs to add the gravity of her body and the force of swinging it. This is suitable for the period when she cannot use the power of both hands. .

After finding the weapon he should use, Murphy slammed the C3 zombie's head fiercely while dodging the tail's attack.

Finally, I don't know how long it took, the tail of the C3 zombie finally hung down, and the whole C3 zombie finally stopped moving.

Mo Fei sat down tiredly on the ground at the entrance of the building.

"Huh, finally, finally dead." Murphy said while panting heavily.

The C3 zombies that were finally eliminated naturally couldn't waste the third-level blue black crystal and the super high meritorious service.

After a short rest, Murphy put away the mecha, and then took out the hunting recorder.

It's just that Murphy squatted down close to the C3 zombie to collect merit points. The hands of the C3 zombie, which had been motionless, suddenly lifted up.Murphy quickly stood up and backed away, but unfortunately it was a bit late, and Murphy's feet were grabbed by the huge hands of the C3 zombies.

Murphy only felt a pain in his foot as if it was broken.

The C3 zombie struggled to raise its huge head, trying to swallow Murphy into its mouth.

Murphy can't get out of the control of the zombies and can't summon the mecha, but seeing that he is about to die in the mouth of the zombies, Murphy has to desperately find a way to get rid of what he is suffering now.

But the C3 zombie didn't care how Murphy struggled, dragging Murphy's feet, hanging him upside down, and sending it to his mouth.

what to do?what to do?How can I get out of this giant C3 zombie.Mo Fei was thinking anxiously, because his hands were still empty, Mo Fei subconsciously pulled out the plain spear from the storage talisman.

After holding the Suying gun in his hand, Murphy's heart calmed down a lot.Spotting the growing mouth of the C3 zombie, Murphy plunged the Suying gun into it.

But the zombie didn't feel pain, and Murphy's piercing of the Suying gun was just to put a barrier in the mouth of the C3 zombie, so that he would not be eaten so quickly.

Although the disturbed C3 zombie didn't feel any pain, its mouth lost its previous smooth feeling, which obviously prevented it from "eating". One hand continued to grab Murphy's foot, while the other huge hand touched its mouth .

Mo Fei took the opportunity to pull out the Suying gun again, and the liquid in the mouth of the C3 zombie mixed with the blood that should have been solidified came out.

However, the C3 zombie didn't give Mo Fei another chance to stab himself with the tasseled gun, and slapped Murphy's tasseled gun to the stone road leading to the beach building.

(End of this chapter)

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