Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 151 Weakness

Chapter 151 Weakness
Originally, Murphy wanted to use the Suying gun to get rid of the C3 zombies, but at this time even the Suying gun was lost.

Without hindrance, the C3 zombie raised its head and bit towards Murphy.

In desperation, Murphy reached out and fumbled in the storage talisman, and found an extra energy gun in his hand.

This is the top-notch energy gun that Team Leader Zhang gave to him before, and helped the sea base eliminate a C2 zombie before.

By the way, why did I forget about the energy gun.

Because he is usually used to using cold weapons, if he hadn't used it before and was closest to his hand, Murphy, who was in a state of panic, would not have thought of this energy gun at all.

Murphy remembered the power of this energy gun when he wiped out the C2 zombies before. Although he couldn't destroy the hard skin of high-level zombies, the head of this C3 zombie had already been cut open by his own axe. When is this energy gun?

At this time, Murphy quickly took out the energy gun, and then continued to attack the wound of the C3 zombie.

Because Murphy was very close to the head of the C3 zombie, and the wound just now had been cut deeply by Murphy's axe, the C3 zombie finally died completely exhausted after being penetrated by the light of the energy gun.

Murphy only felt the strength on his feet loosen, and then he fell onto the body of the C3 zombie.

Exhausting the remaining strength in his body to climb from the corpse of the C3 zombie to the ground, in order to prevent the C3 zombie from feigning death like last time, Murphy continued to fight with the energy gun for a long time until the energy gun was slightly hot. Fei finally stopped.

"See if you're still alive?" Murphy said while sitting on the ground staring at the huge C3 zombie body that had been mostly buried in the sand.

At this moment, Murphy was in pain everywhere.

In addition to the left arm that was injured before, the continuous use of the ax to chop the zombie's head also made the right hand a little sore.In addition, the foot that was grabbed by the C3 zombie just now, I don't know if it was broken or for other reasons, anyway, it hurts even to move it now.

After resting for a while, Murphy first obtained the merit points of the C3 zombie with the hunting recorder.Unexpectedly, this C3 zombie actually provided Murphy with 3000 points of super merit.


No matter what, he was not dead at all.

After collecting the merit points, Murphy did not go to the distance to pick up his Suying gun, but pulled out the dagger and stirred it on the head of the smashed C3 zombie, and finally found it in a large piece of red, white and white things. I found a third-grade blue smoky crystal that was bigger than ordinary smoky crystals.

"It's not easy to get such a huge third-level black crystal." Mo Fei wiped the blue black crystal and put it into the storage talisman.

Look around, although there are no zombies here for the time being, it is still a bit dangerous to sit here by yourself.

Dragging his exhausted body, Mo Fei scrambled to the front to pick up his plain tassel gun, then used the plain tassel gun as a crutch and limped towards the beach construction area.

Because Murphy used the mecha to clean it up when he came last time, so there were no zombies around and it was very quiet.

Murphy still chose the villa he lived in last time, opened the door and walked in.

After locking the door behind him, Murphy couldn't bear the deep tiredness, and fell asleep on the bed.

When Murphy woke up again, it was already dark outside, and he felt dizzy. Murphy knew that he had exhausted too much energy before.

Taking out some water and food from the storage talisman, Mo Fei stuffed it into his mouth.Although I don't want to eat because I feel uncomfortable, there is no one else to take care of me here, and there is no physical recovery if I don't eat.

After eating something, Murphy lay on the bed and practiced Qi.

Although the effect was much worse, she didn't have the extra strength to sit all the time, so she could only do it slowly while lying down.

At this time, at the sea base, because it was discovered from the monitor that the C3 zombie left and did not return, the remaining ordinary C zombies and C1 zombies were not to be feared at all, so the commander-in-chief of the sea base ordered the removal of the ultimate zombie. defense.

The soldiers and supernatural beings who had retreated to the second city wall all returned to the front to eliminate the zombie group again.

The battle lasted until more than 10 o'clock in the evening, but at this time, the group of zombies turned their heads in unison as if they were organized and disciplined, and swayed towards the distance.

Seeing that this wave of zombie siege was finally over, the commander-in-chief quickly arranged for the front-line fighting personnel to go back to rest, and then sent people out of the city gate to clean up the zombie corpses outside and asked craftsmen to repair the damaged first-floor gate.

However, the city gate on the first floor suffered heavy losses this time, and it may take some time to repair it.

When ordering to go out to clean up the city, Yulin and Lin Yixun begged Shao Qing to take them out of the city, they wanted to find Murphy's body.

"Please, Team Leader Shao. It wasn't easy when we came here. I can't let Feifei be disposed of casually like this. Take us out to look for it!" Lin Yixun sincerely begged Shao Qing.

Shao Qing nodded. He did not have a bad impression of Murphy. She was a brave, smart, and calm girl. This accident was indeed regrettable, so she agreed to Lin Yixun and Yulin's request.

Coming out of the city gate on the second floor, Shao Qing drove straight to the place where the crack was before. If Murphy fell out, it must be from this side.

When the car arrived, there were fragments of zombie corpses all around, especially the fallen corner, where piles of corpses were piled up on the edge of the city wall.

Lin Yixun had never been in such close contact with a zombie before, and he vomited as soon as he got out of the car.

Yulin patted Lin Yixun's back while looking around.

Suddenly, Yulin stopped slapping and ran towards an edge in a few steps.Then a sling that was stained with blood and stains was pulled out from under a pile of corpses.

"This is the sling that Feifei used to hang her arm last." Yulin held the blood-stained sling tightly in her hand and said in a low voice.

Lin Yixun didn't care about the discomfort, and ran forward a few steps and pulled the suspender: "It's Feifei's. I was worried about loosening this knot when I went out and tied it for her."

Hearing what Lin Yixun and Yulin said, Shao Qing had already taken out the tools from the car and walked over.

"Get out of the way, both of you, and I'll look for it." Shao Qing put on his gloves, picked up the piled corpses with a tool.

"I'll come too." Yulin rolled up her cuffs a bit, then picked a tool from Shao Qing's tools on the ground, and helped Shao Qing pick up the corpse on the ground.

Lin Yixun also wanted to help, but when he saw the rotting corpse, he couldn't help throwing up while leaning against the wall.Although the corpses of zombies were also dissected in the laboratory, such piles of zombie corpses, especially the corpses of some human beings that had just been eaten and not digested could be faintly exposed in the piles of zombie corpses, which made Lin Yixun I can't accept it.

Yulin and Shao Qing worked hard to identify the characteristics of each corpse, but they didn't find Murphy's corpse after searching the area.

"No, there is no Feifei." Yulin shouted towards Lin Yixun, with hope in her eyes.

"Maybe Murphy really escaped?" Shao Qing's tone was uncertain. After all, let alone an ordinary little girl like Murphy, even high-level supernatural beings couldn't escape in such a situation. , but Murphy's body was indeed not found here.

"It must be, it must be, Feifei must be fine." Lin Yixun suddenly said in an affirmative tone, but everyone knew that the probability of this was almost zero.

"Go back, maybe Murphy can really escape." Shao Qing glanced at Lin Yixun and Yulin, then walked towards his car.

After getting in the car, the three returned to the central area.

After sending Lin Yixun and Yulin back to the villa, Shao Qing drove to the command center.

Murphy didn't know how long he had practiced Qi, but his body was still very weak, this time it really hurt his vitality.

However, Qi training is still somewhat effective, at least now I know I am hungry.

Feeling hungry, Mo Fei gradually returned the last breath to all parts of his body, then opened his eyes, took out some food from the storage amulet and started to eat.

After finishing a plate of rice, Mo Fei rubbed his stomach, finally feeling full.Originally, I wanted to get up and walk around, but when I got off the ground, I felt that my feet were light and light, as if I was stepping on cotton balls.

I know that although I feel better, my body is still very weak, especially the foot that was pinched by the C3 zombie this time. I don’t know if it hurt the bone. Even if luck recovers, the foot is still very painful.

However, it was a miracle that he was able to survive being caught by the C3 zombies.

After sitting for a while, Murphy calmed down and practiced Qi again. Although the injury on his foot was unknown, at least he had to recuperate his body first. If he could rush back to the sea base, he could find a doctor to help him.

In this way, Murphy stayed at the beach building for three full days. On the fourth day, his body had almost recovered, except for some strange things on his feet. After feeling better, Murphy walked towards the sea base step by step with Su Ying spear in hand.

The personnel at the sea base have not stopped being busy these days. It has been three days since the zombies besieged the city. Although the corpses of the zombies are almost processed, the city wall has not yet been restored. It's coming, because the first layer of the city wall can no longer withstand the impact and must be repaired as soon as possible.

The part that was knocked down by the C3 zombies has been dug open and needs to be repaired with bricks and cement, so at this time the sea base will be less protected than usual, and people can't feel at ease.

At the same time, because neither Murphy's body nor his body was found, Lin Yixun also delayed the team's departure plan.

Of course, Team Leader Zhang disagreed at all. After all, the sea base didn't know when there would be a zombie siege.As the team leader of this mission, he not only had to ensure Lin Yixun's safety, but also brought the goods and personnel back for this operation, so team leader Zhang wanted to leave as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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