Chapter 152
"Dr. Lin, whether it is for your own safety or for other members of the sea base, we must leave tomorrow."

In the villa where Lin Yixun lives, team leader Zhang is trying to persuade Lin Yixun to change his mind.

Seeing that Lin Yixun insisted on staying, Team Leader Zhang had no choice but to make up his mind and set off early tomorrow morning to leave the sea base.

"Leader Zhang, can you stay for a few more days? Feifei doesn't see anyone alive or dead, how can she leave at ease like this." Lin Yixun stared at Leader Zhang with a pair of big eyes and replied.

"Dr. Lin, we have been waiting for several days, and the zombie siege is so frequent here, we must leave as soon as possible."


"Come on, we have to leave tomorrow, otherwise I will tie you back." Team Leader Zhang had a serious face at this moment.

Lin Yixun pursed his lips when he saw that he was too weak, "But the plastic drawing is on Feifei's body, if we don't find her, what shall we exchange with Haiji?"

When it comes to plastic drawings, Team Leader Zhang is at a loss. This is the main purpose of this trip, and the other goods are second, but it is indeed a big trouble to have no plastic drawings.

Seeing that Team Leader Zhang didn't speak, Lin Yixun quickly struck while the iron was hot: "Team Leader Zhang, you should send someone to look a little further away! Please, please!"

Lin Yixun clasped his hands together and kept shaking them towards Team Leader Zhang.

"I've sent people to look for it these few days, didn't they find it all!" Captain Zhang shook his head, speaking of it, he also blamed Shao Qing, the leader of the investigation team at the sea base.

No matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find any trace of Murphy, except for the sling at the gate of the city. Team leader Zhang analyzed Lin Yixun and Yulin, and felt that Murphy might have been buried in the belly of the zombie. Don't be sad personally.

Afterwards, Team Leader Zhang sent someone to search the body again, and it was true that there was no Murphy, so Lin Yixun and Yulin resigned themselves to their fate and gave up.

But unexpectedly, the next morning, when the group of Star Base was about to leave, Shao Qing, the investigation team leader of Sea Base, rushed over in a hurry.

It turned out that when Shao Qing was sent to investigate something, he inadvertently discovered from the surveillance video of the last ultimate protection that Murphy ran out from the corner and even took the C3 zombie out.

In other words, Murphy was still alive when he left the city wall.

Because of this, it gave Lin Yixun and Yulin great hope, so Lin Yixun made a decisive decision not to leave, and stayed to continue searching for Murphy.

So in the past three days, I have searched inside and outside the city of Haiji Base, even the mountain next to Haiji Base, but I still haven't found anything. That's why Team Leader Zhang came to Lin Yixun again today and asked Must leave tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Team Leader Zhang sighed: "We also know the importance of plastic drawings, but we must leave tomorrow. The Star Base has sent us an order to go back as soon as possible, so no matter what we can't find today, we will leave tomorrow." going to leave."

Lin Yixun curled his lips, Team Leader Zhang said so, and he had no other excuses, so he just nodded: "Then can you ask someone to go further away today?"

"Dr. Lin, you also know that the scene when the C2 zombies and C3 zombies came before, so the personnel didn't want to go far at all, but I will try to let them search farther today!"

Because it was the last day, team leader Zhang had to try his best to comfort Lin Yixun.

"That's the best thing to do." Lin Yixun replied listlessly, with his head drooping like a deflated ball.

"Then I'll go out first, and Dr. Lin also asks you both to pack up your things as soon as possible." Team Leader Zhang went straight to the door after speaking, opened it and walked out.

At this time, Murphy was sitting on the edge of the coastal road drinking water. Because of his foot injury, he couldn't hurry as fast as last time. He came out of the dawn, and kept walking like this. Murphy had just left the beach.

"It's too tiring to walk like this. It will take a few days to get there by walking so slowly!" Mo Fei muttered as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and glanced at the road.If it wasn't for the lack of signal from the satellite contactor for the past two days, she would have contacted team leader Zhang to pick her up.

After complaining and putting the water bottle into the storage talisman, Murphy sat on the side of the road to recirculate the Qi in his body.

After this week's cycle was over, the body recovered again, and then continued to walk forward with a limp.

Walking and resting along the side of the road like this, Murphy hadn't gone far in the afternoon.

Seeing another clean stone in front of him, Mo Fei walked quickly and sat down on the big stone.

Just as he was about to take water from the storage talisman, he suddenly heard a sound coming from far and near.

Mo Fei supported the boulder and knelt on the ground with one leg, and listened with his ear to the ground. He felt that the sound was getting closer and closer. It seemed to be the sound of a car, which made Mo Fei a little excited.

If there is a car, there must be someone, and I finally met someone.

Supporting the ground with his hands, Murphy stood up from the ground, holding the Suying gun in one hand to support his body, and staring at a turning not far away.

Sure enough, not long after, a car turned a corner and drove towards him.

Murphy hurriedly hopped forward a few steps, and swung his recovered left hand vigorously towards the car.

The people in that car probably also saw Murphy, slowed down in the distance, and then stopped in front of Murphy.

The car had just stopped when the door opened, and several people jumped out from inside.

"Yo, it's a girl, but unfortunately she's a cripple!" The first person who jumped down seemed to look at Murphy with some disgust.

"Whatever, take it home and talk about it. Besides, this girl has a pretty face. Maybe our boss has never tasted lameness before. It's good to try something new!"

Listening to the conversation between the two, Murphy couldn't help frowning. It seemed that the people he met were not kind.

"Little sister. Sister, are you going to go to the sea base? Come with brother, and brother will take you there." The man said while pinching Murphy's chin with one hand.

Mo Fei was so angry, but now he had to rest for a long time even to walk, so he had to endure it, thinking that he would deal with them after he got better.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Murphy smiled at the two people who got out of the car, and then showed a sad expression: "Are you all from the sea base? I didn't come out alone, I came out with a convoy. I didn't expect to encounter zombies, and all the people in the convoy were killed. I wasn't limping at first, but I jumped from a high place while escaping and broke my foot."

"So it's like this! Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, brother will take you back to the base!" The two people exchanged glances when they heard that the girl in front of them was not crippled, but just injured her foot.

"Get in the car, we'll take you back to the base, and we'll find a doctor for you to take a good look at."

Murphy resisted the urge to pick the two men to death with a plain gun and got into the car.

However, having a car is different. It didn't take long for Murphy to see the gate of the sea base.

Originally, Murphy wanted to use the inspection at the gate to let the injured himself stay at a certain gate, and then find an opportunity to contact Lin Yixun and the others.Unexpectedly, the car she was riding in just showed a ID card at the gate of the city, and then let it in without even checking it.

And this car not only passed through several residential areas, but even drove directly into the central area.

After the car drove into the central area, one of the cars lowered the window and shouted towards this side: "You go back to the villa directly, I will report to the boss."

"No, we'll go anyway, what are you trying to claim credit for? Let me tell you, it was the two of us who found out this time, and you didn't even get out of the car." The people in the car shouted not to be outdone.

"Okay, then let's go together." The man looked at the people in the car here, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words.

The people in the car here pushed the windows up, and then the person sitting next to Mo Fei gave a "Bah" to the car: "Bah, what, I know how to flatter people, and he took the credit for the previous few times. I still want to grab it this time.”

Murphy pretended not to know anything and asked with wide eyes, "Where are we going?"

The man quickly put on a smile: "Little sister, don't worry, the place we are going to is absolutely safe. I will wait here for a while, and then we will live in a big villa, and then I will give you Ask a doctor to look at your feet."

Murphy nodded pretending to be pleasantly surprised: "Great, you are really kind people."

After the car stopped at the command center, Murphy squinted his eyes. It seemed that he was still a person of status. No wonder he was able to drive directly into the central area.

The two people in the car opened the door and got out of the car, and the person sitting next to Mo Fei turned and looked into the car: "Little sister, sister, is it convenient to walk? We are going to a place to stay for a while."

Mo Fei was eager to have a chance to come out, so he nodded quickly: "I'm fine, but where are you taking me?"

"We have something to do, you just follow along." Seeing that Murphy was cooperating, the man couldn't help being in a good mood.

Follow a few people to enter through the side door of the command center, and then several people go upstairs.

Murphy lowered his head and looked around, but the two people around him were too close to him, and his feet were inconvenient, so it was really difficult to escape.However, Murphy did not let go of any chance, paying attention to the opportunity that would make him sure to escape, because if he failed, he would definitely be watched more closely.

Seeing that Murphy was really struggling to go upstairs, those people asked the two people to stay, and then the two people in the other two cars who had just talked to each other walked upstairs together.

In the corridor by the side stairs, the dim light made Mo Fei a little disappointed.I can't find any chance to get rid of it at all, it seems that I can only wait.

The two people came down the stairs quickly. The man who brought Mo Fei into the car at first seemed to be in a good mood, and when he came down, he smiled at Mo Fei and said, "Little sister, sister, you are blessed! Our boss said to take you back first." Rest, a doctor will be sent to treat you in a while."

Murphy nodded: "Great, my feet really hurt."

"Then let's go! We'll take you back to the villa."

As he said that, the man grabbed Murphy's arm and walked out.

At the main staircase not far away, a man frowned and looked at the backs of several people going away.

(End of this chapter)

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