Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 153 Luxury Villa in Pearl District

Chapter 153 Luxury Villa in Pearl District

Murphy followed the group of people into the car again, and then the car drove towards the villa area in the central area.

After the car arrived, Murphy was surprised to find that this was actually the "Pearl District", the top area of ​​the sea base, and this was a villa area that ordinary people really couldn't set foot in.

But they were all here, and they couldn't run away anyway, so Mo Fei had no choice but to get out of the car and walk into this luxurious villa that didn't look like anything in the last days.

"This is it, little sister. Sister, I don't know your name yet?" The man asked Mo Fei, leading him to the front of the villa.

"Uh... my name is Su Qing, sober Su, sober Qing." Mo Fei made up a name. The surname of this name was taken from his mother Su Chenyu, and the first name was taken from his father Mo Zhengqing's Qing.

"Oh, Su Qing, that sounds like a fresh name. Go in, girl Qingqing. Our boss is taking care of you. I'll arrange for a doctor to come over later." The man nodded and took Murphy to a in front of the room.

"Is this the room for me?" Murphy asked suspiciously.

"Of course! Our boss is the kindest. Hearing that you are alone and helpless, I will let you rest at home first."

"Your leader is...?" Murphy asked tentatively.

The man just smiled but didn't answer: "You will see me when you come back at night, well, you go in and rest first, although there is a bathroom inside, but you probably can't take a bath in your appearance, but it's okay, our boss will take care of you when he comes back of."

When the man said this, there was an ambiguous smile on his face that made Murphy feel a little sick.

"Don't worry about it, I'm fine, thank you, you are really good people." Mo Fei smiled brightly, and scolded this group of people in his heart.

"You can use everything in this room, then I'll go to the doctor and wash it slowly." The man left the room after speaking.

Mo Fei looked at the room, and the layout of this room was too feminine.

There are purple flowers on the pale yellow wallpaper, and the snow-white curtains are trimmed with lace.The bed was a white princess bed with a pink fitted sheet.There was also a snow-white fluffy carpet on the floor under the bed.This is obviously the girl's room, and it is definitely not specially prepared for me in such a short period of time.

"I've come to a change. Is this a flamboyant family?" Murphy couldn't help muttering as he looked at everything in front of him.

Next to the side wall was a row of wardrobes. Curiously, Mo Fei opened a door of the wardrobe, and then saw a row full of women's clothes of all kinds.

With all the doors on the entire wall open, Murphy simply breathed a sigh of relief.

From schoolwear to casual wear, from princess dresses to evening gowns, from miniskirts that are as short as your knees to floor-length maxi skirts.Then open the lower compartment, which is a variety of shoes.Although there are only one or two of each, this is too comprehensive.

However, Mo Fei would not refuse hypocritically if he had clean clothes to change. From among the many clothes, Mo Fei picked some of the most common ones, took two sets, put the rest by the bed, and then took a clean set. clothes and headed for the bathroom.

Adjust the water temperature of the shower, and the water will flow out after the automatic constant temperature.

Murphy stood under the shower and scrubbed his body.

Because of the injury on his feet, Mo Fei couldn't stand for too long, so he took out a plastic stool from the storage amulet and sat on it to wash.

Finally, after taking a hot bath happily, Mo Fei took out clean underwear from the storage amulet and changed into it, and then put on the clothes he just took from the outside cabinet.

After coming out of the bathroom, Murphy lay down on the bed to rest. Anyway, he couldn't walk for the time being and couldn't escape, so let's take a look at the situation with peace of mind!
Just as Murphy was about to fall asleep, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Come in." Murphy opened his eyes and responded.

A man in a white coat outside walked in with the man who had just gone out and brought him back.

"Qingqing, this is the best surgeon in our sea base, let him take a look at it for you." The man said and let the man in the white coat come in.

After seeing the man in the white coat, Murphy lowered his head, because he had just washed his hair, which covered most of his face: "Okay, then I'll trouble the doctor."

The doctor didn't say anything but just kept shaking his head, and then the previous person moved a stool for the doctor and said, "You can take a good look at it anyway, and try to recover as soon as possible."

The doctor only said at this time: "I understand, please don't worry, but can I go out first during the treatment?"

"Oh, okay, I'll trouble you then." The man said and backed out.

"Little girl, show me your injury." The doctor sighed, turned his head and said to Murphy.

Mo Fei stretched out his foot, and the doctor examined Mo Fei's injury carefully, but his face was full of regret.

"Doctor, is my foot serious?" Murphy couldn't help asking when he saw the doctor's expression.

"Oh, that's not true. Your foot is just broken and dislocated. As long as it is reset and maintained properly, it can recover."

"Then why do you keep sighing?"

"This..." The doctor hesitated to speak, and then asked: "Little girl, do you know what it means for you to come to this villa?"

Murphy shook her head. In fact, she really didn't know very well, but she knew that this group of people must have no good intentions.

"Alas..." Seeing that the little girl in front of him didn't know what was going on, the doctor couldn't help but sighed heavily again.

"Doctor, can you tell me?"

"It's useless to tell you, it's hard to get out once you're in, unless..."

"Unless what?" Murphy asked the doctor hesitantly.

"Unless you're tired of it! Girl, that's all I can say. Take care of yourself!" The doctor fixed Murphy's foot in the position that seemed to be aligned with the instrument he carried with him, and then fixed the sole of the foot with a mold, and then Bandaged.

"After the bandage is tied on the foot, don't get wet. Be careful when taking a shower." After the doctor finished speaking, he got up and walked to the door.

"Doctor An, wait." Murphy shouted hastily.

It turned out that this person was Dr. An who Shao Qing called to help him treat the dislocation of his left arm last time.

Hearing the girl in front of him call out his last name, Dr. An turned his head in doubt: "Do you know me?"

"Doctor An, I'm Murphy, remember? Last time Team Leader Shao asked you to help me treat the dislocated one." Murphy threw his hair back and stared at Dr. An and asked.

"Oh my god, it's really you. Why are you here? You don't know that Team Leader Shao and the people from your star base are going crazy looking for you." Dr. An recognized Murphy and turned back quickly.

Only then did Murphy roughly describe his experience, of course, absolutely omitting the fact that the C3 zombie was hacked to death by himself.

"I did this to avoid the C3 zombies and fell off the mountain wall on the side of the road. I felt better before I climbed back, but they brought me here."

"Murphy, what can you do then? The people at Star Base will leave tomorrow, but it's really hard for you to escape here, especially if you're like this now, there's no way to escape at all!" Dr. An looked at Murphy Said the foot that was fixed and bandaged by himself just now.

"Doctor An, do me a favor. Inform Dr. Lin at the Star Base that I'm fine, and the plan will continue as originally planned, and let Team Leader Zhang remember to prepare things for me." Murphy just asked Dr. An a bunch of questions. The whole point was to test Dr. An's character. Seeing that although he couldn't save himself, he gave so many warnings, Murphy estimated that he would help him.

"Okay, I can do this, but is it okay for you to stay at the sea base alone?"

"This was agreed in the morning. Originally, I wanted to stay at the sea base alone. By the way, Dr. An, when you tell them, don't say that I am seriously injured. Just say that I just sprained my foot. .” Murphy finally exhorted.

Doctor An nodded and left the room.

Murphy only heard Dr. An outside giving some precautions to the person just now, and then left.

Not long after Dr. An left, the man walked in and brought Mo Fei a meal.

This meal has a lot of dishes, and Mo Fei took it directly without refusing: "It's so rich, I'm really hungry." After taking it, Mo Fei started to eat it.

"Then you eat more, and follow the boss well in the future, you will have such a rich meal every day." The man never forgot to remind.

"Yeah, but I'm really curious, your boss is really supernatural." Mo Fei said while eating, not forgetting to raise his head.

"Of course, well, you can eat and behave well tonight." The man turned and left the room after speaking.

Mo Fei was the only one left in the room, and Mo Fei put the meal on the bedside table beside him.Only by acting very happy and not understanding anything can I let them relax their vigilance.

In the evening, the person they called "the boss" came back, and it seemed that he had to deal with it at night.You still have to eat, and it takes physical strength to deal with people, not to mention eating in order to recover as soon as possible.Picking up his rice bowl again, Mo Fei ate up the food.

After eating, Mo Fei continued to lie on the bed. After a while, the man came in to collect the bowls and chopsticks. Seeing that Mo Fei ate cleanly, he couldn't help but nodded.

"Okay, Qingqing, you can rest for a while. Our leader said that there is a meeting tonight, and we don't expect to be back until after 9:[-] pm. You can sleep for a while." The man said after picking up the bowls and chopsticks.

"Okay, I'm so happy. I haven't lived in such a comfortable house for a long time, and I've eaten so much." Murphy replied with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha, so you have to be obedient to continue living like this, understand?"

Murphy nodded after listening: "I see."

Seeing that Murphy was so obedient, the man couldn't help but feel complacent: the previous few were crying and crying at the beginning, but finally dismissed the boss when he was annoyed, but when they were asked to leave, they begged desperately not to leave.

Seeing how obedient the one I picked, it will definitely win the favor of the boss, and I will definitely get benefits by then.While thinking about it, the man walked out with a smile on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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