Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 154 Conditions

Chapter 154 Conditions
After the man went out, Murphy checked the time, it was just after 5 o'clock.The person said just now that their boss will be back around 9 o'clock, so there is still a lot of time before the "boss" returns.

Mo Fei got out of bed, hopped to the door of the room and locked the lock on the inside of the door, and then jumped back.

Sitting on the bed, Murphy adjusted his breathing and began to adjust the Qi in his body.

The reason why the foot injury has not been relieved before is because of the dislocation. This time, Dr. An helped him restore the position, and Murphy will use Qi to strengthen it, and he will be able to recover quickly.

Because he didn't know who this "boss" was and what he wanted to do, the first thing for Murphy was to resume his actions.

Pushing the breath into the body little by little, Murphy thought about the feet and let the breath flow gradually.

A warm current was transmitted to the feet, and the previous pain was instantly relieved a lot.

However, Murphy didn't dare to use too much at once, and the injury still had to be recovered gradually.

After practicing for a long time, Murphy estimated that it was almost time before returning the Qi to his body, and then opened his eyes.

He raised his wrist and glanced at the time, it was already 8:[-] in the evening.

"The time is just right." Murphy smiled, then hopped on one foot to unlock the door, and then lay down on the bed.

But he was indeed tired. Murphy originally wanted to lie down and pretend to sleep until the so-called "boss" came back, but he actually fell asleep unexpectedly.

When Mo Fei woke up, he looked out the window and found that it was already dawn.

I got up and recalled it, I seemed to hear voices vaguely last night, and then they disappeared.

Could it be that this "boss" is actually a good person, and he just took in himself?But after thinking about it, it was wrong.

Shaking his head, Mo Fei felt that he should not think too much about it for the time being. It would be best if he had nothing to do.

He got up and hopped into the bathroom. Mophy came out after washing up, and there was already a bowl of porridge and some side dishes on the bedside table.

When I was in the bathroom just now, I heard someone open the door and come in, but they didn't talk to me. It turned out that they were delivering breakfast.

Mo Fei sat down and picked up the porridge bowl and drank it slowly. Before he finished eating, a strange man walked in.

"Who are you?" Murphy looked at the man warily.

"Miss Su Qing, right? I'm the administrator here. My surname is Fang. You can give me any orders you have in the future. The owner of the house came back yesterday and told me to take good care of you." The administrator surnamed Fang replied.

"Oh, room manager, I haven't finished this breakfast yet." Mo Fei nodded, then raised the porridge bowl in his hand.

"It's okay, I'm here to give this to you, because you have limited mobility, our homeowner specially prepared this button for you, you can call me at any time." The house manager took something like a bell and handed it to Mo Fei.

Murphy took the bell and nodded to the room manager, then continued to eat.

The room manager went out of the room again.

Looking at the bell in his hand, Murphy was even more confused about the situation. What did he miss when he fell asleep yesterday?Why did he seem to become a distinguished guest overnight?
Shrugging his shoulders, Murphy continued to drink up the porridge in his hand, and then rang the bell. After a while, the room manager came in and took away the porridge bowl that Murphy had just eaten.

"Miss Su Qing, the doctor will come to check your injury at 10 o'clock later." The room manager said before leaving the door.

"I see, thank you." Murphy nodded, and the room manager went out.

Dr. An will come again today, will he bring good news to himself?While Murphy was thinking this way, the team members of the star base were also getting ready to go.

"Sister Yulin, is Feifei really okay? Why didn't you come to see us?" Lin Yixun sat in the car and looked at Yulin.

"Since that doctor An said that the message Feifei brought us must be fine, it must be because of a sprained foot and it is inconvenient to move. By the way, Yixun, when you hand over to the officials at the sea base, don't forget to tell them this. This change." Yulin exhorted.

"I know, it's just that Feifei doesn't show up, and I'm worried that the people at the sea base won't let us take away the plastic map first." Lin Yixun said helplessly.

"That's right, but we don't know where Feifei is right now, and that Doctor An won't tell us." Yulin was also a bit out of sorts, she couldn't force the doctor to tell her with a knife.

When the two were talking, the car had already driven to the office building of the command center, Yulin followed Lin Yixun out of the car and walked towards the office building.

There are five people sitting in the meeting room in the office building, and there are four other people besides Dr. Zhong from the laboratory.

Among the four people, the one sitting in the middle is a man in his 50s or [-]s. The man is short but very energetic. Sitting there, he exudes aura.Next to him was a man in his forties with a slightly swollen face and a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

Next to the swollen man was a shrewd, thin man who was also in his forties, but the last man present was a very handsome man in his 30s and [-]s, tall and straight, like a European Generally tall and straight nose bridge and deep eye sockets, slender fingers tap rhythmically on the table.

These two people are the chief and deputy commander-in-chief and the chief and deputy executive officers of the sea base.

50. The [-]-year-old man is the commander-in-chief of the sea base, Kang Chenghui.That swollen man is the deputy commander of the sea base, Shi Xingchang.

As for the other two, the thin man in his forties is the executive officer of the sea base, Shao Hongyang, and the man in his 30s and [-]s is the deputy executive officer of the sea base, Ye Yonghang.

Lin Yixun and Yulin came to the meeting room, Lin Yixun knocked on the door, and the guard inside opened the door for them.

"Hi Commander Kang." Lin Yixun walked in, looked around the four people, and said to the not tall but energetic man sitting in the middle.

"Dr. Lin, please sit down!" Kang Chenghui nodded towards Lin Yixun, motioning for Lin Yixun to sit down.

At this time, the eyes of Ye Yonghang, the deputy executive officer of the sea base, never left Yulin from the moment Lin Yixun and Yulin entered the door.

Feeling the gaze, Yulin glanced at it out of the corner of her eye. This man was indeed good-looking, but the desire revealed in his eyes made Yulin disgusted from the bottom of her heart.

Instead of looking at the source of that gaze, Yulin sat down with Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun took out the report compiled this time, and then began to hand over to Dr. Zhong, and then took out some not very important materials to hand over to the sea base.

After everything was done, Dr. Zhong left first and went back to the laboratory, while the other four people in the sea base all looked at Lin Yixun.

The commander-in-chief of the sea base, Kang Chenghui, said: "Dr. Lin, the transfer of these has been completed, and the next step is our most important step!"

Lin Yixun nodded, then looked at Yulin beside her.

Yulin held Lin Yixun's hand from under the table and nodded towards her.

Lin Yixun then turned his head and said to Kang Chenghui: "Commander Kang, the situation is like this. My plastic figure was placed on my bodyguard before, but she was injured in the battle a few days ago, so We are going to leave first, and then I will hand over the plastic model to you when she recovers from her injuries."

"Oh? Then where is your guard now?"

"She..." Lin Yixun was at a loss for words for a moment, because she had no idea where Murphy was now.

Everyone at Haiji Base was waiting for Lin Yixun's answer, but at this moment, someone knocked on the door of the conference room.

"Open the door to see who it is." Ye Yonghang, the deputy executive officer of the sea base, motioned to the guard at the door.

The guard opened the door, and standing outside the door was Shao Qing, the leader of the investigation team of the sea base.

"It's Shao Qing! What's the matter?" Seeing that it was Shao Qing, Kang Chenghui couldn't help asking.

On the other hand, Shao Hongyang stood up and asked Shao Qing with a stern face: "We are dealing with business here, what are you here for?"

"Hongyang, don't be so serious, Shao Qing is not such a disrespectful person, he must have come here for something!" Kang Chenghui stopped Shao Hongyang and looked at Shao Qing.

It turned out that Shao Qing was the son of Shao Hongyang, the executive officer of the sea base.

Shao Qing saluted Kang Chenghui, then walked in.

"I'm really sorry to bother you, but this time I'm here to prove that the plastic model is indeed on the body of Dr. Lin's guard, but the guard can't appear for the time being, but I promise she won't leave in private." Shao Qing said Looking at Kang Chenghui and said.

"Nonsense, this painting is a big deal, how can you guarantee it?" Shao Hongyang slapped the table and stood up after hearing Shao Qing's words.

"Shao executive, don't be so angry. Who doesn't know that Shao Qing is famous for his integrity and selflessness in our sea base. I believe Shao Qing's guarantee." Shi Xingchang, the deputy commander of the sea base with a slightly swollen face, took it easy Said.

But at this time, not only Shao Hongyang was excited, but Lin Yixun and Yulin were equally excited.The two stood up at the same time and looked at Shao Qing.

"Leader Shao, is it true? Do you know where Feifei is?" Lin Yixun was about to pounce on her.

Shao Qing nodded: "But she is recuperating now and it is not suitable to come out, you can go back first."

Lin Yixun and Yulin nodded as if they were pecking rice, Yulin and Lin Yixun looked at each other, with tears in their eyes but a smile on their faces.

beautiful!It is simply beautiful!Ye Yonghang, the deputy executive officer of the sea base, stared at the smiling Yulin, and couldn't help but praise secretly in his heart.

Seeing the reactions of several people and Shao Qing's words, Kang Chenghui couldn't help thinking for a while, and then said to Lin Yixun: "Dr. , but I can’t just let you take away such an important thing without a successful exchange.”

Hearing Kang Chenghui's words, Lin Yixun showed a disappointed expression on his face. It seems that this transaction still failed to go according to their expectations.

 The National Day holiday is approaching, how do you arrange it?Are you a nerd, or do you already have travel plans?
(End of this chapter)

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