Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 156 Eat and drink

Chapter 156 Eat and drink
Because there was no way to leave, Lin Yixun and Yulin had to go back to the villa.

After eating at noon, Lin Yixun was about to take a nap when a beautiful bell rang at the gate of the villa.

Yulin walked to the door of the house and turned on the video surveillance at the door, and the person who appeared inside was Ye Yonghang, the deputy executive officer of the sea base.

"Sister Yulin, is the team leader Zhang?" Lin Yixun asked as he stopped as he was going upstairs.

Yulin shook her head: "It's the deputy executive officer."

"Why is it him again?" Lin Yixun also said impatiently.

"Who knows, but at least he is an executive officer. I'll open the door and ask what's the matter." Yulin said as she was about to open the door.

"Wait, Sister Yulin." Lin Yixun ran down the stairs to stop Yulin: "Sister Yulin, since I was in the command center just now, I saw him always staring at you, I think I'll go, you go upstairs."

Yulin thought about the look in that person's eyes and nodded, then turned and walked upstairs.

Seeing Yulin went upstairs, Lin Yixun opened the door and poked out half of his head to look outside, and saw that only Ye Yonghang came out.

At the gate, Lin Yixun tilted his head and looked at Ye Yonghang and asked, "Deputy executive, what's the matter?"

"Good afternoon, Dr. Lin. I'm here to invite you two to watch the sea cliff corner. I thought it was a pity that you were leaving, but I didn't expect the cargo truck at the Star Base to break down. I think it's God's will. I can invite you The two ladies are going to see the most beautiful places in our sea base."

Seeing Lin Yixun coming out, Ye Yonghang said politely to Lin Yixun, who was very gentlemanly.

"That's it! But my sister is taking a nap, what a pity." Lin Yixun pretended to have a regretful expression, but she was indeed regretful. Lin Yixun actually wanted to see it, but she didn't want to go with the person in front of her .

"That's it! How about we make an appointment?" Ye Yonghang seemed to have guessed that Lin Yixun would say this and continued to ask.

"This... I really want to go, but I'd better discuss it with my sister." Lin Yixun replied to Ye Yonghang with big innocent eyes blinking.

"Okay then, I'll treat you two to dinner tonight, and then tell me the answer. See you that night, and I'll send a car to pick you up." After Ye Yonghang finished speaking, he turned and left the gate with a triumphant smile on his face. .

"Hey..." Lin Yixun looked at Ye Yonghang who had already got in the car and drove away, a little speechless.Why is this person so good at taking advantage of loopholes, but he has already mentioned this point, after all, he is the deputy executive officer of the sea base, so Lin Yixun had no choice but to return to the house dejectedly.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Yulin secretly opened the door and looked outside, and saw that only Lin Yixun downstairs came down with a sigh of relief.

"Yixun, why are you listless?" Seeing Lin Yixun's listless look, Yulin asked quickly.

"Sister Yulin, this person really knows how to block back and forth. I never said anything about him. In the end, not only did I not reject the matter of going to Haiyajiao, but I also went to his place for dinner at night. Why am I so stupid!" Yixun beat his head in annoyance.

"Don't do Yixun like this, it's not your fault, it's all because that person is too cunning. Forget it, it's just a meal, let's go, it's fine." Yulin comforted Lin Yixun.

"Sister Yulin, otherwise I'll go and forget it myself. I'll tell you that you're not feeling well. I can see that the deputy executive is here for you." Lin Yixun turned his head, grabbed Yulin's arm and said.

"They said it's all right. I don't worry if you go by yourself. The two of us can still have someone to take care of you. Don't think too much about it."

Hearing what Yulin said, Lin Yixun agreed to go together.

After lunch, Murphy sat alone in the room to practice Qi. Dr. An had been away for a while, but Murphy still remembered Dr. An's words very clearly.

However, Murphy was not worried about his situation. After all, after Dr. An reset his bones, Murphy had accelerated his recovery with Qi, and believed that he could recover five times faster than ordinary people.

Get out of here as soon as you recover from your injuries.

Before he knew it, Murphy practiced his qi all afternoon again.

Since coming to the sea base, my qi training time has actually been several times longer than when I was at the star base.So Murphy's recent basic four layers are also faintly to the edge.

As long as you upgrade to another level, you can learn two kinds of talismans at once.

Therefore, in addition to recovering health faster, Murphy is also working hard to strengthen his ability.

It was estimated that it was almost time for dinner, so Murphy calmed down and got up secretly to unlock the door.

However, when Murphy went to unlock the door, he unexpectedly found that the door was locked from the outside.

How is this going?Did they realize their intention to escape?Murphy couldn't help thinking to himself.

However, it was wrong to think about it again, it is impossible for me to run away in this state!
Mo Fei hopped back to the bed with one foot, raised his wrist to check the time, it was not far from dinner time, he wouldn't starve himself to death!
After a while, there was a sound from the door, and then the room manager walked in with a rich meal.

"Miss Su Qing, here is your dinner." The room manager said as he put the food on the table next to Murphy's bed.

"House manager, I just heard you unlock the lock, am I locked?" Murphy asked as if he had just discovered it.

"Oh, Ms. Su Qing, please don't get me wrong. It's because the owner invited guests to the house for a party at night. We locked the door for you because we were worried that someone would break in by mistake." The house manager still had the same smile on his face.

"Is there a party? I really want to attend, but it's a pity that I can't move my feet like this." Mo Fei said with a regretful expression, frowning.

"Then I wish you a speedy recovery. I won't bother Miss Su Qing for dinner. I'm going out." The house manager still kept smiling and walked out of Murphy's room.

"Party? It's a pity that my foot injury hasn't recovered, otherwise it would be a good opportunity to escape when there are many people." Murphy glanced at the locked door and whispered.

Taking a look at the meals on the table, I probably picked some of each type for myself before putting them on the plate. Today's meal can really be described as luxurious.

From meat, fish to all kinds of seafood, there are even many expensive varieties sold before the end of the world.

"That's not bad. I'm going to get rich at your party." Anyway, he couldn't escape today, so Murphy simply enjoyed today's delicious food.

After eating, Mo Fei rang the bell given to her by the room manager, and the room manager appeared in the room after a while. However, the room manager was sweating profusely, and it was obvious that she was busy preparing for work.

"Miss Su Qing, what are your orders?" Although the room manager looked very busy, he still kept a consistent smile on his face, which made Mo Fei have to admire that this person was really dedicated.

"House manager, I'm sorry to call you when you're so busy. I've finished my meal, please take out the bowls and chopsticks, and bring me some water. After that, don't worry about me. I'll take a shower and go to bed soon." .” Mo Fei pointed to the bowls and chopsticks on the table and said.

"Okay, by the way, Miss Su Qing, what kind of fruit do you prefer? There are quite a few kinds of fruit today, and I'll bring you a plate." The room manager asked Mo Fei after agreeing.

There is fruit?Murphy couldn't help being a little surprised. After all, when he was in Cangji, he rarely saw fruit on the commander's menu. Who is this executive?
Although Dr. An told Murphy a lot before, everyone had a tacit understanding and never told Murphy who the owner of the villa was.

But to tell her the truth, she might not know him, but this aroused Murphy's curiosity even more.

Seeing that Mo Fei didn't speak for a long time, the room manager continued: "There are quite a lot of varieties today, Miss Su Qing, how about I put a little of each for you and make a platter for you?"

Mo Fei regained his composure and nodded quickly: "Great, I was thinking about what to eat. I like fruits, so I'll trouble the room management."

The room manager nodded, and left the room with Mo Fei's tableware.

When the house manager came back, he was actually carrying a fruit basket in his hand.There are eight or nine kinds of fruits in it, and there are not many of each, usually one to three.

After putting down the fruit basket, the room manager went out again, locked the door and left. He still had a lot of things to arrange.

"No way, there are so many kinds of fruits, and they can be used for parties. The executives of this sea base are too corrupt!" Murphy couldn't help but said, looking at the big basket full of fruits in front of him.

First, he collected a few of his favorite foods, and then Mo Fei unceremoniously ate the rest.Let alone eating fruit since the end of the world, I have rarely seen it.I didn't expect to be kidnapped to have such benefits.

After eating the fruit, Mo Fei wiped his mouth with a towel contentedly, turned around and jumped into the bathroom to take a hot shower, and then returned to the bed comfortably to continue practicing Qi.

Mo Fei was practicing Qi quietly here, but outside, the whole villa was extremely busy.

Today, the owner of the house drove back to explain that he was going to entertain the distinguished guests in the evening, and asked them to make preparations before 06:30, so the house management did not dare to neglect, including those who brought Murphy back last time.

Finally, before 06:30, it was almost done, and the last few dishes that took a lot of effort were only needed to be stewed to almost the same heat.

At 06:30, the room management opened the door and waited for the owner to come back.

Within 5 minutes, the homeowner's car drove over from a distance, but there were no other vehicles following the homeowner's car, which made the house management a little puzzled.But he knew that he couldn't talk too much, and it was not without reason that he was able to manage the owner's house from before the end of the world.

The homeowner's car drove straight into the courtyard, then stopped, and the homeowner got out of the car and walked to the back door of the car.

Opening the rear door, the homeowner smiled slightly inside: "This is my humble house, please..."

(End of this chapter)

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