Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 157 Purpose

Chapter 157 Purpose
After eating a full meal, Murphy was practicing qi. Everything outside had nothing to do with him. The most important thing was to hurry up to practice qi before no one noticed, and reach the fifth floor of the foundation as soon as possible.

Mobilizing the original breath in the body, Mo Fei let the breath slowly push in the body.

After two days of qi therapy, his foot injury has healed a lot, at least it doesn't hurt if he doesn't touch it now, so Murphy focused more on letting the breath pass through little by little.

After two consecutive laps, Murphy calmed down and prepared to go to the bathroom.

But when he opened his eyes, he saw that it was quiet outside the door.

I didn't pay attention to this problem when I was practicing Qi just now, and now I realize that I shouldn't.

Isn't there a party?Why is there no movement?
After going to the bathroom first, Murphy hopped on one foot towards the door.

When he came to the door, Murphy put his ear on the door and listened.It's just that it's really quiet outside, and it doesn't look like a party at all.

Could it be that the homeowner temporarily canceled the party?But I did so many good things today, it would be too wasteful to cancel, and if I cancel, shouldn't my door be opened?
After listening for a long time, Mo Fei didn't hear anything, and turned around resentfully and jumped to the bed.

Only halfway through the dance, I suddenly heard the sound of a plate falling to the ground, followed by the voice of a girl apologizing.

"Huh? Could it be a fight?" Murphy was aroused to gossip at this time, and then came to the door again in a hop.

It's just that although it's on the first floor, it's still a short distance from the living room. Even though Mo Fei's hearing has been strengthened, it still doesn't sound very clear.

After waiting for a while, there seemed to be footsteps coming this way, and Murphy quickly retreated to the bed and pretended to sleep.

However, the person who came did not enter her room, but the door opposite was opened.

I only heard the room manager speak: "Please choose what you like here and change it up. If you need to wash it, there is a bathroom for the two of you."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." A female voice sounded.

Hearing this female voice, Murphy sat up from the bed and jumped to the door again.

Now there was another footstep, and then the footsteps stopped in front of the door.

The female voice apologized again: "I'm really sorry just now, we're really sorry for staining your clothes."

Then, Mo Fei heard a strange man's voice: "It's nothing, I should be blamed for not holding it, both of you, please clean up a little and change your clothes, I'll go and change my clothes too, see you in the living room later."

After the man finished speaking, he seemed to leave again, and then a different female voice sounded from the opposite side: "Are you all right? Are you hot?"

"It's okay, let's go in and clean up!"

Then Murphy heard the sound of the door being closed.

From the first time he heard the female voice, Murphy felt a little uneasy. What's going on?Do you experience auditory hallucinations if you practice qi too often?But after thinking about it again, I realized that it wasn't my own auditory hallucinations.

Murphy did not leave the door, but waited quietly in front of the door.

After a long time, the two girls probably came out after taking a bath and changing their clothes.

Hearing the door slam, Murphy quickly knocked on his own door.

But before he could speak, the sound of footsteps and the strange male voice came from outside again: "Have the two ladies finished their grooming? Then please!"

"Well, it's ready. Thank you very much. The suit we borrowed will be washed and returned to you."

"No, no, no, these two sets will be a gift for the two of you to apologize." The man replied with a smile.

The girl didn't speak any more, and the footsteps got farther and farther away.

After missing the opportunity just now, Murphy had no choice but to return to the bed. It was impossible for the two girls to come back, and he couldn't get out, but didn't they leave the sea base?What exactly is going on?

Those two girls were none other than Lin Yixun and Yulin.

Lin Yixun and Yulin who were invited were anxiously waiting for the evening dinner at home, not knowing what the deputy executive officer Ye Yonghang was going to do.

But since there is no way to refuse, I can only participate.

At six o'clock in the evening, Ye Yonghang drove to the villa where Lin Yixun and Yulin lived, and then took the two of them to his villa.

The two of them did not expect that although only two of them were invited, the dishes were extremely rich.

It's just that the uneasiness in their hearts made both of them lose their appetite.

Ye Yonghang kept introducing the sea base and himself to the two of them, and kept adding food to the two of them during the meal.

Just now Ye Yonghang stood in front of Yulin while sharing the soup, but Ye Yonghang's hand caressed Yulin's graceful back dishonestly.

Seeing this, Lin Yixun pretended to stand up and pick up things, trying to separate Ye Yonghang, but unexpectedly, she spilled the soup in Ye Yonghang's hand, and the whole bowl of slightly hot soup spilled all over Yulin's body, and Ye Yonghang's The body was also splashed a lot.

That's why Ye Yonghang ordered the room manager to take two people to the guest room next to Murphy to change clothes.

It's just that Murphy doesn't know much about these things, because as far as she knows, Yulin and Lin Yixun should have left the sea base to rush to the star base today, so why did they attend a party at the owner's house at night.

In doubt, Murphy heard the sound of the door twisting, and then the room manager walked in from the outside.

Seeing Mo Fei sitting on the bed, the room manager was a little surprised: "Miss Su Qing hasn't rested yet? I thought you fell asleep and wanted to collect the fruit basket. Putting the fruit basket in the room is easy to attract small flying insects."

"Just slept for a while, got up and went to the toilet, now I'm not too sleepy, just sit for a while." Murphy looked up and replied.

"Then I won't bother you." The room manager picked up the empty fruit basket from the table and was stunned for a moment. It seems that Miss Su Qing really likes fruits, so she ate up so much, but the room manager didn't Ask more, then walk towards the door.In fact, most of the fruits were collected by Mo Fei into the storage talisman, which was beyond the imagination of the room management.

"By the way, the room manager, didn't we talk about a party today? Why is it so quiet outside?" Murphy asked quickly when he saw the room manager was about to go out with his things.

"Oh, the guest has already left, otherwise I wouldn't come in to disturb your rest." The room manager stopped and turned around, and replied respectfully.

"That's it, it's all right. By the way, the room management, my feet hurt a little when I just fell asleep. I don't know if there is something wrong. Can you call the doctor for me tomorrow?" Murphy nodded and said .

"Okay, Miss Su Qing, please go to bed early, and I will send someone to invite the doctor over tomorrow morning." The room manager had already retreated to the door when he was speaking, and when he saw Murphy lying down, he gently closed the door, as if It was not locked as before.

"It seems that Yixun and Sister Yulin have indeed gone back, but..." Murphy couldn't figure it out and didn't continue to think about it. He should wait for Dr. An to come tomorrow and ask him about the situation.

Thinking of this, Murphy fell asleep.

Early the next morning, after Murphy got up early to wash up, the room manager reminded her that the doctor would come to see her foot injury when he delivered breakfast to Murphy.

After finishing breakfast, Murphy waited for Dr. An to come.

Yulin and Lin Yixun, who went home early yesterday, were taken to Haiyajiao by Deputy Executive Officer Ye Yonghang today.

The scenery on the sea cliff corner is indeed very beautiful, and because of the apocalypse, there are no previous tourists here, so standing on the cliff besides the slight fresh sea breeze is the surging sound of waves hitting the reef.

The blue sky, blue sea, and jagged reefs made Lin Yixun and Yulin fall in love with Haiyajiao immediately.Of course, it would be perfect if it wasn't for this annoying deputy executive.

"Miss, are you satisfied with the program I arranged for you?" Ye Yonghang asked with a smile on his face. Although he was asking two people, his eyes never left Yulin.

"It's good, it's really beautiful here." Lin Yixun hurriedly replied.

"Just as long as you two are satisfied, let's do this! Let's hang around here more. I've already prepared a dinner for you two tonight. I'm really sorry for disappointing you two yesterday."

"No need." Seeing what Ye Yonghang wanted to say, Lin Yixun hurriedly replied.

"Dr. Lin is dissatisfied with my arrangement yesterday, so he complained that I didn't think carefully?" Ye Yonghang still had a smiling face, but his tone was raised a bit.

"You misunderstood, no, I mean, don't bother the deputy executive so much."

"No trouble, besides, I have already greeted Team Leader Zhang and don't prepare dinner for the two of you. How about treating Ye as a perfect end to yesterday's poor care?"

Ye Yonghang had already talked about this, Lin Yixun could only take a peek at Yulin, and then nodded.

After that, Lin Yixun and Yulin were very depressed, and even lost interest in the beautiful scenery in front of them.

Besides, Murphy, after breakfast, was waiting for Dr. An to come. After waiting, he finally got Dr. An.

As soon as the house manager left the room, Murphy couldn't wait to ask, "Doctor An, have the people from the Star Base left yet?"

Dr. An was also surprised: "How did Ms. Mo know? I only found out after I left your place yesterday that the people from the Star Base didn't make it."

"Why didn't it go, did something happen again?"

"It is said that there is a problem with the truck, so we can only stay at the sea base for a few more days until the truck is repaired before leaving." Dr. An replied truthfully.

"That's right, but why did the truck suddenly break down..." Murphy muttered with his head down. You must know that the trucks at the star base are specially processed. Generally speaking, they shouldn't be broken. Even if they are broken, they can be repaired right away. , how can you stay for a few days.

But the question is the question. Murphy finally knew the reason why Yulin and Lin Yixun did not leave, but this made her a little worried. The owner of this villa is not a good person from what Dr. An revealed. How about inviting Yulin and Lin Yixun to the party?
(End of this chapter)

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