Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 158 Moving Upstairs

Chapter 158 Moving Upstairs
In the evening, the reluctant Yulin and Lin Yixun had dinner with Ye Yonghang again, but this time they were not in Ye Yonghang's villa.

When it was getting dark, two cars drove up from nowhere, and a few people got out of the cars and started to set up.

Soon, rich dishes were placed on the table covered with a snow-white tablecloth.

"Please..." Ye Yonghang made a gesture of invitation, letting Yulin and Lin Yixun take their seats.

Seeing Yulin and Lin Yixun sitting stiffly, Ye Yonghang got up and poured a glass of wine for each of them.

"You two, are you still brooding over what happened yesterday? Ye apologized to the two of you with wine. I hope you are satisfied with today's arrangement."

Yulin and Lin Yixun looked at each other, then they had no choice but to raise the wine glass in their hands, raised it to Ye Yonghang, and took a sip gently.

"Then let's open this page, please have dinner." Ye Yonghang sat down with a smile, and then someone came over and lifted the cover of the dinner plate on the table, revealing all kinds of steaming meals inside.

They were really hungry after playing for a whole day, so Lin Yixun and Yulin each picked up vegetables and put them on the dinner plates in front of them.

Ye Yonghang watched the two of them start eating, and then hooked the corners of his mouth.

At this time, Murphy was also eating, which was similar to what Ye Yonghang and the others ate.Because the food that Ye Yonghang ate there was also prepared from the villa and delivered there by car.

Looking at the food in front of him, today's food is still so rich, Mo Fei couldn't help asking the room manager: "House manager, why are you still eating so well today? Is it a special day?"

"Miss Su Qing is like this, today the landlord also wants to entertain guests." The room manager replied sternly.

"Are you entertaining guests today? But the door is not locked today!"

"Today, the owner set the location outside, so there is no need. Miss Su Qing, I wish you a good appetite. I will go out first, and I will bring you a basket of fruits as yesterday. What do you think?" I would like to say more, and shift the topic to fruit.

Murphy nodded: "Well, then I'll trouble the room management."

The room manager pushed the small dining cart that delivered meals to Mo Fei and exited Mo Fei's room.

There are too many things today. After Murphy waited for the room manager to leave the room, he took out a lunch box from the storage talisman, put part of it in the lunch box, and then put the lunch box into the storage talisman. The food won't go bad, just pick up the remaining half and eat it with big mouthfuls.

Not long after the meal, the room manager delivered a fruit basket and took away all the dishes and chopsticks that Mo Fei had eaten.

Sitting on the bed and eating fruit, Murphy thought about what Dr. An said when he came this morning.The people at the star base failed to leave and had to stay for a few more days, but it was strange to say that the car that had been repaired since yesterday afternoon had not found any problems until this morning.

But it was said that there was nothing wrong with it, but the car really wouldn't start.However, if the car is not repaired and left here to exchange with the car at the sea base, the sea base asks to leave a load of goods. He actually promised to send a new batch of goods to the star base before leaving.

In this way, everyone will definitely choose to stay for a few more days, but why does the sea base have to keep the team from the star base?
Murphy couldn't figure it out, but she was sure that there must be something wrong here.Otherwise, it's just another truck. The value of the truck after the end of the world is not even one-fifth of the value of the goods.Even if you exchange a box of convenience food, those hungry people will exchange it with you.

However, thinking that Yulin and Lin Yixun were still at Haiji Base, Murphy felt that his relatives were by his side.

"Hey, don't think too much about it. Anyway, I can't go anywhere because my foot is bad. Let's practice Qi!" Murphy rang the bell to call the room manager in while muttering.

Let the room manager take away the basket of the fruit basket, and put the fruit with skin on the bedside, and then let the room manager go out when he said he was going to sleep.

After the house manager walked out the door, Mo Fei jumped to the door, locked the door, and then jumped back on the bed to start practicing Qi.

A few more hours later, Murphy put away the breath of the fifth lap, and then looked at the time. It was already past 11 o'clock in the evening.

"It's so late, but fortunately no one came." Murphy stuck out his tongue, because he was about to break through the fourth floor of the foundation, which made Mo Fei forget about the time issue for a while, and finally consolidated his breath to the peak state of the fourth floor of the foundation , Only then did I restrain my breath, I didn't expect it to be so late.

Jumping to unlock the door, Murphy jumped back on the bed and lay down to rest.

At this time, Yulin and Lin Yixun had just returned home.

"Sister Yulin, what should I do? Why does this deputy executive invite us every day? It's okay if we don't go. When will our truck be repaired? I'm so annoying!" After returning to the villa, Lin Yixun sat on the sofa and complained constantly with.

"Yi Xun, I'm really sorry that you were dragged out even if you were troubled." Yu Lin said to Lin Yi Xun with an apology on her face.

"Sister Yulin, I don't blame you, it's all about Ye Yonghang."

"I'm sorry Yixun, bear with it, anyway, we're going back to the star base soon." Yulin patted Lin Yixun's head, it's really not easy to get along in someone else's base.

The two of them washed up and went back to their rooms to rest.

For several days in a row, Ye Yonghang entertained two people every day. Of course, Murphy in the villa was also a beneficiary. Under the continuous situation, he ate very well every day.

In the past few days, except for the room management, no one bothered him anymore, and Mo Fei's progress in Qi training has improved by leaps and bounds.

Just when Mo Fei had lunch again and used the excuse of taking a break to practice Qi, he suddenly felt his breath rising continuously.Murphy, who had been promoted several times, quickly stabilized his mentality, which was a sign that he was about to break through to the next level.

Quickly adjust your breathing, let the breath slowly pass through every part of the body and then gradually converge to the impacted position.

The originally unobstructed position is now like a stuck water pipe. The water flow from the other side is constantly rushing over, but there is no way to break through here, forming a pressure in the original place.

Murphy had to try to guide the breath into a very, very thin strand, penetrating the stuck position like a drill hole, and finally, the first breath passed through that position.

After a breakthrough, the breath gradually became much smoother.Murphy gradually expanded the width of the breath, and finally passed it smoothly without feeling blocked.

Murphy continued to breathe smoothly for a circle before opening his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, Mo Fei found a layer of sweat on his body, and there seemed to be some rancid smell.You know, I take a bath every day, so how could it smell so bad.

Thinking about it, Mo Fei got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. Only then was he surprised to find that his feet didn't hurt anymore!
But his body smelled too bad, so Murphy still chose to take a bath first and then look at the foot injury.

After Mo Fei came out of the shower, he carefully opened the bandaged place.It seemed that there was nothing wrong with the foot injury. Murphy moved his ankle again with his hands, and his foot was very comfortable, as if he had never been injured.

"Could it be a side effect of the fifth layer of the foundation?" Murphy couldn't help laughing.My foot injury has completely healed, which means that I can leave here immediately.

After disposing of the dirty clothes, Murphy found some bandages to roughly cover his feet, then walked to the window and looked out to see where he could escape.

The window of the room where Murphy lived was facing the courtyard wall on the side of the villa. The courtyard wall was not very high, but the row of energy current thorns on it could not be ignored.

However, if Murphy wanted to go out, this little thing should not be able to stop her, the only problem was how to avoid the guards at the door.

Just as he was thinking, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Murphy quickly raised one of the wrapped feet, then turned to look at the door.

"Miss Su Qing, you haven't rested yet!" the room manager asked when he saw Murphy standing with one foot by the window.

"Well, I want to go out to get some air, but with my feet like this, I can only stand by the window for the time being." Murphy replied calmly.

"Miss Su Qing, I would like to invite you to live on the third floor for a day today. I know you are not very mobile, but we have found a lift wheelchair that can help you reach the third floor." The room manager told the people behind A lift wheelchair was pushed in.

This kind of lifting wheelchair is specially used for patients in wheelchairs to go up and down stairs. It is a semi-intelligent wheelchair robot. It is very expensive to sell before the end of the world. The price is almost enough to buy a small single-person room.This kind of wheelchair can not only go up and down stairs, it is said that it can climb mountains, but it is just a mountain with steps or earthen steps.

"Why do you have to go upstairs? It's a good place to live here." Murphy asked without knowing why.

"This...we are not very clear. This is the owner's order. Please live on the third floor today, and then this lift wheelchair will be used for you. You can go to the yard to breathe at any time." After finishing speaking, the house manager pushed the wheelchair After arriving in front of Mo Fei, the people behind him began to tidy up the room.

Murphy had to sit down, then looked at the button on it, and after a few tries, he knew how to operate it.

"Okay then, let's go upstairs!" Murphy pressed the button of the wheelchair, and the wheelchair moved forward automatically, and soon reached the main staircase.

Because the smart phone was turned on, Mo Fei only pressed it, and the wheels under the wheelchair turned into four legs, and Mo Fei was sent to the second floor smoothly.

Then the four legs of the wheelchair turned back into wheels and reached the stairs on the second floor. Murphy pressed the up button again, and the wheelchair sent Murphy to the third floor.

"This thing really saves effort." After going upstairs, Mo Fei squinted at the wheelchair, and couldn't help but have an idea in his heart.

"Miss Su Qing, your room is here." Seeing Murphy in a daze at the stairs, the room manager hurried up and said a few steps.

"Oh, I see." Murphy responded, pushed the wheelchair and continued to follow to a distant room.

 Happy National Day everyone, whether traveling or staying at home to have a good rest, I hope you all have a good time.

(End of this chapter)

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