Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 160 Can't Leave

Chapter 160 Can't Leave
When Mo Fei woke up, he looked at the time and it was nearly eleven o'clock in the evening.

Listening carefully, the downstairs is still very lively, it seems that there are many people gathering today.

However, the more people there are, the better it is for him to escape.Mo Fei pursed his lips and smiled, then got up and changed his clothes, and found some neat and refreshing clothes in the cabinet and put them into the storage talisman.

"It's yours in the end." Murphy looked at the lifting wheelchair and put the wheelchair into the storage talisman.

After everything was packed, Mo Fei took out the Suying gun, and found a bed sheet from the cabinet.

Cut the bed sheet into three with a tassel gun, then twist the three sheets into a twisted rope, tie one end to the tassel gun, and throw the other end down.

Looking at it from above, although the length of the bed sheet is not enough, there is a platform below, and I can fall on the platform on the second floor before going down.

Thinking of this, Murphy climbed onto the window sill.

Put the Suying gun on the edge of the window, so that you can go down to the second-floor platform by pulling the rope, and then swing the rope up with your backhand, the Suying gun can fall from the window, and the window will immediately fall. close.

After thinking about it, Murphy slid down the rope.

After lightly landing on the second-floor platform, Murphy was about to swing the rope up to let his plain spear fall down, but suddenly found that the light next to the second-floor platform where he was was suddenly turned on.

Murphy nervously hid his body in the corner, but after waiting for a long time for the door next to him not to open, Murphy was relieved.

Taking advantage of this time, Murphy quickly retracted his Suying gun, and then he was about to continue sliding down, but he heard a man's voice from the opposite side: "The owner, most of the guests downstairs have drunk. I have already ordered people to send them back, and these two have also followed the owner's instructions to bring them here, what should I do?"

After listening to it every day, Murphy naturally recognized that the voice belonged to the room manager, and then leaned against the wall and continued to listen.

I only heard the voice of a man inside who seemed very happy: "Send that little girl to the guest room on the first floor, let her have a good rest, as for the other one, just send it to my bedroom."

"Yes, landlord." It was the voice of the house manager again, followed by the sound of closing the door.

"Hehe, for the sake of toasting to me guiltily tonight, I will forgive you for being indifferent to me for so many days." The owner here said to himself after waiting for the house manager to go out.

It turned out that this was the owner of the house. I don't know what it looks like. Although I have been here for so many days, I have never seen it before. If I see it in the future, I will have to walk around.Murphy thought about it and looked at the window on the other side, but at the same time, the light inside went out, and the door was opened, and he saw someone carrying someone in from the opposite side.

It was okay for Murphy not to look, but when he saw the face of the man across from him, Murphy paused in his heart.

Frowning, Murphy jumped onto the platform on the other side.

I twisted the lock of the platform door, but it was a pity that the door was locked and Mo Fei couldn't get in at all.

It seemed that he still had to go through from below, and then Mo Fei put down the Suying gun and the rope, and followed the rope neatly down the stairs.

There was no one in the downstairs hall, but judging from the clutter, it was indeed very lively just now.Everyone should have gone back now, only the cleaning staff are cleaning.

Murphy went around along the side. Fortunately, because there were a lot of guests being sent off at this time, the guards were also sent out, because the central area was still a relatively safe place.

Taking advantage of this moment, Murphy walked around to the opposite window.

Looking up at the height, Murphy took out the lifting wheelchair robot: "Okay, it's up to you this time." After adjusting the distance, Murphy pressed the button, and the lifting wheelchair sent Murphy to the second floor. at a point.

Murphy stood up from the wheelchair and climbed into the platform with his hands on the edge.

I listened inside, but there was no movement inside. I twisted the handle of the window sill, and it was actually locked here.

Just when Murphy was at a loss, he suddenly discovered that the window on the side was probably open for ventilation.

Murphy leaned out of the platform quickly, then grabbed the edge of the window with both hands, and jumped onto the window sill with one foot stepping on the drain pipe on the roof.

After finally getting on the window sill, Murphy went inside to listen to the sound again.There was the sound of "squeaking" water in the bathroom, it seemed that the person was taking a bath.

Mo Fei opened the curtains and looked in. Yulin was lying quietly on the bed with her eyes closed.

This intention couldn't be more obvious, what a bird.beast!Murphy cursed inwardly, then got into the room through the window, and squatted down in the dark place beside the bed.

Ye Yonghang, who was taking a bath in the bathroom, was smiling all over his face at this moment, and he was in a particularly good mood.

I have been amazed since the first time I saw Yulin. Because I have never paid attention to this group of people in the Star Base, I did not expect that there is such a peerless beauty hidden in it.

Recently, I have been trying my best to please Yulin with various methods, but I didn't expect that it didn't work at all, so Ye Yonghang prepared today's dinner.

The purpose of inviting so many people is to dispel Yulin’s vigilance. I didn’t expect it to be very effective this time. Yulin and Lin Yixun knew that they were leaving tomorrow, but today I was preparing a farewell party for them, and today is my own. On their birthdays, they would naturally feel bad, so Ye Yonghang took the opportunity to make people start mixing some intoxicants into drinks and wine.

These people got drunk unknowingly, including Lin Yixun and Yulin.

After taking a shower, Ye Yonghang walked into the house while wiping the water droplets off his body, and glanced at Yulin lying on the bed, Ye Yonghang raised his mouth in a happy mood again.

When he came to the bedside, Ye Yonghang stretched out his finger and stroked Yulin's cheek: "It's so beautiful! It's not in vain. I sent someone to destroy the truck at the star base, so that you can keep it until now and wait for me to pick it up at will!"

"It's a pity that the delay this time is not long enough, otherwise I will definitely use a more gentle method." Ye Yonghang muttered to himself for a long time before standing up: "By the way, how could such a beautiful night Let you just go on in a coma like this?"

Ye Yonghang turned around, took out a small bottle from a bag, took out a hangover medicine from it, turned around and came back to feed it to Yulin.

"Wake up early, I will definitely give you an ecstasy night." After speaking, Ye Yonghang suddenly laughed: "Hehe, maybe you will be reluctant to leave?"

Before Ye Yonghang finished speaking, Yulin rubbed her forehead and moved, then saw the shadow in front of the bed and shouted: "Yu, is that you?"

"Baby, I want to call Hang..." Seeing that Yulin woke up, Ye Yonghang pressed his whole body over.

Hearing the voice of the person she didn't miss, Yulin's body suddenly came to her senses. She should be at the sea base now: "Who is it?"

"What? Can't you recognize it after listening to it for so many days?"

Ye Yonghang smiled strangely, but it also made Yulin instantly understand who was pressing on her at the moment.

"Ye Yonghang, what exactly do you want to do?" There was a trace of panic in Yulin's voice.

"What are you doing? Guess?" Ye Yonghang stretched out his fingers to lift Yulin's chin.

Yulin carried a trace of icy air in her hand, and then threw it towards Ye Yonghang.But Ye Yonghang blocked Yulin's attack with his arm, and the ice spike shattered Ye Yonghang's arm instantly.

This Ye Yonghang is actually a mutant with enhanced body.Murphy and Yulin were thinking at the same time.

And just when Yulin's other hand stabbed towards Ye Yonghang again, a small flame appeared in Ye Yonghang's hand, and the flame wrapped Yulin's ice pick, turning the ice pick into water droplets little by little.

"You..." Yulin's hands were grabbed by Ye Yonghang. She really didn't expect that Ye Yonghang was not only a mutant with body strengthening and mutation, but also a fire-type supernatural power.

"How? I have power, money, and ability, so I won't be at a disadvantage, right?" Ye Yonghang pressed his face to Yulin, and he was about to kiss Yulin.

At this time, Mo Fei, who had been waiting for a long time, jumped up and stabbed Ye Yonghang fiercely with the plain spear.

Ye Yonghang was originally concentrating on dealing with Yulin in front of him, and he never expected that someone would sneak up on him at this moment. Besides, Mo Fei's body had been well reshaped by Qi training, and when his strength was raised to the fifth level of the basic A leap was reached, so the soft part of Ye Yonghang's waist was pierced by Mo Fei at once.

Ye Yonghang screamed, and Mo Fei hurriedly pulled out a pan from the storage talisman and threw it on the back of Ye Yonghang's head.

The smashed Ye Yonghang lay on the bed at once, bleeding profusely, but it was also thanks to Mo Fei restraining his strength, otherwise Ye Yonghang's head would have been smashed.

Yulin was stunned by this series of events. Because Ye Yonghang didn't turn on the light just now for the sake of sentimentality, Yulin didn't know who saved her at this time.

"Sister Yulin, are you okay?" Seeing Yulin sitting on the bed in a daze, Mo Fei quickly asked.

"Fei... Feifei?" Yulin was both surprised and delighted, she didn't expect that it was Murphy who saved her.Wiping tears of excitement, he replied: "I'm fine, but I don't know where Yixun was taken."

"I know, I'm going to rescue Yixun, sister Yulin, can you move? Let's leave through the window." Murphy quickly confirmed Yulin's situation.

Yulin propped her body up and got out of bed, and then moved a little: "I can move, but my head is a little dizzy."

"Then be careful. The one outside is a robot that lifts a wheelchair. You use that one to get down, and then go around to the back wall from the right. We will meet there later. Don't be discovered by anyone. Push that wheelchair to that place too." By the wall, if you are spotted, use that to leave first."

"I will not let anyone find out, or you will be in danger, don't worry! I know how to avoid it, so you should be careful." Yulin patted Murphy on the shoulder, and then went down from the window with peace of mind, along the lift wheelchair go downstairs.

After a while, Yulin pushed the lift wheelchair and disappeared into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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