Chapter 161
Seeing that Yulin went down smoothly, Mo Fei glanced at Ye Yonghang who fell on the ground: "Bah! People. Scum."

By the way, he kicked it, then took some small steps from the storage talisman, blocked Ye Yonghang's mouth, tore up the sheets of this room, tied Ye Yonghang firmly, and took out a small bottle from Ye Yonghang's body for a long time. Then Murphy turned the door open.

Although she has never been here, the layout of the first floor is similar to that of the third floor, so the second floor should not have changed much.

At this time, those people are still cleaning up below, so there should be no one.

Murphy put on the hat of his coat, and then walked from the aisle to the public balcony on the side.

There are railings here, and there are many flowers and plants placed inside, which are actually the most popular purification flowers and plants cultivated by Mo's enterprise.

"Putting you here is an insult to the flowers and plants cultivated by Dad." Mo Fei unceremoniously put away all the Mo's purification flowers and plants, and then stuck the Suying gun tied with a rope used for escape on the platform, and went along with it. With the rope, he came to the platform one and a half floors below.

From here, Murphy selected two target rooms.

Before she heard clearly that Ye Yonghang only wanted to keep Yulin, and Lin Yixun was sent to the first floor.Now Mo Fei finally understood why he suddenly asked him to change rooms today, probably it was not convenient for him to do it down here.

But whether it was placed in the room where she was resting or in the room opposite, Mo Fei was not sure, so he could only try.

This location was closest to the room he originally lived in, and Murphy walked forward against the wall like a gecko.

Finally, he walked to the window of the room where he originally lived, but found that the light inside seemed to be on.

Murphy wrapped his feet with a rope around the protruding platform railing, and hung his body upside down to look down.

In his room, the room manager was looking through something in the cabinet.

Murphy held his breath and stared at the room manager's movements, but the room manager looked around for a long time and seemed to find nothing, and then walked towards another wall.

Flipping through the pages, the room manager suddenly stopped, took out a small item inside and put it in his pocket, then turned off the light and walked out the door.

What is the room management looking for?Murphy narrowed his eyes, then flipped and jumped down.

I tried the windows, I used to breathe a lot before, so I finally opened them. I don’t know if the people in the villa have locked the windows.

Murphy grabbed the edge of the window with his fingers and pulled it out, but he didn't expect the window to open.

Moving his body flexibly into the house, Murphy walked lightly towards the door.

The whole person came to the door, put his ears on the door and listened, but he didn't hear anything, so Mo Fei gently twisted the doorknob.

Opening the door and revealing a crack, Mo Fei looked out, but there was no one outside the door, and only one lamp near the far hall was turned on.

Murphy walked lightly to the opposite room and pushed the door.

"Depressed, it's locked." Murphy cursed secretly. She knew that the key to the room should be in the hands of the room manager. It seemed that she still had to go to the room manager.

Along the aisle, Murphy walked to a position close to the hall.

At this time, most of the cleaning staff had already cleaned up, but Mo Fei looked around for a week but did not see the room manager.

Further forward was the brightly lit hall, and Murphy didn't intend to take the risk, so he backed up again.

Just when Murphy's body hit a side wall with paintings, suddenly, the wall moved.

Murphy turned around vigilantly, and then pushed the wall with his hands.Sure enough, it will move.Could it be that there is a dark layer in it?
Thinking of this, Murphy pushed the wall forward hard, and the wall was pushed open a crack.It was only then that Mo Fei discovered that there was a keyhole between the cracks in the wall, which had obviously just been opened.

Reminiscent of the room manager rummaging for things in the room he lived in just now, Murphy suspected that the room manager might be here.

Lowering the hat, Murphy pulled out the light tube from the storage talisman, and then disappeared in front of the wall.

After entering the door, it was pitch black. Murphy walked in with the light of the light tube. There was a spiral staircase going down, and he didn't know where it led.

All the way forward, Mo Fei suddenly heard some noises, quickly dimmed the light of the light tube, and then continued to walk down slowly.

Finally reaching the flat ground, Murphy looked around. There was only one road here. Since there was no other choice, Murphy walked straight along this passage.

Murphy kept going forward and had reached the end of the passage.

There are two rooms here, the door of one room is locked, and the door of the other room is ajar, and there is still some light coming out of it.

Murphy turned off his light tube, then went to the half-open door to look inside.

I saw that it was full of gold, silver and jewelry, and the diamonds were piled up like plastic particles in a glass container on a table, and the room manager was desperately trying to put something into his bag.

After Mo Fei took a closer look, he was surprised to find that what the house manager installed was not diamonds, gems, or gold, but smoky crystals of various colors.

So many black crystals can be regarded as invaluable in today's apocalyptic world. It turns out that the house manager is looking for the key to open this place.Murphy took a step back and prepared to hide at the door. When the house manager came out, he knocked him unconscious by surprise, and then took the key and went back to rescue Lin Yixun.

But Mo Fei stepped on something and made a crisp "bang", the sound was not loud, but it was not easy to hide it in this quiet place where even a needle could be heard.

"Who is it? Who's there?" While the room manager was asking, there was actually a piece of metal in his hand.It was only then that Murphy realized what he had stepped on. It should have been built by the house management with metal sheets in advance to warn him.

It was a miracle that he didn't touch it after he turned off the light tube at first, but the house manager was also a supernatural person, which surprised Mo Fei.It’s okay to say that the owner of the house is a supernatural person plus a mutant. After all, he is a powerful figure in the sea base, but even the housekeeper is a supernatural person.

However, it seems that the housekeeper didn't intend to settle down here!
The metal piece of the room management flew out, and Murphy dodged quickly, and the plain spear in his hand had been drawn out of the storage talisman.

After blocking the metal sheet, Murphy flashed to the side, and then hid in a dark corner.

"Who is it? If I found this place by accident, I won't embarrass you. These are for you, but be careful with your mouth. You must know that this sentence is not for nothing." The room manager's stern voice made the surrounding The temperature dropped.

She really knows people and faces, Murphy thought to herself, the room management has always given her the impression that her expression is consistent, she doesn't panic about things, and she always smiles like wearing a mask.It turns out that the room management is really a good actor, and the expression management is so good.

While Mo Fei was thinking about it, the room manager had already grabbed a lot of black crystals from the bag, and grabbed a lot of gold from the back, put them into a cloth bag, and then threw them out.

This cloth bag is not too small, about the size of a five-kilogram rice bag. It's not very full, but it's about two-thirds full.This can be regarded as a large amount of wealth. In the last days, relying on these, if not complete waste, can gradually lead a good life.

"Take these and get out." The room manager shouted because he couldn't see anyone, so he had to throw the bag out. He wanted to take advantage of someone who came to take things.

Murphy didn't move, but the room manager took out the lighting that was originally placed in the house.

There is no shelter here, and there is no way for Murphy to retreat at this time, not to mention that the purpose of her coming has not been achieved. If this opportunity is missed, he may be on guard if he tries to find a house manager.

Because Mo Fei wore a hat on his head and pressed it very low, the room manager could only see that it was a woman but didn't know who it was: "Who are you? How do you know this place?"

Murphy didn't say a word. After contacting these days, Murphy's voice must be very familiar to the room management, so Murphy could only keep silent, and was going to knock the room management unconscious when he had the opportunity. After taking the key, he would never talk to them again. It's entangled.

However, before Murphy could find a chance, the house manager made another move.

The metal blades that flew out continuously were fatal under the illumination of the light tube.Fortunately, Murphy's speed increased a bit, so he was able to dodge.

Murphy stepped back quickly, looking for a breakthrough in the dark tunnel with his eyes.

Just when Murphy was still looking for a way to subdue the room management, the room management suddenly stopped.

"Girl, although I don't know who you are, the owner of this house is really not a good person, and I have no other choice. I have a daughter who became a supernatural person after the end of the world. There's a glimmer of hope..."

The house manager no longer attacked, but talked about his own affairs in this direction.

Seeing that the person on the other side was still silent, the house manager continued: "At first I thought this was my only hope in this life, but my daughter didn't have enough ink crystals to advance because her initial ability was not high enough. , My daughter’s ability cannot be improved and she can only stay at home. So I came out to be the housekeeper of this house owner, but it also hurt my daughter because of this.”

The room manager said that there was a trace of regret in his voice, but he only paused for a moment before continuing: "It's all my fault that I brought my daughter here to help out that day, but I didn't expect to be targeted by the owner, and it turned out..."

The house manager seemed to be unable to go on talking, his eyes were full of sadness.

Hearing this, Murphy couldn't help but feel sad for the hapless house manager. The house owner was just upstairs trying to misbehave with his friend. It can be imagined that this must not be the first time.

However, when Murphy's sympathy gradually grew, the house manager approached Murphy little by little without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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