Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 162 Discovered

Chapter 162 Discovered

The room manager, who was talking to Mo Fei and approached a little bit, put his hands behind his back after reaching the deadly effective attack distance from Mo Fei, and a few shiny metal pieces appeared between his fingers.

As the room manager raised his hand, several pieces of metal flew towards Murphy's head and heart.

The blade was already in front of Murphy when he realized something was wrong.

Although he escaped most of the metal pieces, there was still a piece of metal nailed to Murphy's body.

Fortunately, it wasn't a critical location, so Murphy gritted his teeth and casually stabbed Suying out.

Probably the house manager didn't expect the girl opposite to be so fast, so the mentality of winning made him want to go forward and attack again after throwing the metal piece.

However, the Suying gun that Mo Fei had at hand couldn't control the strength because of the pain, and the metal pieces of the room management wanted to put Murphy to death, so the pain stimulated Murphy's anger.Under such conditions, Murphy's tasseled spear pierced through Fang Manager's body.

Blood flowed down Suying's gun all over the floor, and the house manager swallowed before he could speak again.

Mo Fei pulled out the Suying gun. The reason why she didn't show her true face was because she didn't want to kill the house manager. But since he attacked him first, he couldn't let others slaughter him.

After wiping the blood off Suying Qiangqiang, Mo Fei picked up the bag containing black crystals and gold on the ground.

Looking back at the room, Murphy picked up the lamp brought in by the room manager and walked inside.

"Since you tied up my two sisters, this is your apology!" It happened that my storage talisman had just been upgraded, so I could hold a lot of good things now!Murphy smiled, and then swept the room.

"I don't know what the next room is?" Murphy thought and pushed open the door of another room.

Once inside, Murphy only took one look and closed the door in disgust.

It's actually full of those changes.There are even various character clothes such as maid outfits and uniforms, as well as a lot of very revealing clothes, which can't even be counted as clothes.

"This homeowner named Ye Yonghang is really miserable. It's really cheap to kill him for not doing harm to the people just now." Mo Fei shook his head, knelt down and searched the key disk on the house manager, and then turned to go to the passageway. go outside.

Just as Murphy re-locked the wall after leaving, the room manager lying in the underground secret door got up from the spot again.

Murphy rummaged through the keys first, then walked towards a room opposite the one he originally lived in.

After trying several keys to align, Mo Fei gently twisted the key, and the door opened with a "click".

Pushing open the door and entering, under the moonlight outside, Mo Fei saw Lin Yixun lying on the bed, covered with a quilt.Mo Fei hurried to the bed and shook Lin Yixun: "Yixun, wake up."

However, Lin Yixun was still asleep after shaking for a long time. Mo Fei thought of the pill that Ye Yonghang gave Yulin just now. He took it out of Ye Yonghang just before going out, and quickly took out a pill, and then pinched Lin Yixun with one hand. With Kaoru's mouth, the other hand stuffed the medicine into it.

After a while, Lin Yixun opened his eyes as if waking up from sleep.

"Yixun, are you awake?" Seeing Lin Yixun waking up, Murphy hurriedly asked.

Lin Yixun sat up all of a sudden: "Feifei? I'm not dreaming, am I?" But because he got up too suddenly, Lin Yixun's forehead hit Murphy's chin.

"Oh, it hurts to death, Yi Xun, you just wanted to murder me when we met!" Mo Fei said amusedly, rubbing his chin.

Lin Yixun was also covering his forehead, and it was very painful for Murphy's improved physique to hit him: "It hurts, it's not a dream, it's really Feifei." Lin Yixun said happily while rubbing his forehead.

"Okay, don't talk so much, sister Yulin is still waiting for us at the bottom of the wall, let's get out of here quickly," Murphy said quickly.

"What happened? Eh? Where am I now? I remember I was at a banquet." Only then did Lin Yixun realize that he was not in the villa he lived in.

"Let's go out later. Put on your coat quickly, and we need to get out of here quickly." Murphy hurriedly urged Lin Yixun: "I'll go out for a while, you pack up quickly, and we will go out through the window later."

Lin Yixun didn't know why Murphy said this, but Murphy must have her reasons. Out of trust, Lin Yixun didn't ask any other questions and quickly put on her clothes.

And Murphy went to the opposite room, wiped the key and put it back where the room manager found it before.

Turning around and going out, seeing that Lin Yixun was already healed, Murphy hurriedly dragged Lin Yixun to the room here, and then locked the opposite side, and the two climbed out along the window of the room where Murphy used to live.

After closing the window, Mo Fei dragged Lin Yixun all the way to the backyard wall.

Yulin had been waiting here for a long time, seeing that the two of them hadn't come yet, Yulin was always beating a drum in her heart, afraid that something might happen to them.

At this moment, she finally saw Murphy running over with Lin Yixun, and Yulin hurriedly waved at the two of them.

"Sister Yulin, turn over first, and be careful of the power grid on it. Lifting the wheelchair can only lift you up, and it's up to you to go down." Mo Fei knew that Yulin's ice ability should be able to assist her to go down, but Be careful about the power of the power grid, he reminded.

"Understood, I'll go there first, and I'll control the ice from melting in a while, so it's easier for you two to come down."

"Well, you go there first and then go there with Xun, so that you can take care of me." Mo Fei responded, and then let Yulin sit on the lift wheelchair and press the composite button that she had researched before, and then the lift wheelchair robot was brought into full play. The height was raised and lowered, and Yulin was sent to the top of the wall.

Yulin first controlled the ice to make a platform under the grid, then carefully stepped over the grid, stepped on the platform made of ice with both feet, and then made a slope and slid down it.

When Yulin landed, Mo Fei put away the lift wheelchair and asked Lin Yixun to go up: "Yixun, remember, don't touch that power grid."

"It's okay, Feifei, have you forgotten what I do? This small power grid can't trouble me, don't worry, the laboratory is a hundred times more dangerous than this power grid." Lin Yixun replied confidently.

"That's good, you sit still." Murphy let Lin Yixun sit down and pressed the button, and Lin Yixun was also lifted up.

Just when Lin Yixun lifted his foot and stepped over the power grid, suddenly a guard who was delivering someone came back. The guard vaguely saw someone by the wall, and quickly shouted: "Who is it?"

"Quick, get down quickly." Murphy hurriedly urged Lin Yixun.

Lin Yixun didn't care about his image, and sat down on the icy slope set up by Yulin, and slid down like a slide.

However, when Murphy retracted the lift wheelchair and was about to go up by himself, the guard had already run towards him.

"Sister Yulin, take Yixun back first, and I will find a way to leave." Immediately, Mo Fei pushed the lift wheelchair and ran away.

Murphy attracted the attention of the guards, Yulin looked at Murphy who was going away, and dragged Lin Yixun to the villa where they lived.

"Sister Yulin, Feifei hasn't come out yet." Lin Yixun refused to leave, looking back at Murphy who had run away without a trace.

"Since Feifei can save us, she can definitely escape. If we are caught, Feifei will definitely come to rescue us. It will be even more dangerous then, let's go!"

After listening to Yulin's analysis, Lin Yixun followed Yulin and quickly ran out of the Pearl District.

After leaving the Pearl District, Yulin and Lin Yixun returned to the villa in the Coral District in one breath. The two locked the door after entering the house, and then panted heavily.

"Sister Yulin, what's going on? I remember that we went to the dinner party hosted by Ye Yonghang, but why did we sleep there? I remember that I didn't drink alcohol!" Lin Yixun waited until he recovered his breath. Remember to ask Yulin.

Only then did Yulin tell the ins and outs of the incident.

"What? He actually drugged us. Sister Yulin, what happened to you?" After hearing what Yulin said, Lin Yixun quickly pulled Yulin to look him up and down.

"No, fortunately Feifei was in time, that bird. Beast Ye Yonghang was about to strike, but was knocked unconscious by Feifei. But I don't know why Feifei was there. I was busy escaping and didn't have time to ask." Yulin replied road.

"Sister Yulin, as long as you're fine, I hope Feifei can escape quickly." Lin Yixun clasped his hands together and prayed.

At this time, Murphy had already fled to the other side of the wall, put the wheelchair into the storage amulet, and then Murphy climbed along the wall to the platform on the second floor and hid himself in the shadow of the platform.

The guard chased Murphy all the way to this side, but when he got here and found no one, the guard continued to run away.

The other guards who heard the news also ran forward.

Murphy waited for the guards to run away, rolled over from the platform, and ran back in the direction he had just come.

At this moment, the gate was empty, and Mo Fei charged forward and rushed towards the gate in the distance.

"Over there, hurry up and don't let that thief get away." A guard on the other side had already circled around and returned to the door, only to find the figure at the gate shouting quickly, and the rest of the staff also chased after the gate. past.

Murphy ran forward desperately. Although he had already left the villa, the guards in the entire Pearl District seemed to be alarmed. Murphy had no choice but to go back to the wall of Ye Yonghang's villa and hide himself in the periphery. It was probably the most dangerous place. The safest bar!
With this mentality, Murphy hid for a long time without being discovered. There were fewer and fewer people searching around, and it was probably certain that the thief had escaped.

When Murphy was about to wait for the number of guards to decrease, he heard footsteps coming towards his hidden corner, but there was no other place to escape except this hidden corner. up.

Murphy couldn't help sighing secretly: Could it be that I'm going to be stuck here today?
(End of this chapter)

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