Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 163 Pulling the Thorn

Chapter 163 Pulling the Thorn
Murphy, who was praying that he would not be discovered, held his plain gun tightly with both hands, and had no choice but to kill if he couldn't escape.

As the footsteps got closer, Murphy almost stopped breathing nervously, because in the base, she really didn't want to kill too many people unless she had to.

"There is no road here, not here, go over there and search!"

Just when Murphy was praying nervously not to be discovered, a miracle really happened.

Only a few steps away from Murphy, those people actually gave up their search and returned along the same route.

Murphy finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat down on the ground.

However, before Mo Fei could catch his breath, footsteps sounded outside again.

It's just that the footsteps this time are different from before. It was a group of people before, but this time it was a single person.

Mo Fei stood up again and held the Suying gun. If he was alone...

Just as Mo Fei was about to stab Su Ying spear, the footsteps outside stopped suddenly, and then the man shouted: "Come out, everyone is gone."

Murphy didn't move, for fear of deceiving himself.

Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, the man took two steps forward. Mo Fei, who was hiding in the corner, was holding the Suying spear up and down in both hands, preparing for the impending stab.

The man finally walked up to Murphy, and at the same time, Murphy's tasseled spear came out.

"Murphy!" the man shouted as he dodged.

Murphy quickly retracted the body of the Suying gun, and then fixed his eyes on the person opposite.

"Group Leader Shao, why is it you?"

The person standing in front of him was Shao Qing.

Shao Qing glared at Mo Fei with some annoyance, because although Mo Fei retracted the gun, Shao Qing's clothes were inevitably cut a lot: "Didn't you hear my voice? I called you in advance come out."

"I'm sorry, Team Leader Shao, I was too nervous just now and didn't expect it to be you, but why are you here?"

"Now is not the time to talk, follow me." Shao Qing stopped Murphy from continuing to speak, and then led Murphy to walk sideways against the wall.

From a distance, I saw Shao Qing's car parked not far away: "Get in the car."

After the two got into the car, Shao Qing drove Murphy to get off the back of the car, and then drove towards the location of the investigation team.

Because it was Shao Qing's car, it was unimpeded all the way, so he drove the car to the area of ​​the investigation team smoothly.

Shao Qing got out of the car and looked around to see if there was no one there. Then he asked Mo Fei to get off the car, and the two of them entered the investigation office.

After entering the prison, Shao Qing took Murphy to the innermost detention room: "You should be wronged first."

"It's good, but don't lock it, it makes me feel like a prisoner." Knowing that he was considered safe, Murphy felt like joking.

"Here, here is the key to this detention room, you take it yourself!" Shao Qing handed the key to Mo Fei, and then turned on the light of this detention room.

Because he had been in a state of tension just now, Murphy hadn't noticed the injury. Now that he was safe, Murphy felt that the place where he was injured by the metal sheet of the house management was very painful.He looked down at the wound on his waist, the piece of metal was still nailed to his waist, but it was too deep to get out.

Because of the lack of light, Murphy moved more flexibly, so even Lin Yixun and Yulin didn't notice that Murphy was injured.

Now under the light, Shao Qing realized that the sides of Murphy's clothes were covered with blood, and Murphy's face was also very pale.

"How did you get hurt?"

Mo Fei waved his hand: "It's okay, just bandage it."

"Are you made of iron? Just repair it and you can continue to use it? Besides, this thing is still embedded in the body, how can you just wrap it up. Wait, I'll call Dr. An." Shao Qing shook his head, then walked out the door .

"Don't call the doctor, if you are suspected, it will be a serious matter, and you will be involved at that time." Murphy hurriedly stopped Shao Qing from going to Dr. An.

"It's okay. I heard that you told the people at the base that you were recuperating here after you were there. It's not surprising to ask Dr. An to come over for an examination." Shao Qing said quickly.

"Then wait for dawn! Which doctor will come to check in the middle of the night for no reason."

Under Mo Fei's insistence, Shao Qing nodded: "Then I'll go get some things and medicine for treating the wound, and you can do it yourself first!"

"Okay, thank you, Team Leader Shao." Mo Fei sincerely thanked Shao Qing. He is also a member of the sea base. The gap between Shao Qing and that Ye Yonghang in life is really big every day.

After a while, Shao Qing brought some tools, potions, and even anti-inflammatory drugs.

"Group Leader Shao, you have so many things here?" Murphy grinned and said.

"As for the investigation team, you will bump into bumps and bumps every time you go out on missions. What about your piece of metal?" Shao Qing said while looking at Murphy's waist. The metal sheet, the wound along the edge of the metal sheet is still bleeding.

"Leader Shao, can you help me pull out this piece of metal with that pliers?" Mo Fei looked down, such a wound can stop bleeding with luck, but there is no way to heal because of this thing hindering it.

"But, there is no anesthetic or something to stop the bleeding, I..." Shao Qing felt a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, I'll stick to it, it's up to you to pull it out." After Mo Fei finished thinking for a while, he asked Shao Qing to help him take a wet towel and bite it in his mouth, then looked at Shao Qing and nodded at him: "Hey ( Alright!)"

"Then bear with it." Shao Qing frowned, and after fixing a light tube in place, he carefully poked open the surrounding flesh with a sterilized needle, and then clamped the exposed section of the metal piece with pliers: " Hold on, I'm going to pull it out."

Murphy quickly concentrated on moving Qi around his waist to prevent blood flow due to the metal plate being pulled out, and then snorted without looking back: "Yes."

Shao Qing used all his strength to pull out the metal piece at once.

However, to Shao Qing's surprise, after the metal piece was pulled out, blood did not spurt out of the wound as expected, but less blood flowed out than when the metal piece was on Murphy's waist.

Mo Fei felt his waist loosen, and then his breath covered the wound, and the blood decreased a lot.

Realizing that the metal piece has finally been pulled out, Mo Fei took off the towel he was biting into his mouth, and then turned his head slightly: "Thank you, Team Leader Shao, I can just apply the medicine and bandage myself."

Shao Qing was sweating at this moment, and although he didn't use much force, he was very nervous. Now that Mo Fei was fine, he nodded: "Then you should rest early after bandaging, and I will ask Dr. An to look at the wound for you tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thanks to Team Leader Shao today, but how does Team Leader Shao know I'm there?" Murphy didn't have time to ask just now, but now he finally thought of asking.

In fact, since the day Mo Fei was brought back by Ye Yonghang's people, Shao Qing happened to see his back when he was leaving the office building.

Although not sure, Shao Qing thought the back was very familiar, until Dr. An was called to help Murphy treat the wound, and then Dr. An came to report to Shao Qing about Murphy's situation there, and Shao Qing became more concerned. .

Today, when I heard that something happened there, Shao Qing thought that it might have something to do with Murphy, so he rushed over.

However, Shao Qing did not explain the details to Mo Fei, but just replied briefly: "It's nothing, it's just that Dr. An told me about you being left in Ye Yonghang's villa, and today I heard that there is a thief chasing after you." , I wondered if it could be you, and then I thought that if it was you, I would definitely not run far, then the most dangerous place is the safest, so I went over to have a look, but I didn't expect it to be you."

After answering Mo Fei's words, Shao Qing asked: "I want to ask you, how did you escape from the zombies, and how did you end up at Ye Yonghang's place?"

"It's like this..." How Murphy rushed himself out, and then walked over the collapsed roadblock, blocking the pursuit of ordinary zombies. After that, only C3 zombies chased him, and he jumped off the side of the coastal road. Unexpectedly, I broke my foot and could only stay for one night in a complex of buildings along the coast.

"Later, I wanted to use the satellite contactor to ask for help, but the signal was not good enough to contact me. As a result, when I came back from the coastal kilometer, I saw a car coming from the base. I didn't expect it to be Ye Yonghang's men. They Just took me to that villa." Mo Fei half-truthfully narrated his experience to Shao Qing.

"Then what happened to you?" Shao Qing looked at Murphy again after listening.

"No, didn't you hear what Dr. An said? Because of my foot injury, Ye Yonghang didn't attack me, and I haven't seen what Ye Yonghang looks like for such a long time." Murphy shrugged, but he knocked on it today. This Ye Yonghang, but because he didn't turn on the light, and because he hit the back of his head directly, Ye Yonghang lay on the bed. When he was tied up, Ye Yonghang's face was covered with blood and he didn't pay attention to his appearance.

Shao Qing looked at Mo Fei suspiciously: "By the way, I also heard from Dr. An that your foot injury is quite serious, but your skills today don't look like you were injured?"

It was only then that Mo Fei remembered that he should actually have a foot injury, and grinned: "Actually, to tell you the truth, I can't shoot fireballs, ice skates, etc. like you supernatural beings, and I don't have any power variation or speed. Mutation, but since the end of the world, my self-healing ability is very good, every time I get a small injury, it will heal quickly, and the serious injury will heal faster than ordinary people."

Shao Qing listened and nodded. It is not surprising that various abilities appear in the last days. Didn’t you hear that there are mutants in the Ya base? , even the taste is really that mutant is a lone ranger when he goes out on missions.

No wonder Murphy's wound was much lighter after the metal piece was pulled out than before. It turned out that it was because of this ability.

"Then you take a rest first, and I won't bother you anymore, but to be on the safe side, let Dr. An come and look at the wound for you tomorrow."

"Well, by the way, can you inform Dr. Lin and the others for me." After answering, Murphy seemed to have remembered something and stood up.

"Have you met them?" Shao Qing was a little strange now.

"Yes, otherwise, how could I be chased so badly with my skills? I wasted a lot of time because I saved Yulin and Yixun. After they climbed over the wall, the guard came back. I lured the guard away to arrive. You didn't run away when you found me."

"You mean...?" Shao Qing finally grasped the point of Murphy.

"Yes, the two of them were tied up at home by Ye Yonghang through yesterday's dinner."

"You saved them both, did you kill Ye Yonghang?" Shao Qing's eyes widened immediately.

"You mean, Ye Yonghang is dead?" Murphy also showed an incredulous expression.

 The two best friends came from other places to play, and the next few days must be extremely busy and happy.

(End of this chapter)

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