Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 165 Farewell

Chapter 165 Farewell
Seeing that person's excited accusation, Shao Qing asked blankly: "In that case, please tell me about the crimes committed by the two of them in detail."

Hearing Shao Qing ask himself what he said, the man thought that Shao Qing believed his words, and quickly said with emotion: "It's them, Adjutant Ye kindly invited them to play in the villa, but that woman named Yulin wanted to steal the ancestral blue diamond quilt from our Adjutant Ye's family. Our Adjutant Ye found out, and then she viciously injured our Adjutant Ye."

Shao Qing turned his head and glanced at Murphy who was hidden in the car beside him, thinking: This Murphy also tied up Ye Yonghang?No wonder the pursuit was not like chasing an assassin but like chasing an ordinary thief. It turned out that Ye Yonghang was not aware of his injury.

Shao Qing took out the electronic book and seemed to record something on it, then asked that person, "What happened later?"

"Later, our Adjutant Ye was bleeding profusely, and the woman tied up our Adjutant Ye, and then she ran away." The man continued.

"Oh, how did they escape?"

"I escaped from the main entrance." The man seemed to have been prepared, and he answered Shao Qing's questions fluently.

"Leaving from the main gate, did the guards ignore it?" Shao Qing asked.

"Because the guards were sent by Adjutant Ye to deliver drunk officials, Adjutant Ye hosted a dinner yesterday, and the guests drank so much that they got drunk."

"Oh, then I really want to ask, since all the guests are drunk, why are Dr. Lin and Miss Yulin not drunk?"

"This... probably they have premeditated." The man hesitated and replied.Then he said, "Group Leader Shao, that Yulin is definitely the murderer."

"Okay, let's analyze it." Shao Qing suddenly calmed down: "Assuming that the two of them planned it beforehand, then with so many executives drunk, it is very likely that Adjutant Ye was drunk, right? "

"Yes, that's right, Adjutant Ye was drunk by the two of them." The man suddenly replied affirmatively.

"Okay, how would Adjutant Ye know who the murderer was when he was drunk, and if Adjutant Ye was not leading them, how would they know where the blue diamond inherited from Adjutant Ye's family is?"

Shao Qing's series of questions made that person a little incoherent, but a person next to him immediately replied: "Adjutant Ye discovered their intention to pretend to be drunk. He originally wanted to catch the thief and catch the current one, but he was injured instead."

Shao Qing stared at this person for a while. This person obviously answered more carefully than the one just now.

Seeing that Shao Qing stopped talking, that person asked again to take Yulin away.

But Murphy knocked on the window aside.

Hearing the sound of the window pane, Shao Qing came over: "What do you want to say?"

"Ask him, what is the murder weapon used to knock Ye Yonghang." Mo Fei whispered to Shao Qing from the window.

Shao Qing nodded, then looked at that person: "By the way, what is the murder weapon used by the murderer to attack Adjutant Ye?"

When asked here, the two looked at each other, this is really not clear, because Ye Yonghang was knocked out before he could see clearly, and he couldn't see what it was from the wound, and there was not even any weapon left on the scene.

"Since you don't know, how can you conclude that it was Adjutant Ye who was attacked by Ms. Yulin from Star Base?"

"That's what Adjutant Ye saw with his own eyes." The man argued unconvinced.

"Why don't you hide when you see it with your own eyes? As far as I know, Adjutant Ye's ability level is not low, and this Miss Yulin's ability is not offensive, and the other Dr. Lin is not even a person with abilities. Let me ask, How did two weak women hurt a high-level ability user?"

Shao Qing's words made the onlookers nod frequently.

"Okay, I will check the details. If it prevents the people from the star base from leaving, it is not a personal problem, but a conflict between the two bases."

Shao Qing winked at Team Leader Zhang, and Team Leader Zhang understood: "Before we found out about the problem with the truck, we felt that someone deliberately destroyed our truck. Now that the truck has been repaired, you still stop us from leaving. I think you are Unreasonable detention, no one from our star base will dare to come to the sea base to exchange materials in the future."

The matter suddenly rose to a problem between the two bases, and the two people couldn't say anything more, so they had to get out of the way.

"Team Leader Shao, thank you very much, but that Adjutant Ye will definitely trouble you in the future, so be careful." Team leader Zhang also understood that Shao Qing was completely helping them, and turned to Shao Qing before getting into the car. Qing said.

"It's okay, you guys go back quickly, and I've already found Mo Fei, and after you leave for a while, we will exchange plastic drawings, and then she can leave."

"Really? That's great, I'll leave everything to you." Leader Zhang said a few more words before getting into the car, and the team drove out of the city gate.

Mo Fei watched the convoy leave the city gate, and after saying goodbye to Lin Yixun and Yulin secretly in his heart, he waited for Shao Qing to get in the car before leaving the place.

"Group Leader Shao, I'm really grateful for your care since the last incident. If it wasn't for your help this time, the people at the Star Base would have been detained again. I'm really worried that Yixun and Sister Yulin will show up again." What's the matter?" Mo Fei sincerely thanked Shao Qing.

"I'm just telling the truth. What's more, I hope that Ye Yonghang can calm down after this incident. He has spoiled too many girls." Shao Qing had also heard something about Ye Yonghang, but he never caught any evidence. There is no way to report it. Although there is still no conclusive evidence this time, it should be able to restrain Ye Yonghang once he is frustrated.

The two drove back to the area of ​​the investigation team, but Ye Yonghang was furious when he received the news.

With a "snap", a pure white fine porcelain teacup was smashed by Ye Yonghang: "You trash, you can't even stop someone, what do you want?"

"Deputy executive, you really can't blame us. The people at the star base suddenly escalated the matter to a problem between the two bases, and with the help of Shao Qing, the son of Executive Shao's family, we..." Come back and report The person said to Ye Yonghang aggrievedly.

At this time, the face of the person reporting was already swollen with a red mark, which could be clearly seen to be the palm print, which should have been hit by Ye Yonghang just now.

"Shao Qing!" Ye Yonghang squeezed Shao Qing's name out of his mouth angrily, and his eyes showed anger.

Finally everything was over, Yulin and Lin Yixun went back with the people from the Star Base, as long as their injuries were better, they could finish exchanging drawings and leave here.

Murphy, who returned to the investigation team, was finally completely free and didn't have to worry about thinking about it anymore. It was quite safe in Shao Qing's place.

After he was free, Murphy couldn't help thinking of another talisman that he could learn after this promotion.At that time, I was in such a hurry that I didn't have time to see another ability that could be learned this time, but now I finally have the energy to do these things.

Pretending to rummage through the backpack that Shao Qing had brought for him, Murphy took out the talisman that was stored in the storage talisman.

As he flipped the thin paper of the talisman, Mo Fei's eyes kept searching for the keywords on the talisman.

Because the characters on the talisman are very small, and there are large pictures, it is not easy to find the one I want to use. This is only after the reminder of the hardcover book I got from a distant relative. Relatively simple.

Finally turning to the page he wanted to use, Mo Fei began to read it carefully.

Before reading all of them, after reading only a few short lines, Murphy couldn't help getting excited.It's really not a loss for the ability of the basic period. This item is still aimed at the strengthening of the body, but this strengthening is too heaven-defying.

Because the talisman to be learned this time is actually the flying talisman that human beings have dreamed of since ancient times.

People in ancient times invented airplanes precisely because they yearned for flying, but that was also a multi-person flight through mechanical design, and truly achieved flexible and free single-person flying. The best ones made today are only extremely rare flying machines. That's all, it's still far from flying like a bird.

But today, in this mysterious talisman handed down by his ancestors, this thing that others have dreamed of for thousands of years has been realized in this way.

But Murphy didn't plan to fly around like this after learning it. It would be strange if he didn't capture himself back to study, but the benefits to him of being able to learn this ability are self-evident.

After reading all the content of this chapter, Mo Fei regretted it a little. If he hadn't left in a hurry but had learned this ability first in the room, I'm afraid he wouldn't be hurt now.

But it's hard to say that if I hadn't escaped so early at that time, I'm afraid I wouldn't have noticed that Yulin and Lin Yixun were kidnapped, and the consequences would be much more serious than a small injury.Thinking of this, Murphy no longer struggled with it, but seriously recorded the graphics of the talisman into his mind bit by bit.

The flying talisman was very complicated. Even though Murphy memorized it carefully for two hours, he would still pause when drawing it out of thin air.But the quality and success rate of the guarantor are naturally inseparable from smooth drawing.

Taking out a silk handkerchief and wiping it on his head, Mo Fei took a breath: "Phew, this talisman is really difficult."

But it's hard to return, how could such a practical talisman not be learned?He got up and poured himself a glass of water. After drinking the water, Mo Fei sat on the bed again and gestured in the air with one hand.

When Shao Qing sent someone to deliver food to Mo Fei, what he saw was that Mo Fei was sitting on the bed dancing, not knowing what he was doing.

Hearing the sound of the door, Murphy stopped the movements of his hands. After an afternoon of practice, although there were occasional pauses, the repeated movements in his hands strengthened the inertial memory of swinging his arms, so at this time, Murphy also It's almost half done.

Seeing that Mo Fei stopped what he was doing, the guard who brought Mo Fei's food brought in the food with a curious expression on his face: "Miss Murphy, this is the food that our team leader ordered to prepare for you."

"Put it on the table, thank you." Murphy nodded to the guard, but because Shao Qing took it personally before, Murphy asked casually, "Where is Team Leader Shao?"

"This..." The guard seemed a little hesitant to tell Mo Fei, and he hesitated for a while before replying, "Group Leader Shao was called away by the executive officer."

Hearing the executive officer's words, Murphy stood up all of a sudden. Could it be that Ye Yonghang was going to be unfavorable to Shao Qing?

(End of this chapter)

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