Chapter 166

Murphy got up and walked to the guard who brought him food.

"You mean Team Leader Shao was called away? Do you know what happened?"

"I don't know about it, I just know that something seems to have happened that made the executive very angry." The guard replied truthfully.

Murphy knew that he couldn't find out why he asked the guards, so he waved his hand: "That's all right, thank you for bringing my food here."

After hearing what Mo Fei said, the guard nodded to Mo Fei and walked outside.

Looking at the food on the table, Mo Fei was still a little hungry, but now he lost his appetite because he was worried that Shao Qing would be hurt because of their affairs.

But if you don't eat, someone will come to collect the bowls and chopsticks in a while.

After weighing it, Murphy decided to finish the meal quickly, then opened the door and called out the guard to pass him the bowl and chopsticks.Mo Fei ran out after the guards were far away. She wanted to see how Ye Yonghang would deal with Shao Qing.

The executive officer's room in the office building of the sea base command center.

Shao Qing sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and drank tea, while Shao Hongyang, the chief executive officer of the sea base, turned his back to Shao Qing with a serious face.

"Are you going or not?" Shao Hongyang asked with a straight face.

"Dad, you know that I don't like to participate in this kind of thing, so I won't go." Shao Qing put down the teacup, and steam was bubbling slowly from the open rim.

Shao Hongyang also had a headache. He and his son usually didn't know how to communicate, and his wife even arranged such a task for him.

"Then you go home and talk to your mother. Besides, Adjutant Ye was injured this time, so let him save face." Shao Hongyang continued in a more relaxed tone when he thought of Shao Qing's mother.

"Dad, it's not that you don't know Ye Yonghang's character, why are you accommodating him so much?" Shao Qing was very dissatisfied, and his tone hardened unconsciously.

Shao Hongyang naturally understood what Shao Qing was referring to, but there was no way to explain in detail the affairs in the officialdom, so he sighed: "I don't like Yonghang's usual actions, but his work and ability are impeccable. What's more, these things have only been heard but have never been caught for evidence."

"Let's not talk about it. Your mother agreed to this matter. If you don't go, go home and tell her. I will notify you anyway." Shao Hongyang saw that his son was not doing well at work, so he had to give Shao Qing an ultimatum.

In fact, this time Shao Qing's mother received the banquet invitation sent by Ye Yonghang, saying that she was grateful for everyone's help so that he would not be in danger of being murdered, so she held a dinner and hoped that Commander Shao and his wife would go together and bring Shao Qing's invitation was also sent to Shao Qing's home.

I don't know if the person who sent the message did it on purpose. The person who brought up the invitation intentionally or unintentionally was the couple of officials in the base, and even invited the children of the officials.

Shao's mother, who had been anxious about Shao Qing's marriage before the end of the world, naturally heard this sentence in her heart, so she quickly contacted Shao Qing's father, Shao Hongyang, and asked Shao Hongyang to bring her son Shao Qing back at night, or go directly to the banquet. Can.

In this way, Shao Hongyang called the investigation team to find Shao Qing, but because the guards were not clear and did not explain clearly to Mo Fei, Mo Fei thought it was Ye Yonghang who called Shao Qing away.

However, at this time, Ye Yonghang's dinner was indeed prepared for Shao Qing. Shao Qing let go of the Star Base people this time and blocked his plan. No matter what he said, he could not make Shao Qing feel better, so Ye Yonghang specially prepared for it. A seemingly thank you dinner.

The reason why I started from Shao Qing's mother was because I knew that Shao Qing would not usually attend such a gathering, so I sent the invitation to Shao Qing's home.

"House management, room management..." Ye Yonghang shouted after pressing the calling bell. Obviously, this one is much more advanced than the one for Mo Fei, and the one for Mo Fei cannot make calls.

However, no one answered after shouting for a long time, Ye Yonghang couldn't help frowning, the room manager was always on call, and he was busy before noticing it, it seems that the room manager never showed up.

Frowning, Ye Yonghang stood up and greeted the guards at the door: "You, go and tell the kitchen that there is a dinner tonight, and there are enough dishes for me."

"Yes, Adjutant Ye." The guard saluted and went downstairs to prepare for this matter.

It happened that a servant brought over a cup of brewed ginseng tea to Ye Yonghang. Ye Yonghang stopped the servant and asked about the room management.But the servant said that he didn't see the room manager last night, and neither did anyone else.

While Ye Yonghang was puzzled, he let the servant help him to walk towards the room where Murphy once lived on the first floor.

Pushing open the door, it was very quiet inside, and the bed was clean.

"Where is Miss Su Qing who lives here?" Ye Yonghang asked.

"Back to the owner, that Miss Su Qing said yesterday that the room manager said that the downstairs was quite lively, so she was sent to the third floor. The room manager said it was your order, don't you remember?" The servant supporting Ye Yonghang hurriedly replied .

Ye Yonghang recalled it carefully, he did not give such an order, even though he was hit on the head, he did not lose his memory.

"Has anyone been to the third floor today?" Ye Yonghang hurriedly asked the servant.

"Not yet. I've been busy down here today. Although breakfast was delivered in the morning, the door was locked by the room manager yesterday. We didn't open the door until we found the room manager."

"Go, go up and have a look." Ye Yonghang couldn't walk fast, because his head was injured, and he would feel dizzy if he walked too fast, so at this moment, his whole body relied on the person supporting him to move forward.

When he reached the third floor, Ye Yonghang had already taken out the spare key, which he took out when he passed by his room on the second floor.

Insert the key into the lock and twist it, and the door is locked from the outside.After the door was opened, Ye Yonghang found that there was no one inside.

"Steward Pang! It's Steward Pang!" Ye Yonghang suddenly roared furiously, shaking the ears of the servant who was supporting Ye Yonghang.

Because of the darkness yesterday, Ye Yonghang didn't see who hit him at all, but judging by the strength, it definitely couldn't be a woman, not to mention that the little girl named Su Qing who lived in this room before still had a broken leg.

Well, the only explanation now is Butler Pang.

He actually injured himself, not only let Yulin and Lin Yixun run away, but also kidnapped that girl named Su Qing, but how did this girl with a broken foot leave?Just when Ye Yonghang was angry and puzzled, he unconsciously muttered.The servant at the side quickly replied: "Owner, yesterday the room manager pushed a lift wheelchair to Ms. Su Qing, saying it was a gift from the owner."

Ye Yonghang nodded, with a fierce look in his eyes: It really is the house manager, it must be because of his daughter's matter, so he first used this opportunity to attack himself, and then let the other girls around him run away.

"Help me back to my room." Ye Yonghang's chest heaved uncontrollably at this moment, which proved his anger at this moment.

After returning to the room, Ye Yonghang sat down, took out the communicator from the drawer, dialed the communicator and said to it: "Find out the room manager for me, and then hung up the call."

After calming down, Ye Yonghang continued to plan for the evening banquet. Ye Yonghang would not make anyone who offended him feel better.

Murphy walked out of the investigation team all the way to the office building in the central area.However, because there was no permission this time, Murphy couldn't even enter the gate.

It's just that the inability to enter the gate does not mean that other places cannot enter.Murphy still remembered the day when he was brought back by Ye Yonghang's men, he went out through an inconspicuous side door when he went out.The gate doesn't seem to be very guarded, probably because not many people know about it.

And Murphy just happened to pass through this side door when he came from the direction of the investigation team.

Seeing that there were only two guards standing on the side of the fence at the side entrance, Murphy nodded.

There is a blind spot here. Murphy hid in the corner and took out the lift wheelchair again, then pressed the button to send himself to the fence, and then jumped down.

Reaching out from the gap in the railing to put the lift wheelchair into the storage amulet, Murphy swaggered into the office building through the side door behind the two guards as if he was visiting his own courtyard.

According to memory, Murphy found Ye Yonghang's adjutant's office all the way. This adjutant's office was the place he visited when he first came to the sea base to apply for temporary residence. I spent several days in the cell on the other side of the fourth wall.

But thinking about it now, Mo Fei understands it. It is said that although this Ye Yonghang has an alias, he has always been generous with women.Moreover, Ye Yonghang himself has a good skin, so he is indeed sought after by many ignorant women. When he came by himself that day, he probably mistakenly thought that only women like him are like that.

However, the resolution of this misunderstanding did not prevent Murphy from still hating Ye Yonghang very much.

Walking to the adjutant's room, Mo Fei listened carefully, but there was no movement in it.Holding the door with his hands, he wanted to put his ears closer, but unexpectedly the door was not locked at all, and Murphy rushed in.

Murphy became very nervous because of this move. Once the people inside made a noise, it would be difficult for him to run away.

But after the door was pushed open, there was no expected sound from inside.

There was no one in the quiet place.

"Strange, why is there no one?" Murphy muttered to himself, and it was inevitable that some strange thoughts would arise in his heart: No way?Could it be that Shao Qing has already been murdered by Ye Yonghang and is dealing with the follow-up matters right now?
The more Murphy thought about it, the more likely it was, and he hurriedly checked to see if there were any clues left on the ground.

Just as Murphy cat was searching Ye Yonghang's office with his back bent, a person was coming down from the stairs in the corridor, walking towards the adjutant's room step by step.

 I didn't expect the sun in October to be so poisonous. Yesterday's Xiao Xiao has been tanned into a villain panda. It's so dark...

(End of this chapter)

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