Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 167 Oolong

Chapter 167 Oolong
Ye Yonghang, who couldn't find the house manager anywhere, picked a trustworthy man from among his staff to be the new manager of his villa.

And this new manager was the one who brought Murphy back last time.

Knowing that Ye Yonghang entrusted him with such an important fat job, the man looked excited: It seems that Miss Su Qing still cares about the boss, otherwise why would she let herself take over the management position.

In fact, because the man was outside all day and didn't know that Murphy, who falsely called Su Qing, had already left the villa.

Since there was still dinner to be prepared today, the man had no time to visit Mo Fei, but was busy with Ye Yonghang's orders.

This side is in full swing, and Shao Qing's father, Shao Hongyang, has dialed the contactor on the other side.

"Hey, when are you going home to pick up your mother and you can book together? I have other things to do, so I'll go back after the call!" Shao Hongyang dialed the communicator and put it on the table, then turned and went to the side office.

At this time, the mother's voice came from the communicator, so Shao Qing had no choice but to pick up the communicator.


"What time will son come back at night?" Shao's mother at the other end of the communicator naturally knew that the old man must have made it clear and asked quickly.

Although one hundred people were not happy, Shao Qing still had no intention of rejecting his parents. After all, it was just a banquet and it was not a big deal.

"Mom, I estimate that I will be home around 05:30."

"Okay, Mom will prepare it for you. You don't have to worry about anything, as soon as you arrive." Shao's mother was very satisfied, and her voice was soft enough to hear a hint of relief.

Since mother heard that she was so happy to be able to go, Shao Qing couldn't say anything else: "Well, then I'll put it down for now, and I have things to do later."


Putting down the phone, Shao Qing went to his father's office and looked at his father who was immersed in looking through the documents: "Then I'll go back first, and I made an appointment with my mother to go back around 05:30 in the evening."

"Well, that's fine, you go back and do your work first!" Shao Hongyang raised his head when he heard his son's voice and replied.

Shao Qing nodded to his father, and then walked out of Shao Hongyang's office.

Mo Fei searched Ye Yonghang's adjutant's room for a long time but found nothing suspicious. Standing up, Mo Fei put his hands on his waist and frowned: Strange, why is there no clue?what!Could it be that the scene wasn't here at all?

While Mo Fei was thinking wildly, a person walked slowly to the door of Ye Yonghang's office.

Why is the door open here?Didn't Ye Yonghang rest today because of his injury?While the visitor was puzzled, he stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of Ye Yonghang's office.

A pair of hands rested on the shoulders of Murphy, who was still looking for clues.

Mo Fei was shocked, and then he turned around and was about to shoot, but he heard the other party ask in surprise, "Murphy? What are you doing here?"

At this moment, Mo Fei also saw who was coming, so he stopped: "Team Leader Shao, are you alright?"

"What can I do? What are you doing here? Come with me. This is not a place to come and play casually. What if someone finds you trespassing on the command center?" Shao Qing looked outside the door. Fei's is her own, and it would be bad to replace it with someone else.


"Forget it, go back with me for a while and then explain." Shao Qing dragged Mo Fei all the way from the stairs to the first floor, and then walked straight out from the main entrance with Mo Fei.

After exiting the gate of the command center, Murphy followed Shao Qing into the car. After Shao Qing started the car, he asked, "You are not at the investigation team's side to recuperate well. What are you doing here?"

Murphy didn't answer and asked instead, "What did Ye Yonghang call you to do?"

"Ye Yonghang called me? When did he call me?" Shao Qing, who was asked inexplicably, slowed down the speed of the car, and then turned his head slightly to look at Murphy.

"The guard who brought me the food said that you were called away by the executive officer. Could it be some kind of distraction?" Murphy suddenly thought about it vigilantly, but then thought about it, and there was nothing to take in his backpack, so he was relieved. .

"So... do you think I was called away by Ye Yonghang, and I came because I was worried that he would harm me?" Shao Qing suddenly laughed.

"Why are you laughing? Ye Yonghang is so narrow-minded, he will definitely retaliate against you." Seeing Shao Qing's weird smile, Mo Fei couldn't help asking, but Shao Qing just continued to drive forward with a smile on his face but didn't answer, Murphy couldn't help feeling a little bit angry.

Seeing that Mo Fei's face darkened, Shao Qing smiled and explained to Mo Fei.

After listening to Shao Qing's explanation, Murphy realized that he had made a big oolong. What the guard said was the executive officer, not the deputy executive officer, but Murphy had the same impression, so he only heard one executive officer and thought it was the same. Ye Yonghang.

Only now did Mo Fei know that the executive officer was also surnamed Shao, who was Shao Qing's father.

"I don't know, I thought..." Murphy's voice became softer as he spoke, what was he doing!If someone really found out just now, it might cause trouble for Shao Qing.

"Okay, it's fine, but thank you for caring about me." Shao Qing seemed to be in a good mood and thanked Mo Fei instead.

The car drove back to the investigation team, and the two entered the office area of ​​the investigation team. Murphy and Shao Qing entered the office building of the investigation team together.

After entering, Mo Fei was about to go back to the prison room where he lived with the key, when Shao Qing suddenly stopped Mo Fei: "By the way, Mo Fei, haven't you seen him since you lived in Ye Yonghang's villa for a while? "

Murphy shook his head: "No, it's usually his family's management who helps. What's the matter?"

Only then did Shao Qing talk about the dinner Ye Yonghang invited tonight.

Mo Fei was silent for a while, and raised his own question: "I think it's a bit strange for Ye Yonghang to arrange a dinner party at this time. Last time, he used the dinner party to trick Sister Yulin and Yi Xun over, and last time he also invited a lot of people, but There's only one target, so I think you'd better be wary."

"How about going with me at night?" Shao Qing asked Mo Fei suddenly.

"It's not suitable for me to go. Although Ye Yonghang may not have an impression of me, many of his servants have seen me, but I can climb over the wall. If something happens, just help me cover." Murphy smiled lightly , with a little mischievousness in his smile.

Shao Qing's heart trembled violently, as if he had been electrocuted and felt numb.With a slight movement in his throat, Shao Qing lowered his head slightly: "It's still you who are thoughtful, then prepare yourself and go with my car at night. By the way, this is my car spare key."

While talking, Shao Qing took out a key from a drawer with a fingerprint lock and handed it to Murphy.

"Okay, that's it for now, I'll go back first." Murphy took the key readily, then turned and left.

Seeing Murphy's figure disappear into his office, Shao Qing's heart kept churning: What's wrong with me?
After returning to the detention room where she lived, Murphy closed the door, washed her hands a little, then sat on the bed and continued to practice the new talisman she was about to draw.

Shao Qing knocked on the door when he practiced until after four o'clock in the afternoon. Mo Fei looked at the time, and it seemed that he still didn't have time to finish drawing his new talisman today, because there would always be some inconsistencies in the final stage. smooth.

Originally, Murphy wanted to use this ability tonight, but it seems that there is still no way to use it for the time being.

With some regret, Murphy stood up and opened the door.

"Are you asleep?" Shao Qing asked after seeing Mo Fei open the door for a long time.

"No, you left so early?"

"I'm going home to pick up my mother first. I thought about it. I'll arrange someone to help you put on makeup later. If you keep following me, you won't be recognized. The most important thing is to make my mother less troublesome for me." Shao Qing said in a helpless tone at the end.

"What does attending the dinner have to do with your mother?" Shao Qing explained, but Murphy was even more confused.

"Don't ask so many questions, let's go!" Shao Qing simply pulled Murphy and walked outside.

"Hey, I should at least change my clothes!" Murphy looked down at his sportswear as he walked.It's very convenient to follow in the dark, but it's too eye-catching for me to attend a dinner party.

"I'll get ready, let's go." Pulling Mo Fei all the way from the detention room to the gate of the investigation team.

After getting in the car, no matter how much Mo Fei asked Shao Qing, he didn't answer, but drove straight into the Pearl District residential area in the central area of ​​the sea base.

After the car came to a complete stop, Shao Qing got out of the car and called Murphy down as well.

Murphy had no choice but to follow, and at Shao Qing's urging, he wore a sportswear and followed Shao Qing into this spacious villa.

"My dear son, you are back. Go upstairs quickly. Mom has prepared a dress for you." After hearing the servant's report, Shao's mother hurried down from upstairs to greet her son Shao Qing, but even in such a hurry, she was still elegant.

Mo Fei glanced at Shao's mother secretly. Although Shao's mother was old, she was very well maintained. Although her clothes were not very gorgeous, she was generous and decent.

When Mother Shao went downstairs to see her son, she also saw Mo Fei next to Shao Qing. Her son had never brought a girl back before or after the end of the world. He had never heard of his son having a girlfriend, but this time he unexpectedly brought a girl home with him, which made Mother Shao a little surprised and curious about Murphy.

"Mom, this is my friend Murphy. Murphy, this is my mother." Shao Qing introduced each other to Murphy and Shao's mother.

"Hello, Auntie." Originally, Mo Fei didn't know how to speak, but now that Shao Qing introduced, Mo Fei naturally called out to Shao's mother.

"Miss Mo, right? Welcome, come in and sit down!" Shao's mother smiled and moved Mo Fei and Shao Qing inside.

Murphy followed Shao Qing all the way to the living room.

"Son, let your friend have some snacks down below, and try on the dress first, as we are short on time." Shao's mother urged Shao Qing to say.

Mo Fei just wanted to thank Shao's mother and sit down, but Shao Qing who was at the side immediately rejected Shao's mother: "No need, Mom, Murphy will go up with us."

(End of this chapter)

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