Chapter 168
Such a sentence made Shao's mother stunned for a moment, and then laughed, but her face was a little unnatural.

"Alright, you young people have different visions, so let's go upstairs together!"

Mo Fei looked at Shao Qing without knowing it, Shao Qing winked at Mo Fei, and then the three of them walked upstairs together.

When we reached the second floor, we walked all the way to the innermost room, and then the servant who followed us pushed open the innermost room.

With just one glance, Mo Fei felt as if he was in a high-end clothing store. A set of finely crafted dresses were placed side by side in the middle of the room, and there were rows of cabinets on the side, and there was also a special place for accessories.

Shao's mother watched Mo Fei's movements, and was a little disdainful of the surprise on Murphy's face, but because she was a friend brought back by her precious son, Shao's mother didn't show it too much.

"Son, look, Mom has prepared a lot of suits for you. You can choose the one that suits you. These sizes are all worn by you, so they should all fit." Mother Shao calmed down and turned to Shao Qing Said.

"Whatever! Mom, call Wang Jie here for me." Shao Qing casually stopped in front of one of the row of dresses, then took off the top of that dress and handed it to the servant beside him. Then he turned around and said to Mother Shao.

"Ask Wang Jie to come...?" Shao's mother was puzzled, but seeing that her son was still cooperative today and even picked out the clothes by herself, she didn't ask any more questions, and quickly ordered someone to find the person named Wang Jie.

At this moment, Shao Qing was already walking towards the changing room with the dress.

"Leader Shao." Murphy suddenly stopped Shao Qing.

Shao Qing looked back with a questioning look in his eyes, and then Mo Fei pointed to another set: "You should also try this set, I think this set is better."

"Miss Mo, you don't know that our family, Shao Qing, has always had his own preferences." Shao's mother still said to Mo Fei with a pleasant face at this moment.

"That's right, I'm sorry, Auntie, I don't know much about it." Mo Fei looked at the kindly and smiling Mother Shao, but for some reason, Murphy always felt that this Mother Shao seemed to have some opinion of him.But it doesn't matter, anyway, I don't need to face her every day.

Unexpectedly, Shao Qing raised his head to look at the suit that Murphy just pointed out, and then at the dress in his hand, and walked back to take the suit that Murphy said in his hand: "Let's do this!" He went straight to the changing room.

Shao's mother looked at her son in surprise. How could she not understand her son? If he had really compromised with his decision so easily, he wouldn't have preferred not to live at home to be a criminal policeman.

Thinking of this, Shao's mother looked at Murphy with deeper eyes.

However, Murphy had an indifferent expression, because he just made a suggestion based on his own aesthetics, and it was Shao Qing's business whether to accept it or not, so Murphy didn't care.

The dress was quickly changed, and as soon as Shao Qing came out, Mo Fei smiled: It was exactly the same as what I thought, because Shao Qing was a criminal policeman and often exercised, so his shoulders were very broad. The dress that Shao Qing took just now looked At first glance, the style is really suitable for Shao Qing, but it is a narrow-shouldered dress, which is more suitable for thinner men. That's why Mo Fei talked a lot and asked Shao Qing to wear this dress, but he didn't expect Shao Qing to directly abandon the one he chose. Instead, he took the one Murphy chose.

"It's really handsome, very good, even a mother like me is amazed." Shao's mother hurried over when she saw Shao Qing come out.

"Then mine will be like this!" Shao Qing looked at himself in the mirror, and became more and more satisfied with the one Mo Fei chose.

"Don't you need to add some accessories?" Shao's mother hurriedly asked the servants who were waiting to bring over the box of decorations.

"No, I don't like such complicated things. By the way, isn't Wang Jie here yet?"

Before Shao Qing finished speaking, a woman ran in from outside. The woman was dressed in a neat professional attire, but she was carrying a large suitcase on her back.

"Shao Qing, are you calling me?" The woman seemed to be running very fast, and asked out of breath as soon as she entered the door.

"Well, I have something to ask you today." Shao Qing walked to Mo Fei's side while speaking: "Today, Miss Mo will be handed over to you. Draw me a picture that is both her and not like her. There will be a dinner tonight."

Shao Qing spoke briefly to the woman named Wang Jie, but Shao's mother at the side was in a hurry. She even asked Shao Qing's father Shao Hongyang to get Shao Qing to attend, but he actually wanted to bring This girl, how will things be done after that.

"Son, Ms. Mo is not on the invitation list today, isn't it appropriate for her to go?" Mother Shao said to Shao Qing tactfully.

"There's nothing inappropriate. Come on, Mom, you should go and get ready too. We'll be ready in a while." Shao Qing coaxed and pushed Shao's mother out of the room, and then said coldly to the woman named Wang Jie: " I'll leave her to you, I'll pick a few sets of clothes and bring them over, and you can look at the matching."

Wang Jie nodded, and put down the big box on her body with some disappointment in her eyes: "Miss Mo, please sit down, what do you want me to draw you like?"

Although Murphy smelled gossip, the atmosphere at the moment seemed not suitable for gossip, so Murphy could only smile: "Can you draw anything?"

As if talking about her major, Wang Jie replied confidently with a gleam of brilliance in her eyes at this time: "Yes, I can do whatever makeup you want."

"Okay, help me draw a makeup that is suitable for a dinner party without being rude, but also looks very ordinary. It's best to throw it in the crowd and you can't find it." Murphy thought for a while and said. out.

"Ah?" The woman named Wang Jie seemed a little overwhelmed: "Shouldn't it be very glamorous?"

"No, I don't need to use that kind of makeup, just do as I said." Mo Fei nodded to Wang Jie, then sat down and waited for Wang Jie to apply makeup on herself.

Although Wang Jie was full of problems, but because Mo Fei didn't know her well and couldn't open her mouth, she had to draw Mo Fei seriously according to Mo Fei's request.

Before the makeup was finished, Shao Qing had already brought several sets of small dresses and walked in.

After hanging a few small dresses on the rack, Shao Qing asked the woman named Wang Jie to choose clothes suitable for her makeup.

Because it needs to be cleaned first, Wang Jie has just applied the liquid foundation on Mo Fei's face, but it hasn't been applied evenly. At this moment, his face is full of flowers, and Shao Qing, who turned around, saw it: "Pfft... can you go out at night like this? It will scare people."

"Hey, have you laughed enough?" Seeing Shao Qing laughing to himself for a long time, Murphy asked angrily.

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh anymore. Hurry up! By the way, make her more beautiful." Shao Qing said the last sentence to Wang Jie.

But Wang Jie was in a dilemma: "Do you want to unify your opinions first?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Jie recounted what Mo Fei had just told her.

"No, listen to me, paint her more beautifully, but the makeup should be thicker."

Just as Mo Fei was about to refute, Shao Qing said that he had other plans, but he glanced at Wang Jie out of the corner of his eye, so Mo Fei didn't ask any further, and had to let Wang Jie paint on himself as if wearing a mask.

After the whole makeup was finished, Mo Fei almost couldn't laugh when he looked in the mirror.

"Who is this? I can't even recognize myself." Murphy said with a smile.However, I have to admit that Wang Jie's makeup skills are really top-notch.In the mirror, Murphy's face looked very delicate, as beautiful as a delicate doll, but it made Murphy's originally lively face look very dull.

Sure enough, it was a face that was stunning at first glance, but was easily forgotten afterwards.Murphy couldn't help admiring secretly.

Shao Qing also looked at Mo Fei, and he was very satisfied with the whole makeup: "It's very good, and then there is the question of the dress. Wang Jie and I chose two sets, both of which can be matched with makeup and are more convenient to move around. You choose which one?"

Murphy glanced at the two little dresses, both of which were the latest styles before the end of the world. Because they were winter styles, they were not only beautiful but also kept warm. Even in such weather, they would not make people feel cold.

The two little dresses, one pink and one white, each had their own merits, but Mo Fei passed the two and saw a dark blue velvet long-tailed dress behind them.

"Isn't that dark blue one bad?" Murphy felt that dark clothes should be the most convenient to move around in the dark.

"But that one is a long tail!" Wang Jie rolled her eyes, because Shao Qing has always emphasized the need for a dress that is easy to move. Wang Jie has known Shao Qing for so long and naturally understands that it is not so simple to go to the dinner party today. It made Wang Jie feel more comfortable, that's why she put on serious makeup for Mo Fei.

But what does this woman want to do, actually choose such a dress, why did Shao Qing bring such a stupid woman to attend, if she brings herself, I guarantee that Shao Qing will not be worried.Thinking about it, Wang Jie looked at Shao Qing again, but at this moment, Shao Qing looked at Murphy with questioning eyes.

Mo Fei stood up and walked towards the dark blue dress, picked up the dress and asked Shao Qing, "Is there anyone in your family who can do needlework?"

Shao Qing didn't know what Mo Fei was going to do, but it seemed that he wanted to modify the dress. He saw that there were only himself, Wang Jie and Mo Fei in the room. When Shao's mother left just now, Shao Qing had asked the servants to follow him down.He told Wang Jie to help call Aunt Zhao who knew how to sew at home.

Because it was Shao Qing who spoke, Wang Jie reluctantly walked out of the room.

"Murphy, what on earth are you thinking? This dress is too inconvenient." Shao Qing asked after seeing Wang Jie go out.

Murphy smiled slightly. Of course, this smile appeared stiff under the mask-like attire: "You'll know in a while."

 Xiaoxiao had a bumper harvest at yesterday's Comic Expo, but because she bought too much, many people asked when they passed by: how much is this or that, and Xiaoxiao is regarded as a seller...

(End of this chapter)

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