Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 169 Dinner

Chapter 169 Dinner
Soon, a servant from Shao Qing's family who knew how to sew came in with Wang Jie.

"Master, do you need me to do needlework?" The servant, who looked about 50 years old, entered the room and bowed to several people before asking.

"Aunt Zhao, come here and change this dress according to Miss Mo's request." Shao Qing pointed to Murphy.

The servant named Aunt Zhao nodded, and came over with a smart sewing machine and a sewing kit in her hand: "Hello Miss Mo, if there is anything I need to do, I brought all the tools here."

"Then you guys change it first, I'll go see if my mother has cleaned up." Seeing that there was nothing to do here, Shao Qing confessed to Mo Fei and left the room.

As soon as Shao Qing left, Wang Jie looked at Murphy and followed Shao Qing out without saying a word.

Murphy instructed Aunt Zhao how to transform the gown, and Aunt Zhao was really dexterous, basically making the gown look what Murphy wanted.

"Miss Mo, it's finished, take a look." Aunt Zhao handed over the remodeled dark blue dress to Murphy.

Murphy took it and checked it repeatedly in his hands, and it was indeed similar to what he imagined.

The original trailing tail is the most inconvenient part of this dress, but cutting it off will affect the overall aesthetics, so Murphy asked Aunt Zhao to cut off the trailing tail, and then folded up a flower that was on the shoulder. The embellished slanted shoulder flowers are consistent.This not only solves the problem of the long tail but also wants to take care of the upper body, which is not obtrusive at all.

Then there was a layer of gauze that was originally covered on the outside. This layer of gauze was completely removed by Aunt Zhao and then cut. Most of it was made into a shawl, and a small piece was embellished under the open back of the dress.

"Aunt Zhao, you are so skillful. This gown has been altered very well." Mo Fei commented after holding the gown around with a smile.

"Miss Mo, as long as you are satisfied, then go and try it on. If there is something inappropriate, I can change it for you."

Then Mo Fei took the improved little dress and changed into it. Because the waist was a bit empty, Aunt Zhao helped Mo Fei sew a section of the waist under the flowers at the back, and it was officially completed.

Shao Qing, who returned to this room, saw at a glance that Murphy had changed into a re-improved dark blue evening dress.Compared with before, this dark blue evening dress is very suitable for evening action in terms of color and style.

Moreover, Shao Qing had to admit that the improved evening dress not only lost a little bit of embellishment, but also added a little bit of flavor, and it was also suitable for banquets.

Not only that, but such a change also complemented Murphy's delicate to fake makeup, which was radiant but gave a feeling of being negligible.Shao Qing was stunned for a while, and then said: "The modification is really good! Let's go down, my mother is already in the car."

Aunt Zhao finished her task and left the room.

Just now there were always people, so I didn't come to ask. Mo Fei found the opportunity to ask Shao Qing: "Why do you want me to participate together again? Didn't you say that I was in the dark?" Regarding Shao Qing's sudden arrangement , Murphy was still a little dissatisfied, but Shao Qing kept saying that there was a reason, but he couldn't find a chance to ask, which made him what he is now.

"I think it's dangerous for you to act alone, and it's hard to say if someone finds out. Another point, you can help me avoid a lot of trouble by following me like this." Shao Qing was telling the truth.

"Trouble? You mean Ye Yonghang?"

"No, it's some boring activities that parents like to arrange most." Shao Qing shrugged helplessly.

Only then did Mo Fei suddenly realize, and patted Shao Qing on the shoulder: "It turned out to be a peach blossom! Come on, you said it earlier, I understand, and I will try my best." Murphy felt that Shao Qing was really serious these days. I helped myself a lot, and this little favor was not even considered a reward, so I agreed without any hesitation.

Seeing Mo Fei's willingness to agree, a smile appeared on Shao Qing's face.

All the way down the stairs, the two got into the car one after the other. In the car, Mother Shao was already sitting in the back, and Mo Fei sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Because it was a dinner party tonight, Shao Qing didn't drive, but the driver drove, and Shao Qing sat in the back row with Shao's mother.

Mo Fei didn't say anything along the way, because he didn't know what to say, and because Shao's mother kept pulling Shao Qing, Mo Fei didn't think he could intervene, so he was happy to be at ease and didn't open his mouth.

Finally arrived at Ye Yonghang's villa, Mo Fei was very familiar with it.

He opened the door and got out of the car, and Shao's mother got out of the car with Shao Qing's support.

Following the guidance of Ye Yonghang's servants into the hall, many people have already come inside.

They probably knew the officials of the base early in the morning, so the arrival of Shao's mother and Shao Qing immediately caused a lot of commotion, and groups of people came towards here to greet each other.After all, Shao Hongyang, the chief executive officer, can be regarded as the third in the sea base.

After some exchanges, Shao Qing and Murphy also fled to a relatively inconspicuous corner while Shao's mother was being pulled aside to chat by other familiar guests and family members.

"Group Leader Shao, those people look at me strangely." Mo Fei stood in the corner and looked out. The people here are really not simple. He is like a makeup artist wearing a mask, but the people here As if born with a face.

"Call me Shao Qing here, don't pretend to be a bang." Shao Qing quickly corrected Murphy's address.

"Okay, but these people's questions are too tricky, I almost gave away just now." Murphy frowned, but the heavy makeup made his face a little uncomfortable.

"Now you know why I don't want to come, right? But today my mother specifically told my father that I must come, there is no way!" Shao Qing picked up a drink from the table next to him, and replied helplessly.

"Hey, don't drink indiscriminately, have you forgotten that there is a problem here?" Murphy quickly reminded.

Only then did Shao Qing remember, and quickly looked at Murphy approvingly.

"However, it's okay if you don't drink..." Murphy said again immediately.

"Then what should I do?" Shao Qing was also in a dilemma. As Mo Fei said, if you drink it, you don't know if there will be something added here, and if you don't drink it, you can't justify it.

Murphy rolled his eyes: "Well, I'll get you a drink. Try not to drink until I come back." After Murphy finished speaking, he quickly slid towards the side aisle.

Before Shao Qing could stop him, Murphy had already disappeared before Shao Qing's eyes.Shao Qing was not familiar with the structure here, and his status was really not suitable for walking around, so he had to stay where he was and wait for Murphy.

Murphy walked all the way to the room opposite to where he lived before, and as expected, it was unlocked when there was no one there.

Entering the house, Murphy poured out the glass and wine that he had just brought, washed the glass, and then took out a bottle of wine from the storage talisman.

This was the last time I searched with Uncle Gao Qinggao on the way from home to the star base.

After filling up the wine glass, Mo Fei walked out of the room with two glasses of wine.

On the other side, Ye Yonghang has already prepared everything. Hearing that Shao Qing has arrived, Ye Yonghang smiled sinisterly, filled the goblet with red wine in his hand, flicked his wrist, and the aroma of the red wine slowly dispersed: "Shao Qing , It’s a bad thing for me, of course I have to arrange some news for you this time.”

Murphy ran out of the aisle at a trot, and when he passed the wall, Murphy glanced subconsciously.It seems that Ye Yonghang doesn't come here often, and he hasn't been found here yet.

Further on was the lobby. Murphy slowed down his walking pace, and slowly walked out of the aisle with a wine glass in his hand.

Shao Qing kept staring at the movement here, and when he saw Murphy coming out, he hurried over.

"This glass is yours, and the other is mine. I've changed the wine here. If you don't drink it for now, just hold it. We'll talk about it later when we need to socialize." Murphy said in a low voice after handing the glass to Shao Qing.

"It's ok, Mo Fei, I'm not in vain here, I can get it." Shao Qing didn't suspect Mo Fei because he had lived here for a few days.

Of course, it was impossible for Mo Fei to explain too much. Holding the wine and wearing mask-like makeup, he followed Shao Qing around, dealing with all kinds of people.Fortunately, most of the people who came today were officials or their family members, and everyone generally raised their glasses to express meaning, and then went to find the next target with various purposes.

No one disturbed Shao Qing, so he was happy to be at leisure, standing in the corner and chatting with Murphy from time to time.

After a while, the commander-in-chief of the sea base, Kang Chenghui, deputy commander-in-chief Shi Xingchang, and chief executive officer Shao Hongyang came together.These three were the top officials of the sea base, and other officials lined up to greet them, and Ye Yonghang, who hosted the dinner this time, finally showed up.

The dinner party officially started after the commander-in-chief Kang Chenghui, deputy commander-in-chief Shi Xingchang, and chief executive officer Shao Hongyang were welcomed into the hall.

After toasting around, Ye Yonghang walked over to Shao Qing and Murphy with a glass of wine: "Group Leader Shao, it's really an honor for Ye to be honored today." Ye Yonghang raised his glass to Shao Qing, but because of the wrap on his head The incongruity between the layers of gauze and the suit on his body is very funny.

Mo Fei suppressed a smile and stood beside Shao Qing, turning the wine glass in his hand.

Shao Qing looked down at Mo Fei, then smiled and looked at Shao Qing: "Group Leader Shao, do you want to recommend this lady?"

"Murphy is a friend of mine." Shao Qing replied calmly.

"Beautiful Miss Murphy, you are very welcome. If there is anything that is not thoughtful, please tell me." Ye Yonghang said to Murphy in a gentlemanly manner.

"I'm also very honored to be able to attend Adjutant Ye's dinner." Anyway, he was wearing a mask-like makeup, and Murphy didn't mind making it more fake.

At this time, Ye Yonghang raised his wine glass: "You two, Mr. Ye toasts you, I hope you have a good time tonight." Immediately, Ye Yonghang drank the wine glass in his hand.

Shao Qing gulped it down like Ye Yonghang did, at this time Ye Yonghang's mouth curled into a smile.

He stretched out his hand and patted it twice, and a person appeared next to him holding a wine bottle and came over: "Group Leader Shao, please ask me to add another glass for you."

 I had a lot of fun recently, but I was also very tired. I haven’t coded for a few days. Xiaoxiao seems to be a little lazy. The holiday is coming to an end. If it doesn’t end, I will stop updating

(End of this chapter)

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