Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 170 Scream

Chapter 170 Scream
Ye Yonghang picked up a bottle of wine from the tray brought by the servant, then tilted the bottle, and poured the wine into Shao Qing's glass slowly.

In the same way, Ye Yonghang also poured himself a glass: "Team Leader Shao, Mr. Ye has never had a close relationship with Team Leader Shao before. For this glass of wine, Team Leader Shao must satisfy Ye's admiration." After finishing speaking, Ye Yonghang raised his glass to Shao Qing again: "Let's be casual this time." Then Ye Yonghang took a sip of the wine in his glass.

Shao Qing couldn't evade it now, so he had to take a sip.

"Thank you, Team Leader Shao, for your appreciation. Then use it slowly. Ye has to greet other guests." Seeing Shao Qing take another sip, Ye Yonghang left the place satisfied.

Seeing Ye Yonghang leave, Mo Fei quickly looked at Shao Qing: "Are you okay?"

"I haven't felt it yet, but I always feel that it will definitely not be that simple." Shao Qing shook his head and replied.

"Then we can just wait and see. With so many people, I hope he won't do anything out of line." Murphy squinted his eyes and glanced around.

However, for more than an hour after that, Ye Yonghang did not appear in front of the two of them again and continued to deal with other guests. Instead, Shao's mother took Shao Qing around and introduced several daughters of executives to Shao Qing. Shao Qing, who was killed, has been avoiding Shao's mother since then.

Seeing that the dinner party was coming to an end, Mo Fei tugged at Shao Qing's sleeve: "It's coming to an end soon, it seems that there are no problems today."

"Well, I guess I've calmed down a bit after being injured. Thank you for coming with me today." Shao Qing raised his glass and touched Murphy.

"You don't have to be so polite, you already said I'm your friend!" Murphy smiled, and then took a sip of the wine in his glass.

Towards the end, some guests had already started to leave one after another. Mother Shao had already left with Shao Hongyang, but Shao Qing suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his stomach. He asked Mo Fei to wait a minute. He had to go to the bathroom and come out later to find she.

After Shao Qing left, he went to the bathroom on the first floor, but found someone on the first floor, and asked the servant, who took Shao Qing upstairs.

After Shao Qing went upstairs, Murphy saw a person coming out of the bathroom on the first floor. That person was not another guest, but a servant of Ye Yonghang's villa.

Although Mo Fei didn't live for a long time, he knew that the servants in Ye Yonghang's house had their own private bathroom, that is to say, it was a deliberate arrangement for Shao Qing not to use the bathroom on the first floor.

Seeing that Shao Qing had disappeared, Murphy realized that he might have been deceived by the illusion that nothing had happened before.

After a few steps into the previous room, Murphy jumped out of the window and climbed up along the water pipe on the edge.Halfway through the climb, I heard the sound of someone moving something.

Murphy stopped and listened carefully, and then he heard one person say to the other, "Be quiet, just block the door."

After waiting for a long time, the sound stopped. After Mo Fei searched half a circle around the window of the villa's room, he found Shao Qing and a woman in one of them.

Both of them were lying down, as if they were asleep, but the woman's clothes were not neat.

Murphy pulled the window, but it wasn't locked, but it was a bit difficult to open it completely.

"Shao Qing, Shao Qing..." Mo Fei opened the window and called softly twice, but Shao Qing still didn't wake up inside.

At this time, the door was opened suddenly, and Murphy quickly hid.Peeking inside, Ye Yonghang came in with a camera and kept taking pictures of the two people on the bed, and then walked out with a sneer.

As soon as Ye Yonghang left, there was a sound outside, and then the footsteps walked further and further away.

Guessing that Ye Yonghang would not come over, Murphy opened the window again and climbed in.

"Shao Qing, Shao Qing." Murphy shook Shao Qing who was unconscious on the bed.

The drowsy Shao Qing finally woke up: "Hiss! My head hurts." After waking up, Shao Qing held the back of his head and gasped for air.

"Just wake up and get out of here."

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Shao Qing woke up, and then saw another woman beside her who was still in a coma: "Hey, what's going on?"

"I don't know, but you were photographed by Ye Yonghang just now." Murphy replied quickly.

"Oops! He took advantage of all precautions." Shao Qing's face turned cold.

It turned out that although the wine Ye Yonghang gave Shao Qing was not poisonous, it contained diuretics, so Shao Qing couldn't bear it until he went home.Just when Shao Qing went into the bathroom and it was convenient, he was suddenly knocked out by someone who had ambushed him long ago.

"Stop talking so much, you leave first, I'll steal the camera." Murphy said firmly.

"This is my business, I will find it myself." Shao Qing said after getting up from the bed.

"First of all, you are not familiar with this place. Another point, you forgot, he can make you faint once, and then you will faint a second time, and once the things you left behind are discovered, it will be a big problem. Most of the guests outside I haven't left yet, if it's just a photo, if you can't steal it, you can deny it, if you are really here, it will be bad. Besides, you have to help me attract attention!"

It made sense to listen to what Mo Fei said, and Shao Qing had also learned about Mur Fei's wit.

"Well, be careful yourself." After telling Mo Fei a few words, Shao Qing ran out along the window that Mo Fei just opened.

Murphy patted the woman who was still asleep, and then climbed out of the window.

After waking up, the woman realized that she was in a strange place, and immediately turned on the light.Seeing that it was indeed a place she didn't know, she hurried to open the door, but the door was locked by Shao Qing, and the woman screamed loudly out of luck.

The guests downstairs suddenly heard the screams and didn't know what to do, but Ye Yonghang was already prepared, pretending not to know anything and rushed to the room where the screams were heard, while Murphy walked into Ye Yonghang's room .

It is also thanks to the last time I moved, when I passed by when I moved from the first floor to the third floor, the house manager introduced me one by one.

Murphy went all the way to Ye Yonghang's room, then took out the light tube from the storage amulet and searched for the camera in Ye Yonghang's desk and cabinet.

Ye Yonghang followed the guests to the room on the second floor, and the guests all asked curiously, "Adjutant Ye, what happened?"

Ye Yonghang seemed innocent: "I don't know either. I just took two anti-inflammatory drugs and was about to go downstairs to send you off. I didn't expect to hear this scream."

"Then quickly open the door and see what's going on!"

Only then did Ye Yonghang open the door, and immediately saw the woman standing in the room with messy clothes and hair. Seeing so many people, the woman burst into tears.

Some of the spectators recognized the woman at a glance: "Isn't this Captain Qiu's wife?"

"God, what's going on?"

Ye Yonghang was a little surprised, are his subordinates so heavy-handed?Why are only women standing here by themselves, where is Shao Qingren?
Looking inside, there was no one on the bed.

"Madam Qiu, what's going on? Why are you in this room of my house, and are you alone?" Ye Yonghang asked with concern.

"I don't know. When I woke up, I found that I was in a strange room, and the door couldn't be opened. I was so scared that I screamed." The woman's eyeliner had melted away, and a black line ran down the corner of her eye.

"Then you didn't find anyone else?" Ye Yonghang asked persistently.

The woman still shook her head: "No, I, I'm going home."

It's okay to see the woman, and the others will disperse when they see that there is no excitement.

"This Shao Qing runs pretty fast. Fortunately, I took the photo in advance. Captain Shao is notoriously jealous. Just find someone to send the photo to Captain Shao..." Although he didn't catch the current situation, Ye Yonghang did it for him. I secretly applauded the photo preparation I made in advance.

Mo Fei finally found the camera under the cabinet, opened it, and found that there were some surprising photos besides Shao Qing's photo. The whole thing was put into the storage talisman.

As soon as Murphy put it away, he heard the sound of the door being opened. With a jolt, Murphy hurriedly ran to the window, but in a hurry, he touched the foot of the table and made a sound.

"Who?" Ye Yonghang hurriedly opened the door and looked in, but only saw the open window.

A few steps ran to the window to look down, but did not find half a figure.

At this time, Murphy was digging at the crack of the wall with his fingers, and a finger-thick edge protruding from the top of the window on the first floor was sticking to the wall with great difficulty, not daring to make any noise.

Just when Murphy's fingers could no longer pick the gap, a report came from outside: "The owner, that Shao Qing appeared downstairs."

"What? Let's go, go down and have a look." Ye Yonghang turned around and left immediately after hearing that, Mo Fei was relieved, his body rubbed against the edge, and finally stepped on the downspout, and then climbed down to the bottom floor, bypassing the villa The half-circle slipped to the front door.

At this time, Shao Qing was saying goodbye to several officials he knew. He wanted to leave directly after he escaped from the window just now, but he didn't see Murphy come out for a long time. Shao Qing was really worried and walked back again.

When they came back, everyone happened to go upstairs to see how the woman was doing, so Shao Qing hid in the bathroom on the first floor, which he couldn't get in before, and after waiting for people to come down one after another, Shao Qing pretended to come out of the bathroom.

While saying goodbye, Ye Yonghang upstairs came down with a gloomy expression.

"Group Leader Shao, I haven't seen Team Leader Shao just now. I was still worried that you had already left. It's a pity that I couldn't see you off." Ye Yonghang said lukewarmly.

"Adjutant Ye, I'm really sorry. I just went to the bathroom. It's been a while, but I have to say goodbye now. My friend is still waiting for me." Shao Qing, who had already spotted Murphy at the door, waved to Ye Yonghang , then turned around and walked towards the gate.

"Shao...Qing..." Ye Yonghang stared at the back of Shao Qing who was walking away and muttered bitterly.

 The typhoon brought heavy rain, Xiaoxiao's amusement park yesterday was really wet.

(End of this chapter)

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