Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 171 Interference

Chapter 171 Interference
All the way out of Ye Yonghang's villa, Shao Qing laughed loudly, and the resolute lines on his face became softer and softer: "Murphy, you are really good, you can still cause disturbance in such a short period of time, did you just now?" Seeing Ye Yonghang's face, there is really nothing I can do about it."

Shao Qing started talking, but Murphy didn't make a sound, his thoughts were still on the information he just saw from the camera.


Seeing that Mo Fei didn't respond for a long time, Shao Qing stretched out a hand and shook it in front of Mo Fei's eyes.

"Huh? Haven't you arrived yet?" Mo Fei came back to his senses, as if he hadn't heard what Shao Qing said just now.

"Not yet, but what's the matter with you? You've been in a daze since you came out. Didn't anything happen just now?" After all, Mo Fei just helped himself delete the photos. If something happened, Shao Qing would definitely feel bad. Something was wrong and he hurriedly asked.

"No, it's because the situation just now was too tense, and now I feel a little tired when I'm fine."

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Shao Qing nodded in relief: "It's fine."

"But Shao Qing, how much do you know about Ye Yonghang?"

Shao Qing was taken aback by Murphy's thoughtless question, and then replied: "I don't know Ye Yonghang very well, I don't even know how he got the position of deputy executive officer, but I know he is a A person with abilities, and the level of abilities is not low, and the means of handling things are also very sharp."

Mo Fei nodded thoughtfully: "Let's go back first, I'm exhausted with this mask on my face."

Shao Qing didn't ask any more questions, and the two drove all the way back to the investigation team's place.

"Shao Qing, I just found out that your father is such a big official, and your house is so luxurious, why do you live in the investigation team every day and not go home?" Murphy got out of the car, and chatted with Shao Qing as they walked towards the investigation team .

"It's nothing, I just feel more comfortable living outside. Don't say so much, I'll get you some food when we arrive, and you can rest early after eating!" Because he was worried about food problems, he just Murphy and Shao Qing hardly ate anything, they just walked around with wine glasses that they were sure they could drink.

Murphy responded and walked to his own detention room, and after walking a few steps, he turned his head and glanced at Shao Qing. Murphy's lips murmured several times, but he still didn't say anything in the end.

Back in the detention room, Murphy took off the thick makeup on his face and washed his face carefully three times before sitting down.

Taking the camera out of the storage talisman, Murphy turned on the camera again and recalled the pictures inside.After turning to the next few pages, Murphy zoomed in on the photo, and then Murphy was surprised to find that there were many confidential details in the things behind it.

After that, Mo Fei didn't look any further. After all, this was about the sea base. It's not good for him to know too much, so he quickly turned off the camera and put it back into the storage talisman.

Just as the camera was put away, there was a knock on the door. Murphy opened the door and saw a guard carrying some snacks and a glass of milk: "Miss Mo, the team leader ordered you to have something to eat, because there is really no other food in the kitchen." Yes, you can settle for some of this!"

"That's good, don't worry about putting it here, I'll wash the cup after I finish eating, and I'll collect it together tomorrow."

The guard nodded, handed the plate to Murphy, and then turned and left the holding room.

After eating, Mo Fei looked at the time, and it was already very late: "Today is really tiring, it seems that there is still no way to complete the flying talisman today."

After talking to himself, Mo Fei washed up and lay down on the bed to sleep.

At this time, Ye Yonghang turned his head upside down in the villa: "Where's the camera? It's gone!"

Ye Yonghang judged in his heart who might take the camera away: Shao Qing couldn't have taken it away, after all, there was only so little time.After everyone came down from the upstairs, he immediately appeared on the first floor. Unless Shao Qingfei, it could never be Shao Qing, and Shao Qing didn't have anything like a bag that could be used as a cover.

Thinking back, Ye Yonghang couldn't figure out who took the camera.Today I came for a dinner, most of the people came empty-handed, and some of the officials’ family members even carried handbags, but they were too small to hold their own high-powered cameras that were a little too big.

Who took it?There are many secrets hidden in it. Once someone finds out, I am afraid that my position...

"Find it for me again, don't miss any corners." Ye Yonghang yelled at his subordinates after thinking about it.

After waking up, Mo Fei felt in good spirits. After breakfast, Mo Fei sat on the bed to practice Qi.I wanted to finish drawing the flying talisman yesterday, but because the drawing was not accurate enough and so many things happened, there was no way for Murphy to finish the flying talisman.

The result of Qi training in the morning is very gratifying, the breath is very stable, and it has reached enough time to draw.Murphy reviewed the trajectory of drawing the flying talisman several times, and finally had a bottom line in his heart, and then he started to get lucky and prepared to complete this complicated ancient talisman in one go.

Sitting cross-legged on the bed, Mo Fei mobilized his breath, drawing the breath of nature around him to echo with himself.Soon, a vortex of air flow appeared in front of Murphy's chest.

Pointing his finger into the airflow vortex, Murphy used his finger as a paintbrush, swirled the airflow into ink, and waved his breath smoothly in the mid-air of nothingness.

The vortex of the airflow turned into a string of strokes, which were constantly changing with Murphy's fingers.

When Murphy was concentrating on drawing the flying talisman, suddenly a magnetic field-like disturbance appeared in Murphy's airflow vortex wave after wave, and then the disturbance disrupted Murphy's pace.Seeing that the drawing that was about to be completed fell short, Murphy couldn't take back the anger he had put in before.

All the vortices of the air flow dissipated, and Murphy had no choice but to stabilize the little bit of energy left in his body.

Strange, what is disrupting my airflow?Murphy looked around suspiciously, and there weren't many electronic devices around.Sure enough, there is no safe place to make such a complicated talisman?Murphy sighed regretfully.

The main reason is that the flying talisman is too complicated and takes a long time. If it was other talismans, it would have been drawn long ago.

Just as Mo Fei sighed, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor.

Murphy got up and walked to the door, opened the door and looked out, the people outside were all extremely busy soldiers and guards, Murphy grabbed someone and asked, "What happened?"

The one who was pulled back was a guard. The guard saw that it was Murphy and said: "Miss Mo, the zombies are attacking the city again outside. The team leader has already gone to watch, and we are also preparing to fight."

"Siege again? Will there be C2 or C3 this time?" When Murphy heard that it was a zombie attack, the regret on his face that he hadn't completed the flying talisman because of the interference just turned into a serious expression.

"I don't know yet." The guard replied truthfully. After speaking, he told Murphy that he still had something to do and left the door of the detention room.

Murphy hurriedly turned around and went back to put on his coat, ready to go out to check the situation. When he reached the door, he was stopped by another guard: "Miss Mo, before leaving, the team leader told me that if Miss Mo is going to the city wall, I will take this car."

Mo Fei understood Shao Qing's meaning instantly after taking the key. Although she left a car for the people from the star base when they left, that car was not allowed to travel in the sea base, but the car that Shao Qing prepared for Murphy There is a pass on the Internet, which avoids a lot of trouble.

Sighing Shao Qing's carefulness, Murphy took the key and found the car with the pass that was left for her.

After familiarizing himself with the configuration of the car and starting the car, Murphy drove towards the city gate.

After passing through several layers of city walls, Murphy finally came to the first layer of city walls that had been damaged due to the last war and had not yet been fully repaired.

Although the outer wall of the first layer of the city wall has been repaired neatly, the first floor has only been completed, and there are still many places that have not been poured. The time since the last time the zombies attacked the city is too short. , then I am afraid that the first layer of the city wall of the sea base will be completely finished.

In the tense moment, in addition to preparing to attack, everyone has to carefully stare at the distance. Once they find C2 or even C3 zombies, they collectively retreat to the second city wall. If they want to protect the first city wall, they must erect it as soon as possible. Ultimate defense.

However, the ultimate defense does not consume natural energy, so there is no way to activate it every time.

Murphy felt that something was a little strange. According to the situation of the zombies, they shouldn't attack the city so frequently. So what made them attack?

Just as he was thinking, Shao Qing had already spotted Murphy and hurriedly greeted him.

"As soon as I guess you won't be idle, you will definitely come. I have arranged a place over there. You can go and have a look. You are not a long-range attack, try to hide as much as possible."

Following Shao Qing's arrangement, Murphy came to a high platform, and standing on it could be regarded as far away.Everything outside can be seen clearly.

The group of zombies in the distance is moving here little by little, but Mo Fei has not found the shadow of C2 or C3 yet.

Just when Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief, Mo Fei suddenly noticed that the pace of these zombies was very consistent, as if they had been trained during the military parade.

Such a situation is very unusual, because Lin Yixun once said it before.After the human being becomes a zombie, the brain and nerves rot together with the body, but the higher the level of the zombie, the damaged parts will be slightly restored and strengthened, so that the C1 zombies will be more coordinated and harmonious than the C zombies. Good flexibility will seem to be smarter than C zombies, and C2 zombies will be better than C1 zombies...

So, it's really anomalous to be in sync like this and be able to attack the city.

As the group of zombies got closer and closer to the sea base, Murphy heard a person on the side holding a communicator and receiving instructions from above suddenly muttering anxiously: "Why is there no signal again!"

(End of this chapter)

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