Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 172 Random thoughts

Chapter 172 Random thoughts
For some reason, Murphy's heart was moved when he heard these words.

The word signal has been circling in Murphy's mind all the time. It seems that he can catch something, but he is not sure.

Thinking in his heart, Murphy observed more carefully the group of zombies approaching step by step in the distance.

The previous two times, once, my attention was attracted by the C2 zombies.Another time, although I fell, I had a positive contact with the zombies, but I didn't notice it because I was in a hurry to escape, and the video recorder that time was damaged because I didn't collect it when I fell, and there was no way to restart it. Look at the situation at the time.

Therefore, this time, Murphy carefully observed the way the zombie group moved in the distance.

Mo Fei touched the satellite communicator on his wrist.Since I picked up the communicator of the two soldiers who went to investigate the situation last time, it seems that I have not used it, because the sea base has difficulty in signal communication from time to time.

"It seems that the problem really seems to be related to this signal." Murphy put several things together in his mind, and found that every time the signal interference was the worst, it was when the zombies attacked the city.

Today, since there were no C2 zombies and C3 zombies, the battle ended quickly. Although there was no loss of personnel, there were cracks in the first layer of the city wall that was just built, which made people in the sea base worry. A zombie siege.

Just as the zombie swarm was evacuating again, Murphy's eyes were fixed on the direction in which the zombie swarm was evacuating.

C zombies with very low IQ actually know how to retreat. This is absolutely abnormal. Also, where do these zombies usually retreat to?
These questions were always lingering in Murphy's mind, and she didn't even pay attention to Shao Qing calling her to go back. Of course, part of the reason was that there were more people going down the city wall and the noise was more mixed.

"Murphy, why are you in a daze?" Shao Qing called Mo Fei a few times from a distance, but he ignored him, just stared at the distance in a daze, and then came over and pulled Mo Fei.

It was only then that Mo Fei came back to his senses: "Shao Qing, I think the reason why the zombies attacked the city is a bit strange."

"It's really strange, but the research institute has dissected the dead siege zombies, but the data is no different from that of ordinary zombies, so we still don't know why."

"Then haven't you tried to track the movement of the zombies before?" Murphy was a little puzzled. If he thought of it, someone else must have thought of it.

"Yes, but most of the people who followed him never came back. We also tried to use a helicopter to follow them, but not only did the helicopter fail to send back any records, it even crashed inexplicably. Afterwards, we found the wreckage of the plane but could not find the plane. cause of the accident."

Mo Fei bowed his head after hearing Shao Qing's answer: "I think many theoretical things may not be correct. I want to follow the direction of the zombie group's retreat to see the situation."

For others, the zombie swarm is deadly, so after so long, they have not specifically tracked down the action of the siege zombies, because once those zombies counterattack, the people who follow them will undoubtedly die.But for Murphy, as long as the C3 zombies don't appear, she can basically deal with it.

"You want to track down the group of zombies?" Shao Qing knew that Murphy was bold, but he didn't expect to have such courage.It's just that Shao Qing didn't know that Murphy dared to do this because of his support.

"I noticed something wrong today, but I'm not sure, so I'm going to check it out." Murphy replied, still following the group of zombies that were getting further and further away but still within sight.

"I'll go with you."

"No, I'll just go by myself, and the goal of acting alone is smaller. I mainly want to verify the situation." Mo Fei tactfully rejected Shao Qing. If you encounter trouble, you can still switch to a mecha, but with Shao Qing, you can only fight recklessly.

Shao Qing didn't say anything more when he saw that Murphy refused quickly, and after a few instructions, he let Murphy drive the car he provided to go out from the gate on the first floor.

Murphy followed Shao Qing to the gate of the city with a permit, so he was specially allowed to leave the city.

After leaving the city gate, Murphy pressed the speed-up device, and the car accelerated to drive forward, chasing the group of zombies that had gradually gone away.

After going down the big slope, Murphy chased for a while before finally catching up with the zombie group.At this moment, the group of zombies had withdrawn to a position close to the entrance of the beach, which was similar to the position where Murphy was chased by the C3 zombies last time.

After driving here, Mo Fei slowed down the speed. One thing is that this place is really deep in his memory, and even if he is himself, he can't get too close to the group of zombies.

In this way, Murphy drove slowly along with the group of zombies until he reached the entrance of the mountain.

The car followed the group of zombies to the entrance of the mountain. Murphy was no stranger to this place, because he had been here when he followed the two officers to investigate the plane crash last time. When he got here, Murphy was even more convinced of his doubts. a bit.

The speed of ordinary C zombies is already slow. Although the speed of C1 zombies has exceeded the speed of human walking, it is still not too fast.Murphy's car could only follow slowly.

Seeing that the group of zombies entered the mountain in an orderly manner, Murphy naturally followed suit.

He just turned a corner, and when Murphy's car followed at a constant speed, he found that the group of zombies had disappeared...

"It's so strange, where is the Lost Group?" Murphy stopped the car and muttered in surprise.

If it was one or two zombies, it might make sense, but it was a large group of zombies!How do you say it's gone?Although I kept a distance from the zombies and kept a distance so that the zombies would not hear the sound of the car, the pace of the sudden disappearance was too fast!

Stop the car, while thinking about it, Murphy opened the door and looked out. It was quiet outside.

Such a big target was lost by him, so Murphy had no choice but to get out of the car and look around.

After searching around, Murphy didn't find anything that could be missing suddenly.

Did you climb the mountain?Murphy looked up, but because of the angle, the sun was dazzling, so Murphy took two steps back.

Because the edge of the mountain road was the cliff of the valley, Mo Fei subconsciously looked down the valley as he stepped back carefully.

Suddenly, Mo Fei found some swaying figures at the bottom of the valley, and a large part of them had been hidden in a mess of withered grass.

"Did you jump off?" Murphy leaned forward and looked down, only to see that this side looked steep, and the person who jumped down must either be killed or injured.

However, zombies are not afraid of being scratched because their bodies are already dead. As long as their heads don't fall down, they will be fine. Moreover, Mo Fei observed it carefully. It looks steep here, but it's just the upper section. As long as it falls to the big slope below It can be rolled down directly.For zombies who are not afraid of falling, this place is really suitable for the scene of disappearing in an instant.

However, because people will definitely be injured or killed here, ordinary people's thinking will not judge to escape from here, especially the IQ of zombies cannot think of this.

So who is manipulating these zombies?Mo Fei looked at the messy piece of withered grass.

If you don't go down, you won't know, but although Murphy's physical strength is far stronger than ordinary people because of Qi training, she is not ready to jump down rashly.

Turning around and getting into the car, Murphy drove along the mountain road into the valley.

The car turned around and entered the valley along the mountain road. The valley was quiet at this time, and there was no wind, but there was a feeling of chills on the back.

In the valley, Murphy got out of the car and looked around. If she had not made a mistake in her calculations, this valley was actually the other side of the mountain she had been to the last time she came to check the crashed plane.

Reminiscent of the small mountain bag, Murphy suddenly thought of the guard who had mutated into a zombie and was lifted out of the cave by something, and the situation where the crashed plane suddenly lost its signal.

Perhaps, here is the answer I want.Mo Fei pulled out the plain gun, and then walked towards the weeds where the zombies hid.

The more Shao Qing thought about it in the base, the more worried he became. Fidgeting, he pressed the number of Murphy's satellite communicator.However, the call was not made, but there was a mixed voice like when a group of zombies attacked the city.

In connection with what Mo Fei said before, Shao Qing got up and walked to the internal line communicator: "I am Shao Qing, the organizers will follow me in a while, pick me the one with strong attack power, and I need two fast ones And two power types."

"Okay team leader." On the other end of the communicator, a voice replied after listening to Shao Qing's instructions, and then began to prepare the personnel for this operation.

Shao Qing's subordinates are all trained by themselves, and they all have excellent mobility.Soon, the group was equipped and followed Shao Qing to drive out of the base.

Driving out along the road, a person in the car who specializes in tracking gets out of the car from time to time to check.Although Murphy's car was the vehicle of the investigation team, there was a special positioning device in the car that was connected to the tracking device of the investigation team, but the exact location could not be displayed because of too much interference.

Now we can only confirm that Murphy is in the mountainous area, but it is more troublesome in the mountainous area. You must know that the difference between one mountain and another is a thousand miles away, so Shao Qing specially brought out a tracker from the team .

"Team leader, we will be in the mountains soon. I took a look. The new wheel marks should be this road. Just drive straight down and you will be there." The person in charge of tracking checked again and reported to Shao Qing.

"Okay, speed up now!"

Murphy had already entered the weedy area at this time, and the atmosphere here was really weird, and Murphy tightened the tasseled spear in his hand nervously.

Using the tip of the tasseled gun to pick it back and forth among the weeds, because he had just seen where the zombies were hiding, Mo Fei quickly found a hole deep in the weeds.

It seems that it should be here, it's very dark inside, Mo Fei first poked it a few times with the Suying gun, seeing that there was no movement or piercing anything, then he took out a delicate one from the storage talisman Light energy flashlight.

Murphy turned on the flashlight, and a beam of soft light shone into the dark hole along the direction of Murphy's hand.

 The holiday is over, Xiaoxiao feels as if she has been in a war.Sure enough, playing is a very exhausting thing!The biggest gain is that Xiaoxiao bought a lot of dolls o(∩_∩)o
(End of this chapter)

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