Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 173 Unable to Summon

Chapter 173 Unable to Summon
Shao Qing took the selected personnel along the route indicated by the tracker to the position where he was about to enter the mountainous area.

After arriving here, you will enter the mountainous area. The interference here is more obvious, and even the vehicle's positioning system is often disabled.

"From here we can only rely on your judgment." Shao Qing said to the tracker with a serious face after listening to the report from the soldier in charge of driving.

The tracker nodded, and after the car drove forward for a while, the tracker got out of the car again to check.

At this time, they had arrived at the position where the group of zombies staged the disappearance scene.

The tracking personnel squeezed the soil, judged the traces of being crushed on the ground, paused for a while, and said to Shao Qing: "Team leader, it's a bit strange here."

"What did you find?"

"On the previous road, it was obvious that Miss Murphy was chasing the zombies, but after arriving here, the zombies seemed to stop here, but Miss Murphy's car drove away towards the road ahead." The trackers reported their findings He replied to Shao Qing.

"Don't worry about it, follow the direction Murphy is going." Shao Qing ordered firmly.

The tracker nodded and pointed towards the mountain road in the distance: "It seems that Miss Murphy should have chosen this road, most likely going to the valley next to her."

"Okay, then let's drive in the direction of the valley." Shao Qing responded and then turned and got into the car.

The car set off again, heading down the winding mountain road towards the valley beside it.

Murphy turned on the light energy flashlight and took a picture into the cave. It was very quiet inside, a bit eerie.

Alternately holding the flashlight in his left hand, and holding the Suying gun tightly in his right hand, at the entrance of the cave, Mo Fei took a deep breath, and then walked towards the cave.

After entering the cave, Murphy swiped the light tube left and right, for fear of missing something and causing danger.

After walking forward cautiously for a while, Murphy still didn't find any shadows, not even a single zombie from before ran out.

Strange, where did those zombies go?Just as he was thinking, a slight sound suddenly came from the front, which made Murphy, who had also strengthened his hearing a lot, tremble, and then walked towards the place where the sound came from.

Just as Murphy left the spot, hundreds of crimson light spots instantly appeared on the dark cave roof.

Murphy groped all the way into the cave, judging from the sound he just heard, the thing that made the sound should be nearby, but when Murphy arrived, he still didn't find anything.

After walking for so long, Mo Fei realized that the cave was rather complicated, with many small paths criss-crossing inside, and there were caves within caves.However, a slight gust of wind also let Murphy know that there must be more than one entrance and exit.

However, after walking for so long without finding any trace of zombies or other things, could it be that my judgment was wrong?
Murphy decided to go a little further, and return the same way if he found nothing.

Going forward for a while, it is already the third large cave, but still nothing is found.Murphy turned around and was about to go back.

However, before Murphy left the big hole, he had just stepped into the entrance of the path, when there was a sudden roaring sound, because it was in the cave, the roaring sound was amplified a lot after it came, and Murphy couldn't help covering his ears.

When the sound stopped, Murphy hurriedly retreated into the big cave. If something happened, even the mechs could not be summoned in the path, and he would really be dead.

As the sound got closer, Murphy increased the brightness of the flashlight, only to realize that the first ones to charge were a few C1 zombies.

The speed of the C1 zombies should be the fastest they can run, so they quickly arrived in front of Murphy.

While Mo Fei responded quickly with the plain tassel gun, he called out the mech silently in his heart, and the whole person appeared inside the machine.

Quickly selecting a weapon, Murphy easily wiped out more than a dozen C1 zombies.Following the death of the C1 zombies, dozens of C zombies rushed out, and Murphy wiped them all out. Seeing that there were no more zombies, he put away the mecha, and put away the black crystals and merit points of these zombies.

I haven't found anything else, and it's not safe to kill zombies in such a dark cave. Now is the quiet time, so let's leave quickly while this is the time!Mo Fei trotted all the way in the direction he came from, carrying his plain tassel gun.

"Ho, ho..." The roars sounded again. Although Murphy had already got into the alley and was not suitable for the appearance of mechas, only C zombies and C1 zombies came out so far. Although the number was dominant, But it was impossible to surround Murphy in this narrow place.

Although the fight was tiring, it was not life-threatening.

Holding the Suying gun, Mo Fei went all the way out, and he was about to reach the next cave.

As long as you go out of the small path to the big cave, you can use the mecha.Thinking of this, Murphy accelerated and ran forward with all his might.

When Murphy stepped out of the path and entered the cave, something surprising happened.The zombies didn't chase them out, but roared at the entrance of the cave.

In this way, if Murphy wanted to fight, he could only use the plain spear to kill back, and summoned the mecha, and it would be okay if the zombies didn't come out.

When did these zombies become spirits?While Murphy was surprised, he did not forget to continue running away. Seeing that the zombies were not chasing him, Murphy hurried to another path leading to the cave.

Looking back while running, Mo Fei saw that the zombies were still standing at the entrance of the cave, as if some kind of enchantment had been cast on the entrance of the cave, preventing the zombies from coming out.

But the opportunity was not lost, and Murphy was only thinking about how to get out at the moment.

After running for a certain distance, Murphy quickened his pace again as he was approaching the entrance of the path.

However, just as he stepped into the entrance of the path, he heard heart-piercing roars behind him, and those zombies that seemed to be imprisoned rushed towards his position like wild horses that had run free.

However, because there was still a certain distance between the two strokes, Murphy no longer looked behind him, but ran forward desperately.After going out of this path and walking to a large cave, you can go out along the last low passage.

While Murphy was thinking about it, the Suying gun in his hand was also temporarily put into the storage talisman, so that there would be no resistance to running.

Just when Murphy was about to run to the biggest cave again, there was a sudden "huh-hu-la-la" sound in front of him.

But Murphy took a photo with a solar flashlight but found nothing. Looking behind him, the faster C1 was already closer to him, and Murphy hurried out of the path.

Sure enough, the zombies still stayed at the entrance of the cave like last time, just yelling at Murphy.

Mo Fei raised his hand and wiped his sweat: "Huh, you better be so good."

Taking a deep breath, Murphy was about to make the final sprint.

At this time, Shao Qing and his people had arrived at the mouth of the valley.

"Team leader, we found a car of our investigation team ahead, it seems to be the one assigned to Miss Murphy." A soldier who came down to explore the road first reported to Shao Qinghui.

"Go, let's take a look." Shao Qing quickly got out of the car and followed the soldier. Sure enough, the car parked not far away was the one driven by Murphy.

"Murphy, Murphy..." Shao Qing shouted a few times around, but there was still no sign of Murphy.

"Team leader, Miss Murphy seems to be heading in that direction." The person in charge of tracking who also got out of the car looked at the traces on the ground and shouted at Shao Qing.

"Go, look for the past, you drivers stay in the car and wait for orders." Shao Qing called the people in the car to move, leaving the drivers outside.

After making arrangements, the group followed the person who was following them all the way to the weedy location that Murphy had found before.

After scraping through the weeds, the group finally found the hole behind some crooked grass that had been trampled on.

"It should be here, and the traces disappeared from here. In addition, there seems to be something else going in here." The person who was tracking used tweezers to pick out some carrion on the edge of the hole: "It seems to be zombies. ..."

Hearing that besides Murphy, there were zombies in this cave, Shao Qing had a serious face: "Everyone, be careful, those who use weapons should hold them well, and those with supernatural powers are ready to fight, and the two in charge of lighting People are out."

Turning on the lighting equipment, a group of people followed Shao Qing into the cave entrance one by one.

And Murphy originally thought that the zombies behind him refused to come out of the path for some reason, but it would be beneficial to him, so Murphy didn't hesitate to run directly in the direction of the path when he came, This time, as long as you run out of this path and go straight ahead, you can escape here.

Without the constraints of darkness and the height of the cave, I no longer have to worry about safety issues, but it's a pity that I didn't find out the reason this time.

Thinking of this, Murphy had already run to the middle of the big cave, and then turned around to check the zombies behind him, and those zombies were still in place.

"That's great, you just stay where you are obediently!" Murphy curled his lips and ran in the direction he thought he wanted again.

But at this moment, above Murphy's head, on the top of the cave, scarlet dots appeared one by one, and then, the group of zombies behind Murphy seemed to go crazy, at a speed that was usually unattainable. He rushed towards Murphy.

When Murphy heard the noise behind him again and looked back, the zombies had rushed towards him frantically.

"My God! Are these zombies crazy?" Murphy looked back and was startled by the situation behind him, but he didn't worry because he had the capital to save his life.

However, the mental power and aura originally concentrated in her heart were disturbed by an invisible thing just like when she was drawing the flying talisman, and she was unable to summon the mecha.

After trying twice, Murphy finally confirmed the bad news. Looking at the zombies pouring in like a tide, Murphy couldn't help thinking: This is really the end!
 The mascot of the Flower Expo is so cute

(End of this chapter)

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