Chapter 174
Seeing the zombies rushing towards him, and there was still a long way to go, the most important thing was that Murphy couldn't summon the mecha.

It's really over now. Originally, he thought that he would be safe with his armor, but now it failed at a critical moment, which made Murphy unable to calm down.

There was no other way, Murphy could only run desperately towards the small path ahead, at least after entering, he would retreat while fighting so as not to be surrounded by these crazy zombies.

When Murphy was a few steps away from the entrance of the cave, he heard the sound of "thumping" above his head, and then black things with red eyes rushed down from above.

Mo Fei quickly pulled out the Suying Spear from the storage talisman, and then turned the Suying Spear so that the rushing things could not get close.

"What is this?" Murphy could only clamp the flashlight because his hands were spinning, but he couldn't see what it was that fell.

But in addition to these things, the zombie group is getting closer and closer to him.

The entrance of the cave seemed to be blocked by the group of strange things with red eyes, and the zombies were getting closer and closer to him. Murphy, who was in a dilemma and had no mecha protection, was heartbroken. After all, death would be better than a fight!

Just as he was about to force his way in, suddenly a group of red flames accompanied by the unique "crack" sound when burning, and the thing with scarlet eyes blocking the entrance of the hole flew away.

With the light of the fire, Mo Fei was surprised to find that it was Shao Qing who came.

"Shao Qing."

"Murphy, are you okay?" Shao Qing also saw Murphy at the same time and asked quickly.

"It's something, look at those zombies." Murphy quickly reminded them to pay attention.

At the same time, the supernatural beings beside Shao Qing had already launched an attack, and Shao Qing was holding an energy gun while attacking the group of zombies while rubbing against Murphy.

"Why are you here?" Murphy was both surprised and delighted. If Shao Qing hadn't come today, he might have really fallen.

"Don't talk so much, retreat quickly, there are so many zombies, we can't finish them." Shao Qing stopped Mo Fei's question, and quickly pulled Mo Fei back.

While Murphy was retreating with Shao Qing, relying on the firelight and the radiance of various abilities, Murphy finally saw what those scarlet eyes were.

The whole body of those things was gray-brown, but the carrion was exposed because of zombification.The neck is short, the legs are slender, and the whole body is hairy.There is also a two-layered membrane between the legs, consisting of dark, bare skin.A rodent-like mouse with protruding outer ears, usually very large and flexible.

It turned out to be a zombie bat. This time the genetic influence was spread among mammals, but the bat happened to be the only mammal that could fly, but it was gradually forgotten because it didn't appear much after the end of the world.

"Shao Qing, have you seen those zombie bats?" Mo Fei asked, pulling the arm of Shao Qing who was still attacking.

"Well, what happened?"

"They are the ones who interfere with the signal, and they are the ones who control the zombie swarms to attack the city." At the end, Murphy added in his mind: They are probably the culprit who interfered with her refining flying talismans and summoning mechs.

"Are you sure?" Shao Qing is still very concerned about this matter. If everything is as Murphy said, then their future sea base will be much safer.

"I'm not 3% sure, but it's probably close to ten. I've been observing for a long time." Murphy still remembers the sound outside the night she first encountered the C[-] zombies running away, it seemed to be this kind of wing. The sound made by wings flying, so that zombie siege operation must also be their masterpiece.

Probably because the C2 and C3 zombies are not so easy to control, so they have to be closer to come out.And the last time the plane of the star base crashed for no reason, it was also near this mountain, and the last time I chased the two guards over, one of them fell into a pothole, and I heard it later After such a sound, the guard was dragged out of the hole.

It would be easy to explain all this if it was connected with this group of zombie bats.

The bat itself can emit an ultrasonic-like sound wave, so after mutation or zombification, such a large group of mutated zombie bats may be able to interfere with the signal, and these zombies are only left with bloodthirsty instincts in their brains.

"Leader, we can't stand it anymore, let's get out of here." A voice suddenly shouted, interrupting Murphy's thoughts.

This time is really not the time to think about these things, the main thing is to escape first.

After Mo Fei came back to his senses, the Suying gun lay across his chest, and then he backed up while helping Shao Qing block the rushing zombies and zombie bats.

Seeing that everyone retreated to the entrance of the cave, a few weaker ones retreated first, and Murphy was also pushed into the entrance of the cave by Shao Qing.Murphy held the flashlight in his hand to help illuminate the back, and the rest of the group also stepped back one by one.


I don't know who suddenly yelled something loudly, which made Mo Fei's heart twitch: Did something happen to Shao Qing?
Mo Fei, who had already retreated halfway, squeezed back with a light tube: "Where is Shao Qing?" When he reached the entrance of the cave, he did not see Shao Qing, so Murphy asked hastily.

"Team leader, he..." The man's hesitant voice was a little choked.

"Speak now!"

"The team leader didn't have time to come in just now, and got into the hole next to him." The man saw Murphy yelling at himself before he could speak.

"Get out of the way." Murphy told those people to step back while he slipped past.

Part of those zombies had been wiped out by the supernatural beings. At this time, many flames were still burning. Out of instinct, neither the zombies nor the zombie bats squeezed forward desperately.

Mo Fei turned the Suying gun all the way to the side to kill, and soon saw Shao Qing who was attacking with an energy gun.

"Shao Qing, come here quickly, I'll help you block it." Mo Fei hurriedly greeted Shao Qing.

"What are you doing back again?" Shao Qing complained, but the whole person also ran this way.

There was also a supernatural person who drilled into the cave with Shao Qing, and the two of them fought all the way.Mo Fei stopped a few zombies with a plain gun, and Shao Qing and the others came through the gap. The supernatural beings behind Mo Fei also rushed to help attack, but the attack power was much worse because the hole was too small.

Fortunately, the entrance of the cave was not far from here, so Shao Qing, another supernatural person and Mo Fei quickly ran over.

"Go, let's go." After Shao Qing came over, he looked back at the many zombies and hurriedly urged everyone to run forward.

"Leader, you go, those zombies are a little afraid of fire, Li Qing and I will work together to stop the fire." A fire-type supernatural power shouted at Shao Qing.

"Okay, then you two be careful!"

Li Qing, who was named, is a supernatural being of the wood system. She has been changing branches just now, and now she has piled up a pile, but her face is a little pale probably because of her overdrawn ability.

Seeing this, Mo Fei pulled Shao Qing and pointed at Li Qing: "His power overdraw is too powerful, let a power mutant stay for a while and carry him out!"

"Well, thank you for thinking of it." Shao Qing turned his head and ordered a power mutant to stay, and then pulled Mo Fei out of the cave.

Not long after, the last three people also ran out, and a group of people ran towards the direction of the car, and those who stayed behind quickly started the car when they saw someone coming out.

"Go back to the base." After getting in the car, Shao Qing ordered, and then a group of people drove back to the sea base quickly.

Shao Qing drove straight to the command center without stopping. After reporting the situation of the investigation to commander-in-chief Kang Chenghui, Kang Chenghui decisively dispatched a carrier vehicle with heavy weapons.

Shao Qing didn't come back until evening.

"Shao Qing, how's the situation?" Mo Fei hurried to Shao Qing's office when he heard that Shao Qing was back, and asked before entering the room.

"Murphy, you have done a great job this time. The entire cave has been blasted through, and the zombies and mutant zombie bats inside have been cleaned up. And when the mutant zombie bats disappeared, all the systems in the car returned to normal. It means that your judgment is not wrong at all, and you were the first to discover it this time, so the commander-in-chief decided to reward you."

Although Shao Qing looked tired, he was in good spirits, and he was also happy because this major hidden danger was completely eliminated this time.

"It's great to be able to eliminate it. I hope this side can become a little more normal in the future."

After the two chatted for a while, Murphy let Shao Qing take a good rest and returned to the detention room where he lived.

In the next two days, Shao Qing was also extremely busy because the location had to be cleaned up carefully. It was not until the third day that Shao Qing took Mo Fei to receive her reward.For food, Mo Fei only needed some seafood, and replaced the rest with smoky crystals. This was what she needed.

However, in view of the last two failures in making talismans, Murphy has only purely practiced Qi in the past two days and has not drawn flying talismans. She is going to wait until she is stable.

Murphy's original injury recovered quickly after Qi training, everything was over, and Murphy was ready to return to the star base.

But there is one last task, which is to exchange the plastic map on his body with the sea base.

Although the plastic map was handed over to Shao Qing for safekeeping, but because of Murphy's help this time, the sea base no longer had to worry about the signal problem, so the commander-in-chief Kang Chenghui decided to meet Murphy in person to exchange the plastic map.

Murphy wasn't afraid to see him. After all, he was representing the star base in the exchange, so he couldn't be afraid to see him. That would be too petty, so Murphy acted generously.

After exchanging plastic drawings, Kang Chenghui asked someone to prepare meals. Murphy didn't eat much when he came here in the morning, but now he was hungry and didn't refuse. He went to eat with several officials from the sea base. That Ye Yonghang has been absent recently due to his injury, so there is no need to see him today.

Kang Chenghui suddenly stopped talking after eating and chatting. He looked at Mo Fei carefully for a while and said suddenly: "Mur Fei, it turns out that the girl who dragged away the C3 zombie is you!"

(End of this chapter)

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