Chapter 175
Murphy was having a good time, but when he heard Kang Chenghui's sudden words, he couldn't help but be taken aback. Did he expose himself?The chopsticks in his hand also stopped, and he looked up at Kang Chenghui stiffly.

Kang Chenghui smiled, and even the wrinkles on his forehead were tightly gathered together: "I thought you looked familiar, but I didn't remember it after thinking about it for a long time. You are really old, old!"

The last time when the C3 zombies attacked the city, Kang Chenghui saw the scene of Murphy dragging the C3 zombies away from the monitoring of the ultimate protection. At that time, it was expected that the girl would not survive, and he once stood up for this brave and very skilled girl. The girl regretted for a long time.

Unexpectedly, when Kang Chenghui was exchanging plastic drawings today, the more he looked at Mo Fei, the more familiar he became. Only now did he remember that it was the girl who ran away with a large group of zombies.

No wonder this time she was able to help Shao Qing discover this big problem. She is indeed a smart and lucky girl. Kang Chenghui couldn't help but nodded frequently: "Thanks to you discovering the mutated zombie bat this time, otherwise we wouldn't be like this." After a smooth solution, the sea base will also recover a good signal to communicate with the outside world, and you are welcome to come to the sea base at any time in the future."

Although Murphy expected that someone must have seen him when he dragged the zombies out, but he didn't expect that after so long, someone would still remember it, and the person who remembered it was actually the commander-in-chief of the sea base, so he felt a little uneasy.

However, seeing that Kang Chenghui had nothing but praise in his eyes, Murphy felt more at ease: "Thank you, Commander Kang. And I have also received corresponding rewards, which are also very rich."

After bidding farewell to Kang Chenghui, Murphy followed Shao Qing out of the command center.

"Shao Qing, thank you for your help during this time, and you have saved me several times."

"Why are you being polite? Besides, you also saved me in the cave. I, Shao Qing, have already regarded you as a friend. When you come to Haiji Base, don't forget to find me as a friend." Shao Qing said and stretched out his hand to Murphy. hand.

"I will never forget you as a friend." Mo Fei also extended his hand with a smile on his face.

"Well, you should go back and pack up. You have already contacted the personnel of the star base. They will send a plane to pick you up and go directly back to the star base. This will save a lot of danger."

Because the interference disappeared, the sea base can finally communicate and transport normally, so in order to ensure the safety of the plastic map, the sea base directly told the star base about the incident, and the star base will also send a plane to transport Mo Fei directly took it back to the star base.

Back in the investigation team, Mo Fei said goodbye to Shao Qing after packing up everything.Mo Fei didn't take out the camera from his backpack until the plane landed at the Star Base before boarding the plane.

"Shao Qing, actually I didn't say that that day, this camera not only took those photos of you, but also a lot of confidential documents, these are the evidence of Ye Yonghang's crime, but I only read two pages and didn't read much, You can investigate the rest slowly by yourself!"

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Shao Qing looked at the camera in Mo Fei's hand in surprise: "Why didn't you say it earlier, he has become more and more arrogant recently, and I am worried that there is no way to bring him to justice."

"No way, after all, it involves some secrets of the sea base. I don't want to cause too much trouble. Although I only read two pages, others may not believe it, so I can only hand it over now." Murphy said. It wasn't a lie at all, so Shao Qing smiled understandingly.

"Miss Murphy, please get on the plane, we have to go back early." A member of the Star Base came over and said to Murphy.

"Okay, I'll be right there." Murphy responded to the staff member and then turned his head: "Shao Qing, you must collect everything before you act, and if Ye Yonghang pursues the problem of your camera again, you yourself It will be troublesome."

"I see. Get on the plane quickly. You won't hand over your satellite contact device, right? We can use that connection in the future."

Murphy nodded: "Okay, but I'm really going to get on the plane, goodbye."

Waving to Shao Qing, Murphy walked towards the plane sent by the star base to pick him up.

Looking at the back of Murphy going away, Shao Qing felt a strange feeling in his heart. Shao Qing turned around until the plane flew out of sight, and drove towards his investigation team. The things Murphy gave to him had to go back carefully. Research it.

Since Murphy left, Shao Qing devoted all his energy to investigating the content captured by that camera.Although the progress was rapid, no strong evidence could be found, which made Shao Qing anxious.

Knowing that Shao Qing was investigating his affairs, although he didn't know how the camera fell into Shao Qing's hands, Ye Yonghang unknowingly raised his heart.

Ye Yonghang's subordinates saw that their boss was in a bad mood, so they searched many places, and finally found survivors in a small village, and brought back several beautiful and well-behaved women among them.

A few women would also please Ye Yonghang, so Ye Yonghang felt better now, but because of his heavy thoughts recently, his behavior became more peculiar.

"All three of you go to my room tonight, and I will prepare a big gift for you." After dinner, Ye Yonghang looked at the three women with different styles in front of him and said with a sinister smile.

The three women cooperated quite well, and arrived at Ye Yonghang's room after taking a shower early in the morning.

And Ye Yonghang went to the room where Murphy had lived before and turned out the key to the basement.

Holding the key in his hand, Ye Yonghang had a smile on his lips, he had a lot of fun tonight.

Coming to the middle of the aisle, Ye Yonghang used the key to turn the lock on the wall.

The wall was pushed away, and Ye Yonghang walked all the way down.

However, under the light, Ye Yonghang found that the door on the left was open, and the gold and black crystals inside were all gone, and only some calligraphy, paintings, vases and the like were left in the whole room. Valuable, but not worth even a piece of bread in the post-apocalyptic world.

"Who is this! Who did it?" Ye Yonghang's anger had never been so high. How could it be easy to collect these things by himself?
However, Ye Yonghang's furious voice not only did not relieve the anger in his heart, but instead attracted the attention of something in another room.The thing swayed towards this side step by step.

And the moment Ye Yonghang came out of that room, that thing opened its bloody mouth and bit down on Ye Yonghang's neck.

Before Ye Yonghang, who was already furious, had time to react, a majestic master of supernatural powers died here.Because he never thought that there would be a zombie in this basement that he had visited countless times.

This zombie was none other than the house manager who died here because of a sneak attack on Mo Fei, who was counterattacked by Mo Fei and fought back.

Because the room manager is also a supernatural person, he turned into a zombie not long after his death, and last time Mo Fei didn't pierce the room manager's head, so he stayed in this basement ever since.

After Ye Yonghang's death, the servants who heard the news hurriedly blocked the wall, and then called people from the sea base security team to deal with the zombies.

But Shao Qing led people to search Ye Yonghang's villa, and finally obtained the final evidence.

After receiving Shao Qing's report, the sea base thoroughly investigated Ye Yonghang's root system, and Ye Yonghang was dead, so everything returned to calm.

Murphy later learned about these things from the satellite communicator with Shao Qing. After all, the two of them are already good friends now, so they will contact each other occasionally.

Moreover, after solving the mutated zombie bat incident, not only was the communication unblocked, but the aircraft would no longer malfunction, so the star base directly sent another aircraft to exchange some supplies again.

After returning to the star base safely, Murphy first handed in the plastic drawings and received a lot of rewards, reunited with Lin Yixun and Yulin, and then locked himself at home.

With Murphy's efforts, he finally drew the flying talisman successfully.

It's a pity that Murphy successfully pasted the flying talisman and found that the flying height of the first-level flying talisman is only one meter, and it can only be used twice a day, and the flying time is only 3 minutes.But it's better than nothing, at least many unreachable places can be completed with flying symbols.

Thinking of this, Murphy no longer struggled, at least now he could run away when he couldn't move.

However, according to our understanding, there will be a great improvement when you reach the second level. Murphy is looking forward to this, and he will work harder to practice Qi, because the foundation is the key to improving the level of flying talismans.

Because Mo Fei gained too much from the trip to the sea base last time, he got a lot of subsidies when he was wronged. Later, because he stayed in exchange for plastic drawings, the star base also gave him a lot of rewards, and he was later uncovered by the mutant zombies. Regarding the matter of the bat, returning to the star base to hand in the plastic drawings and the rewards for this mission, and also confiscating a lot of gold and black crystals from Ye Yonghang's home, Murphy can be said to have made a lot of money.

So in the days that followed, Murphy spent time practicing qi and occasionally following Yulin on missions in order to practice the growing aura in his body.

It was already the end of May at this time. Although the weather was still abnormal compared to the past, it finally reached the climate that could be planted, so the base began to organize manpower for farming. The land reclaimed earlier was the first sowing after the end of the world. first choice.

After more than half a month of hard work, Murphy has reached the edge of the fifth basic level, and the flying talisman has also been upgraded to the second level.

The second-level flying talisman was also drawn in advance by Murphy who has been repeatedly using the first-level flying talisman and increasing his breath recently.The height that the second-level flying talisman can reach has been increased to five meters, and the time has been extended from the original 3 minutes to 10 minutes, but it can still only be used twice a day.

The days were passed in an ordinary way, but behind the seemingly ordinary life, a huge danger slowly grew.

(End of this chapter)

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