Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 176 Passing by

Chapter 176 Passing by
"Feifei, can you come to the research institute today?"

Early in the morning, Lin Yixun called Murphy's satellite communicator.

"What's the matter, Yixun?" Murphy asked after receiving Lin Yixun's contact.After returning to the star base, Lin Yixun was busy doing research, and had to make a series of backups and produce samples of the plastic drawings he brought back, so the three of them actually didn't get together much after returning.

"Feifei, the research institute needs a batch of ginkgo branches and leaves for this research. Only you can complete this task."

"That's it, then I know, I'll go in a while, you prepare the required quantity and the truck arranged for me to deliver the goods."

Because it was not the first time to do this task, Murphy skillfully picked out what was needed.Although the research institute does not need many ginkgo branches and leaves, this task can only be completed by Mo Fei.

It's not that Murphy is stingy and refuses to disclose the location of the ginkgo tree, but for some reason, the route drawn by Murphy was given to the people in the research institute, but the location of the ginkgo tree could not be found, and Murphy once took people there Once, I didn't expect to encounter a large number of zombies that time. The convoy was almost wiped out, and only a few people came back.

Afterwards, the few survivors also led people to re-walk the road led by Murphy, but the strange thing was that they still couldn't find it.

Because it is very evil, there is no other way. Whenever the research institute needs ginkgo trees, they can only find Murphy, and this task has almost become Murphy's stable income.

"Then you come earlier, the amount needed this time is relatively large, and you may have to collect it for a long time." Lin Yixun said with a smile after hearing Mo Fei's answer with a slightly relaxed tone.

"Well, I'll go after breakfast."

After hanging up on Lin Yixun's communication, Murphy ate something and got ready. Today he was going to that magical valley again.Because every time Murphy went there, he felt that the Qi in his body had increased, so doing this task could be said to kill multiple birds with one stone.

And just upgraded the flying talisman to the second level recently, I just happened to be able to try it today.In this way, when going from one tree to another, you don’t have to climb down and climb up again. As long as you fly to the middle position, you can slowly collect around.

Putting away the things he might need, Mo Fei walked to the research institute with a backpack in his hand.

Outside the star base, a car is speeding towards the star base.Xiao Minyu had received the news of Murphy's return before, but it was a pity that he had been doing missions in other places and couldn't make it back. Yesterday the mission was finally completed, and Xiao Minyu's team rushed to the star base overnight.

"Can you go faster?" Xiao Minyu couldn't help urging Geng Yunwei, the black brother who was driving.

"Fifth, our speed is already very fast. If we go faster, there will be problems on the road. Don't worry, we will definitely arrive at the star base before noon." The second child, a gentle man with glasses, Man Cheng Bin quickly replied.

Only then did Xiao Minyu stop talking, leaning on the back of the seat, looking out the window at the rapidly receding scenery, lost in thought.

After packing up, Mo Fei rushed directly to the research institute, exchanged information with Lin Yixun, and drove the car prepared by the research institute towards the small valley with ginkgo trees.

On the one hand, Mo Fei drove out, and on the other hand, Xiao Minyu and his group returned to the star base. Two speeding cars passed by on the road along the way, but because Mo Fei turned on the automatic navigation, he didn't pay much attention to the outside, and because She was driving the car assigned by the research institute instead of her own, so she didn't realize that Murphy was sitting in the car heading towards them.

After Murphy drove the car to the approximate location of the mountainous area, he stopped the automatic navigation driving system, because even the navigation could not reach here, so he had to rely on manpower to find the route.

Thinking back to the more obvious locations he had remembered before, Murphy finally drove the car to the place where he met the little flower snake after encountering falling rocks last time.

Since arriving at the sea base last time, Murphy hasn't seen the little flower snake for a long time. I don't know if the sea base is more suitable for its survival and left. At the base, Murphy didn't see Little Flower Snake again.

After entering this area, Murphy drove the car forward slowly, looking into the thorny grass, looking for a dirt road left after she came out of the forest.

Since I used mechas to clean it up several times when I came alone, and I also cleaned it up when the Star Base sent people to come, there were not many zombies wandering on the road, so Murphy quickly arrived at the place where he escaped before. path.

Parking the car on the side, Mo Fei got out of the car and slid down the dirt road with the plain gun tightly in his hand.Along the way, because of the Suying gun to help slow down, there will be no situation where you can't stop because you are going too fast.

Descending to the bottom of the slope, Murphy looked back at the situation behind him, and it was still quiet up there.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual, Murphy walked deeper.

Since it wasn't the first time I came here, I ran quickly to the destination without any scruples. If I hurry up today, I might be able to go back in the evening.

Making up his mind, Murphy quickened his pace.

At this time, Xiao Minyu and his team had already returned to the star base. After going back to report the situation of this mission, Xiao Minyu returned to the villa in the jurisdiction of the star circle, took a shower and changed into fresh clothes. Headed towards where Murphy lived.

This time Xiao Minyu was more careful, knocked on the door of Yulin's side after going upstairs, and turned to the door of Murphy's room after confirming that there was no one there.

It's just the same as Yulin's side, no matter how Xiao Minyu knocked, no one answered.

Xiao Minyu frowned unconsciously: where did she go?Seeing that no one could be found, Xiao Minyu returned to his residence without much delay.

"Second brother, check Murphy's whereabouts for me." Xiao Minyu, who returned to his residence, asked Man Cheng Bin, a gentleman with glasses, in a bad mood.

"What? She's not here?" Man Chengbin was also quite surprised. According to reports in the base, Murphy rarely went out in the past two weeks.

"Check it out quickly." Xiao Minyu didn't answer, but just repeated.

Man Chengbin didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly picked up his communicator and computer recorder and began to search the personnel's entry and exit records.

In less than 2 minutes, Man Chengbin found Murphy's latest entry and exit records: "Old Wu, it's really a coincidence that the star base that Murphy left was half an hour before we came in."

"So, there was Murphy in the car we drove up to?" Geng Yunwei, the always reticent boss, suddenly said.

"Why didn't you tell me when you saw her?" Xiao Minyu asked obviously sullenly.

"The boss probably didn't see it, but judged it based on the time on the road. Just now we encountered two cars along the way, one was in the same direction as us, and the other was a small truck. I know that car. It's the research institute's vehicle for collecting materials, and Murphy must have driven the vehicle inside the base for some mission, so we didn't recognize it." Man Chengbin quickly stopped Xiao Minyu's anger.

"Okay, you guys go back to rest too, I want to take a rest too." Xiao Minyu turned around and walked towards his bedroom.

Xiao Minyu, who returned to the bedroom, took off his coat and lay on the bed: "Murphy, it's so difficult for us to meet!"

Murphy ran for a long time before finally reaching the vicinity of the ginkgo forest. He had already found the way before, so coming again was a shortcut, and it didn't take too long.

After arriving, Murphy was not in a hurry to collect, but first found a clean stone and sat down.Adjust the breath in the body evenly, and the uneven breathing just because of running has gradually become stable.

Every time he practiced Qi in this small valley, it went very smoothly, and it was still the same today. Murphy only got up after practicing Qi for a week.

Today she is going to test the results of her second-level flying talisman here.

"Okay, let's start working!" Mo Fei squinted his eyes and looked up. The sun was shining down from the young leaves that were gradually drawn out, and his eyes were dazzled.

After choosing a location, Murphy flew up, because as long as there is a reference object, he can go straight up. Therefore, although the ginkgo tree has exceeded five meters, Murphy didn't always go up and down on the ground. Murphy switched to using the tree trunk as a reference.

This saves a lot of energy compared to climbing a tree, Mo Fei thought while sitting on a thick tree branch and cutting the surrounding small branches.Since there is a storage talisman, there is no need to throw down the branches in a mess and pick them back into the car, so the efficiency of Murphy coming alone is probably faster than bringing a team.

Repeating the movements in his hands over and over again, Murphy quickly collected the required amount.

But it's still early, it's too conspicuous to go back now, and next time if there is a conflict with other tasks, you can only give up one task, so Murphy continued to keep it unhurriedly.

Mo Fei didn't stop until the time was almost up, put away the tools, Mo Fei jumped down the tree, and when he was almost five meters away from the ground, Mo Fei activated his flying talisman, and the whole person landed steadily on the ground. on the ground.

"The distance of five meters is indeed much easier to use than the distance of one meter." Mo Fei nodded in satisfaction. When he used the first-level flying talisman before, he often fell due to poor grasp of the distance. Now it is much easier to use. up.

Taking out the Suying gun that had been put away before, Mo Fei hurried to the highway by the shortcut when he came here. It seems that he can go back to sleep in a comfortable bed today.

It took about the same time as before, and Mo Fei quickly ran out of the small valley. From a distance, he saw his car parked on the side of the road without any abnormality.

The surroundings were still very quiet, and Murphy had already walked to the side of the truck he had parked. He just had to return to the star base and put the ginkgo tree branches that were stored in the storage talisman behind when he was approaching the base.

After getting in the car and starting the car, Murphy rushed to the star base humming a song.

However, on the road not far away, a large group of zombies were slowly swaying towards Murphy.

 I've been playing for so many days, I need to calm down
(End of this chapter)

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