Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 177 A Unique Zombie

Chapter 177 A Unique Zombie

Seeing that there was still a long way to go out of the mountains, Murphy began to call up the automatic driving navigator, searched for the location of the star base on it, and entered the automatic positioning and automatic driving programs.

As long as you drive the car out of the mountainous area, you don't need to hold the steering wheel with both hands all the time, you just need to comfortably wait for the car to automatically drive back to the star base according to the set route.

It must be too late to go back today, and I can go to the research institute tomorrow morning to collect the ginkgo branches and leaves needed for the mission.

Murphy was quite satisfied with this easy and lucrative task.After all, as the time of the end of the world advances, the number and quality of zombies are changing in different ways, so the current task is becoming more and more difficult.

When the car continued to drive forward and turned two more curves along the mountain to drive out of this mountain area, not far away, on a side road not far from the main road that Mo Fei was driving on, a mighty A large number of zombies are gradually moving towards the main road.

The actions of these zombies are very strange, and each zombie moves regularly.

If you look carefully, you will be surprised to find that besides the most common C zombies and C1 zombies, there are actually C2 zombies and a large number of C3 zombies among these zombies.

At this time, the distance between Murphy and these zombie groups was gradually shortened by the movement of both sides.

Seeing that there was a curve ahead, Murphy subconsciously slowed down a little.

Although he knew that in the last days, there might not be any oncoming cars or the like, but because it was a curve and it was driven by Murphy himself, Murphy stepped on the brake lightly.

The car turned slowly along the curve of the mountain road, but Mo Fei was surprised by the situation in front of him, but he just wanted to escape as soon as possible.

There were so many zombies in front of him, apart from seeing them when the zombies attacked the city at the sea base, the only ones that were close up were the time when they went to the library in the city center to do the mission.

How come there are so many zombies?Obviously I have been here several times before, even when this place was not developed, I never encountered so many zombies when I escaped here for the first time, let alone so many C2 zombies and The existence of C3 zombies.

Murphy had no choice but to pray that the C2 zombies and C3 zombies would not find him. After all, the only way out of the mountain was sure to work.

Don't be noticed, just rush over.Murphy thought to himself, already covering the control lever with his hands, and began to accelerate the car.Trying to rush out of this mountain road, as long as you stay away from the C2 zombies and C3 zombies, you can escape here intact.

Seeing that the car turned out of the corner and entered the next section of the road, as long as he passed this section of the road and turned another corner, Murphy would be able to get out of the mountain, so that he could avoid the group of zombies.

It's just that many times, the development of things always backfired. Murphy's car was spotted by a huge C3 zombie just after turning a corner.

The C3 zombie roared in Murphy's direction, and the roar of the C3 zombie echoed in the mountains, arousing the resonance of the surrounding zombies, especially the C3 zombie, which was slightly inferior to the C2 zombie.

The C2 zombies also yelled, as if they were responding to the roar of the C3 zombies.In less than a while, one of the huge C2 zombies had already rushed to the road around the mountain.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Murphy hurriedly stopped the car.Murphy pushed the door and got out of the car, and then he appeared in the mecha.

"It seems that we can only run with the car." Murphy said, he had already selected a weapon on the panel, and hit the C2 zombie head-on with an axe.

Originally, the C2 zombies did not pose much of a threat to the upgraded mecha, but now there are more than one or two problems with the C2 zombies.Murphy took a rough look and found that there were about eleven or two of them.

After several months of apocalypse, over such a long time, Murphy had never seen so many C2 zombies, and there were even two C3 zombies inside.

One C3 zombie was enough for Murphy to deal with, let alone two C3 zombies now.If he resists stubbornly, then he will completely confess here today.

Knock over the C2 zombie that rushed over first, although the C2 Sans can be easily wiped out with the current mech, but compared to meritorious service points and Mo Jing, life is still more important.Murphy didn't like to fight either, he picked up the car he was driving with a mecha arm, and rushed towards the periphery quickly.

But before Murphy rushed out from the gap where the C2 zombie retreated to the side, another C2 zombie behind him also rushed towards Murphy's mecha.

Mo Fei didn't care about other things, and swung the ax in the arm of the mecha. Because the distance was very close, he hit the head of the C2 zombie at once. Although the C2 zombie couldn't be killed, it was still effective. The C2 zombies slowed down.

Before the zombies behind surrounded him, Murphy got through the gap between the two C2 zombies, carrying the truck he had driven before.

However, although Murphy avoided the two C2 zombies, there was a C2 zombie that was more difficult than the C3 zombies.

The speed of the C3 zombies is still very fast. One of the C3 zombies saw that the two C2 zombies did not stop the big guy in front of them, and took huge steps to chase after Murphy's mech.

Murphy couldn't help it. He didn't have the ability to directly bear the impact of the C3 zombies, so in order to avoid the attack of the C3 zombies, Murphy had no choice but to drill into the zombie crowd.

Seeing a group of C3, C2, and C1 zombies, there was a particularly thin zombie. For some reason, this zombie was particularly eye-catching among the group of tall zombies.

But Murphy, who had no time to think about it, ran towards the seemingly weak zombie when there was really no place to hide.

Seeing Murphy's mecha rushing towards him, the thin zombie made a sharp sound like metal smashing glass from its throat.Immediately, the zombies around Murphy all rushed towards Murphy's mecha, and the C3 zombies who had stayed around did not hesitate to block the thin zombie.

Murphy had never seen such a scene before, but he was only in a daze for a moment, and while all the zombies were surrounding him, Murphy sneaked in from the side.

While running, Murphy used the rearview camera to see the situation of the zombies behind him.

Seeing that Murphy was running away, those zombies didn't chase after him. Instead, they continued to surround the thin zombie. It wasn't until Murphy was far away that the group of zombies continued to sway forward with a certain pattern.

Mo Fei stayed away from the group of zombies, then put away the mecha and drove the car to the star base again, but he kept thinking about the weird scene just now.

Judging from the shape and state of the zombie, the zombie is more like an ordinary C zombie, at most it is just a C1 zombie.But the actions of the C2 zombie, especially the C3 zombie, made Murphy feel that the thin zombie was definitely not ordinary.

After carefully recalling the appearance of that zombie, Mo Fei felt that the thin zombie was different from ordinary C zombies and C1 zombies. It looks very dull like an ordinary C zombie.

Could it be some special zombie?Murphy had been thinking about it since he drove the car out of the mountains and switched to automatic driving, but because there were too many C2 and C3 zombies around that strange zombie, Murphy didn't intend to just go back and check.

After leaving the mountain road, after Murphy set the automatic driving, the car quickly drove towards the star base.It was already relatively late at this time, so he usually would not meet other people or cars along the way, so Murphy drove very fast.

The sky was getting dark little by little, but Murphy didn't turn on the lights.After the headlights are turned on, it is a very conspicuous target, and the surrounding zombies will rush towards this direction like moths.Although the closer to the base, the fewer zombies, but the road is not too dark yet, Murphy still doesn't intend to ask for trouble.

After driving for a while, the car has reached the nearest village to the star base.Mo Fei suddenly noticed a black shadow running towards his car in the distance. While running, the man chopped down the surrounding zombies with the weapon in his hand, but those zombies let the black shadow cut at them and did not move. .

Murphy's car passed by, and the black figure sensed someone and disappeared in the darkness.

Can use tools to chop zombies, it must be human, but those zombies are not close.Murphy couldn't help but think of an acquaintance.

Parking the car on the side of the road, Murphy got out of the car with a plain gun in hand.The zombies that were wandering around at random caused a commotion because of Murphy's arrival, and they swayed towards Murphy one by one.

Mo Fei picked up the zombies with a plain gun while moving to the place where he found the shadow: "Uncle Gao, is that you?"

The sound was not loud but enough for the people inside to hear. After a burst of light inside, Gao Qing appeared in front of Murphy.

There was surprise and excitement in Gao Qing's eyes: "Feifei, why is it you? What are you doing here so late?"

"Uncle Gao, it's really you. I guess it might be you, so stop and have a look." Seeing that it was indeed Gao Qing, Murphy was also very happy.Previously, he and Gao Qing escaped from the villa area where Murphy lived to the Star Base, but Gao Qing has not contacted Murphy since then, and Murphy went to the sea base for a long time because of the mission, so this time it is considered a Long time no see.

"It's getting dark, it's not safe outside, let's go, let's go back to the base!" While Gao Qing and Mo Fei were talking, many zombies surrounded them again. The more zombies gathered, the two still couldn't have a proper chat.

"Okay." Murphy responded, and then Gao Qing covered Murphy and got into the car first, while Gao Qing put away the merit points of the dead zombie and the black crystals in his head.

Because Gao Qing also came by car, the two of them got into the car and drove towards the star base.

But in the mountainous area at this time, after Murphy left, the group of zombies surrounded the thin but special zombie and swayed deeper into the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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