Chapter 178
Murphy and Gao Qing drove all the way back to the star base. After entering the star base, Gao Qing brought Murphy back to where he lives now.

As soon as he entered the room, Murphy looked around.Gao Qing seems to be living well so far. Apart from utility items, there is a lot of food in stock in the house, and other necessary things are also fairly complete.

"Feifei, sit down for a while, Uncle Gao will cook you something to eat." Gao Qing looked in a good mood, and said to Mo Fei while taking off his dirty coat.

"Uncle Gao, why didn't you look for me after you came out of the monitoring room? I don't know where you will be assigned, and we haven't met in the star base." Murphy asked as he sat on the chair with a tone of voice Can not help but have a little complaint.

"You have helped Uncle Gao so much along the way. How could I drag you down when I first entered the base? But now that Uncle earns a lot more, and the food is definitely not worrying. If you want to move upstairs to Uncle, there is also someone to take care of you." With a smile on his face, Gao Qing looked at Mo Fei like a loving father doting on his daughter and replied.

"Uncle Gao, what are you talking about? We are neighbors in the villa area, and we came to the star base together. It's too outlandish for you to say that."

"Okay, don't talk about it, do you want to move to uncle? You don't need to pay for the rent, and the merits that uncle earns now can't be used up." I am used to being alone, but I still want to have a family.

Before Gao Qing first entered the base, he had no foundation other than having more food than others. When he came in, he let Mo Fei take a lot of black crystals. How could he bother Mo Fei anymore, so after Gao Qing settled down, I have been working hard to earn merit points.

Now the area surrounded by the Star People can be regarded as a relatively good area. A few days ago, Gao Qing really went to find Mo Fei, but because Mo Fei didn't come back from the mission, that's why he didn't meet him.

Now that we have met today, one is that Gao Qing really hopes to have a family, especially this Murphy who is like a daughter can move here and have someone to take care of; and the other is that he left the villa area because of Mo Fei Going to this big base, and the initial expenses were all given to him by Murphy, so he wanted to repay.

It's not that Mo Fei didn't see Gao Qing's expectations, but he also has his own life. As long as Gao Qing lives well, he can be considered at ease. After all, Gao Qing was dragged to the base by himself. If his life is not as good as before, then he really Will feel a little sorry.

But now it seems that Gao Qing's life is still very good, so Mo Fei is relieved.However, Mo Fei didn't want to be greedy for Gao Qing, so he rejected Gao Qing's invitation: "It's fine to live here, I have a sister who I have a good relationship with and lives next door, and I'm used to living in that house. I won't come, but I will definitely come to Uncle Gao's house to play in the future."

"It's all good, just do whatever you like. Just remember, no matter what difficulties you encounter, you can find Uncle Gao." Although Gao Qing felt a little disappointed in his heart, after all, Mo Fei also had the life he wanted to live, and he hadn't contacted him before. Now that we have contacted each other, it is good to move around frequently in the future, and it is not necessarily necessary to live together.

Thinking of this, Gao Qing didn't ask Mo Fei to stay here any more, but just nodded.

"Then we meet again for the first time today, uncle will cook something good for you." Gao Qing changed the subject, then found a lot of ingredients, took the things and walked to the kitchen, and Murphy also rolled up his sleeves in a hurry help.

A sumptuous dinner was completed with the joint efforts of the two of them, and Mo Fei was already hungry after running outside for a day, so he didn't show courtesy to Gao Qing, and ate up all the food with big gulps.

After dinner, Gao Qing told Murphy about his current situation, and Murphy also told Gao Qing about his trip to the sea base.

"No wonder when I went to look for you a few days ago, I found that there was no one in your house. It turned out that I went to the sea base to do a mission." Gao Qing couldn't help nodding.

"By the way, Uncle Gao, I have a relatively fixed task. I don't know if you can do it. I just came back this time. Next time I go, you can try it with me. If your special physique can go , I won’t have to work so hard in the future.”

When talking about today's mission, Murphy couldn't help but think of the fact that Gao Qing was invisible to zombies.It would be a good thing if Gao Qing's special physique could help him with that task.

But because Murphy won't go there for the time being, he didn't tell Gao Qing in detail, but he just briefly talked about the situation of the mission and the rewards there, and also told about the dangers of the people who went with her before.

"The rewards are really generous, but I'm not afraid of zombies. Okay, I'll try it next time I go, maybe I can." Gao Qing nodded while listening.

"Then it's settled, I'll call you next time I'm on a mission."

After the two made an agreement, Murphy saw that it was getting late, so he got up and bid farewell to Gao Qing and went back to his place.

Early the next morning, Mo Fei got up to collect her things, and then drove back to the Institute in the truck assigned to her by the Institute.

"Yixun, I brought the things back." Murphy parked the truck in the courtyard of the research institute, and because he had a special pass, Murphy went straight up to the fifth floor, where Lin Yixun was located in the research room of the research institute.

However, what Mo Fei didn't expect was that there were many people standing in Lin Yixun's research room, which had always been deserted.

"Feifei, you're back, wait a minute, I have something to do here." Lin Yixun heard Mo Fei's voice and said to Mo Fei, and then spoke to the people around him.

Murphy estimated that this should be a special task of some research institute, so he stopped talking and found a place to sit down.

"Then please take care of this matter, please be sure to bring the things back by tomorrow, can you?" Lin Yixun finally said to one of them as if concluding.

Mo Fei sat in the outermost circle. Although he could vaguely hear Lin Yixun's words, he couldn't see the person who was confessed inside.But Mo Fei didn't care about these, he just sat and looked at the ornaments on the table boredly, and waited for Lin Yixun to finish his work before coming to hand over the things he brought back.

"We're all clear about the matter, so that's it. Dr. Lin has no other requirements, right?" The entrusted person's voice was deep but nice, but Murphy always felt a little familiar.

"There is no other request, as long as it is as soon as possible." Lin Yixun responded.

"Well, we're leaving." The man turned around, and several people who followed him also turned around and walked back, passing by Mo Fei's eyes, and walking towards the door of Lin Yixun's research room.

The people in front had already reached the door, while the people behind were holding an electronic sample map for comparison.

"Feifei, come quickly." Seeing that these people were about to leave, Lin Yixun hurriedly greeted Murphy.

Murphy got up, but met the last person walking.

"Huh? Mo Wei?" The man was obviously taken aback.

At this time, Murphy was also taken aback: the person in front of him was none other than the captain of the mecha team, Lei Sen.

"Captain Lei, long time no see." Murphy nodded towards Lei Sen.

Lei Sen looked up to the front, stopped, looked back and waved to his team members: "You go down first, I'll come down right away."

"Alright Team Lei." The people in front replied in unison, without asking why Lei Sen had to wait for a while, they obediently left the laboratory.

When those people went downstairs, Lei Sen turned his head to look at Lin Yixun with a puzzled face: "Dr. Lin, wait a moment if you have anything to do, I will leave after a few questions."

Although Lin Yixun didn't know what was going on, Lei Sen, the captain of the mecha team, was still a very important figure in the star base, so he had to look at Murphy.

Murphy nodded to Lin Yixun to indicate that nothing was wrong, and then Lin Yixun entered the inner room of his laboratory.

When Lei Sen and Murphy were the only ones left in the room, Lei Sen said, "Mo Wei, I just wanted to ask you, are you sure you didn't lie to me?"

This sentence surprised Murphy: Could it be that he found out that he is the one who owns the mecha?
But Murphy didn't reveal anything on the surface, but frowned and replied: "Captain Lei, I don't understand what you mean by asking."

Lei Sen's expression moved slightly: "Are you sure your name is Mo Wei?"

"What?" Murphy felt that the last word of Lei Sen's name seemed to be pronounced a little off.

"Mo Wei, Wei. Isn't that your name?" Lei Sen asked, emphasizing the word Wei.

"No, my name is Mo Fei." Murphy looked strange, when did he say his name was Mo Wei?

"Eh? Murphy? What's the word Fei?"

"The first one of the cursive character is very wrong." Murphy replied as a matter of course.

Lei Sen's face was a little embarrassed. It turned out that he had misheard. No wonder he searched the archives of the star base before and couldn't find Mo Fei. Although Mo Wei did find it, it was not the girl in front of him. It turned out to be Words were misheard.

"Captain Lei, you lied to you, didn't you mean that you thought I gave you a fake name?" Murphy asked tentatively when he saw Lei Sen's face change slightly.

"Okay, now it's clear. Then what have you been up to recently? Is there any news about that special mecha? I haven't seen this special mecha recently. I don't know if you have any clues." Lei Senqing Clearing his throat, he smoothly shifted the topic elsewhere.

However, Murphy now understood that what Lei Sen said before saying that he was lying was really referring to the name issue, so he was relieved.

"Captain Lei, I've been at the sea base some time ago, so I don't have any clues. I'm really sorry that I couldn't help you." Murphy replied after he felt at ease.

"It turns out that you went to the sea base to do missions. No wonder you haven't met them recently." Lei Sen suddenly realized that because he didn't find out about Murphy in the system, he thought that the name Murphy originally said was a lie to him, so I paid close attention to the movement but never encountered it at all. It turned out that I went to the sea base.

While the two were talking, before the words fell, a member of the mecha team who had gone downstairs hurried up.

(End of this chapter)

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