Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 179 Defense

Chapter 179 Defense
Xiao Minyu, who learned that Murphy returned to the star base late yesterday, came to Murphy's residence early in the morning.

Unexpectedly, he was still in vain, and Murphy went to hand in the task early in the morning.

Stamping his feet depressingly, Xiao Minyu came out of the area where Murphy lived, and received an emergency execution order before returning to the star circle.

After receiving the emergency order, Xiao Minyu quickly contacted his second child, Man Chengbin, and after summoning the members of the special operations team, asked the captains of each team to assign team leaders to take their team members out.

At the same time, the members of the mecha team who also received the order quickly went upstairs again to call Lei Sen.

"Team Lei, an emergency order has been issued from above. It seems that a large number of zombies are rushing towards the star base."

After the team member ran up quickly, he shouted at Lei Sen without even breathing.

"Let's go." When Lei Sen heard this, he immediately became nervous, and ran downstairs quickly, ignoring the conversation with Mo Fei.

Murphy was also shocked when she heard the news. She had seen the zombie attack on the sea base several times, and even felt it up close when she fell from the city wall.However, there has never been a zombie attack on the star base.

The sea base has several layers of walls, and there is an ultimate defensive metal wall to separate it, but the star base... Murphy doesn't know if the star base has prepared enough measures to deal with the zombie attack.

Seeing that Lei Sen had gone out, Murphy hurriedly knocked on the door of Lin Yixun's laboratory.

"Feifei, Captain Lei is gone? What is he looking for?" Lin Yixun asked after coming out of the research room.

"It's about the name. I took a task before and it was posted by him, but that task was not so easy to complete." After responding to Lin Yixun, Murphy continued, "Yixun, it seems that there are zombies attacking the city outside. , I’m going to take a look, this is the car key of the truck, you can ask someone to count it later, and I will ask you to get it after the reward.”

When Lin Yixun heard that there were zombies attacking the city outside the star base, he nodded in agreement and asked Mo Fei to go and have a look.After all, among the people in the star base, there should be no one who has more say in the situation of the zombie attack than Murphy.

"Then you go, by the way, this is for you." Lin Yixun turned and ran inside and took a pass and handed it to Murphy: "I won't go out for the time being, it will be more convenient for you to get in and out with this. Also, you The one who came with a truck must not be driving his own car, you can go to the idle car of our research institute, and you can go home and get it if you don’t mind.”

Murphy was also polite, took the pass and car keys, said goodbye to Lin Yixun, and drove straight to the gate of the star base.

At this time, the liaison officers of the star base were in the busiest period, because they were worried that the loud noise would cause the zombies to accelerate their attack, so the base did not sound the alarm but began to notify the officials in the base to prepare for the arrival of the star base. The first wave of zombies is ready.

However, the gate has been closed at this time, and they are ready to give up some of the personnel. In addition, they are starting to mobilize the masters of each team to go to the city wall to stand by.

Murphy drove all the way here, and because he had a special pass, he was not stopped.It can be seen that people are nervous, and the passing people and vehicles are in a hurry.Fortunately, the star base can be regarded as the primary main base, and the quality of the personnel is relatively high. After only being in chaos for a while, it didn't take long for it to become orderly.

At this time, the mecha team had already appeared on the outer square of Xing'an circle, and those named teams with powerful abilities all went up to the outermost city wall of the star base.

In addition to the team dispatching collectively, there are also many capable individuals who act alone on the side wall. After all, at this time, more strength means more safety. Without the protection of the city, even someone like Murphy can't It is difficult to survive in the end times.

The car was parked at the outer edge of the Star People's Circle, and further inside was the location of the Mech Team station, where the car could not be parked for fear of affecting the performance of the Mech Team.After the car was parked, Murphy took the pass and trotted all the way to the city wall on the first floor.

"Miss, there is no permission to go up and down here." A soldier standing at the stairs of the city wall stopped Murphy.

Murphy took out the pass: "I need to go up to understand the situation of this zombie wave."

The soldier glanced at Murphy's pass: "Sorry, this pass is only for use within the city, and you are still not allowed to go on the outer city wall."

"I really want to go up and check the situation. I know a lot about zombie siege." Murphy explained helplessly.

But no matter what Murphy said, the soldier would not allow Murphy to go up.

When the two were at a stalemate, a person came down from the city wall.

"Feifei? What are you doing here?"

Mo Fei looked up following the voice, and the person who came down was Xiao Minyu who came all the way from Cangji.

"Xiao Minyu, is that you?"

After Xiao Minyu received the notice, he asked the four captains Geng Yunwei, Man Chengbin, Meng Zhibo and Fang Xingping to lead their team members up the city wall, but he himself went up the city wall alone because he didn't come forward directly.

At this time, the wave of zombies had not yet come, and when Xiao Minyu was watching the situation on the observation deck, he heard a very familiar voice.Turning around and looking down, he found Murphy who was talking to the soldiers below, so Xiao Minyu hurried down from the observation deck.

"Long time no see. I've looked for you many times but never met." Xiao Minyu smiled at Mo Fei.

"Yes, it's been a long time. I haven't responded to your invitation last time. Let's not talk too much. You just came down from the top. Where is the zombie now?" Murphy was also very happy to meet I'm an acquaintance, but now is not the time to reminisce about the old days, so I hurriedly asked after a brief greeting.

"Feifei, are you going up the city wall?" Xiao Minyu asked now.

Murphy nodded: "Well, I went to the sea base to do a mission before, and I have experienced many zombie attacks, so I want to come and see, maybe it can be of some help."

As soon as he heard that it was a serious matter, Xiao Minyu also became serious: "Then you come up with me." Then Xiao Minyu took out a certificate in his pocket and showed it to the soldier.

Although the soldier didn't know Xiao Minyu, he definitely knew the ID of the special operations team. He quickly stood at attention and saluted, and then stepped aside to let Murphy go up the stairs.

Mo Fei glanced at Xiao Minyu suspiciously and didn't ask any further questions. Now that he was able to go up, he hurried up the steps, and went up the city wall with Xiao Minyu.

On the city wall, everyone was staring intently at the movement outside the city wall, which made Murphy feel a sense of tension.

"The zombies haven't reached the place where they can be seen. You can go to the observation tower over there. You can see it more clearly." Xiao Minyu led Mo Fei to the side of the city wall, pointing to the observation tower and said.

The two went up to the observation deck, and Xiao Minyu asked about Murphy's previous trip to the sea base.

Murphy roughly talked about the situation at the sea base and what he had experienced. Of course, except for the matter involving Murphy's own privacy, the other people at the sea base and Lin Yixun also roughly knew it. It's not a secret, so I just said it to Xiao Minyu all at once.

Xiao Minyu looked at Mo Fei who was talking endlessly in front of him, and unconsciously hooked the corners of his mouth: I have looked for her so many times but never met her, I never thought I would meet her in this situation today, and she can shoulder her shoulders during the war Side by side, Xiao Minyu felt that fighting was such an interesting thing for the first time.

"Here we come." Murphy stopped suddenly while talking, and then called out.

Xiao Minyu looked in the direction of Mo Fei's gaze, and the army of zombies that could be seen in the distance slowly rushed towards the star base like a tide.

Although I have heard about the magnificence of the zombie wave, I still feel different when I see it with my own eyes.Looking at the overwhelming zombies in front of him, it only makes people feel scalp numb.

Xiao Minyu hurriedly shouted down: "Get ready to fight, the tide of zombies is coming."

Standing under the watchtower, a person in charge of commanding the city wall picked up the communicator in his hand and began to notify all the people on standby, and the mecha team that was originally in the Star People's Circle had already left the city gate through the special channel for mecha warfare to prepare for the battle.

"Feifei, what are the characteristics of these zombie attacks?" Xiao Minyu asked Mo Fei after informing the following.

"It's the same as the zombies outside, but it will be slightly different if there is a command. The reason why the zombies attacked the city at the sea base last time was because they were disturbed by a large number of mutated zombie bats, but there has been no zombies at the star base before. Now there is a wave of zombies. I don't know why." Murphy replied truthfully.

"Then take a closer look. I'll go down for a while and come back." Xiao Minyu saw the communicator on his wrist flickering. He guessed that there was something wrong, so he asked Mo Fei to stay on the observation deck by himself, and he went down from the observation deck. Go to the other side of the main city wall.

After Xiao Minyu left, Murphy stood on the observation deck to observe the situation of the approaching zombie group, and his mind was quickly thinking about the difference between the zombie siege in front of him and the zombie siege of the sea base.

While Murphy was comparing what he knew about the situation of the zombie attack with the situation in front of him, everyone on the city wall went into preparation mode.

From here, we can see the difference between the star base and the sea base. The disadvantage here is that it was originally the capital city. In addition to the high-pressure energy cannon, the sea base has few large-scale combat weapons that can be used, but the star base is different. In addition to the energy guns in the hands of the people preparing to fight by the wall, two large-caliber gun barrels that Murphy couldn't name were slowly exposed at both ends of the city wall.

"Attention all departments, prepare to attack." A man stood on the wall with a loudspeaker, saw the mecha team standing in front of the wall, and then shouted at the people on the wall.

As the man's voice fell, the faster C1 zombies in the front row rushed over, while the swaying ordinary C zombies in the back slowly surrounded the star base. Everyone held weapons in their hands, Waiting for the last order.

"Boom" As the mecha "Silver Wing" driven by the captain of the mecha team Lei Sen cut off the head of a C1 to the ground with a single shot, the prelude to this war kicked off.

(End of this chapter)

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