Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 180 Battle

Chapter 180 Battle
The supernatural beings fighting on the walls of the star base frantically threw supernatural powers at the zombies outside, and the soldiers using energy guns did not stop for a moment.

All kinds of roars rose into the sky, and batches of zombies fell to the ground.In the same way, more and more supernatural beings have exhausted their abilities and can only be forced to retreat from the city wall to recover.

Compared with the sea base, the star base is considered lucky. It not only has powerful weapons and sufficient energy guns, but also has a powerful mecha team to join. Therefore, even if the abilities are weak, the attack power has been reduced a lot. , but the war is relatively less strenuous.

But, things didn't go as smoothly as expected.

Although there are almost no figures output by supernatural beings on the city wall, even with the power of energy guns alone, an ordinary zombie can be quickly eliminated. Less and less, people have a time when victory is in sight.

Just when another group of zombies fell down again, a loud roar came, and the huge body rushing towards the star base in the distance made the mood of the people who had hoped for it fall to the bottom in an instant.

Murphy couldn't help but gasped. The huge figure that could be vaguely seen in the distance was obviously a C2 zombie, and it might even be a C3 zombie.Looking at the past, the huge zombies running over are definitely not as simple as one or two. The number alone is no longer what the mecha team can handle, not to mention that there may be C3 zombies here.

The people on the city wall were stunned when they saw the scene in front of them, and even forgot to continue attacking the ordinary zombies below the city.Even after a few months of the apocalypse, C2 zombies are still rare. No one has ever seen so many zombies above C2 at one time.

What's more, with so many zombies above C2, even a single C2 zombie is beyond human reach.

"We're finished, we're finished..." Suddenly, a man on the city wall came to his senses and shouted like crazy.

And the people on the city wall also had commotions, and some people even ran down the stairs. The scene was a little chaotic for a while, even more chaotic than when they first learned that the zombies were attacking the city.

Murphy opened his eyes and carefully looked at the giant zombies from far to near. It seemed that there were seven or eight C2 zombies, and C3 zombies...Murphy carefully identified the only place that could distinguish the appearance of C2 zombies from C3 zombies.

There seems to be only one C3 zombie.

Murphy couldn't help but glanced at the mecha team outside. If it was a C3 zombie, maybe with their help, it could be solved.

Go help!Without the base, he would also lose this relatively safe residence.Murphy thought about walking down the stairs slowly. The crowd below were all running in different directions in panic, so no one would notice that Murphy had left.

After Xiao Minyu arranged the captains of the fourth team at this time, he saw giant zombies rushing towards them. For this reason, everyone scattered around. Xiao Minyu was thinking about Murphy's situation, and hurried from the crowd to the direction of the observation deck.

However, it was not so easy to squeeze out the panicked crowd. When Xiao Minyu struggled to reach the observation tower, he found that Murphy had already left.

Xiao Minyu looked around, and there were still people fleeing downwards around, and there were crowds of people under the city wall. Finding someone with so many people was like finding a needle in a haystack.After turning around, he didn't find Murphy, so Xiao Minyu could only sigh.

Under a secluded corner, at this moment, Murphy looked around and saw that there was no one around. He took a deep breath, and then Murphy summoned the mecha in his body.

This time the mecha was upgraded with gold and black crystals after I practiced the second-level flying talisman. When I encountered zombies in the mountain area last time, they were only used to dodge because of the large number, so I don’t know yet. How powerful is the upgraded armor.

However, ever since he owned the talisman and the mecha, they have never let him down. Standing inside the mecha, Murphy put aside his thoughts and bowed his body. The mechanical arm of the mecha clasped the edge of the city wall, Urging the flying talisman made the mech's fuselage fly a distance of five meters. Coupled with the height of the fuselage itself, Murphy let the mech leap over from one side of the city wall.

With a leap, Murphy's mecha appeared outside the city wall.

Looking around, Murphy ran in the direction of the mecha team.

Lei Sen controls the mech "Silver Wing" and shoots at the surrounding zombies with an energy gun, and a wave of the huge mechanical arm can also take away the lives of many ordinary C zombies and C1 zombies, but facing more and more Lei Sen was also at a loss for the approaching giant zombies.

If the mecha team works together, they can deal with several C2 zombies at the same time. According to the past situation, they can only deal with four or five at the same time. Come over, so the difficulty will increase.What's more, there seems to be a C2 zombie among the group of giant zombies.

As for the C3 zombies, Lei Sen still had a fresh memory.

Just when Leisen met the first C2 zombie, a loud noise made Leisen's spirit freeze. Looking sideways, a huge figure suddenly appeared in his mecha team behind him.

The red armor has black lines, but the entire red armor glows with golden light.

"It's that special mech." Lei Sen couldn't help exclaiming.

"Team Lei, is this the special mecha?" One of the team members looked over after hearing Lei Sen's words.

In order to facilitate the communication between the team members, the group voice mode was turned on inside the mecha, and Lei Sen's words were clearly heard by the team members.

"Yes." Lei Sen responded, and then quickly resisted the attack of the C2 zombie on his "Silver Wing".

Mo Fei looked at the battle situation, and then chose a weapon. It is not suitable to use a meteor hammer here, it may hurt other mechs, and it is not suitable for an axe. After all, Lei Sen has been looking for his own mecha and joined the mecha team It will be difficult to slip in the circle.

Then choose a long knife!While Murphy thought to himself, he also made a choice on the panel.

With the long knife in his hand, Murphy could chop a large group of zombies to the ground with each swing. Murphy, who opened the way, rushed towards a C2 zombie.

While rushing over, Murphy slashed out the weapon in his hand.

The huge C2 zombie originally wanted to collide with Murphy's mecha, but unexpectedly, Murphy's long knife stabbed at him first, and he couldn't dodge in time, and was slashed firmly in the neck.

Mo Fei took the opportunity to retreat the fuselage. Because of the length of the long knife, as Murphy retreated, the entire blade cut across the mark just cut, and the wound continued to deepen.

The members of the mecha team on the side were all shocked and speechless, this was the first time they had seen such a combat mode.

It wasn't just the members of the Mech Team who were also surprised, Lei Sen was also shocked once again.Seeing this special mecha again this time, Lei Sen found that the ability of this mecha seemed to be stronger than when they worked together to eliminate the C3 zombie last time.

However, Lei Sen was the captain of a well-trained mecha team after all, he was only stunned for a moment and quickly joined the battle.

With the addition of Murphy, the original pressure has dropped a lot, but due to the number of zombies, the battle is still very difficult.

Murphy didn't have time to think about these things at this time. While fighting against the C2 zombie, she kept her eyes on the C3 zombie.At this time, the neck of the C2 zombie had been cut by one-third by Murphy's long knife. Although he was not dead, the huge head was drooping because of the broken neck.

Seeing that the time had come, Murphy swung his long knife and chopped off the head of the C2 zombie.

Although the speed of the C2 zombie is much faster than that of ordinary zombies, Murphy's long knife fell faster, and the C2 zombie still couldn't escape Murphy's knife. The cut down.

The huge head rolled to the ground, and viscous liquid gushed out from the wound on the head of the C2 zombie. In order to prevent the head of the C2 zombie from injuring anyone because it was not dead, Murphy hit the head on the ground hard with a long knife. He stabbed it down, and picked up Mo Jing.

Lei Sen, who was on the side, was shocked when he saw the special mecha that successfully killed a C2 zombie.Although the C2 zombies are not a great threat to their mecha, but the mecha in front of them has solved a C2 zombie with just a few simple strokes, which makes Lei Sen have to admit the strength of this special mecha .

Before Lei Sen could think about it, another C2 zombie rushed over.

Lei Sen drove the Silver Wing and appeared next to Murphy's mecha, and a laser shot hit the head of the C2 zombie. Murphy also quickly turned around and slashed the long knife to the vital part of the C2 zombie.

Seeing this, Leisen replaced the laser gun with a laser cannon, aiming the muzzle at the position where Murphy was about to cut down. After Murphy looked down and drew his knife back, Leisen's laser cannon also shot out.

The two cooperated twice and quickly wiped out the C2 zombie.

Murphy turned his head to glance at the Silver Wing that Lei Sen was driving, and then continued to charge forward.

At this moment, the other members of the mecha team worked together to eliminate a C2 zombie, and then looked ahead, their captain and the special mecha had already wiped out two, and the third C2 zombie was watching. It's about to be solved.

"Team Lei, your cooperation is too tacit. If you don't know it, you think you have practiced it." Xiao Guo, the youngest member of the mecha team, couldn't help but sigh.

"Hurry up and help." Lei Sen's serious tone made Xiao Guo stick out his tongue, and then he manipulated his mecha and walked over there.

Murphy and Lei Sen cooperated to chop the C2 zombie into serious injuries, and then the members of the mecha team behind them consciously came up to fill up their guns.Such an assembly line of actions speeds up the speed of elimination.

With the sharp drop in the number of C2 zombies, the members of the mecha team became more and more free.

However, as the mechas moved forward, the C3 zombie finally appeared in front of several mechas.

(End of this chapter)

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