Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 181 Armor Zombie

Chapter 181 Armor Zombie
"The C3 zombie is approaching, all team members pay attention, No. 11 machine on the 3th stays in charge of the ordinary zombies behind, others follow me to attack the C2 zombie, and the No. [-] machine stays at the end of the team, pay attention to the movements of other C[-] zombies."

Lei Sen quickly operated his silver wing in his hands, making the silver wing form a sprinting angle, and he was deploying it to the members of the mecha team in his mouth.

Murphy had already replaced the long knife in his hand with a strong axe. Fighting the C3 zombies was not as easy as the C2 zombies, and his spirit became more tense.

The C3 zombie seemed to be ready as well, roaring in the direction of Murphy and the mecha team, swung its thick tail behind and rushed towards this side.

After the C3 zombie ran over, Murphy realized that the C3 zombie seemed a little different.I have seen C3 zombies a few times, but the body appearance of this C3 zombie seems to be better.

This zombie is huge and obviously has the iconic tail that only C3 zombies have. The appearance of its body is no longer the kind of skin you see, but a hard shell with metallic light.It was as if the C3 zombie had put on a suit of armor.

Because of the difference of this C3 zombie, Murphy was even more careful.

At this time, the armored C3 zombie swung its tail vigorously, and the body turned around with the force of the swing. With the turn of the zombie, the tail behind it rotated 360 degrees, thick and strong. The tail swept towards Murphy's mecha and mecha team.

Murphy reacted quickly and jumped up quickly. The mecha jumped up with Murphy's body, and the huge tail flew past Murphy's vacant feet.

At this time, Lei Sen yelled to let the members of the other mecha team who were still a little behind get out of the way, while he controlled the silver wings to charge forward, and unfolded the metal wings on the back of the mecha.

Murphy and Leisen each used their own methods to avoid the attack of the armored C3 zombie. The members of the mecha team following Leisen's Silver Wing obviously also had good combat adaptability, except for the one who followed the front The mecha was affected a little because it couldn't dodge, but the fuselage was not seriously damaged, and the rest of the mechas all avoided the blow.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Mo Fei frowned. The armored C3 zombie just touched the mecha a little bit with the tip of its tail, but judging from the degree of damage to the mecha, this armored zombie The C3 zombies are much more powerful than the C3 zombies I have encountered before.

While being more vigilant in his heart, Murphy pasted the defensive talisman he had prepared for a long time on the center of the mecha.

This defensive talisman is the best achievement of Murphy in this period of time. The previous defensive talisman's ability is not satisfactory, and it is limited to the auxiliary strengthening of his body.But after these days of improvement, Murphy finally drew this mid-level defensive talisman, which also allowed this defensive talisman that could only defend the body to be applied to his mecha.

It's just that there hasn't been a chance to let the mech out recently, so Mo Fei didn't put this defensive talisman on the mech. When he just came out of the star base, Murphy took out this defensive talisman. It's okay now. used.

A faint red light flashed, and this defensive talisman of Murphy was submerged into the mecha. Although there was no difference on the surface of the mecha, the corners of Murphy's mouth curled up inside the mecha. Zhang Fu failed many times before he succeeded, and it really is extraordinary.

Although it took a long time to talk, from Lei Sen's point of view, it was just that the special mecha paused for a moment.

Besides, Mo Fei, although the mecha with the mid-level defensive talisman on it couldn't resist the attack of the armored C3 zombie at this time, it was qualified to fight it.

Holding the ax tightly in both hands, Murphy's eyes kept observing the armored C3 zombie on the opposite side. This armored C3 zombie had a metal-like luster from head to toe, but after careful observation by Murphy, he found that The space between the eyebrows of this zombie is very dim, like an impenetrable fortress, but there is a mouse hole that is not easy to be found.

Perhaps, this is its crux.

No matter what, I have to give it a try, Mo Fei thought to himself, he had already replaced the ax in the mech's hand with an Emei thorn.

Although I haven't used this Emei thorn since I absorbed it, it is very suitable to use this weapon at this time.

Lei Sen in the Silver Wing saw the special mech in front of him changing weapons again and didn't understand her intention. At this time, Lei Sen wanted to communicate with the owner of this special mech, but it was obviously impossible.

Murphy didn't attack forward at this time, but retreated a little bit. Leisen didn't understand why this special mecha didn't attack, but it didn't look like he was going to run away from the fact that the mecha had changed its weapon.

Not knowing the other party's intentions, Lei Sen commanded Silver Wing to approach Murphy gradually, wanting to see what Murphy wanted to do.

Originally, Murphy was still looking for an opportunity to attack, but the arrival of Silver Wing just solved her problem.

Following where the silver wing came, Murphy moved sideways. The flying wings of the silver wing just formed a barrier for Murphy, and Murphy pushed the silver wing forward.

Feeling the thrust from behind, Lei Sen moved forward, while the armored C3 zombie turned around and rushed towards this side.

Seeing that the armored C3 zombie was about to collide with Silver Wing, Murphy's body flashed, the Emei thorn in one hand was stuck in the chest of the C3 zombie, and the thorn in the other hand was aimed at the armored C3 zombie The center of the eyebrows was pierced.

Because of Murphy's sudden attack, Lei Sen, who had changed from the front row to the back row, subconsciously controlled the inertia of the mech to move forward, but also because of this prompted Murphy's strength, the Emei thorn pierced into the center of the eyebrow disappeared immediately. The head of the armored C3 zombie.

This is indeed the vital position of the zombie. The huge zombie kept shaking its huge head after being stabbed, but how could the Emei thorn be easily thrown off after it was stabbed in.

Lei Sen behind Murphy couldn't help sighing secretly when he saw the action of the special mecha in front of him. When the C3 zombies appeared for the first time last time, that mecha was already very good, but the special mecha in front of him was obviously better than It was stronger last time, so is it possible that the owner of this mecha will upgrade the mecha?
You must know that there are not many armor makers in the world, especially top armor makers, who can be counted on one hand. If the owner of this mecha can upgrade the mecha, that means He/she should be a very good armor maker, if you follow this clue to find it, maybe it will be faster.

If Lei Sen was only interested in this special mecha before, then from now on, Lei Sen is more interested in the people in the mecha.

At this time, Murphy saw that his goal had been achieved, and quickly took the opportunity to dodge, exposing the armored C3 zombie who was unable to fight back after being attacked. Leisen behind had already understood the purpose of the special mech in front, and quickly replaced the penetrating weapon .

"All replace the penetrating guns, aim at the eyebrows of that zombie and attack." Lei Sen shouted to the members of the mecha team behind him while changing his own weapons.

The team members behind reacted quickly, and after a quick change, they attacked the destroyed brow of the armored C3 zombie.

At this moment, there is no room for Mo Fei to get close, so Mo Fei simply retreated to the back, quickly replaced the long knife, and put away all the black crystals on the head of the C2 zombies he killed before, and by the way, also reduced the merit points. brought it out.

This time it's not a loss at all, just wait for the C3 zombie to die, grab the merit points and then run away.Murphy was thinking in his mind, but his eyes were fixed on the huge zombie that was being attacked, waiting for the opportunity to appear so that he could take away the merit points.

It can't be said that Murphy is too focused on money, who told her to be poor, not to mention that when the C3 zombies appeared for the first time, she damaged a weapon, and then spent a lot of time and energy. Of course, there was also a lot of gold and Mo Jingcai After repairing it, I didn't take anything that time. Anyway, the members of this group of mecha teams don't have to worry about this little merit point, and there is nothing embarrassing about taking it as compensation for myself.

After repeated attacks by the mecha team, the huge armored C3 zombie finally fell down. The moment he fell to the ground, Murphy rushed over with lightning speed, and the hunting recorder in his hand moved towards the place without hesitation. Only a stick on the body of the zombie.

As the hunting recorder was stuck into the corpse of the giant zombie, a very familiar line of small words appeared on the recorder: There is no record of this type, please take a sample.

This is the second time Murphy discovered such a word. The first time was when he found the C2 zombie. Later, when he killed the C3 zombie for the first time, he had no chance to collect merit points. After that, the data of C3 had already been entered into the In the hunting recorder, so this prompt will no longer appear.

Murphy stared at the prompt on the hunting recorder with some surprise. This meant that this huge zombie was not a C3 zombie, let alone a C2 zombie. The only explanation was that it was a C4 zombie.

It was too late for Murphy to digest this situation, because the nearest Leisen had already appeared beside Murphy's mech in a Silver Wing.

Although Mo Fei didn't know much about ordinary mechas, he also knew that there would be a function to zoom in on objects inside the mechas, so he must have seen this line of words.

There is no way, it seems that the huge meritorious value provided by this startled C4 zombie has nothing to do with her. Murphy unplugged the hunting recorder regretfully, then turned around and ran away, she didn't want to Wait until they are all dealt with before catching yourself. The current situation is almost under control, and the mecha team's ability is enough to deal with it.

Anyway, if you can't get the merit points, then Mo Jing must have no hope, and the merit points and Mo Jing of the C2 zombies you killed before were taken away by yourself, which is considered a return, so Mo Fei turned his head without hesitation. just go.

Lei Sen had indeed seen the line on Murphy's hunting recorder. Just when he was surprised that the corpse of the zombie in front of him was actually C4, he found that the special mech turned around and ran away.I have been searching for the mecha for several months without success. How could Leisen let it go so easily? He explained to the team members the follow-up treatment to the communicator, and then Leisen spread his metal wings and fled towards the special mecha. direction to chase.

(End of this chapter)

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